El Paso Times from El Paso, Texas (2024)

21 6600. -THE EL PASO TIMES El Paso'. HOME Newspaper, 6600 Killer Suspect Caught New York Slock Quotations Sunday, May 16, 1937 Crop Reports Boost Wheat; Midland Plans Trade Banquet (May 15 Reportl SALES lu iut! Hiah Low Jlne lVk 17M, Unsettled Stocks Hit Further Lows In Nervous Week 3 Johns Manvlllt 13 Kennecott I Krenge 8 9 I Kroger Groe 1 Lambert 10's 18'a 2'. 2', U', 12V, 34, 34 321 121 221 (4 23, 21 30 18'i El Paso's Trippers Will Ivanees IS' 13'. l.Vs 1 Uli Val R.

60 80 98 1 Lof Glass 1 Ubbv McN it Lib 22. 13', 44', 47 77', 22 31 44', SO-1, 97'. 2. 22'. 7.

47 8s. 80 21 's 83', 23. 31'-', 30 18', 87 1, 12Vi 78 21H 301, 45 24'a 34V, 34 37 12U 7'. 4V 80V, 7 i-iii Lorlllard 2 Ludlum Steel 3 Mack Trucks 4 Mhi-H Field Market Shows th In Continuing Gain Begun Friday. Chicago, May 15 (AP).

Unfavor- 98 2a lS'j 44'i, 47 i. 9'. SU 2H. 82, SI1. 43'a 4 Adams Exp 1 Air Way Jtl Ap 8 Alaska Jun Alleghany 1 Al Chem Dye.

Allied Sirs 15 Allis Ch Mlg 2 Am Can I Am Car Fdy 1 Am Coml Alco 11 Am 4 Cor Pow 1, Am lutt-imit 1 A i. loco I Am Melal II Am Pow Si l.t I Am II pf 28 Am Bad Snl bt 'I i Kil'l 10 Am Smelt A 27 Am Stl Friii 1 Am Sugar Kef 2 Am Tel 4- Tel 8 Am Tol 19 Am Wt Wksa 3 Am Woolen 1 Am Wool pf 23 Anaconda 1 Anchut Cap 24A Outcome Of Government Decisions On Speculation 34 23V, 21V, 20 18', 87', 12', 77', 31 30', 24'. 34', 34 I3'4 12'. 7. 4'i 81', 13' 18', 23', 81 29a 4 45 1 Mclnlyve Pore 4 McKersporl 34 1 McUllau Sirs 13, 3 Mid Cont Pet 28, 12', 11)4 One Factor Keeping Traders From Coming Into Market; Gold Rumors Bring Declines.

ByTlAX BICKINGhTm. United Press Staff Correspondent. New York, May 15. Security and commodity markets sank into fur I Minn Mol Imp 3 1 Mo Pac 17 Montgom Ward 1 Murray Corp 7:. tl'.

13', 82 43', 1M 7.V. 18', 81 38', SO in, i 33 82 43', 1H4 7S'i IS1. SI IS'. I is, 10', 88', 29. 24', i.n Q'r ii JBe Quests Tuesday At Hotel Scharbauer.

(Special to Th Times) Midland, Texa. My IS. To honor a group of Good Will Trippers of El Pso who will tour this section of th state next week, a banquet will be staged at Hotel Scharbauer here Tuesday night. The banquet will be sponsored Dy the Midland Chamber of Commerce. Between 25 and 30 representative business men of El Paso will comprise the visiting delegation, According to L.

P. Bloodworth. assistant manager of the El Paso Chamber o. Commerce, who will be in charge of the trip. The group will spend Tuesday night In Midland.

The visitors will be welcomed by Mayor M. C. Ulmer, after which tht program will be turned over to thai El Paso representatives. Marion Flynt, president of the Midland Chamber of Commerce, will pr side at the banquet. 77 IS 9 (1 4, 10'a 4 Am, 111 ther new low ground this week as nervousness spread over government policies on speculation.

13V, 18', 33 31 29. V. 43 es 10. 23. 3.T, Atcii 89', 18.

1IH. 88' 2 24 6 I All Kelln 2" 25 The market declined Monday, eased off Tuesday and Wednesday, b'a 2 Auburn Auto 14 Nah Kelv 18', 14 Nat Bucult 2V, 1 Nat Cash 31 3 Nat Dtilill 29', 10 Nal Pow Si Lt 40 Cenlial 4S' 1 It 1 Out i 4', 9 No Aviat 10', 28 North Am 23, 33 Northern Pao 34V, 111 Ohio Oil 4 Owens 111 Ol 4'. 8' 17 Aviation Cuip St. broke sharply on Thursday to new lows since September, 1936, recovered mildly on Friday and was Irregular Saturday. There was no buying volume on the recovery while the selling Thursday brought out fairly 4'4 10', 23, 33', 944 28', 8's 3 heavy liquidation.

12 Baldwin Loc 4 Baldwin Loc Asd IB Bait Ohio 6 Barusdall 1 Healrlcu Cr 11 Henriix Aviat 20 Bell) Stl 1 Beth SU Pc pf 1 Buth Stl 1 Pt pi, 32' 2.V. 22'. lH't 791. 10 HS'i 43 S3', The result of the week in Dow-Jones averages shows: off 5.94, off 2.24. Utility 27.53 off 1.70.

Traders Wait Developments. There was no specific reason behind the decline, but it was evident that traders generally were unwilling to come into the market on the 28-' a 6', 32'. 3.V, 22. 79 19 lld'a 33'a 41, 24 42' H' 28 7, 21', 3', 12', 27 26'. 12'.

