2CAudio - Aether | Power. Precision. Versatility. (2024)

Press & Industry

2010 Editors Choice Award! 5/5 Review Score! Aether is a reverb plug-in like no other. Offering over 40 adjustable parameter controls, many of them unique to Aether, it may be the most programmable reverb plug-in on the planet. But that wouldn't mean much if this processor didn't also sound good. No worries, Aether sounds incredible! Aether is an engineer's wet dream. The outstanding sound quality, deep programmability and great price make Aether the reverb plug-in to beat!

- EM, US, 11/09

For anyone with at least a fast dual-core computer, I can recommend Aether without reservation. It's powerful beyond just about anything else out there, and gobs of fun to mess with. The universe of native reverbs has a new gold standard.

- Recording Mag, US, 10/09

Overall I was deeply impressed by Aether's rich and versatile sound and it's the best sounding native plug-in reverb i've heard to date by a long chalk. This is a damn fine reverb and 2Caudio should be very proud of their first baby.

- Sound On Sound, UK, 09/09

10/10! Editors Choice Award! Performance Award! One of the best algorithmic Reverbs we've ever heard! Fantastic Sound quality. Great for both mixing and sound design. Highly useful tail envelope controls. Excellent categorized presets. ER Space presets system is very cool.

- Computer Music, UK, 05/09

I've been a big fan of 2CAudio's Aether algorithmic reverb since its introduction last year. Version 1.5 boasts improved sound quality and terrific new features.. Using Aether's highest quality modulation setting and enabling 4x OverSampling, the sound quality went from great to superb yet demanded only about 5 percent of my Mac Pro's resources with a single instantiation. Aether offers world-class reverb at a great price.

- Mix Magazine, US, 09/10


Aether blew my mind. It is really the best algorithmic reverb out there. I will be using it on pretty much everything.

- Sascha Dikiciyan, LA, CA, www.sonicmayhem.com

Aether is stunning. A true work of art. It has completely blown me away in terms of depth, and sound quality. Highly recommended if your looking for something totally unique and out of the ordinary for reverbs. Simply Love It!”

- Richard Devine, Atlanta, www.richard-devine.com

Aether has a sculptural quality to it that makes it instantly pleasing to hear. It allows you to perfectly shape the space around your sound, giving it an incredible and convincing ambience. It has given me extremely detailed and warm sounding reverbs that are hard to find this good, even from some of the best hardware and software reverbs available. Simply first class.

- Barry Jamieson, Invol2ver, www.djsasha.com

For those of you that are considering the purchase, here are my two cents worth: I like many other professionals, make decisions as engineer, producer and musician every day. Often it involves the purchase of products to serve our clients or our compositions. I personally will never make a quality compromise in the gear that I choose in this service. We currently use a pair of the Lexicon hardware reverbs valued at several thousand dollars each. I was not aware of 2cAudio and Aether until I read a review in Sound On Sound magazine, which the studio subscribes to. I checked out the demo, was in full agreement with the S.O.S. review and bought it. (Version 1.01) The Version 1.5 upgrade has taken Aether to a new level. This is the best algorithmic reverb plugin that I have heard to date. It sits in perfect company with the expensive hardware alternatives, and competes directly with the new $1500 lexicon plugin. I love and trust the Lexicon product, and now have the same consideration for 2cAudio's Aether.

Is it worth $250? Well, in opinion, they certainly could have charged much more for it, given it's quality level in professional use. They chose to make it available at this price to make it affordable to a wider group of users. This was a great decision. Don't let the price fool you into thinking that paying more gets you more in this case.
It's a ridiculously good bargain from a company that has integrity, actually listens to it's user base and responds to their needs in a timely fashion. Congratulations in your achievement 2cAudio, and please keep up the great work with all the success you deserve.

- Doug Blais, Juggling Reality Studios, Toronto

The depth, density, and versatility of Aether is outstanding! The best i've heard so far from a plug-in reverb!

- Simon Stockhausen, Berlin, www.simonstockhausen.com

I've not been this happy over a plugin purchase in years. Now I can get rid of my old hardware units.

