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JEFFERSON COUNTY , COLORADO F ULL COST ALLOCATION PLAN Based on Actual Expenditures For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2020 © 2021 MGT Consulting Group

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Based on Actual Expenditures For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2020

© 2021 MGT Consulting Group


Table of Contents Section 1 Introduction Section 2 Organization Chart Section 3 Reading the Cost Allocation Plan Section 4 Full Cost Allocation Plan


Section 1 Introduction



The enclosed Full Cost Allocation Plan identifies the costs of support costs provided by central service departments of Jefferson County, Colorado (County) to the operating departments, special funds and other agencies of the County. The Plan is based on actual expenditures for fiscal year 2020. MGT Consulting Group prepared this document at the request of the County. The Plan is prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principals (GAAP) as recognized by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). The primary principals inherent in this document are (1) costs are necessary and reasonable for proper performance of a department, division, unit and/or program (2) costs are charged to departments, divisions, units and/or programs relative to benefits received and (3) costs are consistently treated as direct or indirect. County personnel provided the expenditure and allocation data to MGT consultants. MGT consultants then prepared the Plan utilizing a double step-down methodology.


Section 2 Organization Chart



CoronerAnnette Cannon

District AttorneyPeter Weir

SheriffJeff Shrader

Clerk & RecorderGeorge Stern

AssessorScot Kersgaard

Appointed Official Elected Officials

County Organizational Chart Rev. 10-05-2020

BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Libby Szabo Casey Tighe Lesley Dahlkemper

PARKS Tom Hoby





Strategy, Planning & Analysis

Mary O’Neil

CSU ExtensionJacki Paone

Open SpaceTom Hoby

Children Youth Family & Adult

ProtectionBarb Weinstein

Community Assistance

Wanda Cowart

Planning & ZoningChris O’Keefe

Building Safety Becky Baker

FinanceChloe Bair

Deputy Director


Community Development &

WorkforceKat Douglas


Transportation & EngineeringSteve Durian

Road & BridgeMike Secary

AirportPaul Anslow

HUMAN RESOURCESJennifer Fairweather


Deputy County Manager

Facilities ManagementMark Danner

FleetRandy Sturgeon

Head StartGayle Perryman

Deputy DirectorLynnae Flora

Business and Finance

Hal Straatmann


Safety & ComplianceMichael Dobbs

Events & Venuesvacant

Public Health Interim Management Team

LibraryDonna Walker

Surveyor Vacant

Treasurer/Public Trustee

Jerry DiTullio


Rebecca Hascall


Section 3 Reading the Cost Allocation Plan


Reading A Cost Allocation Plan Overview The Full Cost Allocation Plan is a document that distributes, or allocates, County indirect costs. Indirect costs are those costs incurred by County departments that benefit other County departments. Examples of County indirect costs are administration, accounting and information technology. The primary purpose for preparing the Cost Allocation Plan is to identify the appropriate division and department indirect costs for FY2020. The significant steps involved in preparing the Cost Allocation Plan include the following: ♦ Identify the County departments that provide support to other County departments. These

departments are referred to as central service or allocating departments. ♦ Identify the County departments that receive support from other County departments. These

departments are referred to as grantee or receiving departments. ♦ Accumulate the allowable actual expenditures of the County departments that provide support

to other County departments.


♦ Distribute, or allocate, the allowable expenditures of the County departments that provide support to other County departments based on available, meaningful, measurable and auditable allocation statistics that match the service provided to the service received.

Process A double-step down allocation methodology is used to allocate the allowable costs of the central service departments. This methodology recognizes the cross support provided between central service departments. For example, accounting supports information technology by providing payroll, paying vouchers and preparing a budget. Information technology, however, also supports accounting by providing software and hardware and by maintaining and administering various applications and systems. The double-step down methodology requires an initial sequencing of allocating departments. In the first step of the double-step methodology, allowable costs from central service departments are allocated in the sequence selected to all County departments, divisions and funds; including to other central service departments. The second step in the double-step down methodology is made to fully account for the cross support provided between central service departments. Central service departments are closed after the second step in the double-step down allocation methodology. Sections


Table of Contents The first few pages of the Cost Allocation Plan are the Table of Contents. The column on the left side of the pages lists the central service, or allocating, departments. Each central service department is broken down into functions. Functions are the specific services provided by a particular department. The middle column lists the allocation base for each corresponding function. The column on the right side of the pages is the applicable page number. Summary Schedule The next few pages of the Cost Allocation Plan are the Summary Schedule. The Summary Schedule identifies the total dollar amount allocated from every County allocating department to every County receiving department. Allocating departments are listed down the left column and receiving departments, divisions and funds are listed across the top of each page. Detail Schedules The remaining pages of the Cost Allocation Plan are the details schedules for every central service department. The detail schedules for each central service department is structured in the following format.

Narrative. Lists the department name, provides a brief description of the activities performed, identifies the functions and the corresponding allocation base. Departmental Costs (A). The actual expenditures for that department.


There are three different codes that could be denoted on the Departmental Cost schedule. Those three codes are S, P and D and identify how costs are spread or distributed within a specific department. The S (or S1) stands for salaries. The P stands for percentage. The D stands for disallowed.

Incoming Costs (B). The support costs coming into the department from other allocating departments.

Incoming costs are spread on the ratio of function salaries to departmental salaries. In the few instances where a department has no salaries, incoming costs are spread on the ratio of function expenditures to departmental expenditures. Certain incoming costs, however, may be denoted with an *. The * identifies those incoming costs that are directly identified to departmental functions on spread to departmental functions on a percentage basis.

Total Allocated (C). The total amount allocated for that department. This amount is found at the end of the Incoming Costs schedule. Function Allocations. The distribution, or allocation, of the Total Allocated costs by function. Allocation Summary. The summary of allocated costs by function.


Section 4 Full Cost Allocation Plan


Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Table of Contents

Schedule Description Allocation Basis Units Allocation Basis Source Page #

Table of Contents 1

Summary Schedule 6

Building Interest and Depreciation 131 Department Costs 151 Incoming Costs 171 Admin and Courts Facility Admin & Courts Facility Footage per Occupant 181 Human Svcs Bldg HS Bldg Square Footage per Occupant 191 Dakota Bldg Dakota Bldg Square Footage per Occupant 201 DA Building DA Bldg Square Footage Per Occupant 211 Remington Building Remington Bldg Square Footage per Occupant 221 Laramie Building Laramie Bldg Square Footage per Occupant 231 South Service Center Building South Service Center Bldg Square Footage per Occupant 241 Central Shops Building Central Shops Bldg Square Footage per Occupant 251 Parfet Building Parfet Building Square Footage per Occupant 261 Allocation Summary 27

Equipment Depreciation 282 Department Costs 292 Incoming Costs 302 Equipment Depreciation Equip. Dep By Dept/Div for Service Providers Only 312 Allocation Summary 32

County Manager - GF 333 Department Costs 353 Incoming Costs 373 County Manager Benefit Eligible FTE's with Health & Library excluded 403 Deputy County Manager Supervision Benefit Eligible FTE's for division supervised 423 FrontDesk/Switchboard FrontDesk, 5th Floor Reception & Switchboard Divisional Assistance 433 Safety & Compliance 50/50 Insurance & Workers Comp Funds 443 Physical Security Benefit Eligible FTE 453 Security Committee IT Benefit Eligible FTE 473 Allocation Summary 49

Public Affairs - GF 514 Department Costs 544 Incoming Costs 564 Internal Customer Service Benefit Eligible FTE with Library charged at 10% 584 Public **Not Allocated**4 Events & Venues Supervision 60% to Events & Venues/ 40% to Boettcher 604 Allocation Summary 61

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

County Attorney - GF 635 Department Costs 655 Incoming Costs 675 Billable Legal Fees Actual Direct Cost of Service 695 Litigation Costs Actual Litigation costs by dept/div 715 Allocation Summary 73

Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 756 Department Costs 766 Incoming Costs 776 Finance SPA and BIT Supervision Benefit Eligible FTE's of Accounting, SPA, Purchasing and 50% BIT 796 Allocation Summary 80

Finance-Accounting - GF 817 Department Costs 847 Incoming Costs 887 Accounts Payable Number of AP Transactions with multiple div's charged at various percentages 947 General Accounting Number of JE Transactions by Batch 967 Payroll Number of W-2's 987 Capital Assets Number of Assets 1007 Audit Number of AP, JE & CR Transactions 1027 2 CFR Part 200 Audit To Grant Receiving Funds based on SEFA Expenditures 1047 Purchasing Supervision 100% to Purchasing 1057 Grant Accounting To Grant Receiving Funds based on SEFA Exp's (Health, HS, WFD, Head Start and CD @ 10%) 1067 Pcard Audit PCard Expenditures 1077 Allocation Summary 109

Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 1118 Department Costs 1138 Incoming Costs 1158 Budget Analysis Operating Exp's (excl. Dep, Fin & Debt Serv, CAP) Incl. Asst Pymnts & Capital capped at $5mill 1178 Strategic Planning Issues Benefit Eligible FTE 1198 Allocation Summary 121

Human Resources - GF 1239 Department Costs 1279 Incoming Costs 1319 Recruitment Number of Recruitments Processed w/Library & Sheriff Excluded 1339 General HR Total FTE (SO & Library @85%) 1349 Terminations Number of Terminations by division 1369 Unemployment Number of Claims filed and Appeal Hearings by Division 1389 Training Number of Training Hours (including Custom Tr Classes, Team classes capped at 35 participants) by Dept/Div 1409 Background Checks Number of Background Checks 1429 Compensation Program Benefit Eligible FTE with DA Legal Secretaries & Paralegals Only 1439 Compensation Reclassifications Number of Reclassifications by dept 1459 Allocation Summary 146

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Finance - Purchasing - GF 14810 Department Costs 15010 Incoming Costs 15210 Purchase Orders Number of PO's & ON's & PO Mods by division 15410 Contract Amendements & Renewals Number of Amendments & Renewals, weighted for complexity 15610 Formal Bids/RFP's/PQ's Number of Written bids, RFPs and Prequalifications weighted for complexity 15710 Purchasing Card Rebate PCard Expenditures 15810 Countywide Programs Benefit Eligible FTE's with Health & Library excluded 16010 Allocation Summary 162

Development & Trans - GF 16411 Department Costs 16511 Incoming Costs 16611 D&T Admin Supervision Benefit Eligible FTE's for divisions supervised 16811 Allocation Summary 169

Board of County Comm - GF 17013 Department Costs 17113 Incoming Costs 17313 Board of County Commissioners Benefit Eligible FTE with Health & Library charged at 10% 17513 County Commissioner's Other Operating Exp's (excl. Dep, Fin & Debt Serv, Assist Pymnts, Land & Cap, CAP) with Health & Library charged at 10% 17713 Allocation Summary 179

Treasurer - GF 18114 Department Costs 18314 Incoming Costs 18514 Banking Operating Exp's (excl. Dep, Fin & Debt Serv, Assist Pymnts, Land & Cap, CAP) 18814 Investments - Fund Specific Interest Income by Fund except for the General Fund 19014 Investments - General Fund Operating Exp's (excl. Dep, Fin & Debt Serv, Assist Pymnts, Land & Cap, CAP) in Gen Fund Only 19114 Treasurer Public Function **Not Allocated**14 Public Trustee Direct to Public Trustee 19314 Allocation Summary 194

Non-Departmental - GF 19615 Department Costs 19715 Incoming Costs 19915 Non-Divisional Benefit Eligible FTE (Excl. Public Trustee) 20015 Non-Allocable Exp's **Not Allocated**15 Allocation Summary 202

Transportation & Engineering - GF 20416 Department Costs 20616 Incoming Costs 20816 Road & Bridge 100% allocation to Road & Bridge 21116 Project Related Engineering Hrs by Dept/Div 21216 Inspections 51% allocation to Road & Bridge, 49% to Other 213

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

16 Allocation Summary 214

Facilities Management - GF 21517 Department Costs 22517 Incoming Costs 23417 Fac - Admin & Courts Facility Admin & Courts Facility Footage per Occupant 24317 Fac - HS Bldg HS Bldg Square Footage per Occupant 24417 Fac - Dakota Bldg Dakota Bldg Square Footage per Occupant 24517 Fac - DA Bldg DA Bldg Square Footage Per Occupant 24617 Fac - OS Bldg OS Bldg Square Footage per Occupant 24717 Fac - Remington Bldg Remington Bldg Square Footage per Occupant 24817 Fac - Laramie Bldg Laramie Bldg Square Footage per Occupant 24917 Fac - Fairgrounds Bldg Fairgrounds Bldg Square Footage per Occupant 25017 Fac - Evergreen Serv Cntr Bldg Evergreen Service Center Square Footage per Occupant 25117 Fac - South Service Cntr Bldg South Service Center Bldg Square Footage per Occupant 25217 Fac - Central Shop Bldg Central Shops Bldg Square Footage per Occupant 25317 Fac - Arvada WIC Bldg Arvada WIC Bldg Square Footage per Occupant 25417 FAC - Parfet Bldg Parfet Building Square Footage per Occupant 25517 Fac - Single Occupant Bldg - S&B Exp's Actual Hours by department/division 25617 Fac - Special Projects - S&B Exp's Actual Hours by department/division 25717 Fac - Spec Proj/Single Occ Bldg - Serv & Supply Exp Actual Costs by department/division 25817 Fac - Slash 100% to Public 25917 Fac - Evergreen Main Bldg Evergreen Main Bldg Square Footage per Occupant 26017 Fac - South Shop Main Bldg South Shop Main Bldg Square Footage per Occupant 26117 Allocation Summary 262

Business Innovation & Technology - GF 26618 Department Costs 27318 Incoming Costs 27918 Amanda # of new Amanda Folders 28518 Organization Specific Services Weighted Salaries Spent by dept/div 28618 Content Services Benefit Eligible FTE 28818 ERP Operating Exp's (excl. Dep, Fin & Debt Serv, Assist Pymnts, Land & Cap, CAP) 29018 EMail/Office Benefit Eligible FTE's with Library & Sheriff @20% 29218 Network & Telecom Benefit Eligible FTE's with Head Start & R&B @ 30%, Sheriff @ 15% & Library @ 10% 29418 Enterprise Web Apps Benefit Eligible FTE's with Library @ 20% 29618 Customer Service Benefit Eligible FTE's with R&B @ 50% & DA, Open Space, Library, Sheriff, Head Start & Pub Hlth @ 20% 29818 Record Retrieval # of Retrievals 30018 Record Storage Cubic ft of Storage 30118 Aumentum Tax 60% Assessor, 40% Treasurer 30318 Countywide Services Benefit Eligible FTE 30418 Allocation Summary 306

C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 31020 Department Costs 31120 Incoming Costs 31320 Clerk to the Board Board Action and/or Contract Agenda Item Counts by Dept/Div, excl. Public Health 315

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

20 Passport Duties & Liquor Licenses **Not Allocated**20 Allocation Summary 316

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Summary Schedule

Department Building Safety - GF

C&R Administratio

n - GF

C&R Elections -


C&R Motor Vehicle - GF

C&R Recording -


Assessor - GF

CSU Extension -


Coroner - GF County Attorney


District Attorney

Admin - GF

1 Building Interest and Depreciation $31,091 $16,525 $174,298 $100,093 $30,123 $69,092 $0 $20,134 $0 $157,8692 Equipment Depreciation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 03 County Manager - GF 13,758 12,614 8,615 48,969 6,658 27,255 1,427 6,476 951 78,8794 Public Affairs - GF 2,840 655 1,420 7,482 1,529 5,571 328 1,486 218 17,7725 County Attorney - GF 3,115 34,883 14,074 6,013 10,978 32,211 1,129 3,912 118,911 2,9996 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 Finance-Accounting - GF 19,964 14,002 21,479 38,045 14,146 23,412 21,276 19,409 10,630 58,1108 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 6,014 1,615 6,046 13,914 2,804 11,096 1,058 3,960 422 39,6969 Human Resources - GF 13,570 5,204 8,775 71,381 4,772 44,018 4,006 12,768 909 97,454

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 595 (497) 5,694 14,143 2,755 4,400 3,563 10,962 75 5,12211 Development & Trans - GF 24,354 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 013 Board of County Comm - GF 14,335 3,866 14,238 33,012 6,648 26,391 2,551 9,286 1,001 94,65314 Treasurer - GF 3,400 1,089 5,557 6,365 1,247 5,728 881 2,754 206 23,97815 Non-Departmental - GF 2,025 467 1,013 5,336 1,091 3,973 234 1,059 156 12,67516 Transportation & Engineering - GF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 017 Facilities Management - GF 87,534 46,524 188,540 485,339 84,810 193,967 14,986 102,748 0 574,75018 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 575,496 38,518 298,429 357,689 118,548 704,684 24,135 101,488 18,211 962,57320 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 217 0 2,388 0 0 0 0 0 9,554 0

Total Current Allocations $798,309 $175,465 $750,568 $1,187,782 $286,109 $1,151,797 $75,573 $296,443 $161,245 $2,126,528

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Summary Schedule

Department District Atty Dom

Violence - GF

District Atty Family

Justice Cntr - GF

Emergency Management -


Events & Venues - GF

Intergovernmental Projects

- GF

Justice Services -


Planning & Zoning - GF

Public Trustee

JCSO Detentions -


JCSO Law Enforcement -


1 Building Interest and Depreciation $0 $0 $10,102 $0 $0 $77,786 $63,189 $5,357 $0 $02 Equipment Depreciation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 03 County Manager - GF 476 951 2,853 2,423 0 23,331 23,390 2,349 164,299 11,7684 Public Affairs - GF 109 218 655 35,359 0 4,588 4,560 437 37,740 1,4205 County Attorney - GF 0 0 12,349 29,254 0 14,483 367,582 1,384 9,607 6,8416 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 Finance-Accounting - GF 370 1,626 7,797 22,014 3,864 42,955 28,088 18,662 72,532 8,5568 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 230 463 2,152 1,274 418 13,211 9,140 959 64,719 2,7509 Human Resources - GF 316 862 1,885 5,330 0 32,489 29,814 3,332 116,835 4,890

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 41 82 7,452 3,852 0 4,467 1,727 (181) 30,211 25111 Development & Trans - GF 0 0 0 0 0 0 39,107 0 0 013 Board of County Comm - GF 547 1,104 5,188 3,045 1,028 31,761 21,744 2,288 153,060 6,53414 Treasurer - GF 129 262 1,810 811 561 10,187 4,765 15,395 24,768 1,35515 Non-Departmental - GF 78 156 467 390 0 3,272 3,252 0 26,916 1,01316 Transportation & Engineering - GF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 017 Facilities Management - GF 0 0 51,551 345,192 0 179,916 177,902 2,883 46,528 16,03818 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 5,465 25,063 37,060 34,639 7,019 362,643 693,441 34,154 985,854 41,94520 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 0 0 434 0 0 0 25,838 0 0 434

Total Current Allocations $7,761 $30,787 $141,756 $483,581 $12,889 $801,089 $1,493,537 $87,018 $1,733,069 $103,796

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Summary Schedule

Department JCSO Executive -


JCSO Support

Services - GF

Surveyor - GF

Historical Commission -


Clerk Electronic

Filing Fund

Insurance Fund

Worker's Compensatio

n Fund

Open Space Fund

Open Space Cities Share


Open Space Debt Svc 09


1 Building Interest and Depreciation $0 $160,365 $0 $0 $0 $5,628 $0 $0 $0 $02 Equipment Depreciation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 03 County Manager - GF 8,560 41,848 0 0 0 23,024 20,647 65,083 0 04 Public Affairs - GF 1,966 9,612 0 0 0 546 0 14,828 0 05 County Attorney - GF 432,240 28,548 0 0 0 39,972 0 23,817 0 06 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 Finance-Accounting - GF 8,123 87,262 3,478 0 67 28,731 9,480 131,969 3,646 08 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 4,441 28,479 3 0 0 2,674 2,327 34,744 301 09 Human Resources - GF 7,105 75,136 230 0 0 2,153 0 152,927 0 0

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 532 30,376 0 0 0 4,091 10,287 41,143 0 011 Development & Trans - GF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 013 Board of County Comm - GF 10,605 64,173 7 0 0 6,492 5,728 72,177 741 014 Treasurer - GF 2,726 20,048 4 0 407 3,420 6,180 26,374 1,229 015 Non-Departmental - GF 1,402 6,856 0 0 0 390 0 10,575 0 016 Transportation & Engineering - GF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 53,897 0 017 Facilities Management - GF 0 454,500 0 0 0 15,846 0 281,698 0 018 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 68,406 463,906 44 2,281 0 65,924 39,111 675,488 5,057 020 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 16,067 0 0 0 0 434 0 5,862 0 0

Total Current Allocations $562,173 $1,471,109 $3,765 $2,281 $474 $199,325 $93,760 $1,590,582 $10,974 $0

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Summary Schedule

Department Open Space Debt Svc 10


Open Space Land Acqu


Open Space Debt Svc 13


Conservation Trust Fund

Boettcher Mansion


Developmentally Disabled


South Traffic Impact

North Traffic Impact

Evergreen/Conifer Traf Imp Fund

Road & Bridge Fund

1 Building Interest and Depreciation $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $40,4352 Equipment Depreciation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 03 County Manager - GF 0 0 0 0 2,758 0 0 0 0 91,6624 Public Affairs - GF 0 0 0 0 23,842 0 0 0 0 21,0385 County Attorney - GF 0 0 0 0 304 0 0 0 0 19,7126 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 Finance-Accounting - GF 1,273 599 1,134 1,319 23,199 2,271 6,346 2,365 7,620 210,5138 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 0 0 0 0 1,270 0 265 0 324 49,9239 Human Resources - GF 0 0 0 0 5,752 0 0 0 0 158,960

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 0 0 0 0 1,207 0 394 0 0 76,49311 Development & Trans - GF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 180,40813 Board of County Comm - GF 0 0 0 0 3,010 0 8 0 90 108,51514 Treasurer - GF 0 0 0 3,237 515 607 4,511 294 915 34,55615 Non-Departmental - GF 0 0 0 0 452 0 0 0 0 15,00416 Transportation & Engineering - GF 0 0 0 0 0 0 141,452 0 72,524 1,511,34317 Facilities Management - GF 0 0 0 0 26,627 0 0 0 0 577,70418 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 0 0 0 0 32,669 0 55 0 612 878,30320 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 0 0 0 0 217 0 0 0 0 3,257

Total Current Allocations $1,273 $599 $1,134 $4,557 $121,822 $2,878 $153,032 $2,659 $82,084 $3,977,827

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Summary Schedule

Department Social Services


Workforce Development


Head Start Fund

Capital Expenditures


Contingent Fund

Fleet Services


Library Fund Benefit Plan Fund

Patrol Fund Inmate Welfare Fund

1 Building Interest and Depreciation $537,153 $152,584 $0 $0 $0 $28,654 $0 $0 $0 $02 Equipment Depreciation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 03 County Manager - GF 270,543 14,266 31,861 0 0 34,649 43,131 1,902 128,872 3,8044 Public Affairs - GF 61,083 3,277 7,319 0 0 2,501 2,616 437 29,602 8745 County Attorney - GF 337,387 645 1,681 0 0 3,900 2,098 0 7,126 06 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 Finance-Accounting - GF 301,982 26,015 44,088 3,777 1,670 80,495 265,890 22,477 86,374 13,3078 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 124,312 6,497 13,825 27 0 8,303 63,330 33,762 53,355 1,6549 Human Resources - GF 469,120 31,500 79,492 0 0 11,015 217,114 1,266 85,615 2,218

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 19,239 9,740 8,828 8,373 0 5,524 (4,747) 164 11,661 10,21411 Development & Trans - GF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 013 Board of County Comm - GF 284,072 15,294 32,815 68 0 17,244 14,141 83,037 126,257 3,92714 Treasurer - GF 53,929 2,548 5,117 11,117 31 13,024 48,600 42,826 17,921 2,13115 Non-Departmental - GF 43,564 2,337 5,220 0 0 1,784 18,658 312 21,112 62316 Transportation & Engineering - GF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 017 Facilities Management - GF 1,094,379 38,873 180,951 0 0 220,083 0 0 0 018 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 385,856 (23,472) 50,979 461 0 174,328 875,512 574,513 802,606 25,03220 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 19,107 0 217 0 0 651 0 0 0 0

Total Current Allocations $4,001,725 $280,104 $462,392 $23,824 $1,700 $602,158 $1,546,344 $760,696 $1,370,500 $63,784

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Summary Schedule

Department Forfeiture Fund

Public Health Fund

Airport Fund Wildland Fire Fund

Jeffco Fin Capital

Project Fund

Meadow Ranch Pub Impr Fund

SE Sales Tax-Debt Fund

SE Sales Tax-Capital Fund

Solid Waste Fund

Community Development


1 Building Interest and Depreciation $0 $124,077 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,7462 Equipment Depreciation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 03 County Manager - GF 0 30,825 11,332 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,3784 Public Affairs - GF 0 17,794 2,600 0 0 0 0 0 0 5465 County Attorney - GF 0 2,192 6,187 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,2306 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 Finance-Accounting - GF 8,845 102,984 72,407 2,829 875 0 691 9,975 6,671 16,2618 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 1,047 36,321 7,595 0 2 0 0 3,185 162 1,1639 Human Resources - GF 0 133,314 20,485 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,582

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 197 0 14,870 0 0 0 0 8,764 197 1,15711 Development & Trans - GF 0 0 22,293 0 0 0 0 0 0 013 Board of County Comm - GF 2,577 8,638 13,986 0 5 0 0 899 400 2,70014 Treasurer - GF 1,105 15,278 6,231 141 2 0 11,523 6,256 1,627 49015 Non-Departmental - GF 0 12,690 1,854 0 0 0 0 0 0 39016 Transportation & Engineering - GF 0 0 19,712 0 0 0 0 270,749 0 017 Facilities Management - GF 0 441,735 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (554)18 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 17,596 947,239 143,377 0 37 0 0 6,138 2,728 11,95920 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 0 0 5,428 0 0 0 0 0 0 434

Total Current Allocations $31,367 $1,873,087 $348,356 $2,971 $922 $0 $12,214 $305,967 $11,785 $47,482

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Summary Schedule

Department Courts Non-County CARES Fund 2nd Allocation Orphans


1 Building Interest and Depreciation $1,047,180 $310,307 $0 $0 $3,166,7862 Equipment Depreciation 0 0 0 0 03 County Manager - GF 44,550 10,435 1,525 0 1,321,0984 Public Affairs - GF 0 0 218 0 325,0885 County Attorney - GF 0 6,614 0 0 1,586,3766 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 0 0 0 0 07 Finance-Accounting - GF 0 0 152,979 0 2,196,9258 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 0 0 45,736 0 706,9679 Human Resources - GF 0 55 1,551 0 1,915,202

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 0 0 32,176 0 385,59411 Development & Trans - GF 0 0 0 0 266,16313 Board of County Comm - GF 0 0 106,215 0 1,416,10114 Treasurer - GF 0 0 45,255 0 501,42315 Non-Departmental - GF 0 0 156 0 206,95116 Transportation & Engineering - GF 0 987,717 0 0 3,057,39417 Facilities Management - GF 2,928,768 1,250,658 0 0 10,110,47518 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 0 5,260 728,982 0 12,388,04120 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 0 0 0 0 90,542

Total Current Allocations $4,020,498 $2,571,046 $1,114,794 $0 $39,641,126

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021


The Building Interest and Depreciation allocation is used to capture interest and depreciation on applicable county buildings. No indirect costs for this function will be allocated to the receiving department/division’s budget. Building Interest and Depreciation includes the following functions:

· Administration and Courts Facility (CAB): Interest and depreciation on the Administration and Courts Facility is allocated to the occupants of the building by square footage per occupant.

· Human Services (HS) Building: Interest and depreciation on the Human Services Building is allocated to the occupants of the building by square footage per occupant.

· Dakota Building: Interest and depreciation on the Dakota Building is allocated to the occupants of the building by square footage per occupant.

· District Attorney (DA) Building: Interest and depreciation on the DA Building is allocated to the occupants of the building by square footage per occupant.

· Remington Building: Interest and depreciation on the Remington Building is allocated to the occupants of the building by square footage per occupant.

· Laramie Building: Interest and depreciation on the Laramie Building is allocated to the occupants of the building by square footage per occupant.

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· South Service Center Building: Interest and depreciation on the South Service Center Building is allocated to the occupants of

the building by square footage per occupant.

· Central Shop Building: Interest and depreciation on the Central Shop Building is allocated to the occupants of the building by square footage per occupant.

· Parfet Building: Interest and depreciation on the Parfet Building is allocated to the occupants of the building by square footage per occupant.