37--, 40', 57', 8, 8 2SJ, 22', III', 7U- 19 Uli1, 33'. 4l, 24', 42-a 9 8'. 8', 7, 21 'a 3. 12', 27 12. 37', 02 15'.

58'. 21. 4 17'. ble crop advice, particularly from Canada, and a strengthening wheat export situation bring out buying that lifted wheat prices as much as 2k cents a bushel Saturday. The market was strong most of the session, continuing the recovery which began Friday.

There was lit-tit? selling pressure. Traders said the marke i.pparently was well liquidated during the recent decline and that part of the was short covering. Other grains rose with wheat. May we advanced 34 cents at one tage, stimulated by export sales of 100.000 bushelsi to Norwaj and to Germany, representing de liveries on contiacts hert, There was talk of further simitar business, Wheat closed 1 to 2V cents higher compared with Friday's finish, May July September $1 lKfi.i corn was S3c up, May new. SUO'V; July, new, ll.n'Afll.mi.

September 1 .09 Vi 1 .09 oats were unchanged to l4c higher, Mv 50'c, and rye gJned May $1.12. Pro-vi ions advanced 17 to 23 cents. CHICAGO GRAIN Chcago. May IS 1AP1. -Close: Wheat May.

91.2541 1.26; July, 31.18!. 18'; 0 1.1616. Corn May. new. Sl.SO'i; old, SI 29; July, new, ll.n1H.17a4; old, I1.1S9 SI 09', 1 09; Dec.

lie. Oats- May. act July, 39c: 40'ic. Soy Beans May. S1.7S; July.

S1.7SH. Rye May. SI. 12: July, 1.01V; Sept. 38'aeSOc; Dec, ParleyMay, 73c.

CHICAGO CASH GRAIN. Chicago. May 15 lAPl. Cash wheat: No. 1 hard, Sl.M'i.

Corn: No. 3 yellow, S1.33S 1.33'i; No. 2 while. SI. 34: No.

3 while, S1.33". Oats: No, 2 white icereali, S3Vc; No. 2 White, 53c: No. 3 while, 55c. Soy Beam: No.

2 yellow, $1.75 1 7.1'i. Bailey, feed, 70 a-85c; malting, J.28. Timothy teed, $4.2594,50 Clover seed, $23.00 30.00. 3i'i 41. 24'.

42. 9 8', 2H, 7'4 2V 3J. 27 2lr'i 12 liJ. 87'. 18', 8': 8'i H'a 4 284 I 3 4', 421, 61 211 80', 40 37 17.

18 84 8 24', 49'. 49'. Sl' 3 7 V. 42 1. l' 5'.

83'. 28 31 declines. This unwillingness generally was traced to Washington for such reasons as: 28, 3'. 4H 431, 63, 211', SO'. 40.

57 18 18', 8', 5's 48', 49', S3 3 7', 42' 1'. 1', S', 13'. 31 LUSTER BROCKELHVRST, U'dnted for quesfionitif; in connection tiiifh nllmoi in fllinofs, Texas arid Arkansas, was jailed at Breirster, N. by Slate Trooper Joseph. Hunt (shown with pritontr), xrhtn Brockelhurst'i car aroused hit suspicions because it bore only out license plate.

82 IS -'a 58', 2J 4'. 49a 49', 62 3 7 42 l' 1', 83. 2', 31 2U 2', 2 109', 1081, 108 1. The government's views on speculation, including some belief that margin requirements may be increased. Some traders fear that the requirements may be lifted to 100 per cent from the present 55 per cent level.

2. The continued fear that the government will lower its gold buying price. This has been officially denied but the fear prevails, particularly in London. Conditions there are anything but pleasant since the gold rumors brought sharp declines and this liquidation may not be completed fully. 3.

Uncertainty over the government economy program. Plans have been annouced for further utility developments similar to the TVA. While these may be held in abeyance in view of the economy program, the situation has depressed utility shares. Retail Trade Expands. 4.

Reports of a cleavage between Congress and the president over 28. 29 103'. '02', 102's 13', 13' 13', 1 Pac El 18 Packard Mot 2 I'anhaiut St 5 Park Utah 14 Penn Phillips Pet 4 Plymouth Oil 8 Procter It Gam Pub Svo 2 Pullman 33 Pure Oil 3 Purity Bak 49 Radio 8 Radio Keith 18 Rem Rarulw 88 Repub SU 24 Rey Tob 3 St Jos ead 1 St I. San 1 Stl San pf i Scncnlry Distill 3 Schulte Ret 9 Seaboard Air 3 Seab Air pf 7 Sears Roeb 8 Scrvtl 1 Sharon 811 Corp 3 Shell Union 3 Shell Un pf 1 Siher King Coalit 3 Simmons 2 Skelly Oil 32 Soconv Vacuum 7 Sou Cal Ed 17 Sou Pac 14 Sun Ry 4 Sperry Corp 49 Std Brands 7 Sid pf 9 Std Oil Cal StuiHi Oil lud 18 Std Oil 3 Stewart Warn 7 Stone Web 3 Studebaker 4 Swilf St Co 19 Texas Corp 8 Texas Gull Prod 7 Tex Oilf Sul 4 Tex Pac it 10 Tex Pac Tr i As 23 Transamerha 2 Trans 4: West Aifr. 9 Twent Cent Fox 23 Un Carbide 1 Uu Oil Cal 3 Un Pac 2 Unit Air Linea 2i t'ltlion Cnip Psalm-Singing Murderer Falls Into Coma; Girl Is Hysterical G-Men, Officers From Three States, Desire Custody Of Lester Brockelhurst.