- Carlos Boll, Atlanta

Aether 1.5 is one of those additions you find yourself spending a lot of time with just because it does so much and inspires you to explore further than necessary because the results are so musical. In that sense it can be more like choosing the right instrument to play a part, than an effect only for the sound. It comes with so many really useful categorized presets, that you can also use it as a "point and shoot" plug in with minimal tweaking to give your sound an edge that I find can be lacking with many plugs available today. With so many plug ins available, it is not often I run into something I feel is a major departure and warrants the time to really dig into it and learn how it can improve my work/workflow. Aether immediately got my attention by adding an emotional depth to the part I was working on. It can bring more "intent" to a mix or track that makes the point of the song stronger in much the same way a great arrangement can. This one stays on my studio rig and my mobile unit.”

- Jack Hale, Nashville, recordproduction.com/jack-hale.html

I know it's a wee bit nerdy to gush over a plugin, but after dropping 1.5 on a few projects and going nuts over the new options and the high-q rendering... all I can say is: wow. wow. wow. This is even better than I thought it'd be (ye of little faith). And it's not just that, the "cosmetic" update is a total winner, as well - the browser and frequency presets are a joy to use. And the new UI is groovy and clean. This is a 2.5 update at least... thanks so much for your efforts and generosity! Hope you reap lots of new sales, re- and awards for this.

- Randolph Rueba, Germany, www.ariston.bandcamp.com

Amazing sound!!! Really lively and unobtrusive when you want it too. It doesn't wash or mud my sound when using typical Halls and is very respectful of the material. I didn't hear any artifacts even on the long tails. The purest reverb I heard without being clinical. Most of all, it is one of the most musical reverb I've heard. It's the first time I got genuine shivers working with a plug-in on how it takes a raw sound and makes it shine and vibrate! And I'm a reverb addict! You did a marvelous job, it was worth the wait! ”

- Francois Jolin, Montreal, www.eonsounds.com

Aether is my go to verb, and for realistic and creative purposes its the first on my effect sends! Now that 1.5 has been released I m blown away by it and can safely say i'd be lost without it.

- Paul Sureno, UK www.sureno.co.uk

Aether has a level of 'in the box' quality and refinement that just screams 'very expensive hardware' but it also seems to go beyond this. Aether has also got a wonderful and unique identity in a very swamped world of plug-in reverbs. Fabulous! ”

- Austin Noble, UK, www.austin-noble.com

When I first tried Aether 1.5, I maxxed out the quality settings and put the mix at 100% effect. I was just playing a piano sound through the reverbs and for the first time ever for an algorithmic reverb I didn't turn the mix knob back. I just sat there for half an hour listening and I couldn't get over how nothing bothered me and how great it sounded. It was actually an emotional moment. I'm really curious to see where 2CAudio is going to take us in the future. Thank you again for this awesome gift, and by all means, keep up the inspired work!

- Stephen Angelini, Montreal

From the very first time I had the expreience of working with Galbanum creations with Metasynth, their 'quality' was what REALLY shone out. You can hear the care and precision in their work. Aether impov is awesome... not only as a 'standard' reverb but also as an incredible sound shaping/mangling tool.. And the QUALITY shines through. Is it worth the money? Well to me it is. Andrew is a very helpful guy too, not that that make the reverb sound any better.. but it's better to deal with good people.. isn't it? Top work kudos and a BIG thanks for this 1.5 free update!! WICKED!

- Marcus Vandell, Spain, soundcloud.com/acrossdigital

Yes, 2C Aether is worth it! You can make whole soundscapes with one VST preset and 2 notes playing an average preset. Andrew Souter is one of the 'support-your-product' legends. Support is everything for me. Support plus excellent software is super rare.

- Edwin Lynch, Washington

I'm really loving this new verb, infact all other verbs at my disposal are now a bit defunct, I certainly won't be using Convolution verb which I had some samples of the big hardware verbs for, they pale in comparison. Your reverb sounds, beautiful, smooth, very transparant and requires very little processing to get it to fit in a mix. It is also very versatile and works equally as well for small, medium and long reverb. You've done a great job at keeping cpu consumption down without comprimising sound quality. All in all I'm very happy with my purchase. Cheers...

- Adam Fitzgerald, Oxford

Fabulous reverb.....technical specs and formal applications aside. I find Aether is incredible for all sorts of maxed out creative atmospheres and other odd ball weirdness which I think it excels at, you can throw lots of stuff at it all at once and it keeps musical and coherent (or not)...dense, deep and with great perspective, you can make the sources just melt and bleed into the whole sound stage, I would even say it has the lush factor, warm and engaging, Aether can also generate a very intense and enveloping feeling to it depending what you are doing with it.