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:1 Building Interest and Depreciation

Description Amount General Admin

Admin and Courts Facility

Human Svcs Bldg

Dakota Bldg DA Building Remington Building

Laramie Building

South Service Center

B ildiPersonnel CostsBenefits S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Salary % Split .00% .00% .00% .00% .00% .00% .00% .00%Depreciation P 3,588,226 0 1,798,537 342,799 93,818 129,459 162,054 693,733 182,803

Subtotal - Personnel Costs 3,588,226 0 1,798,537 342,799 93,818 129,459 162,054 693,733 182,803

Services & Supplies CostSalaries S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Interest P 209,978 0 0 0 0 0 0 209,978 0

Subtotal - Services & Supplies 209,978 0 0 0 0 0 0 209,978 0

Department Cost Total 3,798,204 0 1,798,537 342,799 93,818 129,459 162,054 903,711 182,803

Adjustments to CostSubtotal - Adjustments 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Costs After Adjustments 3,798,204 0 1,798,537 342,799 93,818 129,459 162,054 903,711 182,803

General Admin Distribution 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Grand Total $3,798,204 $1,798,537 $342,799 $93,818 $129,459 $162,054 $903,711 $182,803

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FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:1 Building Interest and Depreciation

Description Amount Central Shops


Parfet Building

Personnel CostsBenefits S 0 0 0 Salary % Split .00% .00%Depreciation P 3,588,226 72,561 112,462

Subtotal - Personnel Costs 3,588,226 72,561 112,462

Services & Supplies CostSalaries S 0 0 0Interest P 209,978 0 0

Subtotal - Services & Supplies 209,978 0 0

Department Cost Total 3,798,204 72,561 112,462

Adjustments to CostSubtotal - Adjustments 0 0 0

Total Costs After Adjustments 3,798,204 72,561 112,462

General Admin Distribution 0 0

Grand Total $3,798,204 $72,561 $112,462

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FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Expense%) Dept:1 Building Interest and DepreciationNo Indirect Costs

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FY 20208/24/2021

Admin and Courts Facility Allocations Dept:1 Building Interest and Depreciation

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 5,117.30 1.07% $19,269 $0 $19,269 $0 $19,2694 Public Affairs - GF 3,135.23 0.66% 11,805 0 11,805 0 11,8055 County Attorney - GF 17,373.93 3.64% 65,419 0 65,419 0 65,4196 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 266.27 0.06% 1,003 0 1,003 0 1,0037 Finance-Accounting - GF 9,305.56 1.95% 35,039 0 35,039 0 35,0398 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 4,520.62 0.95% 17,022 0 17,022 0 17,0229 Human Resources - GF 12,456.85 2.61% 46,905 0 46,905 0 46,905

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 4,179.16 0.87% 15,736 0 15,736 0 15,73611 Development & Trans - GF 368.94 0.08% 1,389 0 1,389 0 1,38912 Building Safety - GF 8,257.12 1.73% 31,091 0 31,091 0 31,09113 Board of County Comm - GF 10,131.45 2.12% 38,149 0 38,149 0 38,14914 Treasurer - GF 5,702.76 1.19% 21,473 0 21,473 0 21,47316 Transportation & Engineering - GF 10,422.50 2.18% 39,245 0 39,245 0 39,24517 Facilities Management - GF 6,802.81 1.42% 25,615 0 25,615 0 25,61518 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 4,690.40 0.98% 17,661 0 17,661 0 17,66119 C&R Administration - GF 4,388.62 0.92% 16,525 0 16,525 0 16,52520 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 2,911.66 0.61% 10,963 0 10,963 0 10,96322 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 6,272.41 1.31% 23,618 0 23,618 0 23,61823 C&R Recording - GF 8,000.11 1.67% 30,123 0 30,123 0 30,12324 Assessor - GF 18,349.17 3.84% 69,092 0 69,092 0 69,09228 District Attorney Admin - GF 7,380.98 1.55% 27,792 0 27,792 0 27,79234 Justice Services - GF 8,674.49 1.82% 32,663 0 32,663 0 32,66335 Planning & Zoning - GF 16,781.51 3.51% 63,189 0 63,189 0 63,18936 Public Trustee 1,422.80 0.30% 5,357 0 5,357 0 5,35740 JCSO Support Services - GF 8,247.32 1.73% 31,054 0 31,054 0 31,05444 Insurance Fund 1,494.73 0.31% 5,628 0 5,628 0 5,62879 Courts 246,168.83 51.54% 926,918 0 926,918 0 926,91880 Non-County 44,827.98 9.39% 168,794 0 168,794 0 168,794

Subtotal 477,651.51 100.00% 1,798,537 0 1,798,537 0 1,798,537

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $1,798,537 $1,798,537Basis Units: Admin & Courts Facility Footage per OccupantSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Human Svcs Bldg Allocations Dept:1 Building Interest and Depreciation

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


17 Facilities Management - GF 1,269.14 0.99% $3,403 $0 $3,403 $0 $3,40359 Social Services Fund 123,056.49 96.24% 329,910 0 329,910 0 329,91080 Non-County 3,538.54 2.77% 9,487 0 9,487 0 9,487

Subtotal 127,864.17 100.00% 342,799 0 342,799 0 342,799

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $342,799 $342,799Basis Units: HS Bldg Square Footage per OccupantSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Dakota Bldg Allocations Dept:1 Building Interest and Depreciation

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


17 Facilities Management - GF 2,539.65 6.42% $6,025 $0 $6,025 $0 $6,02526 Coroner - GF 8,487.59 21.46% 20,134 0 20,134 0 20,13431 Emergency Management - GF 4,258.40 10.77% 10,102 0 10,102 0 10,10240 JCSO Support Services - GF 15,173.48 38.37% 35,995 0 35,995 0 35,99570 Public Health Fund 2,908.48 7.35% 6,900 0 6,900 0 6,90080 Non-County 6,181.16 15.63% 14,663 0 14,663 0 14,663

Subtotal 39,548.76 100.00% 93,818 0 93,818 0 93,818

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $93,818 $93,818Basis Units: Dakota Bldg Square Footage per OccupantSource:

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FY 20208/24/2021

DA Building Allocations Dept:1 Building Interest and Depreciation

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


17 Facilities Management - GF 168.41 0.29% $378 $0 $378 $0 $37828 District Attorney Admin - GF 57,482.52 99.71% 129,081 0 129,081 0 129,081

Subtotal 57,650.93 100.00% 129,459 0 129,459 0 129,459

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $129,459 $129,459Basis Units: DA Bldg Square Footage Per OccupantSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Remington Building Allocations Dept:1 Building Interest and Depreciation

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


17 Facilities Management - GF 170.68 0.57% $923 $0 $923 $0 $92328 District Attorney Admin - GF 184.13 0.61% 996 0 996 0 99634 Justice Services - GF 3,179.89 10.61% 17,192 0 17,192 0 17,19259 Social Services Fund 3,079.35 10.27% 16,649 0 16,649 0 16,64979 Courts 22,243.54 74.21% 120,262 0 120,262 0 120,26280 Non-County 1,115.87 3.72% 6,033 0 6,033 0 6,033

Subtotal 29,973.46 100.00% 162,054 0 162,054 0 162,054

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $162,054 $162,054Basis Units: Remington Bldg Square Footage per OccupantSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Laramie Building Allocations Dept:1 Building Interest and Depreciation

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


7 Finance-Accounting - GF 127.85 0.11% $958 $0 $958 $0 $95817 Facilities Management - GF 1,983.72 1.64% 14,858 0 14,858 0 14,85818 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 31,052.89 25.74% 232,588 0 232,588 0 232,58821 C&R Elections - GF 23,270.56 19.29% 174,298 0 174,298 0 174,29822 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 5,045.10 4.18% 37,788 0 37,788 0 37,78834 Justice Services - GF 3,729.04 3.09% 27,931 0 27,931 0 27,93159 Social Services Fund 25,446.30 21.09% 190,595 0 190,595 0 190,59560 Workforce Development Fund 20,371.45 16.88% 152,584 0 152,584 0 152,58478 Community Development Fund 633.60 0.53% 4,746 0 4,746 0 4,74680 Non-County 8,993.96 7.45% 67,365 0 67,365 0 67,365

Subtotal 120,654.47 100.00% 903,711 0 903,711 0 903,711

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $903,711 $903,711Basis Units: Laramie Bldg Square Footage per OccupantSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

South Service Center Building Allocations Dept:1 Building Interest and Depreciation

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


17 Facilities Management - GF 112.21 0.34% $625 $0 $625 $0 $62522 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 6,948.99 21.16% 38,687 0 38,687 0 38,68740 JCSO Support Services - GF 16,761.59 51.05% 93,316 0 93,316 0 93,31670 Public Health Fund 1,806.40 5.50% 10,057 0 10,057 0 10,05780 Non-County 7,206.30 21.95% 40,119 0 40,119 0 40,119

Subtotal 32,835.49 100.00% 182,803 0 182,803 0 182,803

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $182,803 $182,803Basis Units: South Service Center Bldg Square Footage per OccupantSource:

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FY 20208/24/2021

Central Shops Building Allocations Dept:1 Building Interest and Depreciation

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


7 Finance-Accounting - GF 200.00 0.67% $486 $0 $486 $0 $48617 Facilities Management - GF 1,230.00 4.12% 2,986 0 2,986 0 2,98658 Road & Bridge Fund 16,655.25 55.73% 40,435 0 40,435 0 40,43564 Fleet Services Fund 11,802.74 39.49% 28,654 0 28,654 0 28,654

Subtotal 29,887.99 100.00% 72,561 0 72,561 0 72,561

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $72,561 $72,561Basis Units: Central Shops Bldg Square Footage per OccupantSource:

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FY 20208/24/2021

Parfet Building Allocations Dept:1 Building Interest and Depreciation

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


17 Facilities Management - GF 686.53 1.33% $1,496 $0 $1,496 $0 $1,49670 Public Health Fund 49,142.54 95.25% 107,121 0 107,121 0 107,12180 Non-County 1,763.93 3.42% 3,845 0 3,845 0 3,845

Subtotal 51,593.00 100.00% 112,462 0 112,462 0 112,462

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $112,462 $112,462Basis Units: Parfet Building Square Footage per OccupantSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Allocation Summary Dept:1 Building Interest and Depreciation

Department Admin and Courts Facility

Human Svcs Bldg

Dakota Bldg DA Building Remington Building

Laramie Building

South Service Center

B ildi

Central Shops


Parfet Building


3 County Manager - GF $19,269 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $19,2694 Public Affairs - GF 11,805 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11,8055 County Attorney - GF 65,419 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65,4196 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 1,003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,0037 Finance-Accounting - GF 35,039 0 0 0 0 958 0 486 0 36,4828 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 17,022 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17,0229 Human Resources - GF 46,905 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 46,905

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 15,736 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15,73611 Development & Trans - GF 1,389 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,38912 Building Safety - GF 31,091 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31,09113 Board of County Comm - GF 38,149 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 38,14914 Treasurer - GF 21,473 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21,47316 Transportation & Engineering - GF 39,245 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 39,24517 Facilities Management - GF 25,615 3,403 6,025 378 923 14,858 625 2,986 1,496 56,30918 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 17,661 0 0 0 0 232,588 0 0 0 250,25019 C&R Administration - GF 16,525 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16,52520 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 10,963 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,96321 C&R Elections - GF 0 0 0 0 0 174,298 0 0 0 174,29822 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 23,618 0 0 0 0 37,788 38,687 0 0 100,09323 C&R Recording - GF 30,123 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30,12324 Assessor - GF 69,092 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 69,09226 Coroner - GF 0 0 20,134 0 0 0 0 0 0 20,13428 District Attorney Admin - GF 27,792 0 0 129,081 996 0 0 0 0 157,86931 Emergency Management - GF 0 0 10,102 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,10234 Justice Services - GF 32,663 0 0 0 17,192 27,931 0 0 0 77,78635 Planning & Zoning - GF 63,189 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 63,18936 Public Trustee 5,357 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,35740 JCSO Support Services - GF 31,054 0 35,995 0 0 0 93,316 0 0 160,36544 Insurance Fund 5,628 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,62858 Road & Bridge Fund 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40,435 0 40,43559 Social Services Fund 0 329,910 0 0 16,649 190,595 0 0 0 537,15360 Workforce Development Fund 0 0 0 0 0 152,584 0 0 0 152,58464 Fleet Services Fund 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28,654 0 28,65470 Public Health Fund 0 0 6,900 0 0 0 10,057 0 107,121 124,07778 Community Development Fund 0 0 0 0 0 4,746 0 0 0 4,74679 Courts 926,918 0 0 0 120,262 0 0 0 0 1,047,18080 Non-County 168,794 9,487 14,663 0 6,033 67,365 40,119 0 3,845 310,307

Total $1,798,537 $342,799 $93,818 $129,459 $162,054 $903,711 $182,803 $72,561 $112,462 $3,798,204

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

EQUIPMENT DEPRECIATION Nature and Extent of Service

The Equipment Depreciation allocation is used to capture depreciation on equipment in the county for Service Providers (Central Service department/divisions), this allows for full cost to be collected for those providers within the cost plan. No indirect costs for this function will be allocated to the receiving department/division’s budget. The Equipment Depreciation includes the following function:

· Equipment Depreciation: Equipment depreciation is allocated based on actual equipment depreciation per department/division for General Fund service providers only.

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:2 Equipment Depreciation

Description Amount General Admin

Equipment Depreciation

Personnel CostsBenefits S 0 0 0 Salary % Split .00% .00%Equipment Depreciation P 1,601,672 0 1,601,672

Subtotal - Personnel Costs 1,601,672 0 1,601,672

Services & Supplies CostSalaries S 0 0 0

Subtotal - Services & Supplies 0 0 0

Department Cost Total 1,601,672 0 1,601,672

Adjustments to CostSubtotal - Adjustments 0 0 0

Total Costs After Adjustments 1,601,672 0 1,601,672

General Admin Distribution 0 0

Grand Total $1,601,672 $1,601,672

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FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Expense%) Dept:2 Equipment DepreciationNo Indirect Costs

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FY 20208/24/2021

Equipment Depreciation Allocations Dept:2 Equipment Depreciation

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 3,195.00 0.20% $3,195 $0 $3,195 $0 $3,1955 County Attorney - GF 2,588.00 0.16% 2,588 0 2,588 0 2,588

13 Board of County Comm - GF 4,385.00 0.27% 4,385 0 4,385 0 4,38514 Treasurer - GF 404,587.74 25.26% 404,588 0 404,588 0 404,58816 Transportation & Engineering - GF 21,778.98 1.36% 21,779 0 21,779 0 21,77917 Facilities Management - GF 203,526.49 12.71% 203,526 0 203,526 0 203,52618 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 961,610.87 60.04% 961,611 0 961,611 0 961,611

Subtotal 1,601,672.08 100.00% 1,601,672 0 1,601,672 0 1,601,672

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $1,601,672 $1,601,672Basis Units: Equip. Dep By Dept/Div for Service Providers OnlySource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Allocation Summary Dept:2 Equipment Depreciation

Department Equipment Depreciation


3 County Manager - GF $3,195 $3,1955 County Attorney - GF 2,588 2,588

13 Board of County Comm - GF 4,385 4,38514 Treasurer - GF 404,588 404,58816 Transportation & Engineering - GF 21,779 21,77917 Facilities Management - GF 203,526 203,52618 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 961,611 961,611

Total $1,601,672 $1,601,672

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FY 20208/24/2021

COUNTY MANAGER Nature and Extent of Service

The County Manager is responsible for implementing policies set by the Board of County Commissioners (BCC), recommending improved management practices and directing county operating divisions. The County Manager provides administrative and managerial support to all departments/divisions. The Deputy County Manager provides administrative and managerial support to the Facilities Management, Fleet and Safety & Compliance divisions. Only indirect costs for the Deputy County Manager Supervision will be allocated to the receiving department/division’s budget. The County Manager includes the following functions:

· County Manager: Costs associated with general county administration are allocated based on the number of benefit eligible Full Time Equivalent (FTE) positions per department/division with Library and Public Health departments excluded, as they have their own boards.

· Deputy County Manager Supervision: · Costs associated with administrative and managerial support provided to Facilities Management and Fleet are allocated

based on number of benefit eligible FTE’s supervised per division. · Costs associated with administrative and managerial support provided to Safety & Compliance (Insurance (Risk) Fund

and Workers Compensation Fund) is allocated based on the percentage of time the Deputy County Manager spends on these tasks.

· Front Desk, Switchboard and Fifth Floor Reception Division: Costs associated with maintaining the front desk, switchboard, and fifth floor reception are allocated based on the percentage of front desk, switchboard, and fifth floor reception contacts per department/division.

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FY 20208/24/2021

COUNTY MANAGER Nature and Extent of Service

· Physical Security: Costs associated with special security projects related to buildings to secure the county’s property are allocated based on benefit eligible Full Time Equivalent (FTE) positions per department/division.

· Security Committee IT: Costs associated with training and maintaining the technology to secure the county’s data and information are allocated based on benefit eligible Full Time Equivalent (FTE) positions per department/division.

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:3 County Manager - GF

Description Amount General Admin

County Manager

Deputy County

Manager S i i


Safety & Compliance

Physical Security

Security Committee IT

Personnel CostsSalaries S1 591,648 0 442,020 48,870 76,323 24,435 0 0 Salary % Split .00% 74.71% 8.26% 12.90% 4.13% .00% .00%Benefits S 180,296 0 134,699 14,892 23,258 7,446 0 0

Subtotal - Personnel Costs 771,944 0 576,719 63,763 99,581 31,881 0 0

Services & Supplies CostSalaries - COVID D 16,786 0 0 0 0 0 0 04261 General Supplies S 7,912 0 5,911 654 1,021 327 0 04263 Food Supplies S 706 0 528 58 91 29 0 04269 Equipment S 5,035 0 3,762 416 650 208 0 043300 Prof & Tech Serv S 16,769 0 12,528 1,385 2,163 693 0 04341 Utilities S 3,532 0 2,638 292 456 146 0 04343 Repairs & Maint. S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04344 Rent & Lease S 9,250 0 6,911 764 1,193 382 0 04354 Adv & Pub D 270 0 0 0 0 0 0 04356 Dues-Mtgs-Train D 6,849 0 0 0 0 0 0 045 Land & Capital D 66,132 0 0 0 0 0 0 047 Insurance Tr's S 5,200 0 3,885 430 671 215 0 0475754 IT Tech Repl S 3,854 0 2,879 318 497 159 0 04759 Fac Charge D 42,069 0 0 0 0 0 0 04759 Indirect Costs D 60,034 0 0 0 0 0 0 04759 IT Charge D 42,917 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Security Committe IT P 306,793 0 0 0 0 0 0 306,793Physical Security P 221,035 0 0 0 0 0 221,035 0Other Fed Reimb S (7,476) 0 (5,585) (618) (964) (309) 0 0

Subtotal - Services & Supplies 807,666 0 33,456 3,699 5,777 1,849 221,035 306,793

Department Cost Total 1,579,610 0 610,176 67,462 105,358 33,731 221,035 306,793

Adjustments to CostSalaries - COVID D (16,786) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:3 County Manager - GF

Description Amount General Admin

County Manager

Deputy County

Manager S i i


Safety & Compliance

Physical Security

Security Committee IT

4354 Adv & Pub D (270) 0 0 0 0 0 0 04356 Dues-Mtgs-Train D (6,849) 0 0 0 0 0 0 045 Land & Capital D (66,132) 0 0 0 0 0 0 04759 Fac Charge D (42,069) 0 0 0 0 0 0 04759 Indirect Costs D (60,034) 0 0 0 0 0 0 04759 IT Charge D (42,917) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Subtotal - Adjustments (235,057) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Costs After Adjustments 1,344,554 0 610,176 67,462 105,358 33,731 221,035 306,793

General Admin Distribution 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Grand Total $1,344,554 $610,176 $67,462 $105,358 $33,731 $221,035 $306,793

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Salary%) Dept:3 County Manager - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

County Manager

Deputy County

Manager S i i


Safety & Compliance

Physical Security

Security Committee IT

1 Admin and Courts Facility $19,269 $0 $14,396 $1,592 $2,486 $796 $0 $0Subtotal - Building Interest and Deprec 19,269 0 14,396 1,592 2,486 796 0 0

2 Equipment Depreciation 3,195 0 2,387 264 412 132 0 0Subtotal - Equipment Depreciation 3,195 0 2,387 264 412 132 0 0

3 County Manager 0 1,859 1,389 154 240 77 0 03 FrontDesk/Switchboard 0 405 303 33 52 17 0 03 Physical Security 0 565 422 47 73 23 0 03 Security Committee IT 0 785 586 65 101 32 0 0

Subtotal - County Manager - GF 0 3,615 2,701 299 466 149 0 0

4 Internal Customer Service 0 712 532 59 92 29 0 0Subtotal - Public Affairs - GF 0 712 532 59 92 29 0 0

5 Billable Legal Fees 0 9,101 6,799 752 1,174 376 0 05 Litigation Costs 0 39 29 3 5 2 0 0

Subtotal - County Attorney - GF 0 9,140 6,828 755 1,179 377 0 0

7 Accounts Payable 0 815 609 67 105 34 0 07 General Accounting 0 8,890 6,642 734 1,147 367 0 07 Payroll 0 895 669 74 116 37 0 07 Capital Assets 0 40 30 3 5 2 0 07 Audit 0 850 635 70 110 35 0 07 Pcard Audit 0 70 53 6 9 3 0 0

Subtotal - Finance-Accounting - GF 0 11,561 8,638 955 1,491 477 0 0

8 Budget Analysis 0 1,074 802 89 139 44 0 08 Strategic Planning Issues 0 848 633 70 109 35 0 0

Subtotal - Strategy Planning & Analysis 0 1,922 1,436 159 248 79 0 0

9 Recruitment 0 733 548 61 95 30 0 09 General HR 0 1,702 1,271 141 220 70 0 09 Terminations 0 399 298 33 51 16 0 09 Unemployment 0 241 180 20 31 10 0 0

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Salary%) Dept:3 County Manager - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

County Manager

Deputy County

Manager S i i


Safety & Compliance

Physical Security

Security Committee IT

9 Training $0 $500 $374 $41 $65 $21 $0 $09 Compensation Program 0 373 279 31 48 15 0 09 Compensation Reclassifications 0 1,660 1,240 137 214 69 0 0

Subtotal - Human Resources - GF 0 5,607 4,189 463 723 232 0 0

10 Purchase Orders 0 1,572 1,175 130 203 65 0 010 Contract Amendements & Renewals 0 2,234 1,669 185 288 92 0 010 Formal Bids/RFP's/PQ's 0 7,413 5,538 612 956 306 0 010 Purchasing Card Rebate 0 (362) (270) (30) (47) (15) 0 010 Countywide Programs 0 262 196 22 34 11 0 0

Subtotal - Finance - Purchasing - GF 0 11,120 8,308 919 1,434 459 0 0

13 Board of County Commissioners 0 1,994 1,489 165 257 82 0 013 County Commissioner's Other 0 2,549 1,905 211 329 105 0 0

Subtotal - Board of County Comm - GF 0 4,543 3,394 375 586 188 0 0

14 Banking 0 1,028 768 85 133 42 0 014 Investments - General Fund 0 277 207 23 36 11 0 0

Subtotal - Treasurer - GF 0 1,304 974 108 168 54 0 0

15 Non-Divisional 0 571 427 47 74 24 0 0Subtotal - Non-Departmental - GF 0 571 427 47 74 24 0 0

17 Fac - Admin & Courts Facility 0 50,591 37,796 4,179 6,526 2,089 0 0Subtotal - Facilities Management - GF 0 50,591 37,796 4,179 6,526 2,089 0 0

18 Organization Specific Services 0 3,832 2,863 316 494 158 0 018 Content Services 0 1,519 1,135 126 196 63 0 018 ERP 0 19,643 14,675 1,623 2,534 811 0 018 EMail/Office 0 3,640 2,719 301 470 150 0 018 Network & Telecom 0 9,072 6,778 749 1,170 375 0 018 Enterprise Web Apps 0 911 681 75 118 38 0 018 Customer Service 0 5,767 4,309 476 744 238 0 018 Record Storage 0 2,490 1,860 206 321 103 0 018 Countywide Services 0 8,097 6,049 669 1,045 334 0 0

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Salary%) Dept:3 County Manager - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

County Manager

Deputy County

Manager S i i


Safety & Compliance

Physical Security

Security Committee IT

Subtotal - Business Innovation & Techn $0 $54,972 $41,069 $4,541 $7,091 $2,270 $0 $0

20 Clerk to the Board 0 4,995 3,732 413 644 206 0 0Subtotal - C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 0 4,995 3,732 413 644 206 0 0

Total Incoming 22,464 160,653 136,806 15,125 23,622 7,563 0 0

C. Total Allocated $1,527,670 $746,982 $82,587 $128,980 $41,293 $221,035 $306,79348.90% 5.41% 8.44% 2.70% 14.47% 20.08%

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

County Manager Allocations Dept:3 County Manager - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 7.50 0.30% $1,859 $0 $1,859 $0 $1,8594 Public Affairs - GF 5.50 0.22% 1,363 0 1,363 262 1,6255 County Attorney - GF 33.00 1.30% 8,180 0 8,180 1,571 9,7516 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 1.00 0.04% 248 0 248 48 2957 Finance-Accounting - GF 19.00 0.75% 4,710 0 4,710 904 5,6148 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 8.00 0.32% 1,983 0 1,983 381 2,3649 Human Resources - GF 15.35 0.61% 3,805 0 3,805 731 4,536

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 6.00 0.24% 1,487 0 1,487 286 1,77311 Development & Trans - GF 1.00 0.04% 248 0 248 48 29512 Building Safety - GF 26.00 1.03% 6,445 0 6,445 1,238 7,68313 Board of County Comm - GF 5.00 0.20% 1,239 0 1,239 238 1,47714 Treasurer - GF 12.00 0.47% 2,975 0 2,975 571 3,54616 Transportation & Engineering - GF 29.00 1.15% 7,189 0 7,189 1,380 8,56917 Facilities Management - GF 56.70 2.24% 14,056 0 14,056 2,699 16,75418 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 69.00 2.73% 17,105 0 17,105 3,284 20,38919 C&R Administration - GF 6.00 0.24% 1,487 0 1,487 286 1,77320 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 3.00 0.12% 744 0 744 143 88621 C&R Elections - GF 13.00 0.51% 3,223 0 3,223 619 3,84122 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 68.50 2.71% 16,981 0 16,981 3,260 20,24123 C&R Recording - GF 14.00 0.55% 3,471 0 3,471 666 4,13724 Assessor - GF 51.00 2.02% 12,643 0 12,643 2,427 15,07025 CSU Extension - GF 3.00 0.12% 744 0 744 143 88626 Coroner - GF 13.60 0.54% 3,371 0 3,371 647 4,01927 County Attorney BOE - GF 2.00 0.08% 496 0 496 95 59128 District Attorney Admin - GF 162.70 6.43% 40,332 0 40,332 7,744 48,07629 District Atty Dom Violence - GF 1.00 0.04% 248 0 248 48 29530 District Atty Family Justice Cntr - GF 2.00 0.08% 496 0 496 95 59131 Emergency Management - GF 6.00 0.24% 1,487 0 1,487 286 1,77332 Events & Venues - GF 5.00 0.20% 1,239 0 1,239 238 1,47734 Justice Services - GF 42.00 1.66% 10,412 0 10,412 1,999 12,41135 Planning & Zoning - GF 41.75 1.65% 10,350 0 10,350 1,987 12,33736 Public Trustee 4.00 0.16% 992 0 992 190 1,18237 JCSO Detentions - GF 345.50 13.66% 85,647 0 85,647 16,445 102,09238 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 13.00 0.51% 3,223 0 3,223 619 3,84139 JCSO Executive - GF 18.00 0.71% 4,462 0 4,462 857 5,31940 JCSO Support Services - GF 88.00 3.48% 21,815 0 21,815 4,189 26,00344 Insurance Fund 5.00 0.20% 1,239 0 1,239 238 1,47746 Open Space Fund 135.75 5.37% 33,651 0 33,651 6,461 40,11353 Boettcher Mansion Fund 5.80 0.23% 1,438 0 1,438 276 1,71458 Road & Bridge Fund 192.60 7.62% 47,744 0 47,744 9,167 56,91159 Social Services Fund 559.20 22.11% 138,622 0 138,622 26,616 165,23860 Workforce Development Fund 30.00 1.19% 7,437 0 7,437 1,428 8,865

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

County Manager Allocations Dept:3 County Manager - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


61 Head Start Fund 67.00 2.65% $16,609 $0 $16,609 $3,189 $19,79864 Fleet Services Fund 22.90 0.91% 5,677 0 5,677 1,090 6,76766 Benefit Plan Fund 4.00 0.16% 992 0 992 190 1,18267 Patrol Fund 271.00 10.72% 67,179 0 67,179 12,899 80,07868 Inmate Welfare Fund 8.00 0.32% 1,983 0 1,983 381 2,36471 Airport Fund 23.80 0.94% 5,900 0 5,900 1,133 7,03378 Community Development Fund 5.00 0.20% 1,239 0 1,239 238 1,47781 CARES Fund 2.00 0.08% 496 0 496 95 591

Subtotal 2,529.15 100.00% 626,958 0 626,958 120,024 746,982

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $626,958 $746,982Basis Units: Benefit Eligible FTE's with Health & Library excludedSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Deputy County Manager Supervision Allocations Dept:3 County Manager - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


17 Facilities Management - GF 56.70 71.23% $49,375 $0 $49,375 $9,452 $58,82864 Fleet Services Fund 22.90 28.77% 19,942 0 19,942 3,818 23,759

Subtotal 79.60 100.00% 69,317 0 69,317 13,270 82,587

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $69,317 $82,587Basis Units: Benefit Eligible FTE's for division supervisedSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

FrontDesk/Switchboard Allocations Dept:3 County Manager - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 106 0.37% $405 $0 $405 $0 $4054 Public Affairs - GF 13 0.05% 50 0 50 10 595 County Attorney - GF 618 2.18% 2,362 0 2,362 454 2,8167 Finance-Accounting - GF 3 0.01% 11 0 11 2 149 Human Resources - GF 210 0.74% 803 0 803 154 957

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 3 0.01% 11 0 11 2 1412 Building Safety - GF 306 1.08% 1,170 0 1,170 225 1,39413 Board of County Comm - GF 480 1.69% 1,835 0 1,835 353 2,18714 Treasurer - GF 1,040 3.67% 3,975 0 3,975 764 4,73916 Transportation & Engineering - GF 1 0.00% 4 0 4 1 517 Facilities Management - GF 1,290 4.55% 4,931 0 4,931 947 5,87818 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 468 1.65% 1,789 0 1,789 344 2,13319 C&R Administration - GF 2,142 7.56% 8,187 0 8,187 1,573 9,76021 C&R Elections - GF 534 1.89% 2,041 0 2,041 392 2,43322 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 3,598 12.70% 13,752 0 13,752 2,643 16,39524 Assessor - GF 659 2.33% 2,519 0 2,519 484 3,00326 Coroner - GF 2 0.01% 8 0 8 1 928 District Attorney Admin - GF 331 1.17% 1,265 0 1,265 243 1,50832 Events & Venues - GF 10 0.04% 38 0 38 7 4634 Justice Services - GF 737 2.60% 2,817 0 2,817 541 3,35835 Planning & Zoning - GF 776 2.74% 2,966 0 2,966 570 3,53636 Public Trustee 98 0.35% 375 0 375 72 44738 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 1,226 4.33% 4,686 0 4,686 900 5,58646 Open Space Fund 116 0.41% 443 0 443 85 52958 Road & Bridge Fund 16 0.06% 61 0 61 12 7359 Social Services Fund 1,014 3.58% 3,876 0 3,876 745 4,62065 Library Fund 2 0.01% 8 0 8 1 970 Public Health Fund 328 1.16% 1,254 0 1,254 241 1,49571 Airport Fund 3 0.01% 11 0 11 2 1479 Courts 9,777 34.52% 37,369 0 37,369 7,181 44,55080 Non-County 2,290 8.09% 8,753 0 8,753 1,682 10,43581 CARES Fund 126 0.44% 482 0 482 93 574

Subtotal 28,323 100.00% 108,255 0 108,255 20,724 128,980

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $108,255 $128,980Basis Units: FrontDesk, 5th Floor Reception & Switchboard Divisional AssistanceSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Safety & Compliance Allocations Dept:3 County Manager - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