Poughkrepsie, N. May 15 (INS). As G-men and officials of three states began a scramble to claim psalm-singing Lester Brockelhurst, and his 18-year-old sweetheart, for trial on murder charges, the young couple were reported near phsyical collapse Saturday. Brockelhurst, who, police report, has confessed to committing three murders and two dozen stick-ups since March 31, has fallen into a near- 1 Honing Airpl 1 Huliu Alum 4 Burden 7 hillivia Mlg i Budd 4Hg 1 Hudil Wticel 2 Hiirr Ad Maeh 2 Bush Term I Bye i Co 7 Callahan Z-Ld 13 Calumet Hec 1 Campbell Wy 2 Can Ale II Canad Pac 20 Cclanese 12 Cerro De Pas i CYildin-Tfcd 21 Chea Ohio 1 Chi St P. 1 Chi St 4V pf.

5 Chi Rk Is Si 13 Chrysler 1 Coca Cola 10 Colo Sou 40 Colum El 7 Cuml Ciedlt 6 Coml Solv 3D Comwllh Si Sou 1 Congoleum Na 10 Con Can 12 Con Edis 2 Con film pf 14 c*nt Motors 10 Con Oil 10 Con Text 2 Cont Bak A 4 Cont Oil Del 5 Corn Prod 3 Coty 2 Crown Zeller 33 Curtlsa Wright 4 Diamond Mat 12 Douglas Aire 3 Du Pont De 3 Eastman Kod 4 Kl Paso Nat Gas 3 T51 Auto 18 1 Pod Lt 3 Firestone 1 Foster Wheel 1 Freeport Sul 0 4 Gen Bak 34 On Elec 8 Gen Foods S3 Gen Mot 1 Gen Heal Ut 6 Gillette 8 Gimbel Bros 3 Glidden Co 12 Guoui nil 21 Goodvear 42', 52', 18', 23', i8'a 47' I7, 12 18', 42'a 43', 64', 18', Wt 14', 24 59', 7 36 12, 11 IH'. 13', 13', 36a 32', 18 23'. 56 '3 47 'a 17. 12', 18 43 'a 64', 17'. 20, 23 38', 7 38 12', 10', 111'.

13s, 1.1'. 38 42', 32. 23 4 56', 47', 17. 12'. 18.

43 43 64, 18', 2(1', 14'. 24 50. 7 38', 13', 11 17 13'. 14'. 38'.

coma mid a doctor had to be called Razorback Queen to administer restoratives. His pretty partner in crime, Ber- 151 151 151 22 22 22 12', 12', 80', 80 60 13 )4', 14', 2's 2, 37'. 37'. 37', 34', 54 54 35s. 33', M's 12, 12'.

I2'a 3', 2'. 15 14'. 14'. 14 23 22. T2 41', 41 41'.

5H'j 5H'a 7'. 7, lO'', 19'a l'a 84 5', 5N. 29 28V, 28, 50 49 'a 9'a 154 152', 154 lH4a 184 184 22'. 22', i2'i 38', 37', 17a 17 17, 33', 33 33', 42', 42', 25 25 25 12', 12a 12'. 51 SO.

50', 39 38'a 39 55. 35 55 3'. 3', 15's 15', 15. 21', 20'. 21', 44 43 44 40-, 40'.

40', 37'i 37 37', 64', M', 21 31 21 35 33 35 El Paso Markets major legislation, particularly the Supreme Court This creates uncertainty riot only for the market, but for business generally. The trading group apparently paid little heed to business reports although theie is some worry over the extent of the business recession likely during the summer. Steel production rose during the week and is only about a point under the recovery high. There was some mid-week recession owing to the Jones and Laughlin shutdown. Carloadings declined contra-seasonally but remained well above the 1936 level and railroad earnings reports continue to improve.

Electric power production also slipped from the previous week. One service reported that automobile production was at a record high while another reported it had eased owing to labor difficulties. Retail trade expanded over the week before and was sharply above the corresponding 1936 period. Pries Quoted Is Prod loan VLl.tl AUI.IS A.ilt HtlllS. QuMaliuni furnlshen Cremble Ca.

117 Svulh Florence Street Green oinoni dree bunches ISO 20. Bulk 00OI SO. Carrots l7Vje a dozen. Mustard greena 15c a doien. SCO 99' 100 24's 24's 24', 143 144 143 16's 16'', 18', 5 4'a 3 12.

12. 12. 108', 108'. 1118', 34 34 34 33 52 52 354 35V, II', II II 84 83 83 95 93 131 '-a 131', 131', 1'a l'a I'a 27a 27V, 27V, 1 Unit Drug 31 United Gas Imp 2 Indus Alco 3 Pipe 7 Rubber 1 heal Im 2 Smelt St 48 Steel 1 Sleel pf BUTTER AND CREAM. Prise', (urnlhied lis Price's Dairy.

To wnoletale trader Sour cream butter fat 28c a rJnund 28 Gt No Ry pf 1 (i Nor li Ore eti No. 1 creamery butter 33c In El Paso, 1 OX West Slug S4c in territory. BITTER AND EGGS. 1 Hollv Sue 32, 324 S3, 353 352 352 14'i I4i 3 Vadtco 3 Vanadium 42 Warner Plct Chicago, May 15 iAPi, Butter, 16,277, 73 weaker; creamery-specials 193 score' 30'. 73 15' 3 73'; 15'i 3' 3.30 Homeslake 11 Houston Oil 4 Howe Sound 4 Hudson Mot 10 Hupp Mot 2 Indus! Ray I5, 3 11.