- Richard Morris, UK

I didn't even try the demo. It just looked great. I love Galbanum's Abstraction Sample Series so I knew it would be good. Aether looked so good and fitting for my current BBC TV project, "Kingdom" that I didn't really mind... So I bought it instantly. And now that I have it working, I can say, I love Aether.

- Mark Russell, London

Being somewhat a reverb junkie, I recently demoed and purchased Aether. In an ocean of VST plugins, and sea of reverb plugs, it can be very difficult to keep track of software that truly stands out. And in that sense, I would recommend anyone currently seeking out a reverb plugin, to take a look at Aether.I really appreciate its open, spacious, and smooth sound. Organic, breathing, and alive, with none of the metalicness found in many, if not most plugin reverbs on the market today.

- Nexusdawn, KVR

I've always wanted a nice Lexicon or Eventide, but I can't justify spending that much on a reverb, even if it is hardware. And, admittedly, the $250 price tag for Aether seemed pretty extravagant to me, considering that it is "just" software.... until I spent an evening with the demo! ”

- Cryophonik, KVR

Brilliant! Thanks so much- i'm starting to feel Aether is the best software purchase i ever made! New version sounds fantastic!

- Billy White, KVR

I just want to say that I truly appreciate the amount of work, effort, passion and creativity that you've put into Aether 1.0 and 1.5. It's designers like you who incite change into the entire musical software industry for the better. As I am beginning to wrap my head around this incredibly deep plugin (instrument?), I can see myself growing with Aether for years to come and it becoming a staple in my aural arsenal. I look forward to learning even more about what is possible with this sublime piece of kit.

- Evan Margol, Michigan

Aether 1.5 is fantastic. What an incredible update. And free as well. I am simply blown away with all the new features, quality settings etc etc. One of the cleverest things I've ever done was getting in on this...

- Fretwizz, KVR

Aether can do it all. I don't think any reverb I own can be as transparent as Aether. It can have a really natural sound; something hard to come by in a algorithmic verb. Yet Aether can be colorful and dense too. It can do the spacey, ambient, super-duper long tail stuff. It can do the modulated EMT style sound. For me, where Aether sets itself apart are the tail shaping and spacial controls. I'm still getting my head around what I'm actually doing. I don't know what I'm doing, but I like the result. Hopefully I'll have it nailed soon. The latest update sealed the deal for me. I wasn't all to keen on the first Aether GUI. The new one is a massive improvement to me and now that it isn't as attention seeking I can see how it makes total sense from a design POV. Regarding oversampling: in most plugins I don't notice much of a difference when I turn oversampling on so I've never thought of it as much of a big deal. However, with Aether it seems to make a substantial difference. I can actually hear how it makes the tail smoother and clearer. At highest setting I don't think I've heard anything as smooth that doesn't (I tried to avoid saying this) come rack fitted, with a lexicon logo on the front. Aether is brilliant!

- Johnathon Hilton, UK, www.audiosabre.com

I was reading the KVR forum, thinking these guys are getting a bit carried away. It's just a VST after all. I'm getting a few Sax Fills together using SaxLab 2. While I was reading, I decided to stick the Aether Sax Hall presets on it and f*ck me, well it sounds fantastic. I literally jumped back from my Monitors. I wasn't expecting that!!! I would like to take this opportunity to say how very much I am enjoying Aether. It is a teriffic product. I feel very lucky and privileged to have a VST of this quality, available to me.

- Daniel Hogan, Dublin, soundcloud.com/daniel-aloysius-hogan

This is the best freakin reverb ever!

- Yoko K, Washington DC

Hi, just wanted to say hell yes! I am so happy to be one of the lucky ones who heard about Aether and picked it up. I used at least one instance on every song on my band's album which has been getting great reviews, especially on the "big budget" mix I managed to achieve in my project studio. I contribute much of that on the quality of Aether. The update is phenomenal and I would have paid for it, but genius move on Galbanum's part on the preset expansion packs. I instantly picked them up as soon as I heard about them. I may be done hunting for reverbs. If you are going to buy just one, this might be the most versatile and best sounding verb you can get on any budget.

- Eric Matlock, Nevada, ericmatlock.com

2CAudio - Aether | Power.  Precision. Versatility. (2024)


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Author: Delena Feil

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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

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Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.