44 Insurance Fund 50 50.00% $17,329 $0 $17,329 $3,317 $20,64745 Worker's Compensation Fund 50 50.00% 17,329 0 17,329 3,317 20,647

Subtotal 100 100.00% 34,659 0 34,659 6,635 41,293

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $34,659 $41,293Basis Units: 50/50 Insurance & Workers Comp FundsSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Physical Security Allocations Dept:3 County Manager - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 7.50 0.26% $565 $0 $565 $0 $5654 Public Affairs - GF 5.50 0.19% 415 0 415 0 4155 County Attorney - GF 33.00 1.13% 2,488 0 2,488 0 2,4886 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 1.00 0.03% 75 0 75 0 757 Finance-Accounting - GF 19.00 0.65% 1,433 0 1,433 0 1,4338 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 8.00 0.27% 603 0 603 0 6039 Human Resources - GF 15.35 0.52% 1,157 0 1,157 0 1,157

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 6.00 0.20% 452 0 452 0 45211 Development & Trans - GF 1.00 0.03% 75 0 75 0 7512 Building Safety - GF 26.00 0.89% 1,960 0 1,960 0 1,96013 Board of County Comm - GF 5.00 0.17% 377 0 377 0 37714 Treasurer - GF 12.00 0.41% 905 0 905 0 90516 Transportation & Engineering - GF 29.00 0.99% 2,187 0 2,187 0 2,18717 Facilities Management - GF 56.70 1.93% 4,275 0 4,275 0 4,27518 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 69.00 2.35% 5,203 0 5,203 0 5,20319 C&R Administration - GF 6.00 0.20% 452 0 452 0 45220 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 3.00 0.10% 226 0 226 0 22621 C&R Elections - GF 13.00 0.44% 980 0 980 0 98022 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 68.50 2.34% 5,165 0 5,165 0 5,16523 C&R Recording - GF 14.00 0.48% 1,056 0 1,056 0 1,05624 Assessor - GF 51.00 1.74% 3,845 0 3,845 0 3,84525 CSU Extension - GF 3.00 0.10% 226 0 226 0 22626 Coroner - GF 13.60 0.46% 1,025 0 1,025 0 1,02527 County Attorney BOE - GF 2.00 0.07% 151 0 151 0 15128 District Attorney Admin - GF 162.70 5.55% 12,267 0 12,267 0 12,26729 District Atty Dom Violence - GF 1.00 0.03% 75 0 75 0 7530 District Atty Family Justice Cntr - GF 2.00 0.07% 151 0 151 0 15131 Emergency Management - GF 6.00 0.20% 452 0 452 0 45232 Events & Venues - GF 5.00 0.17% 377 0 377 0 37734 Justice Services - GF 42.00 1.43% 3,167 0 3,167 0 3,16735 Planning & Zoning - GF 41.75 1.42% 3,148 0 3,148 0 3,14836 Public Trustee 4.00 0.14% 302 0 302 0 30237 JCSO Detentions - GF 345.50 11.79% 26,050 0 26,050 0 26,05038 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 13.00 0.44% 980 0 980 0 98039 JCSO Executive - GF 18.00 0.61% 1,357 0 1,357 0 1,35740 JCSO Support Services - GF 88.00 3.00% 6,635 0 6,635 0 6,63544 Insurance Fund 5.00 0.17% 377 0 377 0 37746 Open Space Fund 135.75 4.63% 10,235 0 10,235 0 10,23553 Boettcher Mansion Fund 5.80 0.20% 437 0 437 0 43758 Road & Bridge Fund 192.60 6.57% 14,522 0 14,522 0 14,52259 Social Services Fund 559.20 19.08% 42,163 0 42,163 0 42,16360 Workforce Development Fund 30.00 1.02% 2,262 0 2,262 0 2,262

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Physical Security Allocations Dept:3 County Manager - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


61 Head Start Fund 67.00 2.29% $5,052 $0 $5,052 $0 $5,05264 Fleet Services Fund 22.90 0.78% 1,727 0 1,727 0 1,72765 Library Fund 239.50 8.17% 18,058 0 18,058 0 18,05866 Benefit Plan Fund 4.00 0.14% 302 0 302 0 30267 Patrol Fund 271.00 9.24% 20,433 0 20,433 0 20,43368 Inmate Welfare Fund 8.00 0.27% 603 0 603 0 60370 Public Health Fund 162.90 5.56% 12,282 0 12,282 0 12,28271 Airport Fund 23.80 0.81% 1,794 0 1,794 0 1,79478 Community Development Fund 5.00 0.17% 377 0 377 0 37781 CARES Fund 2.00 0.07% 151 0 151 0 151

Subtotal 2,931.55 100.00% 221,035 0 221,035 0 221,035

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $221,035 $221,035Basis Units: Benefit Eligible FTESource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Security Committee IT Allocations Dept:3 County Manager - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 7.50 0.26% $785 $0 $785 $0 $7854 Public Affairs - GF 5.50 0.19% 576 0 576 0 5765 County Attorney - GF 33.00 1.13% 3,454 0 3,454 0 3,4546 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 1.00 0.03% 105 0 105 0 1057 Finance-Accounting - GF 19.00 0.65% 1,988 0 1,988 0 1,9888 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 8.00 0.27% 837 0 837 0 8379 Human Resources - GF 15.35 0.52% 1,606 0 1,606 0 1,606

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 6.00 0.20% 628 0 628 0 62811 Development & Trans - GF 1.00 0.03% 105 0 105 0 10512 Building Safety - GF 26.00 0.89% 2,721 0 2,721 0 2,72113 Board of County Comm - GF 5.00 0.17% 523 0 523 0 52314 Treasurer - GF 12.00 0.41% 1,256 0 1,256 0 1,25616 Transportation & Engineering - GF 29.00 0.99% 3,035 0 3,035 0 3,03517 Facilities Management - GF 56.70 1.93% 5,934 0 5,934 0 5,93418 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 69.00 2.35% 7,221 0 7,221 0 7,22119 C&R Administration - GF 6.00 0.20% 628 0 628 0 62820 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 3.00 0.10% 314 0 314 0 31421 C&R Elections - GF 13.00 0.44% 1,360 0 1,360 0 1,36022 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 68.50 2.34% 7,169 0 7,169 0 7,16923 C&R Recording - GF 14.00 0.48% 1,465 0 1,465 0 1,46524 Assessor - GF 51.00 1.74% 5,337 0 5,337 0 5,33725 CSU Extension - GF 3.00 0.10% 314 0 314 0 31426 Coroner - GF 13.60 0.46% 1,423 0 1,423 0 1,42327 County Attorney BOE - GF 2.00 0.07% 209 0 209 0 20928 District Attorney Admin - GF 162.70 5.55% 17,027 0 17,027 0 17,02729 District Atty Dom Violence - GF 1.00 0.03% 105 0 105 0 10530 District Atty Family Justice Cntr - GF 2.00 0.07% 209 0 209 0 20931 Emergency Management - GF 6.00 0.20% 628 0 628 0 62832 Events & Venues - GF 5.00 0.17% 523 0 523 0 52334 Justice Services - GF 42.00 1.43% 4,395 0 4,395 0 4,39535 Planning & Zoning - GF 41.75 1.42% 4,369 0 4,369 0 4,36936 Public Trustee 4.00 0.14% 419 0 419 0 41937 JCSO Detentions - GF 345.50 11.79% 36,157 0 36,157 0 36,15738 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 13.00 0.44% 1,360 0 1,360 0 1,36039 JCSO Executive - GF 18.00 0.61% 1,884 0 1,884 0 1,88440 JCSO Support Services - GF 88.00 3.00% 9,209 0 9,209 0 9,20944 Insurance Fund 5.00 0.17% 523 0 523 0 52346 Open Space Fund 135.75 4.63% 14,207 0 14,207 0 14,20753 Boettcher Mansion Fund 5.80 0.20% 607 0 607 0 60758 Road & Bridge Fund 192.60 6.57% 20,156 0 20,156 0 20,15659 Social Services Fund 559.20 19.08% 58,521 0 58,521 0 58,52160 Workforce Development Fund 30.00 1.02% 3,140 0 3,140 0 3,140

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Security Committee IT Allocations Dept:3 County Manager - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


61 Head Start Fund 67.00 2.29% $7,012 $0 $7,012 $0 $7,01264 Fleet Services Fund 22.90 0.78% 2,397 0 2,397 0 2,39765 Library Fund 239.50 8.17% 25,064 0 25,064 0 25,06466 Benefit Plan Fund 4.00 0.14% 419 0 419 0 41967 Patrol Fund 271.00 9.24% 28,361 0 28,361 0 28,36168 Inmate Welfare Fund 8.00 0.27% 837 0 837 0 83770 Public Health Fund 162.90 5.56% 17,048 0 17,048 0 17,04871 Airport Fund 23.80 0.81% 2,491 0 2,491 0 2,49178 Community Development Fund 5.00 0.17% 523 0 523 0 52381 CARES Fund 2.00 0.07% 209 0 209 0 209

Subtotal 2,931.55 100.00% 306,793 0 306,793 0 306,793

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $306,793 $306,793Basis Units: Benefit Eligible FTESource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Allocation Summary Dept:3 County Manager - GF

Department County Manager

Deputy County

Manager S i i


Safety & Compliance

Physical Security

Security Committee IT


3 County Manager - GF $1,859 $0 $405 $0 $565 $785 $3,6154 Public Affairs - GF 1,625 0 59 0 415 576 2,6755 County Attorney - GF 9,751 0 2,816 0 2,488 3,454 18,5096 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 295 0 0 0 75 105 4767 Finance-Accounting - GF 5,614 0 14 0 1,433 1,988 9,0498 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 2,364 0 0 0 603 837 3,8049 Human Resources - GF 4,536 0 957 0 1,157 1,606 8,256

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 1,773 0 14 0 452 628 2,86711 Development & Trans - GF 295 0 0 0 75 105 47612 Building Safety - GF 7,683 0 1,394 0 1,960 2,721 13,75813 Board of County Comm - GF 1,477 0 2,187 0 377 523 4,56514 Treasurer - GF 3,546 0 4,739 0 905 1,256 10,44516 Transportation & Engineering - GF 8,569 0 5 0 2,187 3,035 13,79517 Facilities Management - GF 16,754 58,828 5,878 0 4,275 5,934 91,66918 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 20,389 0 2,133 0 5,203 7,221 34,94519 C&R Administration - GF 1,773 0 9,760 0 452 628 12,61420 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 886 0 0 0 226 314 1,42721 C&R Elections - GF 3,841 0 2,433 0 980 1,360 8,61522 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 20,241 0 16,395 0 5,165 7,169 48,96923 C&R Recording - GF 4,137 0 0 0 1,056 1,465 6,65824 Assessor - GF 15,070 0 3,003 0 3,845 5,337 27,25525 CSU Extension - GF 886 0 0 0 226 314 1,42726 Coroner - GF 4,019 0 9 0 1,025 1,423 6,47627 County Attorney BOE - GF 591 0 0 0 151 209 95128 District Attorney Admin - GF 48,076 0 1,508 0 12,267 17,027 78,87929 District Atty Dom Violence - GF 295 0 0 0 75 105 47630 District Atty Family Justice Cntr - GF 591 0 0 0 151 209 95131 Emergency Management - GF 1,773 0 0 0 452 628 2,85332 Events & Venues - GF 1,477 0 46 0 377 523 2,42334 Justice Services - GF 12,411 0 3,358 0 3,167 4,395 23,33135 Planning & Zoning - GF 12,337 0 3,536 0 3,148 4,369 23,39036 Public Trustee 1,182 0 447 0 302 419 2,34937 JCSO Detentions - GF 102,092 0 0 0 26,050 36,157 164,29938 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 3,841 0 5,586 0 980 1,360 11,76839 JCSO Executive - GF 5,319 0 0 0 1,357 1,884 8,56040 JCSO Support Services - GF 26,003 0 0 0 6,635 9,209 41,84844 Insurance Fund 1,477 0 0 20,647 377 523 23,02445 Worker's Compensation Fund 0 0 0 20,647 0 0 20,64746 Open Space Fund 40,113 0 529 0 10,235 14,207 65,08353 Boettcher Mansion Fund 1,714 0 0 0 437 607 2,75858 Road & Bridge Fund 56,911 0 73 0 14,522 20,156 91,662

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Allocation Summary Dept:3 County Manager - GF

Department County Manager

Deputy County

Manager S i i


Safety & Compliance

Physical Security

Security Committee IT


59 Social Services Fund $165,238 $0 $4,620 $0 $42,163 $58,521 $270,54360 Workforce Development Fund 8,865 0 0 0 2,262 3,140 14,26661 Head Start Fund 19,798 0 0 0 5,052 7,012 31,86164 Fleet Services Fund 6,767 23,759 0 0 1,727 2,397 34,64965 Library Fund 0 0 9 0 18,058 25,064 43,13166 Benefit Plan Fund 1,182 0 0 0 302 419 1,90267 Patrol Fund 80,078 0 0 0 20,433 28,361 128,87268 Inmate Welfare Fund 2,364 0 0 0 603 837 3,80470 Public Health Fund 0 0 1,495 0 12,282 17,048 30,82571 Airport Fund 7,033 0 14 0 1,794 2,491 11,33278 Community Development Fund 1,477 0 0 0 377 523 2,37879 Courts 0 0 44,550 0 0 0 44,55080 Non-County 0 0 10,435 0 0 0 10,43581 CARES Fund 591 0 574 0 151 209 1,525

Total $746,982 $82,587 $128,980 $41,293 $221,035 $306,793 $1,527,670

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

PUBLIC AFFAIRS Nature and Extent of Service

The Public Affairs provides centralized public engagement, communications and web services for county departments, divisions, elected and appointed offices. Only internal customer services indirect costs will be allocated to the receiving department/division’s budget. The Public Affairs Office includes the following functions:

· Public Requests and Media Services: Services provided to the public are not allowed and thus not allocated. These services


· Citizen communications, engagement and feedback · Media relations · Open records requests · Citizen surveys · Regional networking with municipalities and external entities related to public engagement · Emergency communications support · Newsletters and communications, such as Engage Jeffco · Jefferson County videos · Social media integration · Special events · Marketing for the county including interdepartmental coordination · Interactive keypads · Photography · Graphic Design Projects

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

PUBLIC AFFAIRS Nature and Extent of Service

· Training on public engagement strategies · Branding · Support for moving toward Digital Jeffco

· Internal Customer Service: Services provided internally include the following. Costs associated with maintaining and providing

these services are allocated based on the number of benefit eligible FTE’s by department/division with Library and Public Health charged at 10% to account for in-house intranet and web services.

· Maintaining the Intranet website · Management of all content strategists for all elected and appointed offices, departments and divisions who

provide and work on websites. Includes training, website troubleshooting and assistance to staff website needs. · Newsletters and communications, such as JEN on the Go · Internal networking of all Jeffco communications groups · Interactive keypads · Graphic design projects · Branding · Photography · General questions or assistance · Review, proofing and editing written content and graphics for draft staff content.

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

PUBLIC AFFAIRS Nature and Extent of Service

· Venues Supervision: Costs associated with supervising Events and Venues and Boettcher Mansion are allocated 60% to Events

and Venues and 40% to Boettcher Mansion.

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:4 Public Affairs - GF

Description Amount General Admin

Internal Customer Service

Public Events & Venues


Personnel CostsSalaries S1 432,836 131,249 121,206 155,880 24,501 Salary % Split 30.32% 28.00% 36.01% 5.66%Benefits S 129,943 39,403 36,388 46,797 7,356

Subtotal - Personnel Costs 562,779 170,652 157,594 202,677 31,856

Services & Supplies CostSalaries - COVID D 110 0 0 0 04261 General Supplies S 2,400 728 672 864 1364261 Recog, Commem & Promo Supp P 6,707 0 6,707 0 04264 Books & Periodicals S 295 89 83 106 174269 Equipment S 1,341 407 376 483 7643300 Prof & Tech Serv S 33,751 10,234 9,451 12,155 1,9104341 Utilities S 1,653 501 463 595 944356 Dues-Mtgs-Train S 1,124 341 315 405 644385 Fin & Debt Serv. D 50 0 0 0 047 Insurance Tr's S 3,300 1,001 924 1,188 187475754 IT Tech Repl S 4,030 1,222 1,129 1,451 2284759 Fac Charge D 25,045 0 0 0 04759 Indirect Costs D 20,600 0 0 0 04759 IT Charge D 33,924 0 0 0 0Other Reimbursem*nts P (2,055) 0 0 (2,055) 0

Subtotal - Services & Supplies 132,274 14,523 20,118 15,193 2,711

Department Cost Total 695,053 185,174 177,712 217,870 34,568

Adjustments to CostSalaries - COVID D (110) 0 0 0 04385 Fin & Debt Serv. D (50) 0 0 0 04759 Fac Charge D (25,045) 0 0 0 0

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:4 Public Affairs - GF

Description Amount General Admin

Internal Customer Service

Public Events & Venues


4759 Indirect Costs D (20,600) 0 0 0 04759 IT Charge D (33,924) 0 0 0 0

Subtotal - Adjustments (79,729) 0 0 0 0

Total Costs After Adjustments 615,324 185,174 177,712 217,870 34,568

General Admin Distribution (185,174) 74,421 95,710 15,044

Grand Total $615,324 $252,133 $313,580 $49,611not allocated

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Salary%) Dept:4 Public Affairs - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

Internal Customer Service

Public Events & Venues


1 Admin and Courts Facility $11,805 $0 $4,744 $6,102 $959Subtotal - Building Interest and Deprec 11,805 0 4,744 6,102 959

3 County Manager 1,363 262 653 840 1323 FrontDesk/Switchboard 50 10 24 31 53 Physical Security 415 0 167 214 343 Security Committee IT 576 0 231 298 47

Subtotal - County Manager - GF 2,403 271 1,075 1,382 217

4 Internal Customer Service 0 522 210 270 42Subtotal - Public Affairs - GF 0 522 210 270 42

5 Billable Legal Fees * 0 2,754 2,754 0 0Subtotal - County Attorney - GF 0 2,754 2,754 0 0

7 Accounts Payable 0 469 189 243 387 General Accounting 0 5,787 2,326 2,991 4707 Payroll 0 783 315 405 647 Capital Assets 0 121 49 63 107 Audit 0 567 228 293 467 Pcard Audit 0 73 29 37 6

Subtotal - Finance-Accounting - GF 0 7,801 3,135 4,032 634

8 Budget Analysis 0 459 184 237 378 Strategic Planning Issues 0 622 250 321 51

Subtotal - Strategy Planning & Analysis 0 1,081 434 559 88

9 Recruitment 0 1,466 589 758 1199 General HR 0 1,248 502 645 1019 Terminations 0 199 80 103 169 Unemployment 0 241 97 124 209 Training 0 1,592 640 823 1299 Background Checks 0 66 26 34 59 Compensation Program 0 274 110 141 22

Subtotal - Human Resources - GF 0 5,085 2,044 2,628 413

10 Contract Amendements & Renewals 0 1,490 599 770 121

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Salary%) Dept:4 Public Affairs - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

Internal Customer Service

Public Events & Venues


10 Purchasing Card Rebate $0 $(373) $(150) $(193) $(30)10 Countywide Programs 0 192 77 99 16

Subtotal - Finance - Purchasing - GF 0 1,310 526 677 106

13 Board of County Commissioners 0 1,462 588 756 11913 County Commissioner's Other 0 1,142 459 590 93

Subtotal - Board of County Comm - GF 0 2,604 1,047 1,346 212

14 Banking 0 461 185 238 3714 Investments - General Fund 0 124 50 64 10

Subtotal - Treasurer - GF 0 584 235 302 47

15 Non-Divisional 0 419 168 216 34Subtotal - Non-Departmental - GF 0 419 168 216 34

17 Fac - Admin & Courts Facility 0 30,995 12,457 16,020 2,518Subtotal - Facilities Management - GF 0 30,995 12,457 16,020 2,518

18 Organization Specific Services 0 7,550 3,034 3,902 61318 Content Services 0 1,114 448 576 9118 ERP 0 8,802 3,537 4,549 71518 EMail/Office 0 2,669 1,073 1,380 21718 Network & Telecom 0 6,653 2,674 3,439 54018 Enterprise Web Apps 0 668 268 345 5418 Customer Service 0 4,229 1,700 2,186 34418 Record Storage 0 802 322 415 6518 Countywide Services 0 5,938 2,386 3,069 482

Subtotal - Business Innovation & Techn 0 38,425 15,443 19,861 3,122

20 Clerk to the Board 0 208 84 108 17Subtotal - C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 0 208 84 108 17

Total Incoming 14,209 92,060 44,356 53,503 8,409

C. Total Allocated $721,593 $296,489 $367,083 $58,02141.09% 50.87% 8.04%

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Internal Customer Service Allocations Dept:4 Public Affairs - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 7.50 0.28% $712 $0 $712 $0 $7124 Public Affairs - GF 5.50 0.20% 522 0 522 0 5225 County Attorney - GF 33.00 1.22% 3,133 0 3,133 472 3,6056 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 1.00 0.04% 95 0 95 14 1097 Finance-Accounting - GF 19.00 0.70% 1,804 0 1,804 272 2,0758 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 8.00 0.29% 759 0 759 114 8749 Human Resources - GF 15.35 0.57% 1,457 0 1,457 219 1,677

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 6.00 0.22% 570 0 570 86 65511 Development & Trans - GF 1.00 0.04% 95 0 95 14 10912 Building Safety - GF 26.00 0.96% 2,468 0 2,468 372 2,84013 Board of County Comm - GF 5.00 0.18% 475 0 475 71 54614 Treasurer - GF 12.00 0.44% 1,139 0 1,139 172 1,31116 Transportation & Engineering - GF 29.00 1.07% 2,753 0 2,753 415 3,16817 Facilities Management - GF 56.70 2.09% 5,383 0 5,383 811 6,19318 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 69.00 2.54% 6,551 0 6,551 987 7,53719 C&R Administration - GF 6.00 0.22% 570 0 570 86 65520 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 3.00 0.11% 285 0 285 43 32821 C&R Elections - GF 13.00 0.48% 1,234 0 1,234 186 1,42022 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 68.50 2.52% 6,503 0 6,503 979 7,48223 C&R Recording - GF 14.00 0.52% 1,329 0 1,329 200 1,52924 Assessor - GF 51.00 1.88% 4,842 0 4,842 729 5,57125 CSU Extension - GF 3.00 0.11% 285 0 285 43 32826 Coroner - GF 13.60 0.50% 1,291 0 1,291 194 1,48627 County Attorney BOE - GF 2.00 0.07% 190 0 190 29 21828 District Attorney Admin - GF 162.70 5.99% 15,446 0 15,446 2,326 17,77229 District Atty Dom Violence - GF 1.00 0.04% 95 0 95 14 10930 District Atty Family Justice Cntr - GF 2.00 0.07% 190 0 190 29 21831 Emergency Management - GF 6.00 0.22% 570 0 570 86 65532 Events & Venues - GF 5.00 0.18% 475 0 475 71 54634 Justice Services - GF 42.00 1.55% 3,987 0 3,987 600 4,58835 Planning & Zoning - GF 41.75 1.54% 3,964 0 3,964 597 4,56036 Public Trustee 4.00 0.15% 380 0 380 57 43737 JCSO Detentions - GF 345.50 12.72% 32,800 0 32,800 4,940 37,74038 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 13.00 0.48% 1,234 0 1,234 186 1,42039 JCSO Executive - GF 18.00 0.66% 1,709 0 1,709 257 1,96640 JCSO Support Services - GF 88.00 3.24% 8,354 0 8,354 1,258 9,61244 Insurance Fund 5.00 0.18% 475 0 475 71 54646 Open Space Fund 135.75 5.00% 12,887 0 12,887 1,941 14,82853 Boettcher Mansion Fund 5.80 0.21% 551 0 551 83 63458 Road & Bridge Fund 192.60 7.09% 18,284 0 18,284 2,754 21,03859 Social Services Fund 559.20 20.59% 53,088 0 53,088 7,995 61,08360 Workforce Development Fund 30.00 1.10% 2,848 0 2,848 429 3,277

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Internal Customer Service Allocations Dept:4 Public Affairs - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


61 Head Start Fund 67.00 2.47% $6,361 $0 $6,361 $958 $7,31964 Fleet Services Fund 22.90 0.84% 2,174 0 2,174 327 2,50165 Library Fund 23.95 0.88% 2,274 0 2,274 342 2,61666 Benefit Plan Fund 4.00 0.15% 380 0 380 57 43767 Patrol Fund 271.00 9.98% 25,727 0 25,727 3,875 29,60268 Inmate Welfare Fund 8.00 0.29% 759 0 759 114 87470 Public Health Fund 162.90 6.00% 15,465 0 15,465 2,329 17,79471 Airport Fund 23.80 0.88% 2,259 0 2,259 340 2,60078 Community Development Fund 5.00 0.18% 475 0 475 71 54681 CARES Fund 2.00 0.07% 190 0 190 29 218

Subtotal 2,716.00 100.00% 257,843 0 257,843 38,645 296,489

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $257,843 $296,489Basis Units: Benefit Eligible FTE with Library charged at 10%Source:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Events & Venues Supervision Allocations Dept:4 Public Affairs - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


32 Events & Venues - GF 60 60.00% $30,459 $0 $30,459 $4,353 $34,81253 Boettcher Mansion Fund 40 40.00% 20,306 0 20,306 2,902 23,208

Subtotal 100 100.00% 50,765 0 50,765 7,255 58,021

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $50,765 $58,021Basis Units: 60% to Events & Venues/ 40% to BoettcherSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Allocation Summary Dept:4 Public Affairs - GF

Department Internal Customer Service

Public Events & Venues



3 County Manager - GF $712 $0 $0 $7124 Public Affairs - GF 522 0 0 5225 County Attorney - GF 3,605 0 0 3,6056 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 109 0 0 1097 Finance-Accounting - GF 2,075 0 0 2,0758 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 874 0 0 8749 Human Resources - GF 1,677 0 0 1,677

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 655 0 0 65511 Development & Trans - GF 109 0 0 10912 Building Safety - GF 2,840 0 0 2,84013 Board of County Comm - GF 546 0 0 54614 Treasurer - GF 1,311 0 0 1,31116 Transportation & Engineering - GF 3,168 0 0 3,16817 Facilities Management - GF 6,193 0 0 6,19318 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 7,537 0 0 7,53719 C&R Administration - GF 655 0 0 65520 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 328 0 0 32821 C&R Elections - GF 1,420 0 0 1,42022 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 7,482 0 0 7,48223 C&R Recording - GF 1,529 0 0 1,52924 Assessor - GF 5,571 0 0 5,57125 CSU Extension - GF 328 0 0 32826 Coroner - GF 1,486 0 0 1,48627 County Attorney BOE - GF 218 0 0 21828 District Attorney Admin - GF 17,772 0 0 17,77229 District Atty Dom Violence - GF 109 0 0 10930 District Atty Family Justice Cntr - GF 218 0 0 21831 Emergency Management - GF 655 0 0 65532 Events & Venues - GF 546 0 34,812 35,35934 Justice Services - GF 4,588 0 0 4,58835 Planning & Zoning - GF 4,560 0 0 4,56036 Public Trustee 437 0 0 43737 JCSO Detentions - GF 37,740 0 0 37,74038 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 1,420 0 0 1,42039 JCSO Executive - GF 1,966 0 0 1,96640 JCSO Support Services - GF 9,612 0 0 9,61244 Insurance Fund 546 0 0 54646 Open Space Fund 14,828 0 0 14,82853 Boettcher Mansion Fund 634 0 23,208 23,84258 Road & Bridge Fund 21,038 0 0 21,03859 Social Services Fund 61,083 0 0 61,083

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Allocation Summary Dept:4 Public Affairs - GF

Department Internal Customer Service

Public Events & Venues



60 Workforce Development Fund $3,277 $0 $0 $3,27761 Head Start Fund 7,319 0 0 7,31964 Fleet Services Fund 2,501 0 0 2,50165 Library Fund 2,616 0 0 2,61666 Benefit Plan Fund 437 0 0 43767 Patrol Fund 29,602 0 0 29,60268 Inmate Welfare Fund 874 0 0 87470 Public Health Fund 17,794 0 0 17,79471 Airport Fund 2,600 0 0 2,60078 Community Development Fund 546 0 0 54681 CARES Fund 218 0 0 218

Total $296,489 $0 $58,021 $354,509

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

COUNTY ATTORNEY Nature and Extent of Service

The County Attorney’s Office (CAO) provides legal services to the BCC, county departments and divisions, elected and appointed officials, and other county agencies and affiliates. The CAO calculates fully loaded attorneys’ fees, which includes the cost of salaries and benefits, BIT Services, Facilities, support staff, and other attributable costs, to determine its hourly rates. Some costs are not included in their rates and are allocated to their clients via the Cost Allocation Plan. More information regarding the CAO:

· Human Services: Over 50% of the CAO represents the Department of Human Services, including predominantly child welfare, child support enforcement, mental health, and related contracts and grants.

· Litigation: The CAO represents all county officials and entities in a variety of litigation matters, including property tax, zoning enforcement, insurance defense, civil rights, employment, eminent domain, land use, liquor licensing, bankruptcy and other matters.

· Transactional: The CAO provides contract, purchasing, real estate, finance and other transactional legal support to its clients.

· Legal Advice: The CAO provides general legal advice to all its clients, including information regarding open records, open meetings, legislation, and other legal topics.

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

COUNTY ATTORNEY Nature and Extent of Service

Indirect costs for these functions will be allocated to the receiving department/division’s budgets. The County Attorney’s Office includes the following functions:

· Billable Legal Fees: The CAO bills each department (their clients) for hours of attorney time spent on their behalf. Clients not in the general fund are billed directly each month; clients in the general fund are billed annually through the cost allocation. If costs allocated to the CAO are not covered by attorney hours billed to both allocated and billed clients, then the CAO’s remaining costs are re-allocated to all CAO clients, allocated and billed, based on the percentage of hours worked for each client that year.

· Litigation Costs: Costs associated with litigation services are billed or allocated to the client that incurred the litigation expense, based on the actual costs and expenses for the litigation. Litigation brought against the BCC is allocated to the client whose action precipitated the litigation.