84, 8'. 58', 56. 44Vn 134'. 134 Dow-Jones Averages By I'niled Press. May 15.

1937. AVERAGES BY DAYS: Industrials Railroads Utilities Monday 173.04 Off 2.50 58.61 Off 1.53 28.73 Off 0.50 172.55 Off 0.49 58.95 Up 0.34 28.38 Off 0.35 Wednesday 172.24 Off 0.31 58,89 Off 0.08 28.03 Off 0.35 Thursday 167.47 Off 4 78 58.27 Off 1.62 27.17 Off 0 86 Friday 169.15 Up 1.69 57.78 Up (1.49 2756 Up 0.39 Saturday I6l.fl0 Up 0 45 57.90 Up 0.14 27.53 Off 0.03 NET CHANGE 1 OR WEEK: Off 5.94 Off 2.24 Off 1.70 31c; extras i92i 30c; extra first 1 9(1-01 1 2t20'ac; lirsts i8889t J7'ifi28c; standards 100 centralized carlotsl 20c. I 12', 22 9 47 33', if-: 2L Eggs. 39.028. steady; extra first local, 40 19', 41 20, 18', 1 West Mary 4 West Un Tel 8 Westlngh Air 3 West El Si 3 While Motors .1 Wilson Sr Co 12 Woolworlh 2 Worth Si 31 Yell Trk 22-1, 8', 47 34 Va 17 23 35i 41 20 18 10', 59 1054.

105 Vh'tc. cars 2l4c; fresh graded firsts, local, 2IK'. cars, SO-'ac; current receipts, 19'ac; storage packed storage packed firsts, 22c. r- 22 El rasoans Sign For Trip Twenty-two were signed by ist-urday for the Chamber of Commerce good will motorcade that will start at 7 a. m.

next Tuesday for a three-day tour of the Texas Pacific territory and Big Bend country. The first night out will spent at Midland, where representatives of El Paso business concerns will be given a banquet. Fort Stockton will have a picnic luneh prepared when the motorcade arrives thert Wednesday noon. Alpine will give the travelers a banquet Wednesday night. That night will be spent there.

The good willers will be in Maria Thursday for lunch. L. P. Bloodworth, assistant manager of the Chamber of Commerce, who will head the motorcade, is urging El Pasoans to send in reservations for the trip. Radio Programs St NDAJ'.

MAY 11 (Mountain Standard Time Note: All. programs to hey and haaie chains or groups thereof unless specified: i-oasl to coast ic to c' designations Include all available stations. Programs suhiect to change -Utions without previous notice. P. M.

NBC-tVEAF (RKO) NETWORK BASIC East: weaf wlw wnac wHe wlar wlag wesh ky' wfbr wre wgy when wcao wtam wwj wsai: Midwest: Wad wmaq who wow wdaf wire wcol katp wg! wood MIDWEST AND CANADA wlml kgb wlba webc wday kfyr crct cfc! SOUTH wrva wplf wwne wave wjx wfla-wsun wiod warn wmc wsb wpl wjdx wsmb kvoo wky wfaa whao kirc woai klb, ktht wsoc wtar wil wese wfbc kark kgne MOUNTAIN koa kdy kglr kghl ktif PACIFIC kfl kgw komo khq kpo kwg km) kgu P. M. 4:00 Jack Benny and His Cast 4:30 Recital From the Fireside 4:4.3 Jingle Programs, Two Trlot 9:00 Don Ameche Variety to eoaet Bert, Lahr'a Show to 8:30 Album of Muiic to cat 7:00 Sunday Night Party to 1:00 Harvey Hayes, Reading st; Jingle Program west rpt 8:15 Vincent Tracers Orchestra 8:30 Press-Radio News Period 8:33 Spanish Revue Orchestra Will Osborne and Orchestrg 8:30 Blue Barron and Orchestra CBS-WABC NKTWOKK BASIC East: wabe wade woka weaa weei war wkbw wkrc whk wjr weir wcau wiaa wpro wfbl wjsv; Midwest: wbbm wfbm kmbc kmox what kfab kint EAST wbns wpg whp whec wore cfrb ckac wihx wmas wasg wnbf wlba wkb whin wgbl DIXIE wgt ws(a wbrc wqam wdod klra wrec wlac wwl wtoe krld ktrh Ktai waco koma wdbo wbt da wbig wdbj wwva wmbg wsjs wmbr wala ktul kgko wcoa wdnc wnox kwkh wrrunra wjno wchs wpar wma wcoc M1DWKST wmbd wisn wlhiv kfh wkbb wtaq wkbh wcco wsbt kscj wnaa woe MOUNTAIN kvor kit koh kal kgve kfhb COAST -krtx koln kol kfpy kvl koy 4:00 Columbia Workshop. Drama basic: Courteous Colonels midw 4:30 Phil Baker and His 3tatf baue; Twilight Musical mldw 8:00 Moore and Brodortck- to a 5:30 Eddie Cantor S'iow to Detroit ymnhc to a 7:00 Si.l to 0 7:30 Singing Mrt.ig- of Wes H. V.