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:5 County Attorney - GF

Description Amount General Admin

Billable Legal Fees

Litigation Costs

Personnel CostsSalaries S1 3,271,734 728,615 2,237,866 305,253 Salary % Split 22.27% 68.40% 9.33%Benefits S 824,678 183,656 564,080 76,942

Subtotal - Personnel Costs 4,096,412 912,271 2,801,946 382,195

Services & Supplies CostSalaries - COVID D 50,199 0 0 04261 General Supplies S 14,256 3,175 9,751 1,3304264 Books & Periodicals S 58,707 13,074 40,155 5,4774269 Equipment S 51,216 11,406 35,032 4,77843300 Prof & Tech Serv P 89,852 4,990 0 84,8624341 Utilities S 5,435 1,210 3,717 5074343 Repairs & Maint. S 156 35 107 154344 Rent & Lease S 15,328 3,414 10,484 1,4304356 Dues-Mtgs-Train S 22,668 5,048 15,505 2,1154358 Travel-Freight-Deliv S 946 211 647 8847 Insurance Tr's S 22,000 4,899 15,048 2,0534757 Direct Charges S 175 39 120 164757 Fleet Charges S 27 6 18 2475754 IT Tech Repl S 28,436 6,333 19,450 2,6534759 Fac Charge D 150,149 0 0 04759 Indirect Costs D 66,869 0 0 04759 IT Charge D 275,237 0 0 0Rev: Zoning Violations P (19,931) (19,931) 0 0Rev: Other Reimbursem*nts (Copies) P (21,810) (21,810) 0 0Rev: Settlements, Awards & DamagesP (4,000) (4,000) 0 0

Subtotal - Services & Supplies 805,914 8,098 150,035 105,327

Department Cost Total 4,902,326 920,369 2,951,981 487,522

Adjustments to CostSalaries - COVID D (50,199) 0 0 0

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:5 County Attorney - GF

Description Amount General Admin

Billable Legal Fees

Litigation Costs

4759 Fac Charge D (150,149) 0 0 04759 Indirect Costs D (66,869) 0 0 04759 IT Charge D (275,237) 0 0 0

Subtotal - Adjustments (542,454) 0 0 0

Total Costs After Adjustments 4,359,872 920,369 2,951,981 487,522

General Admin Distribution (920,369) 809,896 110,473

Grand Total $4,359,872 $3,761,877 $597,995

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Salary%) Dept:5 County Attorney - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

Billable Legal Fees

Litigation Costs

1 Admin and Courts Facility $65,419 $0 $57,567 $7,852Subtotal - Building Interest and Deprec 65,419 0 57,567 7,852

2 Equipment Depreciation 2,588 0 2,277 311Subtotal - Equipment Depreciation 2,588 0 2,277 311

3 County Manager 8,180 1,571 8,581 1,1703 FrontDesk/Switchboard 2,362 454 2,478 3383 Physical Security 2,488 0 2,190 2993 Security Committee IT 3,454 0 3,039 415

Subtotal - County Manager - GF 16,484 2,025 16,287 2,222

4 Internal Customer Service 3,133 472 3,172 433Subtotal - Public Affairs - GF 3,133 472 3,172 433

7 Accounts Payable 0 8,549 7,523 1,0267 General Accounting 0 9,343 8,222 1,1217 Payroll 0 4,589 4,038 5517 Capital Assets 0 121 107 157 Audit 0 1,833 1,613 2207 Pcard Audit 0 272 239 33

Subtotal - Finance-Accounting - GF 0 24,707 21,741 2,966

8 Budget Analysis 0 3,314 2,916 3988 Strategic Planning Issues 0 3,730 3,283 448

Subtotal - Strategy Planning & Analysis 0 7,044 6,198 845

9 Recruitment 0 1,466 1,290 1769 General HR 0 7,942 6,988 9539 Terminations 0 598 526 729 Unemployment 0 241 212 299 Training 0 1,091 960 1319 Background Checks 0 77 67 99 Compensation Program 0 1,642 1,445 1979 Compensation Reclassifications 0 1,660 1,461 199

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Salary%) Dept:5 County Attorney - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

Billable Legal Fees

Litigation Costs

Subtotal - Human Resources - GF $0 $14,716 $12,949 $1,766

10 Purchase Orders 0 349 307 4210 Purchasing Card Rebate 0 (1,395) (1,228) (167)10 Countywide Programs 0 1,155 1,016 139

Subtotal - Finance - Purchasing - GF 0 109 96 13

13 Board of County Commissioners 0 8,772 7,719 1,05313 County Commissioner's Other 0 8,246 7,256 990

Subtotal - Board of County Comm - GF 0 17,018 14,975 2,043

14 Banking 0 3,324 2,925 39914 Investments - General Fund 0 895 787 107

Subtotal - Treasurer - GF 0 4,219 3,713 506

15 Non-Divisional 0 2,512 2,211 302Subtotal - Non-Departmental - GF 0 2,512 2,211 302

17 Fac - Admin & Courts Facility 0 171,762 151,145 20,617Subtotal - Facilities Management - GF 0 171,762 151,145 20,617

18 Organization Specific Services 0 17,486 15,387 2,09918 Content Services 0 6,686 5,883 80218 ERP 0 63,538 55,911 7,62718 EMail/Office 0 16,015 14,093 1,92218 Network & Telecom 0 39,917 35,126 4,79118 Enterprise Web Apps 0 4,008 3,527 48118 Customer Service 0 25,377 22,331 3,04618 Record Retrieval 0 10,582 9,312 1,27018 Record Storage 0 21,882 19,256 2,62718 Countywide Services 0 35,627 31,351 4,276

Subtotal - Business Innovation & Techn 0 241,118 212,176 28,942

20 Clerk to the Board 0 833 733 100Subtotal - C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 0 833 733 100

Total Incoming 87,624 486,533 505,241 68,917

C. Total Allocated $4,934,029 $4,267,118 $666,91286.48% 13.52%

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Billable Legal Fees Allocations Dept:5 County Attorney - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 9,414 0.24% $9,101 $0 $9,101 $0 $9,1014 Public Affairs - GF 2,849 0.07% 2,754 0 2,754 0 2,7546 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 29,673 0.75% 28,685 0 28,685 3,209 31,8947 Finance-Accounting - GF 35,506 0.89% 34,324 0 34,324 3,840 38,1648 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 2,679 0.07% 2,590 0 2,590 290 2,8809 Human Resources - GF 92,386 2.33% 89,310 0 89,310 9,991 99,301

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 7,326 0.18% 7,082 0 7,082 792 7,87411 Development & Trans - GF 19,476 0.49% 18,828 0 18,828 2,106 20,93412 Building Safety - GF 2,898 0.07% 2,802 0 2,802 313 3,11513 Board of County Comm - GF 556,308 14.01% 537,785 0 537,785 60,161 597,94714 Treasurer - GF 14,031 0.35% 13,564 0 13,564 1,517 15,08115 Non-Departmental - GF 7,770 0.20% 7,511 0 7,511 840 8,35216 Transportation & Engineering - GF 31,411 0.79% 30,365 0 30,365 3,397 33,76217 Facilities Management - GF 52,749 1.33% 50,993 0 50,993 5,704 56,69718 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 44,541 1.12% 43,058 0 43,058 4,817 47,87519 C&R Administration - GF 32,105 0.81% 31,036 0 31,036 3,472 34,50820 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 17,281 0.44% 16,706 0 16,706 1,869 18,57421 C&R Elections - GF 13,094 0.33% 12,658 0 12,658 1,416 14,07422 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 5,594 0.14% 5,408 0 5,408 605 6,01323 C&R Recording - GF 9,806 0.25% 9,480 0 9,480 1,060 10,54024 Assessor - GF 28,630 0.72% 27,677 0 27,677 3,096 30,77325 CSU Extension - GF 1,050 0.03% 1,015 0 1,015 114 1,12926 Coroner - GF 3,640 0.09% 3,519 0 3,519 394 3,91227 County Attorney BOE - GF 92,419 2.33% 89,342 0 89,342 9,995 99,33628 District Attorney Admin - GF 2,696 0.07% 2,606 0 2,606 292 2,89831 Emergency Management - GF 11,000 0.28% 10,634 0 10,634 1,190 11,82332 Events & Venues - GF 15,183 0.38% 14,677 0 14,677 1,642 16,31934 Justice Services - GF 11,951 0.30% 11,553 0 11,553 1,292 12,84635 Planning & Zoning - GF 253,550 6.38% 245,108 0 245,108 27,420 272,52836 Public Trustee 293 0.01% 283 (1,040) (757) 32 (725)37 JCSO Detentions - GF 8,938 0.23% 8,640 0 8,640 967 9,60738 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 1,009 0.03% 975 0 975 109 1,08539 JCSO Executive - GF 202,368 5.10% 195,630 0 195,630 21,885 217,51540 JCSO Support Services - GF 23,995 0.60% 23,196 0 23,196 2,595 25,79144 Insurance Fund 34,469 0.87% 33,321 0 33,321 3,728 37,04946 Open Space Fund 190,236 4.79% 183,902 (280,724) (96,822) 20,573 (76,249)53 Boettcher Mansion Fund 4,060 0.10% 3,925 (4,060) (135) 439 30458 Road & Bridge Fund 18,095 0.46% 17,493 0 17,493 1,957 19,44959 Social Services Fund 1,980,034 49.86% 1,914,108 (1,823,734) 90,374 214,128 304,50260 Workforce Development Fund 8,616 0.22% 8,329 (8,616) (287) 932 64561 Head Start Fund 8,300 0.21% 8,024 (7,610) 414 898 1,31164 Fleet Services Fund 3,469 0.09% 3,353 0 3,353 375 3,729

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Billable Legal Fees Allocations Dept:5 County Attorney - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


65 Library Fund 22,003 0.55% $21,270 $(24,200) $(2,930) $2,379 $(550)67 Patrol Fund 6,630 0.17% 6,409 0 6,409 717 7,12670 Public Health Fund 1,465 0.04% 1,416 0 1,416 158 1,57571 Airport Fund 29,333 0.74% 28,356 (29,333) (976) 3,172 2,19678 Community Development Fund 20,878 0.53% 20,183 (18,365) 1,818 2,258 4,076

Subtotal 3,971,207 100.00% 3,838,983 (2,197,681) 1,641,302 428,134 2,069,436

Direct Bills 2,197,681 2,197,681

Total $3,838,983 $4,267,118Basis Units: Actual Direct Cost of ServiceSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Litigation Costs Allocations Dept:5 County Attorney - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 40 0.01% $39 $0 $39 $0 $396 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 1,524 0.25% 1,492 0 1,492 143 1,6357 Finance-Accounting - GF 40 0.01% 39 0 39 4 439 Human Resources - GF 1,198 0.19% 1,173 0 1,173 113 1,285

11 Development & Trans - GF 65 0.01% 64 0 64 6 7013 Board of County Comm - GF 66,228 10.65% 64,831 0 64,831 6,222 71,05314 Treasurer - GF 374 0.06% 366 0 366 35 40116 Transportation & Engineering - GF 5,006 0.81% 4,900 0 4,900 470 5,37117 Facilities Management - GF 13,138 2.11% 12,861 0 12,861 1,234 14,09519 C&R Administration - GF 350 0.06% 343 0 343 33 37520 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 29 0.00% 28 0 28 3 3123 C&R Recording - GF 408 0.07% 399 0 399 38 43824 Assessor - GF 1,340 0.22% 1,312 0 1,312 126 1,43827 County Attorney BOE - GF 18,245 2.94% 17,860 0 17,860 1,714 19,57428 District Attorney Admin - GF 94 0.02% 92 0 92 9 10131 Emergency Management - GF 490 0.08% 480 0 480 46 52632 Events & Venues - GF 12,056 1.94% 11,802 0 11,802 1,133 12,93434 Justice Services - GF 1,526 0.25% 1,494 0 1,494 143 1,63735 Planning & Zoning - GF 88,599 14.25% 86,730 0 86,730 8,324 95,05436 Public Trustee 3,210 0.52% 3,142 (1,335) 1,807 302 2,10938 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 5,366 0.86% 5,253 0 5,253 504 5,75739 JCSO Executive - GF 200,144 32.20% 195,922 0 195,922 18,804 214,72540 JCSO Support Services - GF 2,570 0.41% 2,516 0 2,516 241 2,75744 Insurance Fund 2,725 0.44% 2,668 0 2,668 256 2,92446 Open Space Fund 108,883 17.52% 106,586 (16,750) 89,836 10,230 100,06658 Road & Bridge Fund 245 0.04% 240 0 240 23 26359 Social Services Fund 30,652 4.93% 30,005 0 30,005 2,880 32,88561 Head Start Fund 345 0.06% 338 0 338 32 37064 Fleet Services Fund 160 0.03% 157 0 157 15 17265 Library Fund 2,468 0.40% 2,416 0 2,416 232 2,64870 Public Health Fund 575 0.09% 563 0 563 54 61771 Airport Fund 47,225 7.60% 46,229 (46,675) (446) 4,437 3,99178 Community Development Fund 144 0.02% 141 0 141 14 15480 Non-County 6,165 0.99% 6,035 0 6,035 579 6,614

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Litigation Costs Allocations Dept:5 County Attorney - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


Subtotal 621,627 100.00% 608,513 (64,760) 543,753 58,399 602,152

Direct Bills 64,760 64,760

Total $608,513 $666,912Basis Units: Actual Litigation costs by dept/divSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Allocation Summary Dept:5 County Attorney - GF

Department Billable Legal Fees

Litigation Costs


0 Direct Billed $2,197,681 $64,760 $2,262,4413 County Manager - GF 9,101 39 9,1404 Public Affairs - GF 2,754 0 2,7546 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 31,894 1,635 33,5297 Finance-Accounting - GF 38,164 43 38,2068 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 2,880 0 2,8809 Human Resources - GF 99,301 1,285 100,586

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 7,874 0 7,87411 Development & Trans - GF 20,934 70 21,00312 Building Safety - GF 3,115 0 3,11513 Board of County Comm - GF 597,947 71,053 669,00014 Treasurer - GF 15,081 401 15,48215 Non-Departmental - GF 8,352 0 8,35216 Transportation & Engineering - GF 33,762 5,371 39,13317 Facilities Management - GF 56,697 14,095 70,79218 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 47,875 0 47,87519 C&R Administration - GF 34,508 375 34,88320 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 18,574 31 18,60621 C&R Elections - GF 14,074 0 14,07422 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 6,013 0 6,01323 C&R Recording - GF 10,540 438 10,97824 Assessor - GF 30,773 1,438 32,21125 CSU Extension - GF 1,129 0 1,12926 Coroner - GF 3,912 0 3,91227 County Attorney BOE - GF 99,336 19,574 118,91128 District Attorney Admin - GF 2,898 101 2,99931 Emergency Management - GF 11,823 526 12,34932 Events & Venues - GF 16,319 12,934 29,25434 Justice Services - GF 12,846 1,637 14,48335 Planning & Zoning - GF 272,528 95,054 367,58236 Public Trustee (725) 2,109 1,38437 JCSO Detentions - GF 9,607 0 9,60738 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 1,085 5,757 6,84139 JCSO Executive - GF 217,515 214,725 432,24040 JCSO Support Services - GF 25,791 2,757 28,54844 Insurance Fund 37,049 2,924 39,97246 Open Space Fund (76,249) 100,066 23,81753 Boettcher Mansion Fund 304 0 30458 Road & Bridge Fund 19,449 263 19,71259 Social Services Fund 304,502 32,885 337,38760 Workforce Development Fund 645 0 645

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Allocation Summary Dept:5 County Attorney - GF

Department Billable Legal Fees

Litigation Costs


61 Head Start Fund $1,311 $370 $1,68164 Fleet Services Fund 3,729 172 3,90065 Library Fund (550) 2,648 2,09867 Patrol Fund 7,126 0 7,12670 Public Health Fund 1,575 617 2,19271 Airport Fund 2,196 3,991 6,18778 Community Development Fund 4,076 154 4,23080 Non-County 0 6,614 6,614

Total $4,267,118 $666,912 $4,934,029

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

STRATEGY INNOVATION and FINANCE Nature and Extent of Service

The Strategy Innovation and Finance (SIF) Department provides administrative and managerial support to Finance - Accounting/Purchasing/Accounts Payable/Payroll, Federal Stimulus Funds for Covid 19, Strategic Planning and Analysis (SPA) and Business Innovation and Technology (BIT) BIT supervision was only for half the year in 2020 due to a reorganization. Only indirect costs for the supervision function will be allocated to the receiving division’s budgets. SIF includes the following functions:

· Finance, SPA & BIT Supervision: Costs associated with administrative and managerial support are allocated based on the number of benefit eligible FTE’s supervised for Accounting, SPA, Purchasing and 50% of BIT to account for their reorganization in 2020.

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:6 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF

Description Amount General Admin

Finance SPA and BIT


Personnel CostsSalaries S1 170,921 0 170,921 Salary % Split .00% 100.00%Benefits S 53,415 0 53,415

Subtotal - Personnel Costs 224,336 0 224,336

Services & Supplies CostSalaries - COVID S (44,890) 0 (44,890)4261 General Supplies S (213) 0 (213)43300 Prof & Tech Serv S 293 0 2934341 Utilities S 67 0 674356 Dues-Mtgs-Train S 169 0 16947 Insurance Tr's S 500 0 500475754 IT Tech Repl S 547 0 5474759 Fac Charge D 2,303 0 04759 Indirect Costs D 31,685 0 04759 IT Charge D 14,897 0 0 S 0 0 0

Subtotal - Services & Supplies 5,358 0 (43,527)

Department Cost Total 229,694 0 180,809

Adjustments to Cost4759 Fac Charge D (2,303) 0 04759 Indirect Costs D (31,685) 0 04759 IT Charge D (14,897) 0 0

Subtotal - Adjustments (48,885) 0 0

Total Costs After Adjustments 180,809 0 180,809

General Admin Distribution 0 0

Grand Total $180,809 $180,809

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Expense%) Dept:6 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

Finance SPA and BIT


1 Admin and Courts Facility $1,003 $0 $1,003Subtotal - Building Interest and Deprec 1,003 0 1,003

3 County Manager 248 48 2953 Physical Security 75 0 753 Security Committee IT 105 0 105

Subtotal - County Manager - GF 428 48 476

4 Internal Customer Service 95 14 109Subtotal - Public Affairs - GF 95 14 109

5 Billable Legal Fees 28,685 3,209 31,8945 Litigation Costs 1,492 143 1,635

Subtotal - County Attorney - GF 30,177 3,352 33,529

7 Accounts Payable 0 49 497 General Accounting 0 6,728 6,7287 Payroll 0 224 2247 Audit 0 578 5787 Pcard Audit 0 4 4

Subtotal - Finance-Accounting - GF 0 7,584 7,584

8 Budget Analysis 0 135 1358 Strategic Planning Issues 0 113 113

Subtotal - Strategy Planning & Analysis 0 248 248

9 General HR 0 227 2279 Terminations 0 199 1999 Training 0 910 9109 Compensation Program 0 50 50

Subtotal - Human Resources - GF 0 1,386 1,386

10 Purchasing Card Rebate 0 (22) (22)10 Countywide Programs 0 35 35

Subtotal - Finance - Purchasing - GF 0 13 13

13 Board of County Commissioners 0 266 266

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Expense%) Dept:6 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

Finance SPA and BIT


13 County Commissioner's Other $0 $335 $335Subtotal - Board of County Comm - GF 0 601 601

14 Banking 0 135 13514 Investments - General Fund 0 36 36

Subtotal - Treasurer - GF 0 172 172

15 Non-Divisional 0 76 76Subtotal - Non-Departmental - GF 0 76 76

17 Fac - Admin & Courts Facility 0 2,632 2,632Subtotal - Facilities Management - GF 0 2,632 2,632

18 Content Services 0 203 20318 ERP 0 2,584 2,58418 EMail/Office 0 485 48518 Network & Telecom 0 1,210 1,21018 Enterprise Web Apps 0 121 12118 Customer Service 0 769 76918 Countywide Services 0 1,080 1,080

Subtotal - Business Innovation & Techn 0 6,451 6,451

Total Incoming 31,702 22,577 54,280

C. Total Allocated $235,089 $235,089100.00%

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Finance SPA and BIT Supervision Allocations Dept:6 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


7 Finance-Accounting - GF 19.00 28.15% $59,818 $0 $59,818 $6,355 $66,1738 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 8.00 11.85% 25,187 0 25,187 2,676 27,862

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 6.00 8.89% 18,890 0 18,890 2,007 20,89718 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 34.50 51.11% 108,617 0 108,617 11,540 120,156

Subtotal 67.50 100.00% 212,511 0 212,511 22,577 235,089

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $212,511 $235,089Basis Units: Benefit Eligible FTE's of Accounting, SPA, Purchasing and 50% BITSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Allocation Summary Dept:6 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF

Department Finance SPA and BIT



7 Finance-Accounting - GF $66,173 $66,1738 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 27,862 27,862

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 20,897 20,89718 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 120,156 120,156

Total $235,089 $235,089

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

FINANCE - ACCOUNTING Nature and Extent of Service

The Finance-Accounting division is responsible for processing, compiling, analyzing and interpreting the county’s accounting records and financial data. The Finance Director also provides administrative and managerial support to Purchasing. Indirect costs for these functions will be allocated to the receiving department/division’s budgets. The Finance-Accounting Division includes the following functions:

· Accounts Payable (AP): This function pays the county’s bills. This includes entering vouchers (open face, purchase orders and contracts), processing the weekly check run (including wire payments), processing special check runs as needed, maintaining vendor address book records, scanning vouchers and invoices into the Electronic Content Management system (Livelink), maintaining and reporting 1099 information and assisting vendors with their inquiries. Costs associated with this function are allocated based on the number of accounts payable transactions per department/division with Treasurer charged at 10%; Library, Public Health, Sheriff, Workforce Development, Head Start, Community Development, Open Space, District Attorney and Planning & Zoning charged at 25%; Road & Bridge and Social Services charged at 75%; to account for in-house accounts payable services.

· General Accounting: This function includes a variety of different tasks as follows: · Reporting and Analysis: Finance-Accounting is responsible for several annual reports such as the Comprehensive

Annual Financial Report, Single Audit Report and Cost Allocation Plans. Other annual reports include U.S. Census report, Colorado State University annual report and Conservation Trust Fund annual report. The Treasurer’s report is required by statute and published twice a year. Several quarterly reports are prepared including financial reports, federal grant reports and sales tax reports. Some monthly reports are prepared as well.

· Monthly, Quarterly and Year End Processes: Those processes include preparing journal entries, reconciliations and specific year end functions such as the encumbrance rollover and audit preparation.

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

FINANCE - ACCOUNTING Nature and Extent of Service

· General Accounting: Continued - · Debt Management: This function includes semi-annual long-term debt principal and interest payments, arbitrage

compliance and draws of bond proceeds. · Cash Receipts (CR): Miscellaneous cash receipts are processed in addition to accounts receivable invoices. · Other Miscellaneous Tasks: Other tasks include sales tax administration, general assistance to internal customers,

general ledger inquiries, reporting, financial system assistance, scanning, documenting and open records requests. Costs associated with this function are allocated based on the number of Journal Entry (JE) transactions excluding P-Card transactions per department/division.

· Payroll: This function pays the county’s employees. This includes processing the bi-weekly payroll and interim payrolls as

needed, processing W-2’s annually, preparing quarterly state and federal reports, processing wire payments and answering employee inquiries. Costs are allocated based on the number of W-2’s per department/division.

· Capital Assets: This function safeguards the county’s inventory of capital assets. This includes conducting physical inventories, disposing of surplus assets and adding/disposing of assets in the financial system. Costs are allocated based on the number of land, building and equipment assets maintained by each department/division.

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

FINANCE - ACCOUNTING Nature and Extent of Service

· Audit: This function captures the cost of the external audit, less the federal grant and any special single department audits preformed. Costs associated with this function are allocated out to all county department/divisions based on the total number of accounting transactions (AP, JE and CR) per department/division. Cash Receipt transactions are allocated with Treasurer, Open Space, Clerk & Recorder, Public Health, Boettcher Mansion, Community Development, Head Start, Social Services, CSU Extension, Fairgrounds, Sheriff’s Office, Library, Public Trustee, Transportation & Engineering charged at 0%; Assessor and Justice Services charged at 10%; Airport charged at 15%; and District Attorney charged at 50% to account for in-house processing of cash receipts.

· 2 CFR Part 200 Audit: This function captures the additional cost of the external audit relating to the federal grant awards. This portion of the audit ensures the county’s compliance with the Uniform Guidance of Title 2 U.S. Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Costs Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards. Costs are allocated based on the Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA).

· Grant Accounting: This function captures the costs associated with tracking and reporting grant accounting activities to the outside auditors. Costs associated with grant accounting are allocated based on the Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA) with Head Start, Public Health, Human Services, Workforce and Community Development charged at 10% to account for in-house grant tracking and reporting.

· Purchasing Supervision: Costs associated with administrative and managerial support provided to Purchasing are allocated 100% to Purchasing.

· Pcard Audit: Costs associated with the Purchasing Card audit are allocated based on Purchasing Card expenditures.

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:7 Finance-Accounting - GF

Description Amount General Admin

Accounts Payable

General Accounting

Payroll Capital Assets

Audit 2 CFR Part 200 Audit

Purchasing Supervision

Personnel CostsSalaries S1 1,287,096 62,038 294,616 514,710 275,696 79,543 0 0 6,822 Salary % Split 4.82% 22.89% 39.99% 21.42% 6.18% .00% .00% .53%Benefits S 398,391 19,202 91,192 159,317 85,335 24,621 0 0 2,111

Subtotal - Personnel Costs 1,685,487 81,240 385,808 674,026 361,031 104,163 0 0 8,933

Services & Supplies CostSalaries - COVID D 4,522 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Salaries - COVID S (34,636) (1,669) (7,928) (13,851) (7,419) (2,141) 0 0 (184)4261 General Supplies S 16,203 781 3,709 6,480 3,471 1,001 0 0 864264 Books & Periodicals S 872 42 200 349 187 54 0 0 54269 Equipment S 14,625 705 3,348 5,849 3,133 904 0 0 7843300 Prof & Tech Serv P 263,055 22,215 0 0 0 0 189,605 30,235 04341 Utilities S 2,955 142 676 1,182 633 183 0 0 164343 Repairs & Maint. S 153 7 35 61 33 9 0 0 14344 Rent & Lease S 6,347 306 1,453 2,538 1,360 392 0 0 344351 Misc Serv & Chrg S 12,496 602 2,860 4,997 2,677 772 0 0 664354 Adv & Pub S 16,182 780 3,704 6,471 3,466 1,000 0 0 864356 Dues-Mtgs-Train S 532 26 122 213 114 33 0 0 34358 Travel-Freight-Deliv S 281 14 64 113 60 17 0 0 147 Insurance Tr's S 12,500 603 2,861 4,999 2,678 773 0 0 664757 Fleet Charges S 3,506 169 802 1,402 751 217 0 0 19475754 IT Tech Repl S 10,240 494 2,344 4,095 2,193 633 0 0 544759 Fac Charge D 79,895 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04759 Indirect Costs D 146,485 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04759 IT Charge D 181,457 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Revenue S (1,372) (66) (314) (549) (294) (85) 0 0 (7)

Subtotal - Services & Supplies 736,298 25,150 13,936 24,348 13,041 3,763 189,605 30,235 323

Department Cost Total 2,421,785 106,390 399,744 698,374 374,073 107,926 189,605 30,235 9,256

Adjustments to CostSalaries - COVID D (4,522) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:7 Finance-Accounting - GF

Description Amount General Admin

Accounts Payable

General Accounting

Payroll Capital Assets

Audit 2 CFR Part 200 Audit

Purchasing Supervision

4759 Fac Charge D (79,895) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04759 Indirect Costs D (146,485) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04759 IT Charge D (181,457) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Subtotal - Adjustments (412,359) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Costs After Adjustments 2,009,426 106,390 399,744 698,374 374,073 107,926 189,605 30,235 9,256

General Admin Distribution (106,390) 25,586 44,700 23,943 6,908 0 0 592

Grand Total $2,009,426 $425,330 $743,074 $398,016 $114,834 $189,605 $30,235 $9,848

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:7 Finance-Accounting - GF

Description Amount Grant Accounting

Pcard Audit

Personnel CostsSalaries S1 1,287,096 53,672 0 Salary % Split 4.17% .00%Benefits S 398,391 16,613 0

Subtotal - Personnel Costs 1,685,487 70,285 0

Services & Supplies CostSalaries - COVID D 4,522 0 0Salaries - COVID S (34,636) (1,444) 04261 General Supplies S 16,203 676 04264 Books & Periodicals S 872 36 04269 Equipment S 14,625 610 043300 Prof & Tech Serv P 263,055 0 21,0004341 Utilities S 2,955 123 04343 Repairs & Maint. S 153 6 04344 Rent & Lease S 6,347 265 04351 Misc Serv & Chrg S 12,496 521 04354 Adv & Pub S 16,182 675 04356 Dues-Mtgs-Train S 532 22 04358 Travel-Freight-Deliv S 281 12 047 Insurance Tr's S 12,500 521 04757 Fleet Charges S 3,506 146 0475754 IT Tech Repl S 10,240 427 04759 Fac Charge D 79,895 0 04759 Indirect Costs D 146,485 0 04759 IT Charge D 181,457 0 0Revenue S (1,372) (57) 0

Subtotal - Services & Supplies 736,298 2,539 21,000

Department Cost Total 2,421,785 72,824 21,000

Adjustments to CostSalaries - COVID D (4,522) 0 0

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:7 Finance-Accounting - GF

Description Amount Grant Accounting

Pcard Audit

4759 Fac Charge D (79,895) 0 04759 Indirect Costs D (146,485) 0 04759 IT Charge D (181,457) 0 0

Subtotal - Adjustments (412,359) 0 0

Total Costs After Adjustments 2,009,426 72,824 21,000

General Admin Distribution 4,661 0

Grand Total $2,009,426 $77,485 $21,000

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Salary%) Dept:7 Finance-Accounting - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

Accounts Payable

General Accounting

Payroll Capital Assets

Audit 2 CFR Part 200 Audit

Purchasing Supervision

Grant Accounting

1 Admin and Courts Facility $35,039 $0 $8,427 $14,722 $7,885 $2,275 $0 $0 $195 $1,5351 Laramie Building 958 0 230 402 216 62 0 0 5 421 Central Shops Building 486 0 117 204 109 32 0 0 3 21

Subtotal - Building Interest and Deprec 36,482 0 8,774 15,328 8,210 2,369 0 0 203 1,598

3 County Manager 4,710 904 1,350 2,359 1,263 365 0 0 31 2463 FrontDesk/Switchboard 11 2 3 6 3 1 0 0 0 13 Physical Security 1,433 0 345 602 322 93 0 0 8 633 Security Committee IT 1,988 0 478 835 447 129 0 0 11 87