Kaltenbnrn' Talk 8:00 John Talk 8:.10 Press-Radio "News Period 8:35 Jav Freeman and Orchestra 8:00 Red Nichols and Orchestra 9:30 Joe Rcichman's Orchestra 10:00 Organ and Dancaweit NBC-WJZ iBI.UKI NETWORK BASIC East: w) wbi-wbia wbal wham kdka wgar wxyi wlw wayr wmal will waby webr wcky wapd wean wlco wfcai Midwest: wen wlj kwk kotl wren wmt wood wcol kso wowo wten MIDWEST AND CANADA wtmj kgb wlba webc wday kfyr crct efel SOUTH wrva wplf wwno wis w)a wfla-wsun wiod wsm wmc wsb wapl wjdx wsmb kvoo wky wfaa wbap kpre wtar woal kibs ktha wsoc wave wes wfbc kark kgnc MOUNTAIN klo kglr kghl ktar kvo kght PACIFIC -kgo kfsd kex kga keca kjr kfbk kwg kmj kern P. M. 4:00 Helen Traubel With Orchestra 4:30 Bob Ripley Program to a 3:00 Sunday Prom. Con. to a 8:00 Field's Rippling Rhythm 8:30 Walter Winchell Culumn 8:43 Th Choir Symphonet'a 7:00 Concert From Ca' -ornia 8:00 Judy and Bunch In Song 8:10 Press-Radio News Period S-'S King's Jesters and Orchestra east: W.

Winchell repeat to 1:3.0 Jimmy Joy's Orchestra basis; Fields Revue Dixie repeat 8:00 Henry Busse Orchestra 9:30 Louis Panlco and Orchestra daily roantiN shokt wavk StHIDll.r. (Listing subject to Chang, without na 10 lusplrat Cop 23 Interlakc Ir 5 Jut Harvest 8 1m Ivrtrtj-EI A 29 Int Nick Can. 14 Int Tel St Tel nice fellon. alternately slept or snbbed convulsively in her fourth-floor cell in the Dutchess County jail. Police said they planned to leave the 23-year-old former Sunday School teacher and his companion aloin.

with their "conscience" over the week-end, pending a hearing Monday. Arrested by a suspicious state trooper, Brockelhurst amazed officers by telling them he had shot, either from behind or without warning, an Illinois tailor, a Texas cafe owner, and Victor Gates, of Little Rock, In whose car they were riding when arrested, When the couple are arraigned Monday on a routine gun charge, officers of three states and government agents will be on hand demanding extradition rights. Paul S. Johnson, Illinois sheriff, was the first to file claim to the handsome Bible and law student and his girl friend. "In the absence of a court order, 1 will, as is the ordinary course of events, turn the two over to Johnson, who was first to file his warrants," Dutchess County Sheriff Dwight Sedgwick declared.

Texas police officers were reported en route here, and G-men of the same state were said to have mailed fugitive warrants charging violation of the federal motor vehicle theft act. By telephone, authorities of Lonokt County, Arkansas, asked a stay on any claims until tne arrival of tht ir state's attorney. The possibility loomed New York would not entertain extradition requests until local authorities had further checked on the pair's activities in the state. Brockelhurst, a paroled convict, according to police, "demanded" that "they get it over with He expressed a preference, police said, for the Illinois electric chair HI'j 10'. 39'.

38. 10 10 214 21 10', I On The New York Curb 1 Fast Gas COFFRB y. 'RET. New York, May ISIAPi. -Coffee advanced moderately Saturday.

Closing quotations: Santo, 1b." 11.43c, Julv 10 "3c. Sept. 10.44c. Dec. 10.32c May 10.22c, May 10.13c.

Rio May 7.0ic, July 7.02c, Sept. 7.00c, Dec. 8.96c, March Spot market quiet but steady. Santos 4s, ll'ac; Rio 7.. 9'c iMay 15 Report I tlSS BET TIE BARNES SALES M' rlign Low Close 142'a 142'a (above), of FoettciulIe, Daily Cotton Table Arlc, has been named "Miss Arkansas Traveler" by members 0 the Men's Press Club at fhe University 0 Arkonsns.

Miss Barnes is a junior and member of Pi Beia Phi. 5'a S'a S'a 16. 16'a lfl'a 1 73' a 73 'a 73 'a 8, 8', 8', 53 53', 53'a 16. 18', 16, 76', 76 76 S'a 6'a i 12', 12'. 12'.

4 4 4j 74 7. 13 I 17 ir. 18', i 8'4 8. 8'4 1 4 4 4 8'a 8'. B'a 3', 5, 3, I 4 SVa 3's New May 15 iBv the AP) POin iMuVEMENI 41 El Bond 8h 1 El Bond Sh pf 1 Foid Mot Ud 3 Gulf Oil 1 Hecla Min 3 Humble OH 2 Mount Prod 14 Nias Hud Pow 9 Pennroad 1 Sciberling Rub 7 Shatluck Denn 8 St.

Regis Pap 2 Sunia.v Oil IT United Gas 1 Unit l.t St Pow A Unit Verde Ext In 100's 1 Alum Co Am 14 Am Cyan .50 Am OS: pf 3 Am Sup Power 11 Ark Nat Gas Ark Nat Cias 3 Ark Nat Ga. pjf. 12 As El A 1 Cal nation 26 Cities Service 4 Clt Scrv pf 2 Cons Cop Min 1 Cons Si Ba 1 9 Con1en Oil Me 11 Cusl Mex 30 29', 30 Ill's 1M 111 l'a l'i lVa 7'. 7 7', 6', 64 6'. 8'a 8'a 8', 2, 2, 2, 28 28 28 3'4 3's 3'4 SO 40 50 8', 8', 8's 73 73 73 1', l'a la 5-16 3-16 6-18 New Orleans Galveston Mobile Savannah Charleston Wilmington Norfolk Baltimore New Vork Boston Houaton Corpus Chi 1st Minor Ports Middling Rereiota Exports galea stork 13 07 1,819 33 '2 95 83 82 40S.3I9 13.01 I.e.,4 6.875 882 54,123 13 37 407 100 140.112' )3 46 182 15.812 13 45 308 16 2.767 1.250 13 26 lou I 4.23 a 12 (5 192 841 S36 208.052 1 8:1,578 4.073 7.616 1,839 1,404.836 4.073 7.816 Foreign Exchange Livestock 50-Year-Old Fee Paid To Widow Of Doctor Grimsby, W.