Subtotal - County Manager - GF 8,142 907 2,176 3,802 2,036 588 0 0 50 396

4 Internal Customer Service 1,804 272 499 872 467 135 0 0 12 91Subtotal - Public Affairs - GF 1,804 272 499 872 467 135 0 0 12 91

5 Billable Legal Fees 34,324 3,840 9,178 16,034 8,589 2,478 0 0 213 1,6725 Litigation Costs 39 4 10 18 10 3 0 0 0 2

Subtotal - County Attorney - GF 34,363 3,844 9,188 16,052 8,598 2,481 0 0 213 1,674

6 Finance SPA and BIT Supervision 59,818 6,355 15,914 27,803 14,892 4,297 0 0 368 2,899Subtotal - Strategy Innovation & Financ 59,818 6,355 15,914 27,803 14,892 4,297 0 0 368 2,899

7 Accounts Payable 0 2,150 517 903 484 140 0 0 12 947 General Accounting 0 9,169 2,205 3,852 2,063 595 0 0 51 4027 Payroll 0 2,238 538 940 504 145 0 0 12 987 Capital Assets 0 162 39 68 36 11 0 0 1 77 Audit 0 1,036 249 435 233 67 0 0 6 457 Pcard Audit 0 28 7 12 6 2 0 0 0 1

Subtotal - Finance-Accounting - GF 0 14,782 3,555 6,211 3,327 960 0 0 82 648

8 Budget Analysis 0 1,497 360 629 337 97 0 0 8 668 Strategic Planning Issues 0 2,148 517 902 483 139 0 0 12 94

Subtotal - Strategy Planning & Analysis 0 3,645 876 1,531 820 237 0 0 20 160

9 Recruitment 0 2,199 529 924 495 143 0 0 12 969 General HR 0 4,765 1,146 2,002 1,072 309 0 0 27 209

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Salary%) Dept:7 Finance-Accounting - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

Accounts Payable

General Accounting

Payroll Capital Assets

Audit 2 CFR Part 200 Audit

Purchasing Supervision

Grant Accounting

9 Terminations $0 $797 $192 $335 $179 $52 $0 $0 $4 $359 Unemployment 0 722 174 303 162 47 0 0 4 329 Training 0 1,683 405 707 379 109 0 0 9 749 Background Checks 0 120 29 51 27 8 0 0 1 59 Compensation Program 0 945 227 397 213 61 0 0 5 419 Compensation Reclassifications 0 1,660 399 697 374 108 0 0 9 73

Subtotal - Human Resources - GF 0 12,891 3,100 5,416 2,901 837 0 0 72 565

10 Purchase Orders 0 1,223 294 514 275 79 0 0 7 5410 Contract Amendements & Renewals 0 5,214 1,254 2,191 1,173 339 0 0 29 22810 Purchasing Card Rebate 0 (143) (34) (60) (32) (9) 0 0 (1) (6)10 Countywide Programs 0 665 160 279 150 43 0 0 4 29

Subtotal - Finance - Purchasing - GF 0 6,959 1,674 2,924 1,566 452 0 0 39 305

13 Board of County Commissioners 0 5,051 1,215 2,122 1,137 328 0 0 28 22113 County Commissioner's Other 0 3,725 896 1,565 838 242 0 0 21 163

Subtotal - Board of County Comm - GF 0 8,775 2,110 3,687 1,975 570 0 0 49 384

14 Banking 0 1,502 361 631 338 98 0 0 8 6614 Investments - General Fund 0 404 97 170 91 26 0 0 2 18

Subtotal - Treasurer - GF 0 1,906 458 801 429 124 0 0 11 83

15 Non-Divisional 0 1,446 348 608 326 94 0 0 8 63Subtotal - Non-Departmental - GF 0 1,446 348 608 326 94 0 0 8 63

17 Fac - Admin & Courts Facility 0 91,996 22,124 38,652 20,704 5,973 0 0 512 4,03117 Fac - Laramie Bldg 0 967 233 406 218 63 0 0 5 4217 Fac - Central Shop Bldg 0 1,369 329 575 308 89 0 0 8 60

Subtotal - Facilities Management - GF 0 94,333 22,686 39,634 21,229 6,125 0 0 525 4,133

18 Organization Specific Services 0 166,277 39,988 69,862 37,420 10,796 0 0 926 7,28518 Content Services 0 3,849 926 1,617 866 250 0 0 21 16918 ERP 0 28,701 6,902 12,059 6,459 1,864 0 0 160 1,25718 EMail/Office 0 9,221 2,218 3,874 2,075 599 0 0 51 40418 Network & Telecom 0 22,983 5,527 9,656 5,172 1,492 0 0 128 1,007

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Salary%) Dept:7 Finance-Accounting - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

Accounts Payable

General Accounting

Payroll Capital Assets

Audit 2 CFR Part 200 Audit

Purchasing Supervision

Grant Accounting

18 Enterprise Web Apps $0 $2,308 $555 $970 $519 $150 $0 $0 $13 $10118 Customer Service 0 14,611 3,514 6,139 3,288 949 0 0 81 64018 Record Storage 0 4,496 1,081 1,889 1,012 292 0 0 25 19718 Countywide Services 0 20,513 4,933 8,618 4,616 1,332 0 0 114 899

Subtotal - Business Innovation & Techn 0 272,958 65,644 114,684 61,428 17,723 0 0 1,520 11,959

20 Clerk to the Board 0 16,652 4,005 6,996 3,747 1,081 0 0 93 730Subtotal - C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 0 16,652 4,005 6,996 3,747 1,081 0 0 93 730

Total Incoming 140,609 445,723 141,008 246,348 131,952 38,070 0 0 3,265 25,688

C. Total Allocated $2,595,758 $566,338 $989,422 $529,968 $152,904 $189,605 $30,235 $13,113 $103,17321.82% 38.12% 20.42% 5.89% 7.30% 1.16% 0.51% 3.97%

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Salary%) Dept:7 Finance-Accounting - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

Pcard Audit

1 Admin and Courts Facility $35,039 $0 $01 Laramie Building 958 0 01 Central Shops Building 486 0 0

Subtotal - Building Interest and Deprec 36,482 0 0

3 County Manager 4,710 904 03 FrontDesk/Switchboard 11 2 03 Physical Security 1,433 0 03 Security Committee IT 1,988 0 0

Subtotal - County Manager - GF 8,142 907 0

4 Internal Customer Service 1,804 272 0Subtotal - Public Affairs - GF 1,804 272 0

5 Billable Legal Fees 34,324 3,840 05 Litigation Costs 39 4 0

Subtotal - County Attorney - GF 34,363 3,844 0

6 Finance SPA and BIT Supervision 59,818 6,355 0Subtotal - Strategy Innovation & Financ 59,818 6,355 0

7 Accounts Payable 0 2,150 07 General Accounting 0 9,169 07 Payroll 0 2,238 07 Capital Assets 0 162 07 Audit 0 1,036 07 Pcard Audit 0 28 0

Subtotal - Finance-Accounting - GF 0 14,782 0

8 Budget Analysis 0 1,497 08 Strategic Planning Issues 0 2,148 0

Subtotal - Strategy Planning & Analysis 0 3,645 0

9 Recruitment 0 2,199 09 General HR 0 4,765 0

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Salary%) Dept:7 Finance-Accounting - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

Pcard Audit

9 Terminations $0 $797 $09 Unemployment 0 722 09 Training 0 1,683 09 Background Checks 0 120 09 Compensation Program 0 945 09 Compensation Reclassifications 0 1,660 0

Subtotal - Human Resources - GF 0 12,891 0

10 Purchase Orders 0 1,223 010 Contract Amendements & Renewals 0 5,214 010 Purchasing Card Rebate 0 (143) 010 Countywide Programs 0 665 0

Subtotal - Finance - Purchasing - GF 0 6,959 0

13 Board of County Commissioners 0 5,051 013 County Commissioner's Other 0 3,725 0

Subtotal - Board of County Comm - GF 0 8,775 0

14 Banking 0 1,502 014 Investments - General Fund 0 404 0

Subtotal - Treasurer - GF 0 1,906 0

15 Non-Divisional 0 1,446 0Subtotal - Non-Departmental - GF 0 1,446 0

17 Fac - Admin & Courts Facility 0 91,996 017 Fac - Laramie Bldg 0 967 017 Fac - Central Shop Bldg 0 1,369 0

Subtotal - Facilities Management - GF 0 94,333 0

18 Organization Specific Services 0 166,277 018 Content Services 0 3,849 018 ERP 0 28,701 018 EMail/Office 0 9,221 018 Network & Telecom 0 22,983 0

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Salary%) Dept:7 Finance-Accounting - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

Pcard Audit

18 Enterprise Web Apps $0 $2,308 $018 Customer Service 0 14,611 018 Record Storage 0 4,496 018 Countywide Services 0 20,513 0

Subtotal - Business Innovation & Techn 0 272,958 0

20 Clerk to the Board 0 16,652 0Subtotal - C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 0 16,652 0

Total Incoming 140,609 445,723 0

C. Total Allocated $2,595,758 $21,0000.81%

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Accounts Payable Allocations Dept:7 Finance-Accounting - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 33.00 0.18% $815 $0 $815 $0 $8154 Public Affairs - GF 19.00 0.10% 469 0 469 0 4695 County Attorney - GF 346.00 1.86% 8,549 0 8,549 0 8,5496 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 2.00 0.01% 49 0 49 0 497 Finance-Accounting - GF 87.00 0.47% 2,150 0 2,150 0 2,1508 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 17.00 0.09% 420 0 420 101 5219 Human Resources - GF 26.00 0.14% 642 0 642 154 796

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 29.00 0.16% 717 0 717 172 88811 Development & Trans - GF 9.00 0.05% 222 0 222 53 27612 Building Safety - GF 23.00 0.12% 568 0 568 136 70513 Board of County Comm - GF 35.00 0.19% 865 0 865 207 1,07214 Treasurer - GF 13.70 0.07% 339 0 339 81 42015 Non-Departmental - GF 276.00 1.49% 6,820 0 6,820 1,635 8,45516 Transportation & Engineering - GF 58.00 0.31% 1,433 0 1,433 344 1,77717 Facilities Management - GF 1,038.00 5.59% 25,647 0 25,647 6,149 31,79618 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 415.00 2.23% 10,254 0 10,254 2,458 12,71219 C&R Administration - GF 77.00 0.41% 1,903 0 1,903 456 2,35920 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 20.00 0.11% 494 0 494 118 61321 C&R Elections - GF 109.00 0.59% 2,693 0 2,693 646 3,33922 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 357.00 1.92% 8,821 0 8,821 2,115 10,93623 C&R Recording - GF 4.00 0.02% 99 0 99 24 12324 Assessor - GF 37.00 0.20% 914 0 914 219 1,13325 CSU Extension - GF 165.00 0.89% 4,077 0 4,077 977 5,05426 Coroner - GF 129.00 0.69% 3,187 0 3,187 764 3,95227 County Attorney BOE - GF 50.00 0.27% 1,235 0 1,235 296 1,53228 District Attorney Admin - GF 132.50 0.71% 3,274 0 3,274 785 4,05930 District Atty Family Justice Cntr - GF 2.25 0.01% 56 0 56 13 6931 Emergency Management - GF 21.50 0.12% 531 0 531 127 65932 Events & Venues - GF 161.00 0.87% 3,978 0 3,978 954 4,93233 Intergovernmental Projects - GF 46.00 0.25% 1,137 0 1,137 272 1,40934 Justice Services - GF 222.00 1.19% 5,485 0 5,485 1,315 6,80035 Planning & Zoning - GF 75.75 0.41% 1,872 0 1,872 449 2,32037 JCSO Detentions - GF 76.50 0.41% 1,890 0 1,890 453 2,34338 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 9.50 0.05% 235 0 235 56 29139 JCSO Executive - GF 13.50 0.07% 334 0 334 80 41440 JCSO Support Services - GF 243.75 1.31% 6,023 0 6,023 1,444 7,46743 Clerk Electronic Filing Fund 2.00 0.01% 49 0 49 12 6144 Insurance Fund 173.00 0.93% 4,275 0 4,275 1,025 5,29945 Worker's Compensation Fund 55.00 0.30% 1,359 0 1,359 326 1,68546 Open Space Fund 380.25 2.05% 9,395 0 9,395 2,253 11,64847 Open Space Cities Share Fund 28.00 0.15% 692 0 692 166 85849 Open Space Debt Svc 10 Fund 0.50 0.00% 12 0 12 3 15

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FY 20208/24/2021

Accounts Payable Allocations Dept:7 Finance-Accounting - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


51 Open Space Debt Svc 13 Fund 0.50 0.00% $12 $0 $12 $3 $1552 Conservation Trust Fund 2.00 0.01% 49 0 49 12 6153 Boettcher Mansion Fund 46.75 0.25% 1,155 0 1,155 277 1,43254 Developmentally Disabled Fund 11.00 0.06% 272 0 272 65 33755 South Traffic Impact 26.00 0.14% 642 0 642 154 79657 Evergreen/Conifer Traf Imp Fund 75.00 0.40% 1,853 0 1,853 444 2,29758 Road & Bridge Fund 2,422.50 13.04% 59,857 0 59,857 14,350 74,20759 Social Services Fund 3,473.25 18.69% 85,819 0 85,819 20,575 106,39460 Workforce Development Fund 86.50 0.47% 2,137 0 2,137 512 2,65061 Head Start Fund 298.75 1.61% 7,382 0 7,382 1,770 9,15162 Capital Expenditures Fund 2.00 0.01% 49 0 49 12 6164 Fleet Services Fund 1,400.00 7.53% 34,592 0 34,592 8,293 42,88565 Library Fund 3,091.75 16.64% 76,393 0 76,393 18,315 94,70766 Benefit Plan Fund 280.00 1.51% 6,918 0 6,918 1,659 8,57767 Patrol Fund 168.00 0.90% 4,151 0 4,151 995 5,14668 Inmate Welfare Fund 15.25 0.08% 377 0 377 90 46769 Forfeiture Fund 157.00 0.84% 3,879 0 3,879 930 4,80970 Public Health Fund 472.25 2.54% 11,669 0 11,669 2,797 14,46671 Airport Fund 600.00 3.23% 14,825 0 14,825 3,554 18,37973 Jeffco Fin Capital Project Fund 8.00 0.04% 198 0 198 47 24575 SE Sales Tax-Debt Fund 4.00 0.02% 99 0 99 24 12376 SE Sales Tax-Capital Fund 29.00 0.16% 717 0 717 172 88877 Solid Waste Fund 33.00 0.18% 815 0 815 195 1,01178 Community Development Fund 35.25 0.19% 871 0 871 209 1,08081 CARES Fund 827.00 4.45% 20,434 0 20,434 4,899 25,333

Subtotal 18,582.45 100.00% 459,146 0 459,146 107,193 566,338

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $459,146 $566,338Basis Units: Number of AP Transactions with multiple div's charged at various percentagesSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

General Accounting Allocations Dept:7 Finance-Accounting - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 255 1.11% $8,890 $0 $8,890 $0 $8,8904 Public Affairs - GF 166 0.72% 5,787 0 5,787 0 5,7875 County Attorney - GF 268 1.16% 9,343 0 9,343 0 9,3436 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 193 0.84% 6,728 0 6,728 0 6,7287 Finance-Accounting - GF 263 1.14% 9,169 0 9,169 0 9,1698 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 216 0.94% 7,530 0 7,530 1,850 9,3809 Human Resources - GF 251 1.09% 8,750 0 8,750 2,150 10,900

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 220 0.96% 7,670 0 7,670 1,884 9,55411 Development & Trans - GF 163 0.71% 5,683 0 5,683 1,396 7,07912 Building Safety - GF 279 1.21% 9,727 0 9,727 2,390 12,11613 Board of County Comm - GF 221 0.96% 7,705 0 7,705 1,893 9,59814 Treasurer - GF 232 1.01% 8,088 0 8,088 1,987 10,07515 Non-Departmental - GF 358 1.56% 12,481 0 12,481 3,066 15,54716 Transportation & Engineering - GF 492 2.14% 17,152 0 17,152 4,214 21,36617 Facilities Management - GF 1,314 5.71% 45,809 0 45,809 11,255 57,06418 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 549 2.39% 19,140 0 19,140 4,702 23,84219 C&R Administration - GF 213 0.93% 7,426 0 7,426 1,824 9,25020 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 210 0.91% 7,321 0 7,321 1,799 9,12021 C&R Elections - GF 309 1.34% 10,773 0 10,773 2,647 13,41922 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 264 1.15% 9,204 0 9,204 2,261 11,46523 C&R Recording - GF 248 1.08% 8,646 0 8,646 2,124 10,77024 Assessor - GF 266 1.16% 9,273 0 9,273 2,278 11,55225 CSU Extension - GF 289 1.26% 10,075 0 10,075 2,475 12,55126 Coroner - GF 246 1.07% 8,576 0 8,576 2,107 10,68327 County Attorney BOE - GF 187 0.81% 6,519 0 6,519 1,602 8,12128 District Attorney Admin - GF 372 1.62% 12,969 0 12,969 3,186 16,15529 District Atty Dom Violence - GF 5 0.02% 174 0 174 43 21730 District Atty Family Justice Cntr - GF 15 0.07% 523 0 523 128 65131 Emergency Management - GF 80 0.35% 2,789 0 2,789 685 3,47432 Events & Venues - GF 278 1.21% 9,692 0 9,692 2,381 12,07333 Intergovernmental Projects - GF 50 0.22% 1,743 0 1,743 428 2,17134 Justice Services - GF 579 2.52% 20,185 0 20,185 4,959 25,14535 Planning & Zoning - GF 381 1.66% 13,283 0 13,283 3,263 16,54636 Public Trustee 386 1.68% 13,457 0 13,457 3,306 16,76337 JCSO Detentions - GF 301 1.31% 10,494 0 10,494 2,578 13,07238 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 88 0.38% 3,068 0 3,068 754 3,82239 JCSO Executive - GF 43 0.19% 1,499 0 1,499 368 1,86740 JCSO Support Services - GF 619 2.69% 21,580 0 21,580 5,302 26,88241 Surveyor - GF 72 0.31% 2,510 0 2,510 617 3,12744 Insurance Fund 473 2.06% 16,490 0 16,490 4,051 20,54145 Worker's Compensation Fund 163 0.71% 5,683 0 5,683 1,396 7,07946 Open Space Fund 1,347 5.85% 46,960 0 46,960 11,537 58,497

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FY 20208/24/2021

General Accounting Allocations Dept:7 Finance-Accounting - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


47 Open Space Cities Share Fund 53 0.23% $1,848 $0 $1,848 $454 $2,30249 Open Space Debt Svc 10 Fund 27 0.12% 941 0 941 231 1,17351 Open Space Debt Svc 13 Fund 24 0.10% 837 0 837 206 1,04252 Conservation Trust Fund 27 0.12% 941 0 941 231 1,17353 Boettcher Mansion Fund 390 1.69% 13,596 0 13,596 3,340 16,93754 Developmentally Disabled Fund 41 0.18% 1,429 0 1,429 351 1,78155 South Traffic Impact 118 0.51% 4,114 0 4,114 1,011 5,12456 North Traffic Impact 51 0.22% 1,778 0 1,778 437 2,21557 Evergreen/Conifer Traf Imp Fund 110 0.48% 3,835 0 3,835 942 4,77758 Road & Bridge Fund 1,396 6.07% 48,668 0 48,668 11,957 60,62559 Social Services Fund 1,492 6.48% 52,015 0 52,015 12,779 64,79460 Workforce Development Fund 294 1.28% 10,250 0 10,250 2,518 12,76861 Head Start Fund 337 1.46% 11,749 0 11,749 2,886 14,63562 Capital Expenditures Fund 80 0.35% 2,789 0 2,789 685 3,47463 Contingent Fund 36 0.16% 1,255 0 1,255 308 1,56364 Fleet Services Fund 520 2.26% 18,128 0 18,128 4,454 22,58265 Library Fund 1,154 5.02% 40,231 0 40,231 9,884 50,11666 Benefit Plan Fund 278 1.21% 9,692 0 9,692 2,381 12,07367 Patrol Fund 675 2.93% 23,532 0 23,532 5,782 29,31468 Inmate Welfare Fund 238 1.03% 8,297 0 8,297 2,039 10,33669 Forfeiture Fund 75 0.33% 2,615 0 2,615 642 3,25770 Public Health Fund 1,005 4.37% 35,037 0 35,037 8,608 43,64571 Airport Fund 804 3.49% 28,029 0 28,029 6,886 34,91672 Wildland Fire Fund 61 0.27% 2,127 0 2,127 522 2,64973 Jeffco Fin Capital Project Fund 12 0.05% 418 0 418 103 52175 SE Sales Tax-Debt Fund 12 0.05% 418 0 418 103 52176 SE Sales Tax-Capital Fund 193 0.84% 6,728 0 6,728 1,653 8,38277 Solid Waste Fund 96 0.42% 3,347 0 3,347 822 4,16978 Community Development Fund 290 1.26% 10,110 0 10,110 2,484 12,59481 CARES Fund 196 0.85% 6,833 0 6,833 1,679 8,512

Subtotal 23,009 100.00% 802,151 0 802,151 187,271 989,422

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $802,151 $989,422Basis Units: Number of JE Transactions by BatchSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Payroll Allocations Dept:7 Finance-Accounting - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 8 0.21% $895 $0 $895 $0 $8954 Public Affairs - GF 7 0.18% 783 0 783 0 7835 County Attorney - GF 41 1.07% 4,589 0 4,589 0 4,5896 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 2 0.05% 224 0 224 0 2247 Finance-Accounting - GF 20 0.52% 2,238 0 2,238 0 2,2388 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 9 0.23% 1,007 0 1,007 240 1,2479 Human Resources - GF 27 0.70% 3,022 0 3,022 720 3,742

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 8 0.21% 895 0 895 213 1,10911 Development & Trans - GF 1 0.03% 112 0 112 27 13912 Building Safety - GF 35 0.91% 3,917 0 3,917 933 4,85113 Board of County Comm - GF 5 0.13% 560 0 560 133 69314 Treasurer - GF 14 0.36% 1,567 0 1,567 373 1,94016 Transportation & Engineering - GF 32 0.83% 3,581 0 3,581 853 4,43517 Facilities Management - GF 74 1.93% 8,282 0 8,282 1,974 10,25618 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 76 1.98% 8,506 0 8,506 2,027 10,53319 C&R Administration - GF 6 0.16% 672 0 672 160 83220 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 4 0.10% 448 0 448 107 55421 C&R Elections - GF 17 0.44% 1,903 0 1,903 453 2,35622 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 99 2.58% 11,080 0 11,080 2,640 13,72023 C&R Recording - GF 14 0.36% 1,567 0 1,567 373 1,94024 Assessor - GF 65 1.69% 7,275 0 7,275 1,734 9,00825 CSU Extension - GF 8 0.21% 895 0 895 213 1,10926 Coroner - GF 19 0.49% 2,126 0 2,126 507 2,63327 County Attorney BOE - GF 2 0.05% 224 0 224 53 27728 District Attorney Admin - GF 216 5.63% 24,175 0 24,175 5,761 29,93629 District Atty Dom Violence - GF 1 0.03% 112 0 112 27 13930 District Atty Family Justice Cntr - GF 6 0.16% 672 0 672 160 83231 Emergency Management - GF 7 0.18% 783 0 783 187 97032 Events & Venues - GF 9 0.23% 1,007 0 1,007 240 1,24734 Justice Services - GF 59 1.54% 6,603 0 6,603 1,574 8,17735 Planning & Zoning - GF 45 1.17% 5,036 0 5,036 1,200 6,23736 Public Trustee 5 0.13% 560 0 560 133 69337 JCSO Detentions - GF 379 9.87% 42,418 0 42,418 10,108 52,52638 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 14 0.36% 1,567 0 1,567 373 1,94039 JCSO Executive - GF 23 0.60% 2,574 0 2,574 613 3,18840 JCSO Support Services - GF 102 2.66% 11,416 0 11,416 2,720 14,13641 Surveyor - GF 1 0.03% 112 0 112 27 13944 Insurance Fund 5 0.13% 560 0 560 133 69346 Open Space Fund 186 4.85% 20,817 0 20,817 4,961 25,77853 Boettcher Mansion Fund 11 0.29% 1,231 0 1,231 293 1,52458 Road & Bridge Fund 222 5.78% 24,846 0 24,846 5,921 30,76759 Social Services Fund 662 17.24% 74,091 0 74,091 17,656 91,747

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Payroll Allocations Dept:7 Finance-Accounting - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


60 Workforce Development Fund 55 1.43% $6,156 $0 $6,156 $1,467 $7,62261 Head Start Fund 94 2.45% 10,520 0 10,520 2,507 13,02764 Fleet Services Fund 25 0.65% 2,798 0 2,798 667 3,46565 Library Fund 522 13.60% 58,422 0 58,422 13,922 72,34467 Patrol Fund 306 7.97% 34,247 0 34,247 8,161 42,40968 Inmate Welfare Fund 9 0.23% 1,007 0 1,007 240 1,24770 Public Health Fund 231 6.02% 25,853 0 25,853 6,161 32,01471 Airport Fund 32 0.83% 3,581 0 3,581 853 4,43578 Community Development Fund 5 0.13% 560 0 560 133 69381 CARES Fund 14 0.36% 1,567 0 1,567 373 1,940

Subtotal 3,839 100.00% 429,659 0 429,659 100,309 529,968

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $429,659 $529,968Basis Units: Number of W-2'sSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Capital Assets Allocations Dept:7 Finance-Accounting - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 1 0.03% $40 $0 $40 $0 $404 Public Affairs - GF 3 0.10% 121 0 121 0 1215 County Attorney - GF 3 0.10% 121 0 121 0 1217 Finance-Accounting - GF 4 0.13% 162 0 162 0 1629 Human Resources - GF 5 0.16% 202 0 202 47 250

12 Building Safety - GF 26 0.85% 1,052 0 1,052 246 1,29813 Board of County Comm - GF 30 0.98% 1,213 0 1,213 284 1,49814 Treasurer - GF 2 0.07% 81 0 81 19 10015 Non-Departmental - GF 1 0.03% 40 0 40 9 5016 Transportation & Engineering - GF 98 3.20% 3,964 0 3,964 929 4,89217 Facilities Management - GF 141 4.60% 5,703 0 5,703 1,336 7,03918 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 125 4.08% 5,056 0 5,056 1,185 6,24019 C&R Administration - GF 7 0.23% 283 0 283 66 34921 C&R Elections - GF 14 0.46% 566 0 566 133 69922 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 1 0.03% 40 0 40 9 5023 C&R Recording - GF 11 0.36% 445 0 445 104 54924 Assessor - GF 15 0.49% 607 0 607 142 74925 CSU Extension - GF 2 0.07% 81 0 81 19 10026 Coroner - GF 15 0.49% 607 0 607 142 74928 District Attorney Admin - GF 75 2.45% 3,033 0 3,033 711 3,74431 Emergency Management - GF 15 0.49% 607 0 607 142 74932 Events & Venues - GF 44 1.44% 1,780 0 1,780 417 2,19734 Justice Services - GF 5 0.16% 202 0 202 47 25035 Planning & Zoning - GF 17 0.55% 688 0 688 161 84937 JCSO Detentions - GF 46 1.50% 1,860 0 1,860 436 2,29638 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 40 1.31% 1,618 0 1,618 379 1,99739 JCSO Executive - GF 8 0.26% 324 0 324 76 39940 JCSO Support Services - GF 609 19.87% 24,631 0 24,631 5,771 30,40246 Open Space Fund 485 15.82% 19,616 0 19,616 4,596 24,21250 Open Space Land Acqu Fund 12 0.39% 485 0 485 114 59953 Boettcher Mansion Fund 13 0.42% 526 0 526 123 64958 Road & Bridge Fund 584 19.05% 23,620 0 23,620 5,534 29,15459 Social Services Fund 57 1.86% 2,305 0 2,305 540 2,84660 Workforce Development Fund 6 0.20% 243 0 243 57 30061 Head Start Fund 18 0.59% 728 0 728 171 89964 Fleet Services Fund 57 1.86% 2,305 0 2,305 540 2,84665 Library Fund 158 5.15% 6,390 0 6,390 1,497 7,88867 Patrol Fund 86 2.81% 3,478 0 3,478 815 4,29368 Inmate Welfare Fund 3 0.10% 121 0 121 28 15070 Public Health Fund 39 1.27% 1,577 0 1,577 370 1,94771 Airport Fund 160 5.22% 6,471 0 6,471 1,516 7,98773 Jeffco Fin Capital Project Fund 1 0.03% 40 0 40 9 50

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Capital Assets Allocations Dept:7 Finance-Accounting - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


76 SE Sales Tax-Capital Fund 1 0.03% $40 $0 $40 $9 $5077 Solid Waste Fund 22 0.72% 890 0 890 208 1,098

Subtotal 3,065 100.00% 123,963 0 123,963 28,941 152,904

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $123,963 $152,904Basis Units: Number of AssetsSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Audit Allocations Dept:7 Finance-Accounting - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 288 0.45% $850 $0 $850 $0 $8504 Public Affairs - GF 192 0.30% 567 0 567 0 5675 County Attorney - GF 621 0.97% 1,833 0 1,833 0 1,8336 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 196 0.31% 578 0 578 0 5787 Finance-Accounting - GF 351 0.55% 1,036 0 1,036 0 1,0368 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 234 0.36% 691 0 691 0 6919 Human Resources - GF 280 0.44% 826 0 826 0 826