E. Millard, widow of Dr. Millard, who died in 1919 after practicing medicine here for many years, re ceived a letter from an anonymous writer in which $3 was enclosed. The letter read, in part: "Having seen your picture in the St CAR MARKET. New Yoik, May 15 iAPi.

Raw sugar was unchanged Saturday at 3.38c lor spots. Futures were quiet. Close' May, 2.48c hid: July, 2 48c bid: 2.4iic bid: 2.47c nominal; bid; March, 2 3c hid. Refined was unchanged at 4.80c for fine granulated. BOSTON WOOL Boston, May 16 lAP-USDA'-New ness in wool on the Boston market during the past week was extremely dull.

Mills took delivery ol new wools which they had bought on pre-shearlng contracts, but few buyers were In the market for additional ouatnity. 1 Nominal quotation on spot wools were inclined to ease through lack of current buying Intel est and Increased weights of new wool- offered, Tho eatfng tendency was more promt-nen. on llceces than on territory wools. Graded spot combing lengths Ohio woola were quoted 41 to 42 In the giease, for lina delaine. 43 to 45 cenlt far staple combing hall blood and combine Ihree-elghlhi blood and 42 to 44 cents for quarter blood.

Total Sal in day For Week For Season 6.580.483 5.177,851 INTERIOR MOVEMH.N I New York. May IS exchange steady. Great Britain In dollars, others In cents. Great Britain, demand. S4.S4,; cabin, 4.4',; 80-day bills, f4.93',,.

Fiance, demand, 4.48'.; cables. 4 Italy, demand, 5.26V.; cables, 5.26',. Demands: Germany free, 40.18; mastered, 10.60; travel, 23.60; Mexico City, 27.83; Monlraal New York, 100.17 3-16; New York in Montreal, 88.82 1J-16. because then he could see his par paper reminded mc again of a cuts before he paid his debt to so- small amount owing the doctor for ciety, 1 over 50 years. I enclose $5.

Mlriilllng Ri-cetpls Shipments Slock Memphis 12.75 2,138 1.197 386, I'll Augusla 13.81 372 100 80,122 SI, Louis 083 683 3.206 Lillle Hock 1 12.65 129 188 45 41.557 Fort Worth 12 9b Dallas 12 011 129 Montgomery 13.01 Atlanta I3.7S Total Saturday 3.220 8.894 1,371 407,886 DAILY CROSS WORD PUZZLE NEW YORK METALS New York. M.iy steady; spot and nearby, 55.00; future, 54.73. Other metals unchanged. KANSAS CITY LIVESTOCK. Kansas City.

May 15 lAP-USDAl. 100; not enough offered to test values: market nominally steady: (or the week, lights and butchers, 33U80C higher; ovi, 13-41 23c up. Cattle, 700; calves. 200; for the week, beef steers and yearlings steady to weak; most ot week's early decline recovered; heifers steady to slrong: cows steady to eaficr; vealcrs SOcSfSl.OO lower; calves leady; Blockers and feeders, steady; week's top, good to choice 1310-lb. Mecrs and uarl load choice yearlings, 812 00; yearling heifers, S11.23; vealers, 0 00; light stockem, 88.75; fleshy feeders, 110 25; bulk beef sleers and yearlings, 1125; Bhnrt fed hcileis, $8 10.15; (at cows, 85.7547.50; 6 2338 73.

Sheep. 300: lor the week, spring lambs SI. on 0 125 higher: shorn lambs around $1 00 up: sheep fully 25c lower: closing lop spring lambs, 813.25 higher since last march; many consignments on close 813 00t 13.15; Ariionas on display mostly good grade offerings selling at 8ll 25t 11 60, lale sales shorn Texas lambs largely S9.75MIOO0; Texas welhers, 85 00tj3.2J; California ewes, $4. 50 ij 4 03. N.

0. Cotton Stock, Bond Averages THREE BABIES BORN. Mr. and Mrs. William J.

Mahon, Mexico City, are parents of a daughter, born Saturday morning at Hotel Dieu. A girl also was born to Mr. and Mrs. R. L.

Sunford, 4031 Oxford Street, at the Southwestern General Hospital, A sm was born to Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Saunders.

Carlsbad, N. at the Masonic Hospital. Compiled by The Associated Press 'Jew Orleans, May 15 (AP). Cotton advanced slightly in Saturday's abbreviated session in uuict trading Final prices were steady and showed May 15, 1937. V.

g. GOVERNMENT BONOS New York, May 15 Treasury 4s. '47-52. 115.9: treasury '3-45, 106.4; Federal Farm Morlgace 3s, 47, 102.22: Federal Farm Mortgage 3s. 40, 102: Federal Farm Moitgaue 3.

'04, 102.23; Home Owners Loan 3s, a52. 101.17; Home Owners Loan '49, 99.31. SPOT COTTON AVERAGE. New Orleans, May 13 average price ot middling collon Saturday at ten southern soot matkets was 13.04 cents a pound; average lor the past SO days 13.31 cents a pound. DEALERS IN 20 10 10 10 Rails Indus.