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 251 0.39% 741 0 741 0 74111 Development & Trans - GF 172 0.27% 508 0 508 0 50812 Building Safety - GF 306 0.48% 903 0 903 0 90313 Board of County Comm - GF 259 0.40% 764 0 764 0 76414 Treasurer - GF 507 0.79% 1,496 0 1,496 0 1,49615 Non-Departmental - GF 689 1.07% 2,033 0 2,033 0 2,03316 Transportation & Engineering - GF 572 0.89% 1,688 0 1,688 0 1,68817 Facilities Management - GF 2,440 3.80% 7,201 0 7,201 0 7,20118 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 966 1.50% 2,851 0 2,851 0 2,85119 C&R Administration - GF 292 0.45% 862 0 862 0 86220 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 230 0.36% 679 0 679 0 67921 C&R Elections - GF 421 0.66% 1,242 0 1,242 0 1,24222 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 624 0.97% 1,841 0 1,841 0 1,84123 C&R Recording - GF 252 0.39% 744 0 744 0 74424 Assessor - GF 308 0.48% 909 0 909 0 90925 CSU Extension - GF 814 1.27% 2,402 0 2,402 0 2,40226 Coroner - GF 375 0.58% 1,107 0 1,107 0 1,10727 County Attorney BOE - GF 237 0.37% 699 0 699 0 69928 District Attorney Admin - GF 993 1.55% 2,930 0 2,930 0 2,93029 District Atty Dom Violence - GF 5 0.01% 15 0 15 0 1530 District Atty Family Justice Cntr - GF 25 0.04% 74 0 74 0 7431 Emergency Management - GF 170 0.26% 502 0 502 0 50232 Events & Venues - GF 464 0.72% 1,369 0 1,369 0 1,36933 Intergovernmental Projects - GF 96 0.15% 283 0 283 0 28334 Justice Services - GF 850 1.32% 2,508 0 2,508 0 2,50835 Planning & Zoning - GF 686 1.07% 2,024 0 2,024 0 2,02436 Public Trustee 386 0.60% 1,139 0 1,139 0 1,13937 JCSO Detentions - GF 695 1.08% 2,051 0 2,051 0 2,05138 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 140 0.22% 413 0 413 0 41339 JCSO Executive - GF 100 0.16% 295 0 295 0 29540 JCSO Support Services - GF 1,734 2.70% 5,117 0 5,117 0 5,11741 Surveyor - GF 72 0.11% 212 0 212 0 21243 Clerk Electronic Filing Fund 2 0.00% 6 0 6 0 644 Insurance Fund 660 1.03% 1,948 0 1,948 0 1,94845 Worker's Compensation Fund 231 0.36% 682 0 682 0 682

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Audit Allocations Dept:7 Finance-Accounting - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


46 Open Space Fund 3,179 4.95% $9,382 $0 $9,382 $0 $9,38247 Open Space Cities Share Fund 165 0.26% 487 0 487 0 48749 Open Space Debt Svc 10 Fund 29 0.05% 86 0 86 0 8651 Open Space Debt Svc 13 Fund 26 0.04% 77 0 77 0 7752 Conservation Trust Fund 29 0.05% 86 0 86 0 8653 Boettcher Mansion Fund 873 1.36% 2,576 0 2,576 0 2,57654 Developmentally Disabled Fund 52 0.08% 153 0 153 0 15355 South Traffic Impact 144 0.22% 425 0 425 0 42556 North Traffic Impact 51 0.08% 151 0 151 0 15157 Evergreen/Conifer Traf Imp Fund 185 0.29% 546 0 546 0 54658 Road & Bridge Fund 4,686 7.29% 13,829 0 13,829 0 13,82959 Social Services Fund 8,209 12.78% 24,226 0 24,226 0 24,22660 Workforce Development Fund 648 1.01% 1,912 0 1,912 0 1,91261 Head Start Fund 1,616 2.52% 4,769 0 4,769 0 4,76962 Capital Expenditures Fund 82 0.13% 242 0 242 0 24263 Contingent Fund 36 0.06% 106 0 106 0 10664 Fleet Services Fund 1,930 3.00% 5,696 0 5,696 0 5,69665 Library Fund 13,524 21.05% 39,911 0 39,911 0 39,91166 Benefit Plan Fund 619 0.96% 1,827 0 1,827 0 1,82767 Patrol Fund 1,588 2.47% 4,686 0 4,686 0 4,68668 Inmate Welfare Fund 350 0.54% 1,033 0 1,033 0 1,03369 Forfeiture Fund 264 0.41% 779 0 779 0 77970 Public Health Fund 3,016 4.69% 8,901 0 8,901 0 8,90171 Airport Fund 1,815 2.82% 5,356 0 5,356 0 5,35672 Wildland Fire Fund 61 0.09% 180 0 180 0 18073 Jeffco Fin Capital Project Fund 20 0.03% 59 0 59 0 5975 SE Sales Tax-Debt Fund 16 0.02% 47 0 47 0 4776 SE Sales Tax-Capital Fund 222 0.35% 655 0 655 0 65577 Solid Waste Fund 133 0.21% 392 0 392 0 39278 Community Development Fund 472 0.73% 1,393 0 1,393 0 1,39381 CARES Fund 1,023 1.59% 3,019 0 3,019 0 3,019

Subtotal 64,249 100.00% 189,605 0 189,605 0 189,605

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $189,605 $189,605Basis Units: Number of AP, JE & CR TransactionsSource:

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FY 20208/24/2021

2 CFR Part 200 Audit Allocations Dept:7 Finance-Accounting - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


19 C&R Administration - GF 148,951 0.09% $28 $0 $28 $0 $2826 Coroner - GF 4,960 0.00% 1 0 1 0 128 District Attorney Admin - GF 845,932 0.53% 161 0 161 0 16131 Emergency Management - GF 105,000 0.07% 20 0 20 0 2039 JCSO Executive - GF 1,676,390 1.05% 319 0 319 0 31946 Open Space Fund 4,807 0.00% 1 0 1 0 158 Road & Bridge Fund 299,943 0.19% 57 0 57 0 5759 Social Services Fund 38,126,605 23.99% 7,253 0 7,253 0 7,25360 Workforce Development Fund 2,517,999 1.58% 479 0 479 0 47961 Head Start Fund 4,182,126 2.63% 796 0 796 0 79670 Public Health Fund 7,094,266 4.46% 1,350 0 1,350 0 1,35071 Airport Fund 520,848 0.33% 99 0 99 0 9978 Community Development Fund 1,705,573 1.07% 324 0 324 0 32481 CARES Fund 101,708,240 63.99% 19,348 0 19,348 0 19,348

Subtotal 158,941,640 100.00% 30,235 0 30,235 0 30,235

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $30,235 $30,235Basis Units: To Grant Receiving Funds based on SEFA ExpendituresSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Purchasing Supervision Allocations Dept:7 Finance-Accounting - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 100 100.00% $10,631 $0 $10,631 $2,482 $13,113

Subtotal 100 100.00% 10,631 0 10,631 2,482 13,113

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $10,631 $13,113Basis Units: 100% to PurchasingSource:

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FY 20208/24/2021

Grant Accounting Allocations Dept:7 Finance-Accounting - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


19 C&R Administration - GF 148,951.00 0.13% $113 $0 $113 $26 $13926 Coroner - GF 4,960.00 0.00% 4 0 4 1 528 District Attorney Admin - GF 845,932.00 0.76% 639 0 639 149 78931 Emergency Management - GF 105,000.00 0.09% 79 0 79 19 9839 JCSO Executive - GF 1,676,390.00 1.51% 1,267 0 1,267 296 1,56346 Open Space Fund 4,807.00 0.00% 4 0 4 1 458 Road & Bridge Fund 299,943.00 0.27% 227 0 227 53 28059 Social Services Fund 3,812,660.50 3.44% 2,881 0 2,881 673 3,55460 Workforce Development Fund 251,799.00 0.23% 190 0 190 44 23561 Head Start Fund 418,212.60 0.38% 316 0 316 74 39070 Public Health Fund 709,426.60 0.64% 536 0 536 125 66171 Airport Fund 520,848.00 0.47% 394 0 394 92 48678 Community Development Fund 170,557.30 0.15% 129 0 129 30 15981 CARES Fund 101,708,240.00 91.90% 76,866 0 76,866 17,945 94,812

Subtotal 110,677,727.00 100.00% 83,645 0 83,645 19,528 103,173

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $83,645 $103,173Basis Units: To Grant Receiving Funds based on SEFA Exp's (Health, HS, WFD, Head Start and CD @ 10%)Source:

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FY 20208/24/2021

Pcard Audit Allocations Dept:7 Finance-Accounting - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 22,650.97 0.34% $70 $0 $70 $0 $704 Public Affairs - GF 23,325.11 0.35% 73 0 73 0 735 County Attorney - GF 87,340.03 1.29% 272 0 272 0 2726 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 1,374.28 0.02% 4 0 4 0 47 Finance-Accounting - GF 8,937.84 0.13% 28 0 28 0 288 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 15,616.94 0.23% 49 0 49 0 499 Human Resources - GF 50,717.65 0.75% 158 0 158 0 158

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 5,232.29 0.08% 16 0 16 0 1612 Building Safety - GF 29,359.92 0.43% 91 0 91 0 9113 Board of County Comm - GF 9,257.53 0.14% 29 0 29 0 2914 Treasurer - GF 6,611.79 0.10% 21 0 21 0 2116 Transportation & Engineering - GF 33,544.17 0.50% 104 0 104 0 10417 Facilities Management - GF 467,875.75 6.93% 1,455 0 1,455 0 1,45518 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 130,250.65 1.93% 405 0 405 0 40519 C&R Administration - GF 58,854.79 0.87% 183 0 183 0 18320 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 1,317.60 0.02% 4 0 4 0 421 C&R Elections - GF 136,159.60 2.02% 423 0 423 0 42322 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 10,523.73 0.16% 33 0 33 0 3323 C&R Recording - GF 6,606.09 0.10% 21 0 21 0 2124 Assessor - GF 19,368.53 0.29% 60 0 60 0 6025 CSU Extension - GF 19,228.56 0.28% 60 0 60 0 6026 Coroner - GF 90,082.58 1.33% 280 0 280 0 28027 County Attorney BOE - GF 399.99 0.01% 1 0 1 0 128 District Attorney Admin - GF 108,360.64 1.60% 337 0 337 0 33731 Emergency Management - GF 426,149.32 6.31% 1,325 0 1,325 0 1,32532 Events & Venues - GF 63,076.36 0.93% 196 0 196 0 19634 Justice Services - GF 24,250.80 0.36% 75 0 75 0 7535 Planning & Zoning - GF 35,873.74 0.53% 112 0 112 0 11236 Public Trustee 21,589.84 0.32% 67 0 67 0 6737 JCSO Detentions - GF 78,320.80 1.16% 244 0 244 0 24438 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 29,933.42 0.44% 93 0 93 0 9339 JCSO Executive - GF 25,149.16 0.37% 78 0 78 0 7840 JCSO Support Services - GF 1,047,560.35 15.51% 3,258 0 3,258 0 3,25844 Insurance Fund 80,204.61 1.19% 249 0 249 0 24945 Worker's Compensation Fund 11,050.97 0.16% 34 0 34 0 3446 Open Space Fund 787,081.87 11.66% 2,448 0 2,448 0 2,44853 Boettcher Mansion Fund 25,734.65 0.38% 80 0 80 0 8058 Road & Bridge Fund 512,819.90 7.59% 1,595 0 1,595 0 1,59559 Social Services Fund 375,877.71 5.57% 1,169 0 1,169 0 1,16960 Workforce Development Fund 15,900.35 0.24% 49 0 49 0 4961 Head Start Fund 135,347.04 2.00% 421 0 421 0 42164 Fleet Services Fund 971,638.99 14.39% 3,022 0 3,022 0 3,022

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FY 20208/24/2021

Pcard Audit Allocations Dept:7 Finance-Accounting - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


65 Library Fund 297,150.25 4.40% $924 $0 $924 $0 $92467 Patrol Fund 169,019.61 2.50% 526 0 526 0 52668 Inmate Welfare Fund 23,738.04 0.35% 74 0 74 0 7471 Airport Fund 240,705.44 3.56% 749 0 749 0 74976 SE Sales Tax-Capital Fund 167.06 0.00% 1 0 1 0 178 Community Development Fund 5,839.93 0.09% 18 0 18 0 1881 CARES Fund 5,058.00 0.07% 16 0 16 0 16

Subtotal 6,752,235.24 100.00% 21,000 0 21,000 0 21,000

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $21,000 $21,000Basis Units: PCard ExpendituresSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Allocation Summary Dept:7 Finance-Accounting - GF

Department Accounts Payable

General Accounting

Payroll Capital Assets

Audit 2 CFR Part 200 Audit

Purchasing Supervision

Grant Accounting

Pcard Audit Total

3 County Manager - GF $815 $8,890 $895 $40 $850 $0 $0 $0 $70 $11,5614 Public Affairs - GF 469 5,787 783 121 567 0 0 0 73 7,8015 County Attorney - GF 8,549 9,343 4,589 121 1,833 0 0 0 272 24,7076 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 49 6,728 224 0 578 0 0 0 4 7,5847 Finance-Accounting - GF 2,150 9,169 2,238 162 1,036 0 0 0 28 14,7828 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 521 9,380 1,247 0 691 0 0 0 49 11,8889 Human Resources - GF 796 10,900 3,742 250 826 0 0 0 158 16,672

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 888 9,554 1,109 0 741 0 13,113 0 16 25,42111 Development & Trans - GF 276 7,079 139 0 508 0 0 0 0 8,00112 Building Safety - GF 705 12,116 4,851 1,298 903 0 0 0 91 19,96413 Board of County Comm - GF 1,072 9,598 693 1,498 764 0 0 0 29 13,65314 Treasurer - GF 420 10,075 1,940 100 1,496 0 0 0 21 14,05215 Non-Departmental - GF 8,455 15,547 0 50 2,033 0 0 0 0 26,08516 Transportation & Engineering - GF 1,777 21,366 4,435 4,892 1,688 0 0 0 104 34,26317 Facilities Management - GF 31,796 57,064 10,256 7,039 7,201 0 0 0 1,455 114,81118 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 12,712 23,842 10,533 6,240 2,851 0 0 0 405 56,58319 C&R Administration - GF 2,359 9,250 832 349 862 28 0 139 183 14,00220 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 613 9,120 554 0 679 0 0 0 4 10,97021 C&R Elections - GF 3,339 13,419 2,356 699 1,242 0 0 0 423 21,47922 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 10,936 11,465 13,720 50 1,841 0 0 0 33 38,04523 C&R Recording - GF 123 10,770 1,940 549 744 0 0 0 21 14,14624 Assessor - GF 1,133 11,552 9,008 749 909 0 0 0 60 23,41225 CSU Extension - GF 5,054 12,551 1,109 100 2,402 0 0 0 60 21,27626 Coroner - GF 3,952 10,683 2,633 749 1,107 1 0 5 280 19,40927 County Attorney BOE - GF 1,532 8,121 277 0 699 0 0 0 1 10,63028 District Attorney Admin - GF 4,059 16,155 29,936 3,744 2,930 161 0 789 337 58,11029 District Atty Dom Violence - GF 0 217 139 0 15 0 0 0 0 37030 District Atty Family Justice Cntr - GF 69 651 832 0 74 0 0 0 0 1,62631 Emergency Management - GF 659 3,474 970 749 502 20 0 98 1,325 7,79732 Events & Venues - GF 4,932 12,073 1,247 2,197 1,369 0 0 0 196 22,01433 Intergovernmental Projects - GF 1,409 2,171 0 0 283 0 0 0 0 3,86434 Justice Services - GF 6,800 25,145 8,177 250 2,508 0 0 0 75 42,95535 Planning & Zoning - GF 2,320 16,546 6,237 849 2,024 0 0 0 112 28,08836 Public Trustee 0 16,763 693 0 1,139 0 0 0 67 18,66237 JCSO Detentions - GF 2,343 13,072 52,526 2,296 2,051 0 0 0 244 72,53238 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 291 3,822 1,940 1,997 413 0 0 0 93 8,55639 JCSO Executive - GF 414 1,867 3,188 399 295 319 0 1,563 78 8,12340 JCSO Support Services - GF 7,467 26,882 14,136 30,402 5,117 0 0 0 3,258 87,26241 Surveyor - GF 0 3,127 139 0 212 0 0 0 0 3,47843 Clerk Electronic Filing Fund 61 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 6744 Insurance Fund 5,299 20,541 693 0 1,948 0 0 0 249 28,731

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Allocation Summary Dept:7 Finance-Accounting - GF

Department Accounts Payable

General Accounting

Payroll Capital Assets

Audit 2 CFR Part 200 Audit

Purchasing Supervision

Grant Accounting

Pcard Audit Total

45 Worker's Compensation Fund $1,685 $7,079 $0 $0 $682 $0 $0 $0 $34 $9,48046 Open Space Fund 11,648 58,497 25,778 24,212 9,382 1 0 4 2,448 131,96947 Open Space Cities Share Fund 858 2,302 0 0 487 0 0 0 0 3,64649 Open Space Debt Svc 10 Fund 15 1,173 0 0 86 0 0 0 0 1,27350 Open Space Land Acqu Fund 0 0 0 599 0 0 0 0 0 59951 Open Space Debt Svc 13 Fund 15 1,042 0 0 77 0 0 0 0 1,13452 Conservation Trust Fund 61 1,173 0 0 86 0 0 0 0 1,31953 Boettcher Mansion Fund 1,432 16,937 1,524 649 2,576 0 0 0 80 23,19954 Developmentally Disabled Fund 337 1,781 0 0 153 0 0 0 0 2,27155 South Traffic Impact 796 5,124 0 0 425 0 0 0 0 6,34656 North Traffic Impact 0 2,215 0 0 151 0 0 0 0 2,36557 Evergreen/Conifer Traf Imp Fund 2,297 4,777 0 0 546 0 0 0 0 7,62058 Road & Bridge Fund 74,207 60,625 30,767 29,154 13,829 57 0 280 1,595 210,51359 Social Services Fund 106,394 64,794 91,747 2,846 24,226 7,253 0 3,554 1,169 301,98260 Workforce Development Fund 2,650 12,768 7,622 300 1,912 479 0 235 49 26,01561 Head Start Fund 9,151 14,635 13,027 899 4,769 796 0 390 421 44,08862 Capital Expenditures Fund 61 3,474 0 0 242 0 0 0 0 3,77763 Contingent Fund 0 1,563 0 0 106 0 0 0 0 1,67064 Fleet Services Fund 42,885 22,582 3,465 2,846 5,696 0 0 0 3,022 80,49565 Library Fund 94,707 50,116 72,344 7,888 39,911 0 0 0 924 265,89066 Benefit Plan Fund 8,577 12,073 0 0 1,827 0 0 0 0 22,47767 Patrol Fund 5,146 29,314 42,409 4,293 4,686 0 0 0 526 86,37468 Inmate Welfare Fund 467 10,336 1,247 150 1,033 0 0 0 74 13,30769 Forfeiture Fund 4,809 3,257 0 0 779 0 0 0 0 8,84570 Public Health Fund 14,466 43,645 32,014 1,947 8,901 1,350 0 661 0 102,98471 Airport Fund 18,379 34,916 4,435 7,987 5,356 99 0 486 749 72,40772 Wildland Fire Fund 0 2,649 0 0 180 0 0 0 0 2,82973 Jeffco Fin Capital Project Fund 245 521 0 50 59 0 0 0 0 87575 SE Sales Tax-Debt Fund 123 521 0 0 47 0 0 0 0 69176 SE Sales Tax-Capital Fund 888 8,382 0 50 655 0 0 0 1 9,97577 Solid Waste Fund 1,011 4,169 0 1,098 392 0 0 0 0 6,67178 Community Development Fund 1,080 12,594 693 0 1,393 324 0 159 18 16,26181 CARES Fund 25,333 8,512 1,940 0 3,019 19,348 0 94,812 16 152,979

Total $566,338 $989,422 $529,968 $152,904 $189,605 $30,235 $13,113 $103,173 $21,000 $2,595,758

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021


Strategic Planning and Analysis (SPA) ensures the financial viability of all county operations while providing support to elected and appointed officials, and department/division heads, through the following services:

· Annual County Budget: Prepare and coordinate the development of the annual budget for county-wide budget. Ensure legal requirements for review, adoption and filing of the budget are met. Prepare annual budget document and budget-in-brief.

· Revenue Forecasting and Analysis: Prepare models and estimates used for reporting to the BCC as well as budget planning for future fiscal years.

· Budget Monitoring: Ensure revenues and expenditures adhere to budgetary guidelines and all funds are used as intended. Prepare revenue projections and periodic financial reports for elected and appointed officials and department/division directors as necessary.

· Budget Amendments: Process budget supplementals and transfers to amend the adopted budget. Prepare resolutions amending the adopted budget and publishes legal notices of proposed amendments.

· Mill Levy Certification: Prepare the mill levy certification for taxing authorities within the county and report to the County Assessor and Colorado Department of Local Affairs.

· Project Coordination & Research: Work with departments on capital project financing, timelines, and monitoring. Conduct research on finance and management issues as requested by the BCC or County Manager. Review Board agenda items for potential budget impacts.

· Salary and Benefit Projections: Project salary and benefits for personnel for the annual budget. · Cost Allocation: Assist in the cost allocation process and upload final numbers during the budget process. · Position Tracking: Update and monitor position tracking for county departments. · Financial Policies: Review and update financial policies with BCC approval.

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FY 20208/24/2021


Indirect costs for these functions will be allocated to the receiving department/division’s budget. The SPA Division includes the following functions:

· Budget Analysis: 50% of SPA costs are allocated based on actual expenditures (excluding debt and transfers) by department/division.

· Strategic Planning Issues: 50% of SPA costs are allocated based on the number of benefit eligible FTEs by department/division.

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:8 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF

Description Amount General Admin

Budget Analysis

Strategic Planning Issues

Personnel CostsSalaries S1 652,502 0 326,251 326,251 Salary % Split .00% 50.00% 50.00%Benefits S 155,139 0 77,570 77,570

Subtotal - Personnel Costs 807,641 0 403,821 403,821

Services & Supplies CostSalaries - COVID D 1,750 0 0 0Salaries - COVID S (303,283) 0 (151,642) (151,642)4261 General Supplies S 46,088 0 23,044 23,0444269 Equipment S 16,271 0 8,135 8,13543300 Prof & Tech Serv S 12,500 0 6,250 6,2504341 Utilities S 4,336 0 2,168 2,1684344 Rent & Lease S 3,902 0 1,951 1,9514351 Misc Serv & Chrg S 82 0 41 414354 Adv & Pub S 224 0 112 1124356 Dues-Mtgs-Train S 3,816 0 1,908 1,9084358 Travel-Freight-Deliv S 329 0 164 16447 Insurance Tr's S 4,900 0 2,450 2,450475754 IT Tech Repl S 7,271 0 3,636 3,6364759 Fac Charge D 37,801 0 0 04759 Indirect Costs D 60,007 0 0 04759 IT Charge D 61,896 0 0 0 S 0 0 0 0 S 0 0 0 0 S 0 0 0 0

Subtotal - Services & Supplies (42,110) 0 (101,782) (101,782)

Department Cost Total 765,531 0 302,039 302,039

Adjustments to CostSalaries - COVID D (1,750) 0 0 0

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:8 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF

Description Amount General Admin

Budget Analysis

Strategic Planning Issues

4759 Fac Charge D (37,801) 0 0 04759 Indirect Costs D (60,007) 0 0 04759 IT Charge D (61,896) 0 0 0

Subtotal - Adjustments (161,454) 0 0 0

Total Costs After Adjustments 604,077 0 302,039 302,039

General Admin Distribution 0 0 0

Grand Total $604,077 $302,039 $302,039

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Salary%) Dept:8 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

Budget Analysis

Strategic Planning Issues

1 Admin and Courts Facility $17,022 $0 $8,511 $8,511Subtotal - Building Interest and Deprec 17,022 0 8,511 8,511

3 County Manager 1,983 381 1,182 1,1823 Physical Security 603 0 302 3023 Security Committee IT 837 0 419 419

Subtotal - County Manager - GF 3,424 381 1,902 1,902

4 Internal Customer Service 759 114 437 437Subtotal - Public Affairs - GF 759 114 437 437

5 Billable Legal Fees 2,590 290 1,440 1,440Subtotal - County Attorney - GF 2,590 290 1,440 1,440

6 Finance SPA and BIT Supervision 25,187 2,676 13,931 13,931Subtotal - Strategy Innovation & Financ 25,187 2,676 13,931 13,931

7 Accounts Payable 420 101 260 2607 General Accounting 7,530 1,850 4,690 4,6907 Payroll 1,007 240 624 6247 Audit 691 0 345 3457 Pcard Audit 49 0 24 24

Subtotal - Finance-Accounting - GF 9,697 2,191 5,944 5,944

8 Budget Analysis 0 449 225 2258 Strategic Planning Issues 0 904 452 452

Subtotal - Strategy Planning & Analysis 0 1,353 677 677

9 Recruitment 0 12,460 6,230 6,2309 General HR 0 1,815 908 9089 Terminations 0 199 100 1009 Unemployment 0 241 120 1209 Training 0 2,137 1,069 1,0699 Background Checks 0 230 115 1159 Compensation Program 0 398 199 199

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Salary%) Dept:8 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

Budget Analysis

Strategic Planning Issues

9 Compensation Reclassifications $0 $553 $277 $277Subtotal - Human Resources - GF 0 18,034 9,017 9,017

10 Purchase Orders 0 175 87 8710 Purchasing Card Rebate 0 (249) (125) (125)10 Countywide Programs 0 280 140 140

Subtotal - Finance - Purchasing - GF 0 205 103 103

13 Board of County Commissioners 0 2,127 1,063 1,06313 County Commissioner's Other 0 1,118 559 559

Subtotal - Board of County Comm - GF 0 3,244 1,622 1,622

14 Banking 0 451 225 22514 Investments - General Fund 0 121 61 61

Subtotal - Treasurer - GF 0 572 286 286

15 Non-Divisional 0 609 305 305Subtotal - Non-Departmental - GF 0 609 305 305

17 Fac - Admin & Courts Facility 0 44,692 22,346 22,346Subtotal - Facilities Management - GF 0 44,692 22,346 22,346

18 Organization Specific Services 0 992 496 49618 Content Services 0 1,621 810 81018 ERP 0 8,611 4,306 4,30618 EMail/Office 0 3,883 1,941 1,94118 Network & Telecom 0 9,677 4,838 4,83818 Enterprise Web Apps 0 972 486 48618 Customer Service 0 6,152 3,076 3,07618 Record Storage 0 554 277 27718 Countywide Services 0 8,637 4,318 4,318

Subtotal - Business Innovation & Techn 0 41,098 20,549 20,549

20 Clerk to the Board 0 3,955 1,977 1,977Subtotal - C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 0 3,955 1,977 1,977

Total Incoming 58,678 119,414 89,046 89,046

C. Total Allocated $782,169 $391,084 $391,08450.00% 50.00%

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Budget Analysis Allocations Dept:8 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 1,436,866.20 0.32% $1,074 $0 $1,074 $0 $1,0744 Public Affairs - GF 614,189.43 0.14% 459 0 459 0 4595 County Attorney - GF 4,433,812.56 1.00% 3,314 0 3,314 0 3,3146 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 180,308.99 0.04% 135 0 135 0 1357 Finance-Accounting - GF 2,002,819.71 0.45% 1,497 0 1,497 0 1,4978 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 600,927.39 0.14% 449 0 449 0 4499 Human Resources - GF 1,716,245.96 0.39% 1,283 0 1,283 236 1,519

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 638,839.89 0.14% 477 0 477 88 56511 Development & Trans - GF 247,015.28 0.06% 185 0 185 34 21912 Building Safety - GF 2,861,487.83 0.65% 2,139 0 2,139 394 2,53213 Board of County Comm - GF 742,805.26 0.17% 555 0 555 102 65714 Treasurer - GF 1,435,729.90 0.32% 1,073 0 1,073 197 1,27015 Non-Departmental - GF 564,166.74 0.13% 422 0 422 78 49916 Transportation & Engineering - GF 3,597,050.65 0.81% 2,688 0 2,688 495 3,18317 Facilities Management - GF 12,203,648.36 2.75% 9,121 0 9,121 1,678 10,79918 Business Innovation & Technology - GF16,532,467.21 3.73% 12,356 0 12,356 2,274 14,63019 C&R Administration - GF 916,555.59 0.21% 685 0 685 126 81120 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 199,226.05 0.04% 149 0 149 27 17621 C&R Elections - GF 4,864,974.12 1.10% 3,636 0 3,636 669 4,30522 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 5,356,381.26 1.21% 4,003 0 4,003 737 4,74023 C&R Recording - GF 1,049,285.83 0.24% 784 0 784 144 92924 Assessor - GF 4,820,181.78 1.09% 3,602 0 3,602 663 4,26525 CSU Extension - GF 741,831.11 0.17% 554 0 554 102 65626 Coroner - GF 2,416,299.51 0.54% 1,806 0 1,806 332 2,13827 County Attorney BOE - GF 173,667.29 0.04% 130 0 130 24 15428 District Attorney Admin - GF 20,234,072.37 4.56% 15,122 0 15,122 2,783 17,90529 District Atty Dom Violence - GF 108,296.10 0.02% 81 0 81 15 9630 District Atty Family Justice Cntr - GF 220,598.58 0.05% 165 0 165 30 19531 Emergency Management - GF 1,523,501.09 0.34% 1,139 0 1,139 210 1,34832 Events & Venues - GF 682,551.07 0.15% 510 0 510 94 60433 Intergovernmental Projects - GF 471,907.50 0.11% 353 0 353 65 41834 Justice Services - GF 8,572,855.58 1.93% 6,407 0 6,407 1,179 7,58635 Planning & Zoning - GF 4,009,787.22 0.90% 2,997 0 2,997 551 3,54836 Public Trustee 478,040.23 0.11% 357 0 357 66 42337 JCSO Detentions - GF 20,843,875.34 4.70% 15,578 0 15,578 2,867 18,44538 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 1,140,126.24 0.26% 852 0 852 157 1,00939 JCSO Executive - GF 2,293,805.09 0.52% 1,714 0 1,714 315 2,03040 JCSO Support Services - GF 18,864,377.08 4.25% 14,099 0 14,099 2,595 16,69341 Surveyor - GF 2,988.89 0.00% 2 0 2 0 344 Insurance Fund 2,265,036.16 0.51% 1,693 0 1,693 312 2,00445 Worker's Compensation Fund 2,629,694.33 0.59% 1,965 0 1,965 362 2,32746 Open Space Fund 18,716,391.00 4.22% 13,988 0 13,988 2,574 16,562

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FY 20208/24/2021

Budget Analysis Allocations Dept:8 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