I'll! For A.I I'nch D.l D.2 Pin 103 0 98.3 71 0 92 9 103 0 98 4 71 2 04 1 1112 9 09 6 71 4 91.9 102 5 101 5 88 3 99 0 104 4 102 8 74 7 92 6 102,4 98.3 70 5 06 2 1.4 4 73 0 86 9 101 8 99.3 67 8 45.8 40 0 84 6 42 2 101,1 98.1 102 9 100.8 CHll'AUO LIVESTOCK net gains of 7 to 9 points. Selling pressure was lacking and Previous day. a moderate demand vs influenced by reports of cooler weather over the belt. Most traders tot.k the view i37 low that the lmvcr temperatures may 1jj'h prove harmful to tl.e crop by pro 1 10:12 low venting proper germination of the i92 high Chicago, May 15 'AP-l'SlM'-Hug, Recent is. I'tHHI: verv little on sale.

Diac- I I 5 It. 7 1 6 ill ia i zo ZZZZC Zlll" SO MUNICIPAL BONDS Nta Me Tics TV mi Arlzons J. 6. CIRTISS A CO. tl Pas, Tssaa Otdttt Inreilmtnl Firm in Southtctil lically nothing good or choice; nominal- I l.v steady wllh an til nominal lop, same Kfw ORLEANS COTTONSEED OIL.

ZsTX New Orleans 03c higher; week's top. c.oung top. sleady le.chahl. pilmc.iu. Tin.

neceipt, calves "JV compared Fridny last werk, good I 25c bid. 10 LOW YIELD BONOS. The weaiher appeared to be the Saturday 1100 'reviou, day 118.0 111 7 .108 4 Year aizo 10.17 low. only news thHi uffected the market one way or the othe'. The foreign .108 8 .113 7 .1138 .,104.4 MruMti ago 1037 high high.

1028 high 1038 low 1102 iiiuiiw i tv virvii biiu jrvai nuns 11 as much as 81.00 over last week's luw incentive was lacking, due to the 1032 86 8 nce, i Whilsuntldi holiday in Liverpool, Station tega. Meters STOCK AVER AGES. Spot market continued quiet. 8.80 91.70 8,08 July contracts closed at 12 87c, 48.301 49.10. SI.

S3 GALVESTON SPOT COTTON. Galveston, May (API. -Spot cotton cloaed sleadv. 10 points upi US-18 Inchi, Low middling, 11.73c; slrlct low middling, 12.80c; middling. 13.83c: strict middling, 13.83c! good middling.

14 03c; strict good middling, middling fair, 14.23C. Sales, apoti, 38; S(. BONDS AUD STOCKS New Vork Exchange and Curb Caai.rTstlr,. Omprehenslt a John M.Wyatt&Co. Phone M877 210-211 Kl Pase National Bank BI8g.

October January 12.60c and March Spots were points higher with middling al New Orleans selling at 13.07c. 30 15 18 80 Indus Balls Htll Stocks Nel rhanae A 2 A 1 Unrh, A 2 Saturdav 00 8 44.7 41.7 88.3 Previous day 80 4 44 8 41 7 88 I Month aao ..04 5 43.7 45 8 70 0 Year aio 81 34 0 43.8 00 8 10.17 huh 101 8 40 3 34 0 75.3 1037 low 88.8 37.3 41.4 83.4 18.10 hiah 00 3 43.8 83.7 72 8 1930 low 73.4 30.1 43.4 55.7 MOMENT HECrVT TEARS, 1932 low 17 8 7 23 8 18 hi eh 148 183 8 184.3 137 7 1827 low 81 I 85 3 81 8 81 8 YV2RC, Caracal OSA, London London GSB, London CISC, London PCJ Eindhoven RAN, Moscow 12RO. Rome HRL, Geneva TPA4, Paris USD, London DJD. Berlin TPA3. Paris JVH, Toklo HVJ, Vatican GSF.

London TPA2, Paris 31.30 31.H3 31.13 31.07 33.80 aV83 S3 4ft 38.27 30.80 8.11 8.31 9.38 9.39 9.80 9.8S 9.63 .11 78 ..1..77 ,.11.88 ..14 80 .18.11 .18.14 .19114 N. Y. Cotton ACROSS NEW YORK COTTONSEED OIL. New York, May 15 I APi. -Cottonseed nil steadier Saturday with final prices 3 to 3 point, nel higher.

Hleachahle snot nominal. Mav closed 8 70c, July 184c, Sept. Sir. Oct. (84c, Dec.

$74e. lime; common and medium grade, 23c higher; biggest edvenca on kinds now selling at 810.30 upward; laigely light weight sleei run; killing quality less desirable than week earliri; upturn stimulated By supply abridgement al all markets following last week bieak; intensive field woik expected to curtail runs over next two hut sharp advance may attract cattle; led and gra.v hellers 23c higher, beet cowa steady; grassy cul-leis weak to 'He luwfi; bulls Stic oil and vealcrs 73 lu 81.00 down; top 1263-lb. siren. little above 813 30: best ycaillngs, 813.00; light hellers, 811.73; package heavy hellers, 113.00; most steers, W.730 12.40. Sluep BeceiDls, 8000; for week ending riday 13,000 directs: cumpaied I n-day last week, fat I mbi 25 10 0t higher: lamb, 80 to 75c, spots, 81.00 up; sheep steady; week'a tatreme top native spilng lambs.

813.80; bulk CalUomlana, 112.83 down to 812 80; lop wooled lambs at mid-week, 812.73; bulk ol week'a ol-ferings. 12.73: extreme top clipped Iambi. 811.23: others. (10.231 10 75 mostly: top shorn wi, S3 2j; bulk, 84.00 S-Wij scattered tiooled upward to 00 Cre so. IB 84 1 19.83 18.80 19.80 Copper Roofs For Beauty and Permanence PETERSON LUMBER CO.

13.37 HAS3. Budapest Most U. 8. short wave stations mav ba 8 Savory stuffing 11 Pertaining- 21 Allay to Arabia 22 Discount 13 Empowers 23 To switch a 35 The male cat train 18 To be able 24 Indian corn (to do some 26 Ascend thing I 27 Stairs 19 A small 31 Gloomy compact 32 A stick mass for Answer to previous puulei New York. Mav (AP).

Fur-ther moderate were registered in cotton Saturday on a small trade and foreign demand while offerings wen light. July, which had sold up to 12.84c, closed at 12.76c. with final pri-e fl to 14 point net Yesterday! Mott Active Stock found on the 19. '1. 31 and 41 mater bands, amateur ohones on 30, So and 180 meters, police transmitters on 120 and 175 meters and alrnlan dlsoatcher, 83 'day I and 100 might) metera.

Thaaa hands are Interspersed with other ataUon ot various elatsificallent. 1 SaWdust 5 To Insert a acion Into a tree Paths over which something runs 10 Bulging-12 Flowers 14 Epochs 18 A canvas shelter 17 Flowed 15 Domestic animal pine group 23 Man's name 25 Apportions 28 Deep-sea fishing grounds of Shetland Islands 29 Herrlnf spawn JO Groups con sldered.as a single whole 32 Hoist 33 Fanatics 84 Incline higher, Th marki.1 to 1J noint. 'T'. Drlc( nn n(, 0I 15 moil r- Net nigner on price iixing continental live atorka oiday Lease Activity Near McAllen Hits New Hieh SHARPEMEIRJ Midland Rotarian 'Outpost Member (Special to Tilt TlmMi Midland, Texas, May 15. Induction of the first "outpost member" of a Rotary Club In the United States was observed Thursday wiicn E.

A. Crites of Crane became a member of the Midland club. Under an experiment adopted last year by Rotary International, only two clubs have qunlii'lnd for taking In "outpost" members. One STOCKS and Bombay buying at well at cov Sales Price Chnga. 14 300 l'a up Paaromunt Piel Republic Stl ering for over the week-end.

Con iSuvclal to Th Times i McAllen, May 15.Lcase activity tracts were scarce and price, soon Gen Motors A llllU 1n' ladlo got up IS to 17 points 20 Speak 21 An Island of 35 Considers 33 up 33 up 8' up 'a 12l no eh. I' up 'a 4 no ch. 03 up 'a up a 12', tip 'a on the Rio Bravo tract southwest of McAllen about 10 miles In southern Hidalgo County reached a new high when $25 an acre royalty was paid for several thousand acrci. Sun OH 3miu pimni Mother Lode i Central I L' Sleel Warner Bins Columbia Oa the Philip- DOWK realizing appearet at these levels and partial reactions from the bctt followed Loan cotton releases for the week were restricted ti 70 hales and DENVER LIVESTOCK Denver, May 13 lAP-UbUAi, -Cattle-Receipts, 1100, 50; lor week, bee! steers 13 to 25c higher at (lO.ooo 12.23, freight paid, and 80.13 10 83 flat: helfeia, 13 to 25c higher, top, 810 60! bulk. cow, steady to Strong: top, 88 2i; bulk, M004) 83.

309 bulls 15 1o 23c higher, calve, and vealori weak to 50c lower; top, 811.00; alorkori and feeders unchanged, S7.40W 8.80. Hogs Hscilpls, 100: 110.40 teady: lop, heavy sows, 811.23 8.50. Sheep Receipts, 3200; steady top wooled Colorado red lambs. $12 si), fralgiit 8.7U0 8.3IN) 8.4IKI 4.8WI 4.800 4.800 4,8110 4.200 4.000 3,8181 3.800 3. WW S.400 3,300 EKE RDj 1 Jpnu Jlp I IP RXJR1 A jy, "2 i lJha "2 A 7 FjVL A vlE bR.

AN Para Pic 2 nf Vs 's 18, UP 2', up 33'. up 30J up Washington ad. lew Indicated the i is in Canada ana mo outer is ttio Midland RoUo Club. Crltu is the fining Company are the two 'prin v-ommouiiy crcaii t-orpnrauo'i was oen Kic cipal lease owners among the majors. Sun Is using a small rotary Socuny Vac 8.3"0 I8'' up 8.3(10 ing at bow and stern 5 A fish with spear-like snout A peasant (India) fDonkeyo I Grave A musical wind in- strument i Insects The upward curving- of a ship's plank no ca.

Curtlss Wi tA MihA l. I U. first member under the category. An nutpust member one 'ivma In the territory of a certain club, bi-t where them is no nub in existence. He represents a given classification just as regular members do.

rig to drill through gravtl an a lease southeast of MeAllan far a deep core test. The travel will ka considering either modification of lU release terms auspension of the disposal program but corporation, officials ref rait ed from ex-piessing opinions ai to which course would be followed. NEW ORLEANS SPOT COTTON, ft-ii CalilornlV sprlngeri, $12 25 New Oilcans. May 13 cot- memo) sheep absent! lor week, spring inn clned quiet, nine points up. tales, Ismb, 23c rusher: old crop lambs 28 (33; nUddllhg, 13.078.

1 15o higher; shaep and yearlings steady. eased to 600 leet z..

El Paso Times from El Paso, Texas (2024)


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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.