47 Open Space Cities Share Fund 339,989.35 0.08% $254 $0 $254 $47 $30153 Boettcher Mansion Fund 557,802.97 0.13% 417 0 417 77 49455 South Traffic Impact 299,449.48 0.07% 224 0 224 41 26557 Evergreen/Conifer Traf Imp Fund 366,120.60 0.08% 274 0 274 50 32458 Road & Bridge Fund 27,266,149.00 6.15% 20,378 0 20,378 3,750 24,12859 Social Services Fund 55,844,737.64 12.59% 41,737 0 41,737 7,681 49,41760 Workforce Development Fund 2,801,928.05 0.63% 2,094 0 2,094 385 2,47961 Head Start Fund 5,482,140.51 1.24% 4,097 0 4,097 754 4,85162 Capital Expenditures Fund 31,012.00 0.01% 23 0 23 4 2764 Fleet Services Fund 5,917,394.00 1.33% 4,422 0 4,422 814 5,23665 Library Fund 35,317,965.15 7.97% 26,396 0 26,396 4,857 31,25366 Benefit Plan Fund 37,547,927.41 8.47% 28,062 0 28,062 5,164 33,22667 Patrol Fund 19,278,000.36 4.35% 14,408 0 14,408 2,651 17,05968 Inmate Welfare Fund 658,345.30 0.15% 492 0 492 91 58369 Forfeiture Fund 1,183,082.74 0.27% 884 0 884 163 1,04770 Public Health Fund 16,389,833.00 3.70% 12,249 0 12,249 2,254 14,50371 Airport Fund 4,980,557.00 1.12% 3,722 0 3,722 685 4,40773 Jeffco Fin Capital Project Fund 2,500.00 0.00% 2 0 2 0 276 SE Sales Tax-Capital Fund 3,599,306.13 0.81% 2,690 0 2,690 495 3,18577 Solid Waste Fund 183,412.53 0.04% 137 0 137 25 16278 Community Development Fund 557,816.68 0.13% 417 0 417 77 49481 CARES Fund 51,381,411.00 11.59% 38,401 0 38,401 7,067 45,468

Subtotal 443,391,568.67 100.00% 331,378 0 331,378 59,707 391,084

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $331,378 $391,084Basis Units: Operating Exp's (excl. Dep, Fin & Debt Serv, CAP) Incl. Asst Pymnts & Capital capped at $5millSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Strategic Planning Issues Allocations Dept:8 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 7.50 0.26% $848 $0 $848 $0 $8484 Public Affairs - GF 5.50 0.19% 622 0 622 0 6225 County Attorney - GF 33.00 1.13% 3,730 0 3,730 0 3,7306 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 1.00 0.03% 113 0 113 0 1137 Finance-Accounting - GF 19.00 0.65% 2,148 0 2,148 0 2,1488 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 8.00 0.27% 904 0 904 0 9049 Human Resources - GF 15.35 0.52% 1,735 0 1,735 321 2,056

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 6.00 0.20% 678 0 678 125 80411 Development & Trans - GF 1.00 0.03% 113 0 113 21 13412 Building Safety - GF 26.00 0.89% 2,939 0 2,939 543 3,48213 Board of County Comm - GF 5.00 0.17% 565 0 565 104 67014 Treasurer - GF 12.00 0.41% 1,356 0 1,356 251 1,60716 Transportation & Engineering - GF 29.00 0.99% 3,278 0 3,278 606 3,88417 Facilities Management - GF 56.70 1.93% 6,409 0 6,409 1,185 7,59418 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 69.00 2.35% 7,800 0 7,800 1,442 9,24119 C&R Administration - GF 6.00 0.20% 678 0 678 125 80420 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 3.00 0.10% 339 0 339 63 40221 C&R Elections - GF 13.00 0.44% 1,469 0 1,469 272 1,74122 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 68.50 2.34% 7,743 0 7,743 1,431 9,17423 C&R Recording - GF 14.00 0.48% 1,583 0 1,583 293 1,87524 Assessor - GF 51.00 1.74% 5,765 0 5,765 1,066 6,83125 CSU Extension - GF 3.00 0.10% 339 0 339 63 40226 Coroner - GF 13.60 0.46% 1,537 0 1,537 284 1,82127 County Attorney BOE - GF 2.00 0.07% 226 0 226 42 26828 District Attorney Admin - GF 162.70 5.55% 18,391 0 18,391 3,400 21,79129 District Atty Dom Violence - GF 1.00 0.03% 113 0 113 21 13430 District Atty Family Justice Cntr - GF 2.00 0.07% 226 0 226 42 26831 Emergency Management - GF 6.00 0.20% 678 0 678 125 80432 Events & Venues - GF 5.00 0.17% 565 0 565 104 67034 Justice Services - GF 42.00 1.43% 4,748 0 4,748 878 5,62535 Planning & Zoning - GF 41.75 1.42% 4,719 0 4,719 872 5,59236 Public Trustee 4.00 0.14% 452 0 452 84 53637 JCSO Detentions - GF 345.50 11.79% 39,055 0 39,055 7,219 46,27438 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 13.00 0.44% 1,469 0 1,469 272 1,74139 JCSO Executive - GF 18.00 0.61% 2,035 0 2,035 376 2,41140 JCSO Support Services - GF 88.00 3.00% 9,947 0 9,947 1,839 11,78644 Insurance Fund 5.00 0.17% 565 0 565 104 67046 Open Space Fund 135.75 4.63% 15,345 0 15,345 2,836 18,18153 Boettcher Mansion Fund 5.80 0.20% 656 0 656 121 77758 Road & Bridge Fund 192.60 6.57% 21,771 0 21,771 4,024 25,79559 Social Services Fund 559.20 19.08% 63,211 0 63,211 11,684 74,89560 Workforce Development Fund 30.00 1.02% 3,391 0 3,391 627 4,018

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Strategic Planning Issues Allocations Dept:8 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


61 Head Start Fund 67.00 2.29% $7,574 $0 $7,574 $1,400 $8,97364 Fleet Services Fund 22.90 0.78% 2,589 0 2,589 478 3,06765 Library Fund 239.50 8.17% 27,073 0 27,073 5,004 32,07766 Benefit Plan Fund 4.00 0.14% 452 0 452 84 53667 Patrol Fund 271.00 9.24% 30,633 0 30,633 5,662 36,29668 Inmate Welfare Fund 8.00 0.27% 904 0 904 167 1,07170 Public Health Fund 162.90 5.56% 18,414 0 18,414 3,404 21,81871 Airport Fund 23.80 0.81% 2,690 0 2,690 497 3,18878 Community Development Fund 5.00 0.17% 565 0 565 104 67081 CARES Fund 2.00 0.07% 226 0 226 42 268

Subtotal 2,931.55 100.00% 331,378 0 331,378 59,707 391,084

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $331,378 $391,084Basis Units: Benefit Eligible FTESource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Allocation Summary Dept:8 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF

Department Budget Analysis

Strategic Planning Issues


3 County Manager - GF $1,074 $848 $1,9224 Public Affairs - GF 459 622 1,0815 County Attorney - GF 3,314 3,730 7,0446 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 135 113 2487 Finance-Accounting - GF 1,497 2,148 3,6458 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 449 904 1,3539 Human Resources - GF 1,519 2,056 3,575

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 565 804 1,36911 Development & Trans - GF 219 134 35312 Building Safety - GF 2,532 3,482 6,01413 Board of County Comm - GF 657 670 1,32714 Treasurer - GF 1,270 1,607 2,87815 Non-Departmental - GF 499 0 49916 Transportation & Engineering - GF 3,183 3,884 7,06717 Facilities Management - GF 10,799 7,594 18,39318 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 14,630 9,241 23,87119 C&R Administration - GF 811 804 1,61520 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 176 402 57821 C&R Elections - GF 4,305 1,741 6,04622 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 4,740 9,174 13,91423 C&R Recording - GF 929 1,875 2,80424 Assessor - GF 4,265 6,831 11,09625 CSU Extension - GF 656 402 1,05826 Coroner - GF 2,138 1,821 3,96027 County Attorney BOE - GF 154 268 42228 District Attorney Admin - GF 17,905 21,791 39,69629 District Atty Dom Violence - GF 96 134 23030 District Atty Family Justice Cntr - GF 195 268 46331 Emergency Management - GF 1,348 804 2,15232 Events & Venues - GF 604 670 1,27433 Intergovernmental Projects - GF 418 0 41834 Justice Services - GF 7,586 5,625 13,21135 Planning & Zoning - GF 3,548 5,592 9,14036 Public Trustee 423 536 95937 JCSO Detentions - GF 18,445 46,274 64,71938 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 1,009 1,741 2,75039 JCSO Executive - GF 2,030 2,411 4,44140 JCSO Support Services - GF 16,693 11,786 28,47941 Surveyor - GF 3 0 344 Insurance Fund 2,004 670 2,67445 Worker's Compensation Fund 2,327 0 2,327

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Allocation Summary Dept:8 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF

Department Budget Analysis

Strategic Planning Issues


46 Open Space Fund $16,562 $18,181 $34,74447 Open Space Cities Share Fund 301 0 30153 Boettcher Mansion Fund 494 777 1,27055 South Traffic Impact 265 0 26557 Evergreen/Conifer Traf Imp Fund 324 0 32458 Road & Bridge Fund 24,128 25,795 49,92359 Social Services Fund 49,417 74,895 124,31260 Workforce Development Fund 2,479 4,018 6,49761 Head Start Fund 4,851 8,973 13,82562 Capital Expenditures Fund 27 0 2764 Fleet Services Fund 5,236 3,067 8,30365 Library Fund 31,253 32,077 63,33066 Benefit Plan Fund 33,226 536 33,76267 Patrol Fund 17,059 36,296 53,35568 Inmate Welfare Fund 583 1,071 1,65469 Forfeiture Fund 1,047 0 1,04770 Public Health Fund 14,503 21,818 36,32171 Airport Fund 4,407 3,188 7,59573 Jeffco Fin Capital Project Fund 2 0 276 SE Sales Tax-Capital Fund 3,185 0 3,18577 Solid Waste Fund 162 0 16278 Community Development Fund 494 670 1,16381 CARES Fund 45,468 268 45,736

Total $391,084 $391,084 $782,169

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

HUMAN RESOURCES Nature and Extent of Service

Human Resources (HR) provides a variety of services including recruitment, general HR (employee relations), terminations, unemployment, background checks, classification and compensation, and training for county staff. Indirect costs for these functions will be allocated to the receiving department/division’s budgets. HR includes the following functions:

· Recruitment: Jefferson County hires over 1300 employees annually for both full-time equivalent (FTE) and temporary positions. Recruiting collaborates with hiring managers to find the most qualified talent through all stages of the recruiting process – this includes assessing needs, requisitions, job advertising and marketing, screening applications and candidates, assisting hiring personnel in the interview process, reference checks, and motor vehicle record checks. Recruitment also represents Jefferson County at job fairs and other hiring events. Recruiting services are allocated based on the number of recruitments by department/division, with the Library and the Sheriff’s office excluded.

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FY 20208/24/2021

HUMAN RESOURCES Nature and Extent of Service

· General HR: HR provides expertise, consultation and leadership in management of the county’s human resources. They promote an environment of collaboration, continuous learning, positive employee-management relations and the well-being of employees. HR helps clients define, plan, and execute organizational change initiatives; assists in identifying both organizational and individual performance obstacles; and coach individual managers and supervisors to improve their abilities to lead and to manage. General HR encompasses all other administrative and managerial functions not specifically listed as follows: on-boarding preparation and paperwork for new employees, customer inquiries, assisting managers and employees with questions or concerns, running personnel reports, producing HR metrics, data entry into the Human Capital Management (HCM) system, maintaining employee personnel files, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) reporting, EEOC complaints, federal and state employment postings, litigation support, personnel investigations and complaints, workplace accommodations, service awards, employee engagement surveys, tuition reimbursem*nts, employee communication, workforce planning, updating personnel rules, exit interviews and employee recognition. These services are allocated based on number of total FTE’s by department/division, with the Sheriff’s Office and Library charged at 85% to account for in-house HR services.

· Terminations: HR assists both departments under the County Manager and Elected Officials with their termination process. The role of HR is to ensure compliance with county policies and rules, ensure requirements under federal or state statute, process and maintain required records and documentation and identify potential legal risks associated with the termination. HR metrics are captured for terminations to help identify underlying causes for turnover in order to assist with proactive measures. In depth consultations and assistance generally occur for termination processes involving medical separation, layoffs, and dismissals for cause. These services are allocated based on the number of terminations per department/division.

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

HUMAN RESOURCES Nature and Extent of Service

· Unemployment: Unemployment services are allocated based on the number of Requests for Job Separation Information

(claims for unemployment benefits) received per year by department/division. HR confirms employment information, drafts a response, tracks claims and notifications of decisions, coordinates documentation for appeal hearings, and processes quarterly unemployment charges.

· Training: The purpose of the Organizational Development and Training unit is to improve organizational and individual performance and productivity by providing internal performance consulting, relevant training workshops, and performance management development programs. Organizational Development refers to strategies and initiatives that align, promote and encourage the improvement of a department or work team’s performance and productivity. By providing training programs and resources to enhance the skills and competencies of Jefferson County employees, Department/divisions and works teams better serve their customers and become more effective and efficient in fulfilling their respective missions within the county. These services are allocated based on the number of training hours by department/division. Allocations for specially requested presentation trainings for a department/division are capped at 35 attendees.

· Background Checks: Background checks are part of the recruitment process and verify criminal history and education. They are an important component of the hiring process and also assist departments in adhering to various credentials outlined in state statues or county policies. These services are allocated based on the number of background checks processed by department/division.

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

HUMAN RESOURCES Nature and Extent of Service

· Compensation Program: HR maintains and administers a compensation program that will attract, reward, and retain a well-

qualified workforce. They analyze relevant market data and develop compensation strategies to assist in meeting business objectives while being fiscally responsible and compliant with all applicable laws and regulations. The compensation program will be continuously evaluated and revised as needed to ensure that the intended objectives are met. Human Resources maintains awareness of and analyzes emerging trends and changing circ*mstances that impact compensation in order to keep Jefferson County’s compensation programs up to date and relevant. Human Resources will review job changes, ensure internal equity, as well as make comparisons within the relevant market and with other like jobs using approved market salary studies. These reviews are conducted by Human Resources in consultation with the appropriate budget official(s) to establish and adjust pay levels as necessary. These services are allocated in two functions: Market Analysis services are 40% of the overall compensation costs and are allocated based on the number of benefit eligible FTE’s by department/division, with the DA’s Office only charged for classifications included in the County’s compensation programs and/or market studies. Time spent on compensation reclassifications are 60% of the overall compensation costs and are allocated based on the number of reclassifications per department/division.

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:9 Human Resources - GF

Description Amount General Admin

Recruitment General HR Terminations Unemployment

Training Background Checks

Compensation Program

Personnel CostsSalaries S1 1,186,856 145,152 192,508 401,395 63,378 48,424 216,483 0 57,444 Salary % Split 12.23% 16.22% 33.82% 5.34% 4.08% 18.24% .00% 4.84%Benefits S 325,103 39,760 52,732 109,950 17,361 13,264 59,299 0 15,735

Subtotal - Personnel Costs 1,511,959 184,913 245,240 511,345 80,739 61,688 275,781 0 73,179

Services & Supplies CostSalaries - COVID D 3,271 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04261 General Supplies P 11,375 6,338 0 0 0 0 5,037 0 04264 Books & Periodicals P 5,015 240 0 0 0 0 4,775 0 04269 Equipment S 16,803 2,055 2,725 5,683 897 686 3,065 0 81343300 Prof & Tech Services P 84,308 0 0 0 0 0 24,862 12,521 46,92543300 Prof & Tech Services - Leadersh D 6,355 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Benefits for Leadership Training D 5,989 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04341 Utilities S 8,192 1,002 1,329 2,771 437 334 1,494 0 3964344 Rent & Lease S 10,121 1,238 1,642 3,423 540 413 1,846 0 4904351 Misc Serv & Chrgs S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04354 Adv & Pub P 460 0 460 0 0 0 0 0 04356 Dues-Mtgs-Train P 15,891 15,891 0 0 0 0 0 0 04358 Travel-Freight-Deliv P 523 523 0 0 0 0 0 0 04759 Indirect Costs D 110,161 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04757 IT Charges D 138,899 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04757 IT Tech Repl S 15,006 1,835 2,434 5,075 801 612 2,737 0 7264757 Fleet Charges S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04757 Facility Charges D 104,102 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 047 Insurance Tr's S 13,900 1,700 2,255 4,701 742 567 2,535 0 673Salaries for Leadership Training D 20,979 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Subtotal - Services & Supplies 571,349 30,822 10,844 21,652 3,419 2,612 46,352 12,521 50,024

Department Cost Total 2,083,308 215,734 256,084 532,997 84,157 64,300 322,133 12,521 123,203

Adjustments to CostSalaries - COVID D (3,271) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:9 Human Resources - GF

Description Amount General Admin

Recruitment General HR Terminations Unemployment

Training Background Checks

Compensation Program

43300 Prof & Tech Services - Leadersh D (6,355) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Benefits for Leadership Training D (5,989) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04759 Indirect Costs D (110,161) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04757 IT Charges D (138,899) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04757 Facility Charges D (104,102) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Salaries for Leadership Training D (20,979) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Subtotal - Adjustments (389,755) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Costs After Adjustments 1,693,553 215,734 256,084 532,997 84,157 64,300 322,133 12,521 123,203

General Admin Distribution (215,734) 39,868 83,128 13,125 10,028 44,833 0 11,896

Grand Total $1,693,553 $295,952 $616,125 $97,283 $74,328 $366,966 $12,521 $135,099

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:9 Human Resources - GF

Description Amount Compensation


Personnel CostsSalaries S1 1,186,856 62,073 Salary % Split 5.23%Benefits S 325,103 17,003

Subtotal - Personnel Costs 1,511,959 79,075

Services & Supplies CostSalaries - COVID D 3,271 04261 General Supplies P 11,375 04264 Books & Periodicals P 5,015 04269 Equipment S 16,803 87943300 Prof & Tech Services P 84,308 043300 Prof & Tech Services - Leadersh D 6,355 0Benefits for Leadership Training D 5,989 04341 Utilities S 8,192 4284344 Rent & Lease S 10,121 5294351 Misc Serv & Chrgs S 0 04354 Adv & Pub P 460 04356 Dues-Mtgs-Train P 15,891 04358 Travel-Freight-Deliv P 523 04759 Indirect Costs D 110,161 04757 IT Charges D 138,899 04757 IT Tech Repl S 15,006 7854757 Fleet Charges S 0 04757 Facility Charges D 104,102 047 Insurance Tr's S 13,900 727Salaries for Leadership Training D 20,979 0

Subtotal - Services & Supplies 571,349 3,348

Department Cost Total 2,083,308 82,424

Adjustments to CostSalaries - COVID D (3,271) 0

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:9 Human Resources - GF

Description Amount Compensation


43300 Prof & Tech Services - Leadersh D (6,355) 0Benefits for Leadership Training D (5,989) 04759 Indirect Costs D (110,161) 04757 IT Charges D (138,899) 04757 Facility Charges D (104,102) 0Salaries for Leadership Training D (20,979) 0

Subtotal - Adjustments (389,755) 0

Total Costs After Adjustments 1,693,553 82,424

General Admin Distribution 12,855

Grand Total $1,693,553 $95,279

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Salary%) Dept:9 Human Resources - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

Recruitment General HR Terminations Unemployment

Training Background Checks

Compensation Program



1 Admin and Courts Facility $46,905 $0 $8,668 $18,074 $2,854 $2,180 $9,748 $0 $2,587 $2,795Subtotal - Building Interest and Deprec 46,905 0 8,668 18,074 2,854 2,180 9,748 0 2,587 2,795

3 County Manager 3,805 731 838 1,748 276 211 943 0 250 2703 FrontDesk/Switchboard 803 154 177 369 58 44 199 0 53 573 Physical Security 1,157 0 214 446 70 54 241 0 64 693 Security Committee IT 1,606 0 297 619 98 75 334 0 89 96

Subtotal - County Manager - GF 7,372 885 1,526 3,181 502 384 1,716 0 455 492

4 Internal Customer Service 1,457 219 310 646 102 78 348 0 92 100Subtotal - Public Affairs - GF 1,457 219 310 646 102 78 348 0 92 100

5 Billable Legal Fees * 89,310 9,991 24,925 58,389 6,752 9,235 0 0 0 05 Litigation Costs * 1,173 113 323 756 87 120 0 0 0 0

Subtotal - County Attorney - GF 90,483 10,104 25,247 59,145 6,840 9,355 0 0 0 0

7 Accounts Payable 642 154 147 307 48 37 166 0 44 477 General Accounting 8,750 2,150 2,014 4,200 663 507 2,265 0 601 6507 Payroll 3,022 720 692 1,442 228 174 778 0 206 2237 Capital Assets 202 47 46 96 15 12 52 0 14 157 Audit 826 0 153 318 50 38 172 0 46 497 Pcard Audit 158 0 29 61 10 7 33 0 9 9

Subtotal - Finance-Accounting - GF 13,601 3,071 3,081 6,424 1,014 775 3,465 0 919 993

8 Budget Analysis 1,283 236 281 585 92 71 316 0 84 908 Strategic Planning Issues 1,735 321 380 792 125 96 427 0 113 123

Subtotal - Strategy Planning & Analysis 3,018 557 661 1,377 217 166 743 0 197 213

9 Recruitment 0 4,398 813 1,695 268 204 914 0 243 2629 General HR 0 3,937 728 1,517 240 183 818 0 217 2359 Terminations 0 797 147 307 49 37 166 0 44 489 Unemployment 0 722 133 278 44 34 150 0 40 439 Training 0 5,548 1,025 2,138 338 258 1,153 0 306 3319 Background Checks 0 219 40 84 13 10 45 0 12 139 Compensation Program * 0 764 0 0 0 0 0 0 764 0

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Salary%) Dept:9 Human Resources - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

Recruitment General HR Terminations Unemployment

Training Background Checks

Compensation Program



9 Compensation Reclassifications $0 $2,213 $409 $853 $135 $103 $460 $0 $122 $132Subtotal - Human Resources - GF 0 18,597 3,296 6,872 1,085 829 3,706 0 1,747 1,063

10 Purchase Orders 0 1,048 194 404 64 49 218 0 58 6210 Contract Amendements & Renewals 0 3,724 688 1,435 227 173 774 0 205 22210 Purchasing Card Rebate 0 (810) (150) (312) (49) (38) (168) 0 (45) (48)10 Countywide Programs 0 537 99 207 33 25 112 0 30 32

Subtotal - Finance - Purchasing - GF 0 4,499 831 1,734 274 209 935 0 248 268

13 Board of County Commissioners 0 4,080 754 1,572 248 190 848 0 225 24313 County Commissioner's Other 0 3,192 590 1,230 194 148 663 0 176 190

Subtotal - Board of County Comm - GF 0 7,272 1,344 2,802 442 338 1,511 0 401 433

14 Banking 0 1,287 238 496 78 60 267 0 71 7714 Investments - General Fund 0 346 64 133 21 16 72 0 19 21

Subtotal - Treasurer - GF 0 1,633 302 629 99 76 339 0 90 97

15 Non-Divisional 0 1,169 216 450 71 54 243 0 64 70Subtotal - Non-Departmental - GF 0 1,169 216 450 71 54 243 0 64 70

17 Fac - Admin & Courts Facility 0 123,151 22,758 47,453 7,493 5,725 25,593 0 6,791 7,338Subtotal - Facilities Management - GF 0 123,151 22,758 47,453 7,493 5,725 25,593 0 6,791 7,338

18 Organization Specific Services 0 4,784 884 1,843 291 222 994 0 264 28518 Content Services 0 3,110 575 1,198 189 145 646 0 171 18518 ERP 0 24,594 4,545 9,477 1,496 1,143 5,111 0 1,356 1,46618 EMail/Office 0 7,450 1,377 2,871 453 346 1,548 0 411 44418 Network & Telecom 0 18,568 3,431 7,155 1,130 863 3,859 0 1,024 1,10618 Enterprise Web Apps 0 1,864 345 718 113 87 387 0 103 11118 Customer Service 0 11,804 2,181 4,548 718 549 2,453 0 651 70318 Record Storage 0 1,018 188 392 62 47 212 0 56 6118 Countywide Services 0 16,572 3,063 6,386 1,008 770 3,444 0 914 987

Subtotal - Business Innovation & Techn 0 89,764 16,588 34,588 5,461 4,173 18,654 0 4,950 5,349

20 Clerk to the Board 0 208 38 80 13 10 43 0 11 12Subtotal - C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 0 208 38 80 13 10 43 0 11 12

Total Incoming 162,835 261,129 84,867 183,456 26,468 24,351 67,044 0 18,554 19,224

C. Total Allocated $2,117,518 $380,819 $799,581 $123,751 $98,680 $434,010 $12,521 $153,653 $114,50317.98% 37.76% 5.84% 4.66% 20.50% 0.59% 7.26% 5.41%

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Recruitment Allocations Dept:9 Human Resources - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 1 0.22% $733 $0 $733 $0 $7334 Public Affairs - GF 2 0.44% 1,466 0 1,466 0 1,4665 County Attorney - GF 2 0.44% 1,466 0 1,466 0 1,4667 Finance-Accounting - GF 3 0.66% 2,199 0 2,199 0 2,1998 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 17 3.75% 12,460 0 12,460 0 12,4609 Human Resources - GF 6 1.32% 4,398 0 4,398 0 4,398

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 2 0.44% 1,466 0 1,466 231 1,69712 Building Safety - GF 1 0.22% 733 0 733 116 84916 Transportation & Engineering - GF 3 0.66% 2,199 0 2,199 347 2,54617 Facilities Management - GF 14 3.09% 10,262 0 10,262 1,618 11,88018 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 12 2.65% 8,796 0 8,796 1,387 10,18319 C&R Administration - GF 2 0.44% 1,466 0 1,466 231 1,69721 C&R Elections - GF 3 0.66% 2,199 0 2,199 347 2,54622 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 20 4.42% 14,659 0 14,659 2,312 16,97124 Assessor - GF 12 2.65% 8,796 0 8,796 1,387 10,18325 CSU Extension - GF 2 0.44% 1,466 0 1,466 231 1,69726 Coroner - GF 4 0.88% 2,932 0 2,932 462 3,39428 District Attorney Admin - GF 23 5.08% 16,858 0 16,858 2,659 19,51734 Justice Services - GF 11 2.43% 8,063 0 8,063 1,272 9,33435 Planning & Zoning - GF 6 1.32% 4,398 0 4,398 694 5,09136 Public Trustee 1 0.22% 733 0 733 116 84946 Open Space Fund 59 13.02% 43,245 0 43,245 6,821 50,06658 Road & Bridge Fund 51 11.26% 37,381 0 37,381 5,896 43,27759 Social Services Fund 122 26.93% 89,422 0 89,422 14,104 103,52660 Workforce Development Fund 5 1.10% 3,665 0 3,665 578 4,24361 Head Start Fund 23 5.08% 16,858 0 16,858 2,659 19,51764 Fleet Services Fund 2 0.44% 1,466 0 1,466 231 1,69770 Public Health Fund 37 8.17% 27,120 0 27,120 4,277 31,39771 Airport Fund 7 1.55% 5,131 0 5,131 809 5,940

Subtotal 453 100.00% 332,034 0 332,034 48,785 380,819

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $332,034 $380,819Basis Units: Number of Recruitments Processed w/Library & Sheriff ExcludedSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

General HR Allocations Dept:9 Human Resources - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 7.50 0.24% $1,702 $0 $1,702 $0 $1,7024 Public Affairs - GF 5.50 0.18% 1,248 0 1,248 0 1,2485 County Attorney - GF 35.00 1.14% 7,942 0 7,942 0 7,9426 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 1.00 0.03% 227 0 227 0 2277 Finance-Accounting - GF 21.00 0.68% 4,765 0 4,765 0 4,7658 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 8.00 0.26% 1,815 0 1,815 0 1,8159 Human Resources - GF 17.35 0.56% 3,937 0 3,937 0 3,937

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 6.00 0.20% 1,361 0 1,361 206 1,56811 Development & Trans - GF 1.00 0.03% 227 0 227 34 26112 Building Safety - GF 31.00 1.01% 7,034 0 7,034 1,066 8,10013 Board of County Comm - GF 5.00 0.16% 1,135 0 1,135 172 1,30614 Treasurer - GF 12.00 0.39% 2,723 0 2,723 413 3,13516 Transportation & Engineering - GF 29.00 0.94% 6,580 0 6,580 997 7,57717 Facilities Management - GF 61.70 2.01% 14,000 0 14,000 2,121 16,12118 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 70.00 2.28% 15,883 0 15,883 2,407 18,29019 C&R Administration - GF 6.00 0.20% 1,361 0 1,361 206 1,56820 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 3.00 0.10% 681 0 681 103 78421 C&R Elections - GF 13.00 0.42% 2,950 0 2,950 447 3,39722 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 72.50 2.36% 16,451 0 16,451 2,493 18,94323 C&R Recording - GF 14.00 0.46% 3,177 0 3,177 481 3,65824 Assessor - GF 54.00 1.76% 12,253 0 12,253 1,857 14,11025 CSU Extension - GF 4.00 0.13% 908 0 908 138 1,04526 Coroner - GF 14.60 0.48% 3,313 0 3,313 502 3,81527 County Attorney BOE - GF 2.00 0.07% 454 0 454 69 52328 District Attorney Admin - GF 180.70 5.88% 41,002 0 41,002 6,213 47,21529 District Atty Dom Violence - GF 1.00 0.03% 227 0 227 34 26130 District Atty Family Justice Cntr - GF 2.00 0.07% 454 0 454 69 52331 Emergency Management - GF 5.95 0.19% 1,350 0 1,350 205 1,55532 Events & Venues - GF 6.00 0.20% 1,361 0 1,361 206 1,56834 Justice Services - GF 49.00 1.59% 11,118 0 11,118 1,685 12,80335 Planning & Zoning - GF 42.75 1.39% 9,700 0 9,700 1,470 11,17036 Public Trustee 5.00 0.16% 1,135 0 1,135 172 1,30637 JCSO Detentions - GF 294.53 9.59% 66,829 0 66,829 10,127 76,95638 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 11.05 0.36% 2,507 0 2,507 380 2,88739 JCSO Executive - GF 15.30 0.50% 3,472 0 3,472 526 3,99840 JCSO Support Services - GF 78.20 2.54% 17,744 0 17,744 2,689 20,43344 Insurance Fund 5.00 0.16% 1,135 0 1,135 172 1,30646 Open Space Fund 165.75 5.39% 37,609 0 37,609 5,699 43,30853 Boettcher Mansion Fund 11.80 0.38% 2,677 0 2,677 406 3,08358 Road & Bridge Fund 193.60 6.30% 43,929 0 43,929 6,657 50,58559 Social Services Fund 572.20 18.62% 129,834 0 129,834 19,675 149,50960 Workforce Development Fund 38.00 1.24% 8,622 0 8,622 1,307 9,929

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

General HR Allocations Dept:9 Human Resources - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


61 Head Start Fund 69.00 2.25% $15,656 $0 $15,656 $2,372 $18,02964 Fleet Services Fund 22.90 0.75% 5,196 0 5,196 787 5,98365 Library Fund 354.88 11.55% 80,523 0 80,523 12,202 92,72566 Benefit Plan Fund 4.00 0.13% 908 0 908 138 1,04567 Patrol Fund 235.45 7.66% 53,425 0 53,425 8,096 61,52068 Inmate Welfare Fund 6.80 0.22% 1,543 0 1,543 234 1,77770 Public Health Fund 175.90 5.72% 39,912 0 39,912 6,048 45,96171 Airport Fund 24.80 0.81% 5,627 0 5,627 853 6,48078 Community Development Fund 5.00 0.16% 1,135 0 1,135 172 1,30681 CARES Fund 2.00 0.07% 454 0 454 69 523

Subtotal 3,072.70 100.00% 697,208 0 697,208 102,373 799,581

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $697,208 $799,581Basis Units: Total FTE (SO & Library @85%)Source:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Terminations Allocations Dept:9 Human Resources - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 2 0.37% $399 $0 $399 $0 $3994 Public Affairs - GF 1 0.18% 199 0 199 0 1995 County Attorney - GF 3 0.55% 598 0 598 0 5986 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 1 0.18% 199 0 199 0 1997 Finance-Accounting - GF 4 0.74% 797 0 797 0 7978 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 1 0.18% 199 0 199 0 1999 Human Resources - GF 4 0.74% 797 0 797 0 797

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 1 0.18% 199 0 199 30 23012 Building Safety - GF 3 0.55% 598 0 598 91 68914 Treasurer - GF 1 0.18% 199 0 199 30 23016 Transportation & Engineering - GF 3 0.55% 598 0 598 91 68917 Facilities Management - GF 12 2.22% 2,392 0 2,392 364 2,75618 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 7 1.29% 1,395 0 1,395 212 1,60720 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 1 0.18% 199 0 199 30 23021 C&R Elections - GF 3 0.55% 598 0 598 91 68922 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 23 4.25% 4,585 0 4,585 697 5,28224 Assessor - GF 9 1.66% 1,794 0 1,794 273 2,06725 CSU Extension - GF 3 0.55% 598 0 598 91 68926 Coroner - GF 2 0.37% 399 0 399 61 45928 District Attorney Admin - GF 27 4.99% 5,382 0 5,382 818 6,20030 District Atty Family Justice Cntr - GF 1 0.18% 199 0 199 30 23032 Events & Venues - GF 5 0.92% 997 0 997 152 1,14834 Justice Services - GF 9 1.66% 1,794 0 1,794 273 2,06735 Planning & Zoning - GF 5 0.92% 997 0 997 152 1,14837 JCSO Detentions - GF 45 8.32% 8,970 0 8,970 1,364 10,33439 JCSO Executive - GF 4 0.74% 797 0 797 121 91940 JCSO Support Services - GF 19 3.51% 3,787 0 3,787 576 4,36341 Surveyor - GF 1 0.18% 199 0 199 30 23046 Open Space Fund 50 9.24% 9,967 0 9,967 1,516 11,48253 Boettcher Mansion Fund 3 0.55% 598 0 598 91 68958 Road & Bridge Fund 37 6.84% 7,375 0 7,375 1,122 8,49759 Social Services Fund 85 15.71% 16,943 0 16,943 2,576 19,51960 Workforce Development Fund 22 4.07% 4,385 0 4,385 667 5,05261 Head Start Fund 14 2.59% 2,791 0 2,791 424 3,21564 Fleet Services Fund 2 0.37% 399 0 399 61 45965 Library Fund 71 13.12% 14,152 0 14,152 2,152 16,30567 Patrol Fund 23 4.25% 4,585 0 4,585 697 5,28270 Public Health Fund 24 4.44% 4,784 0 4,784 727 5,51171 Airport Fund 6 1.11% 1,196 0 1,196 182 1,37881 CARES Fund 4 0.74% 797 0 797 121 919

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Terminations Allocations Dept:9 Human Resources - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


Subtotal 541 100.00% 107,838 0 107,838 15,913 123,751

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $107,838 $123,751Basis Units: Number of Terminations by divisionSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Unemployment Allocations Dept:9 Human Resources - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 1 0.28% $241 $0 $241 $0 $2414 Public Affairs - GF 1 0.28% 241 0 241 0 2415 County Attorney - GF 1 0.28% 241 0 241 0 2417 Finance-Accounting - GF 3 0.84% 722 0 722 0 7228 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 1 0.28% 241 0 241 0 2419 Human Resources - GF 3 0.84% 722 0 722 0 722

12 Building Safety - GF 7 1.96% 1,684 0 1,684 253 1,93714 Treasurer - GF 1 0.28% 241 0 241 36 27716 Transportation & Engineering - GF 3 0.84% 722 0 722 108 83017 Facilities Management - GF 5 1.40% 1,203 0 1,203 181 1,38318 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 8 2.23% 1,924 0 1,924 289 2,21320 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 1 0.28% 241 0 241 36 27721 C&R Elections - GF 2 0.56% 481 0 481 72 55322 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 18 5.03% 4,329 0 4,329 650 4,98023 C&R Recording - GF 1 0.28% 241 0 241 36 27724 Assessor - GF 5 1.40% 1,203 0 1,203 181 1,38326 Coroner - GF 1 0.28% 241 0 241 36 27727 County Attorney BOE - GF 1 0.28% 241 0 241 36 27728 District Attorney Admin - GF 16 4.47% 3,848 0 3,848 578 4,42632 Events & Venues - GF 2 0.56% 481 0 481 72 55334 Justice Services - GF 1 0.28% 241 0 241 36 27735 Planning & Zoning - GF 3 0.84% 722 0 722 108 83037 JCSO Detentions - GF 24 6.70% 5,773 0 5,773 867 6,64039 JCSO Executive - GF 2 0.56% 481 0 481 72 55340 JCSO Support Services - GF 8 2.23% 1,924 0 1,924 289 2,21346 Open Space Fund 34 9.50% 8,178 0 8,178 1,228 9,40653 Boettcher Mansion Fund 6 1.68% 1,443 0 1,443 217 1,66058 Road & Bridge Fund 32 8.94% 7,697 0 7,697 1,156 8,85359 Social Services Fund 57 15.92% 13,710 0 13,710 2,059 15,76960 Workforce Development Fund 3 0.84% 722 0 722 108 83061 Head Start Fund 18 5.03% 4,329 0 4,329 650 4,98064 Fleet Services Fund 2 0.56% 481 0 481 72 55365 Library Fund 57 15.92% 13,710 0 13,710 2,059 15,76967 Patrol Fund 14 3.91% 3,367 0 3,367 506 3,87370 Public Health Fund 13 3.63% 3,127 0 3,127 470 3,59671 Airport Fund 3 0.84% 722 0 722 108 830

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Unemployment Allocations Dept:9 Human Resources - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


Subtotal 358 100.00% 86,107 0 86,107 12,573 98,680

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $86,107 $98,680Basis Units: Number of Claims filed and Appeal Hearings by DivisionSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Training Allocations Dept:9 Human Resources - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 11 0.13% $500 $0 $500 $0 $5004 Public Affairs - GF 35 0.42% 1,592 0 1,592 0 1,5925 County Attorney - GF 24 0.29% 1,091 0 1,091 0 1,0916 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 20 0.24% 910 0 910 0 9107 Finance-Accounting - GF 37 0.44% 1,683 0 1,683 0 1,6838 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 47 0.56% 2,137 0 2,137 0 2,1379 Human Resources - GF 122 1.45% 5,548 0 5,548 0 5,548

12 Building Safety - GF 10 0.12% 455 0 455 64 51913 Board of County Comm - GF 7 0.08% 318 0 318 45 36314 Treasurer - GF 24 0.29% 1,091 0 1,091 154 1,24516 Transportation & Engineering - GF 88 1.05% 4,002 0 4,002 565 4,56717 Facilities Management - GF 84 1.00% 3,820 0 3,820 539 4,35918 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 123 1.46% 5,594 0 5,594 789 6,38319 C&R Administration - GF 31 0.37% 1,410 0 1,410 199 1,60920 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 4 0.05% 182 0 182 26 20821 C&R Elections - GF 16 0.19% 728 0 728 103 83022 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 348 4.14% 15,826 0 15,826 2,233 18,05924 Assessor - GF 83 0.99% 3,775 0 3,775 533 4,30725 CSU Extension - GF 6 0.07% 273 0 273 39 31126 Coroner - GF 39 0.46% 1,774 0 1,774 250 2,02428 District Attorney Admin - GF 160 1.90% 7,276 0 7,276 1,027 8,30332 Events & Venues - GF 22 0.26% 1,000 0 1,000 141 1,14234 Justice Services - GF 75 0.89% 3,411 0 3,411 481 3,89235 Planning & Zoning - GF 177 2.11% 8,049 0 8,049 1,136 9,18536 Public Trustee 18 0.21% 819 0 819 116 93440 JCSO Support Services - GF 710 8.45% 32,288 0 32,288 4,557 36,84544 Insurance Fund 11 0.13% 500 0 500 71 57146 Open Space Fund 428 5.10% 19,464 0 19,464 2,747 22,21158 Road & Bridge Fund 460 5.48% 20,919 0 20,919 2,952 23,87159 Social Services Fund 2,674 31.83% 121,604 0 121,604 17,161 138,76560 Workforce Development Fund 130 1.55% 5,912 0 5,912 834 6,74661 Head Start Fund 392 4.67% 17,827 0 17,827 2,516 20,34264 Fleet Services Fund 20 0.24% 910 0 910 128 1,03865 Library Fund 1,351 16.08% 61,439 0 61,439 8,670 70,10970 Public Health Fund 554 6.60% 25,194 0 25,194 3,555 28,74971 Airport Fund 59 0.70% 2,683 0 2,683 379 3,062

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Training Allocations Dept:9 Human Resources - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


Subtotal 8,400 100.00% 382,002 0 382,002 52,008 434,010

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $382,002 $434,010Basis Units: Number of Training Hours (including Custom Tr Classes, Team classes capped at 35 participants) by Dept/DivSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Background Checks Allocations Dept:9 Human Resources - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


4 Public Affairs - GF 6 0.52% $66 $0 $66 $0 $665 County Attorney - GF 7 0.61% 77 0 77 0 777 Finance-Accounting - GF 11 0.96% 120 0 120 0 1208 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 21 1.84% 230 0 230 0 2309 Human Resources - GF 20 1.75% 219 0 219 0 219

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 2 0.17% 22 0 22 0 2212 Building Safety - GF 4 0.35% 44 0 44 0 4416 Transportation & Engineering - GF 2 0.17% 22 0 22 0 2217 Facilities Management - GF 30 2.62% 328 0 328 0 32818 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 18 1.57% 197 0 197 0 19721 C&R Elections - GF 4 0.35% 44 0 44 0 4422 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 14 1.22% 153 0 153 0 15323 C&R Recording - GF 6 0.52% 66 0 66 0 6624 Assessor - GF 14 1.22% 153 0 153 0 15325 CSU Extension - GF 9 0.79% 99 0 99 0 9926 Coroner - GF 11 0.96% 120 0 120 0 12028 District Attorney Admin - GF 60 5.24% 657 0 657 0 65734 Justice Services - GF 47 4.11% 514 0 514 0 51435 Planning & Zoning - GF 8 0.70% 88 0 88 0 8836 Public Trustee 2 0.17% 22 0 22 0 2246 Open Space Fund 232 20.28% 2,539 0 2,539 0 2,53958 Road & Bridge Fund 95 8.30% 1,040 0 1,040 0 1,04059 Social Services Fund 201 17.57% 2,200 0 2,200 0 2,20060 Workforce Development Fund 102 8.92% 1,116 0 1,116 0 1,11661 Head Start Fund 65 5.68% 711 0 711 0 71164 Fleet Services Fund 2 0.17% 22 0 22 0 2270 Public Health Fund 128 11.19% 1,401 0 1,401 0 1,40171 Airport Fund 18 1.57% 197 0 197 0 19780 Non-County 5 0.44% 55 0 55 0 55

Subtotal 1,144 100.00% 12,521 0 12,521 0 12,521

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $12,521 $12,521Basis Units: Number of Background ChecksSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Compensation Program Allocations Dept:9 Human Resources - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 7.50 0.27% $373 $0 $373 $0 $3734 Public Affairs - GF 5.50 0.20% 274 0 274 0 2745 County Attorney - GF 33.00 1.18% 1,642 0 1,642 0 1,6426 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 1.00 0.04% 50 0 50 0 507 Finance-Accounting - GF 19.00 0.68% 945 0 945 0 9458 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 8.00 0.29% 398 0 398 0 3989 Human Resources - GF 15.35 0.55% 764 0 764 0 764

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 6.00 0.21% 298 0 298 32 33111 Development & Trans - GF 1.00 0.04% 50 0 50 5 5512 Building Safety - GF 26.00 0.93% 1,293 0 1,293 140 1,43313 Board of County Comm - GF 5.00 0.18% 249 0 249 27 27614 Treasurer - GF 12.00 0.43% 597 0 597 65 66216 Transportation & Engineering - GF 29.00 1.04% 1,443 0 1,443 156 1,59917 Facilities Management - GF 56.70 2.03% 2,821 0 2,821 305 3,12618 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 69.00 2.47% 3,433 0 3,433 371 3,80419 C&R Administration - GF 6.00 0.21% 298 0 298 32 33120 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 3.00 0.11% 149 0 149 16 16521 C&R Elections - GF 13.00 0.46% 647 0 647 70 71722 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 68.50 2.45% 3,408 0 3,408 369 3,77623 C&R Recording - GF 14.00 0.50% 696 0 696 75 77224 Assessor - GF 51.00 1.82% 2,537 0 2,537 274 2,81225 CSU Extension - GF 3.00 0.11% 149 0 149 16 16526 Coroner - GF 13.60 0.49% 677 0 677 73 75027 County Attorney BOE - GF 2.00 0.07% 99 0 99 11 11028 District Attorney Admin - GF 27.00 0.97% 1,343 0 1,343 145 1,48829 District Atty Dom Violence - GF 1.00 0.04% 50 0 50 5 5530 District Atty Family Justice Cntr - GF 2.00 0.07% 99 0 99 11 11031 Emergency Management - GF 6.00 0.21% 298 0 298 32 33132 Events & Venues - GF 5.00 0.18% 249 0 249 27 27634 Justice Services - GF 42.00 1.50% 2,089 0 2,089 226 2,31535 Planning & Zoning - GF 41.75 1.49% 2,077 0 2,077 225 2,30236 Public Trustee 4.00 0.14% 199 0 199 22 22137 JCSO Detentions - GF 345.50 12.36% 17,188 0 17,188 1,859 19,04738 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 13.00 0.46% 647 0 647 70 71739 JCSO Executive - GF 18.00 0.64% 895 0 895 97 99240 JCSO Support Services - GF 88.00 3.15% 4,378 0 4,378 474 4,85144 Insurance Fund 5.00 0.18% 249 0 249 27 27646 Open Space Fund 135.75 4.86% 6,753 0 6,753 730 7,48453 Boettcher Mansion Fund 5.80 0.21% 289 0 289 31 32058 Road & Bridge Fund 192.60 6.89% 9,582 0 9,582 1,036 10,61859 Social Services Fund 559.20 20.00% 27,819 0 27,819 3,009 30,82860 Workforce Development Fund 30.00 1.07% 1,492 0 1,492 161 1,654

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Compensation Program Allocations Dept:9 Human Resources - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


61 Head Start Fund 67.00 2.40% $3,333 $0 $3,333 $361 $3,69464 Fleet Services Fund 22.90 0.82% 1,139 0 1,139 123 1,26265 Library Fund 239.50 8.57% 11,915 0 11,915 1,289 13,20466 Benefit Plan Fund 4.00 0.14% 199 0 199 22 22167 Patrol Fund 271.00 9.69% 13,482 0 13,482 1,458 14,94068 Inmate Welfare Fund 8.00 0.29% 398 0 398 43 44170 Public Health Fund 162.90 5.83% 8,104 0 8,104 877 8,98171 Airport Fund 23.80 0.85% 1,184 0 1,184 128 1,31278 Community Development Fund 5.00 0.18% 249 0 249 27 27681 CARES Fund 2.00 0.07% 99 0 99 11 110

Subtotal 2,795.85 100.00% 139,089 0 139,089 14,564 153,653

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $139,089 $153,653Basis Units: Benefit Eligible FTE with DA Legal Secretaries & Paralegals OnlySource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Compensation Reclassifications Allocations Dept:9 Human Resources - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 3 1.67% $1,660 $0 $1,660 $0 $1,6605 County Attorney - GF 3 1.67% 1,660 0 1,660 0 1,6607 Finance-Accounting - GF 3 1.67% 1,660 0 1,660 0 1,6608 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 1 0.56% 553 0 553 0 5539 Human Resources - GF 4 2.22% 2,213 0 2,213 0 2,213

14 Treasurer - GF 2 1.11% 1,107 0 1,107 180 1,28616 Transportation & Engineering - GF 4 2.22% 2,213 0 2,213 359 2,57217 Facilities Management - GF 6 3.33% 3,320 0 3,320 539 3,85918 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 7 3.89% 3,873 0 3,873 629 4,50222 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 5 2.78% 2,766 0 2,766 449 3,21624 Assessor - GF 14 7.78% 7,746 0 7,746 1,258 9,00426 Coroner - GF 3 1.67% 1,660 0 1,660 270 1,92928 District Attorney Admin - GF 15 8.33% 8,299 0 8,299 1,348 9,64732 Events & Venues - GF 1 0.56% 553 0 553 90 64334 Justice Services - GF 2 1.11% 1,107 0 1,107 180 1,28637 JCSO Detentions - GF 6 3.33% 3,320 0 3,320 539 3,85938 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 2 1.11% 1,107 0 1,107 180 1,28639 JCSO Executive - GF 1 0.56% 553 0 553 90 64340 JCSO Support Services - GF 10 5.56% 5,533 0 5,533 898 6,43146 Open Space Fund 10 5.56% 5,533 0 5,533 898 6,43158 Road & Bridge Fund 19 10.56% 10,512 0 10,512 1,707 12,21959 Social Services Fund 14 7.78% 7,746 0 7,746 1,258 9,00460 Workforce Development Fund 3 1.67% 1,660 0 1,660 270 1,92961 Head Start Fund 14 7.78% 7,746 0 7,746 1,258 9,00465 Library Fund 14 7.78% 7,746 0 7,746 1,258 9,00470 Public Health Fund 12 6.67% 6,639 0 6,639 1,078 7,71771 Airport Fund 2 1.11% 1,107 0 1,107 180 1,286

Subtotal 180 100.00% 99,590 0 99,590 14,913 114,503

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $99,590 $114,503Basis Units: Number of Reclassifications by deptSource:

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FY 20208/24/2021

Allocation Summary Dept:9 Human Resources - GF

Department Recruitment General HR Terminations Unemployment

Training Background Checks

Compensation Program




3 County Manager - GF $733 $1,702 $399 $241 $500 $0 $373 $1,660 $5,6074 Public Affairs - GF 1,466 1,248 199 241 1,592 66 274 0 5,0855 County Attorney - GF 1,466 7,942 598 241 1,091 77 1,642 1,660 14,7166 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 0 227 199 0 910 0 50 0 1,3867 Finance-Accounting - GF 2,199 4,765 797 722 1,683 120 945 1,660 12,8918 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 12,460 1,815 199 241 2,137 230 398 553 18,0349 Human Resources - GF 4,398 3,937 797 722 5,548 219 764 2,213 18,597

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 1,697 1,568 230 0 0 22 331 0 3,84711 Development & Trans - GF 0 261 0 0 0 0 55 0 31612 Building Safety - GF 849 8,100 689 1,937 519 44 1,433 0 13,57013 Board of County Comm - GF 0 1,306 0 0 363 0 276 0 1,94514 Treasurer - GF 0 3,135 230 277 1,245 0 662 1,286 6,83516 Transportation & Engineering - GF 2,546 7,577 689 830 4,567 22 1,599 2,572 20,40217 Facilities Management - GF 11,880 16,121 2,756 1,383 4,359 328 3,126 3,859 43,81218 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 10,183 18,290 1,607 2,213 6,383 197 3,804 4,502 47,17919 C&R Administration - GF 1,697 1,568 0 0 1,609 0 331 0 5,20420 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 0 784 230 277 208 0 165 0 1,66321 C&R Elections - GF 2,546 3,397 689 553 830 44 717 0 8,77522 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 16,971 18,943 5,282 4,980 18,059 153 3,776 3,216 71,38123 C&R Recording - GF 0 3,658 0 277 0 66 772 0 4,77224 Assessor - GF 10,183 14,110 2,067 1,383 4,307 153 2,812 9,004 44,01825 CSU Extension - GF 1,697 1,045 689 0 311 99 165 0 4,00626 Coroner - GF 3,394 3,815 459 277 2,024 120 750 1,929 12,76827 County Attorney BOE - GF 0 523 0 277 0 0 110 0 90928 District Attorney Admin - GF 19,517 47,215 6,200 4,426 8,303 657 1,488 9,647 97,45429 District Atty Dom Violence - GF 0 261 0 0 0 0 55 0 31630 District Atty Family Justice Cntr - GF 0 523 230 0 0 0 110 0 86231 Emergency Management - GF 0 1,555 0 0 0 0 331 0 1,88532 Events & Venues - GF 0 1,568 1,148 553 1,142 0 276 643 5,33034 Justice Services - GF 9,334 12,803 2,067 277 3,892 514 2,315 1,286 32,48935 Planning & Zoning - GF 5,091 11,170 1,148 830 9,185 88 2,302 0 29,81436 Public Trustee 849 1,306 0 0 934 22 221 0 3,33237 JCSO Detentions - GF 0 76,956 10,334 6,640 0 0 19,047 3,859 116,83538 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 0 2,887 0 0 0 0 717 1,286 4,89039 JCSO Executive - GF 0 3,998 919 553 0 0 992 643 7,10540 JCSO Support Services - GF 0 20,433 4,363 2,213 36,845 0 4,851 6,431 75,13641 Surveyor - GF 0 0 230 0 0 0 0 0 23044 Insurance Fund 0 1,306 0 0 571 0 276 0 2,15346 Open Space Fund 50,066 43,308 11,482 9,406 22,211 2,539 7,484 6,431 152,92753 Boettcher Mansion Fund 0 3,083 689 1,660 0 0 320 0 5,75258 Road & Bridge Fund 43,277 50,585 8,497 8,853 23,871 1,040 10,618 12,219 158,960

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FY 20208/24/2021

Allocation Summary Dept:9 Human Resources - GF

Department Recruitment General HR Terminations Unemployment

Training Background Checks

Compensation Program




59 Social Services Fund $103,526 $149,509 $19,519 $15,769 $138,765 $2,200 $30,828 $9,004 $469,12060 Workforce Development Fund 4,243 9,929 5,052 830 6,746 1,116 1,654 1,929 31,50061 Head Start Fund 19,517 18,029 3,215 4,980 20,342 711 3,694 9,004 79,49264 Fleet Services Fund 1,697 5,983 459 553 1,038 22 1,262 0 11,01565 Library Fund 0 92,725 16,305 15,769 70,109 0 13,204 9,004 217,11466 Benefit Plan Fund 0 1,045 0 0 0 0 221 0 1,26667 Patrol Fund 0 61,520 5,282 3,873 0 0 14,940 0 85,61568 Inmate Welfare Fund 0 1,777 0 0 0 0 441 0 2,21870 Public Health Fund 31,397 45,961 5,511 3,596 28,749 1,401 8,981 7,717 133,31471 Airport Fund 5,940 6,480 1,378 830 3,062 197 1,312 1,286 20,48578 Community Development Fund 0 1,306 0 0 0 0 276 0 1,58280 Non-County 0 0 0 0 0 55 0 0 5581 CARES Fund 0 523 919 0 0 0 110 0 1,551

Total $380,819 $799,581 $123,751 $98,680 $434,010 $12,521 $153,653 $114,503 $2,117,518

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

FINANCE - PURCHASING Nature and Extent of Service

Finance - Purchasing obtains competitive bids and proposals, and provides contracting support services for goods and services required for day-to-day operations for divisions reporting to Elected Officials and the County Manager. These indirect costs will be allocated to the receiving department/divisions’ budgets. Purchasing includes the following functions:

· Purchase Orders (PO) and Purchase Order Modifications (PM): Purchase orders are a binding agreement with suppliers and contractors identifying the good or service required and establishing the specifications, cost, quantity, schedule, method of delivery, and other terms and conditions. Costs associated with developing, preparing and administering POs are allocated based upon the number of POs and orders placed by Purchasing per department/division. Costs associated with processing purchase order modifications that require BCC approval, including preparing agenda memoranda and routing electronically for approvals, and any required support services, are also included in this function and are allocated based upon the number of modifications.

· Contract Amendments and Renewals, Non-competitive and Sole Source Contracts: Contracts that include renewal provisions or those that require changes to the terms and conditions are extended and/or modified through this function. This function also includes administering the support services for contracts where competitive bids are not required or where the requirement for competition has been waived. Costs associated with the administration of contract amendments and renewals, and non-competitive or sole source contracts are allocated based upon the number of contract amendments and renewals per department/division and are weighted by complexity.


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FY 20208/24/2021

FINANCE - PURCHASING Nature and Extent of Service

· Formal Bids, Requests for Proposals (RFP) and Prequalifications (PQ): As an agent for the BCC, purchasing issues competitive bids and proposals in an effort to obtain the best value for the dollar and to fulfill federal and statutory requirements. Purchasing also issues Requests for Statements of Qualifications to pre-establish qualified contractors or consultants. Costs associated with developing, preparing and administering bids, RFPs and PQs are allocated based upon the number of written bids, RFPs and PQs per department/division. This function includes establishing Master Agreements for prequalified firms, negotiating contract prices and terms or schedules, and any required contract support services. Costs associated with projects in this category are weighted by complexity.

· Purchasing Card Rebate (P-Card): The commercial P-Card bank provider issues a rebate to users. The rebate percentage is determined by total program spending, and includes all State and participating Local Government cardholders. Jefferson County’s portion of that rebate is based upon the County’s portion of the overall total program spending. This rebate is allocated based upon the dollar value of P-Card purchases by department/division.

· Countywide Programs: This function provides administration of countywide programs, such as online ordering for office supplies and printing services, commercial purchasing cards and the travel program and the Amazon Enterprise Business Prime program. . Costs are allocated based upon Benefit Eligible FTE’s by department/division, excluding Library and Public Health, to account for in-house services.

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:10 Finance - Purchasing - GF

Description Amount General Admin

Purchase Orders

Contract Amendements & Renewals

Formal Bids/RFP's/P


Purchasing Card Rebate

Countywide Programs

Personnel CostsSalaries S1 510,687 141,358 102,393 74,765 135,638 0 56,533 Salary % Split 27.68% 20.05% 14.64% 26.56% .00% 11.07%Benefits S 128,957 35,695 25,856 18,879 34,251 0 14,276

Subtotal - Personnel Costs 639,644 177,053 128,249 93,644 169,889 0 70,809

Services & Supplies CostSalaries - COVID S (15,137) (4,190) (3,035) (2,216) (4,020) 0 (1,676)4261 General Supplies S 1,106 306 222 162 294 0 1224264 Books & Periodicals S 62 17 12 9 16 0 74269 Equipment S (322) (89) (64) (47) (85) 0 (36)43300 Prof & Tech Serv S 514 142 103 75 136 0 574341 Utilities S 962 266 193 141 256 0 1074343 Repairs & Maint. S 133 37 27 20 35 0 154344 Rent & Lease S 3,051 844 612 447 810 0 3384351 Misc Serv & Chrg S 695 192 139 102 185 0 774356 Dues-Mtgs-Train S 4,736 1,311 950 693 1,258 0 5244358 Travel-Freight-Deliv S 81 22 16 12 21 0 947 Insurance Tr's S 5,200 1,439 1,043 761 1,381 0 576475754 IT Tech Repl S 3,315 918 665 485 880 0 3674759 Fac Charge D 35,707 0 0 0 0 0 04759 Indirect Costs D 110,030 0 0 0 0 0 04759 IT Charge D 47,834 0 0 0 0 0 0Other Rev - Open Records Request S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0JPMorgan Chase Rebate P (107,856) 0 0 0 0 (107,856) 0Office Supply Rebate P (26,713) 0 0 0 0 0 (26,713)Other Rev - Open Records Request S (563) (156) (113) (82) (150) 0 (62)

Subtotal - Services & Supplies 62,835 1,061 768 561 1,018 (107,856) (26,289)

Department Cost Total 702,479 178,114 129,017 94,205 170,907 (107,856) 44,520

Adjustments to Cost4759 Fac Charge D (35,707) 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:10 Finance - Purchasing - GF

Description Amount General Admin

Purchase Orders

Contract Amendements & Renewals

Formal Bids/RFP's/P


Purchasing Card Rebate

Countywide Programs

4759 Indirect Costs D (110,030) 0 0 0 0 0 04759 IT Charge D (47,834) 0 0 0 0 0 0

Subtotal - Adjustments (193,571) 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Costs After Adjustments 508,908 178,114 129,017 94,205 170,907 (107,856) 44,520

General Admin Distribution (178,114) 49,380 36,056 65,414 0 27,264

Grand Total $508,908 $178,398 $130,261 $236,321 $(107,856) $71,784

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Salary%) Dept:10 Finance - Purchasing - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

Purchase Orders

Contract Amendements & Renewals

Formal Bids/RFP's/P


Purchasing Card Rebate

Countywide Programs

1 Admin and Courts Facility $15,736 $0 $4,363 $3,186 $5,779 $0 $2,409Subtotal - Building Interest and Deprec 15,736 0 4,363 3,186 5,779 0 2,409

3 County Manager 1,487 286 492 359 651 0 2713 FrontDesk/Switchboard 11 2 4 3 5 0 23 Physical Security 452 0 125 92 166 0 693 Security Committee IT 628 0 174 127 231 0 96

Subtotal - County Manager - GF 2,579 288 795 580 1,053 0 439

4 Internal Customer Service 570 86 182 133 241 0 100Subtotal - Public Affairs - GF 570 86 182 133 241 0 100

5 Billable Legal Fees * 7,082 792 0 0 0 0 7,874Subtotal - County Attorney - GF 7,082 792 0 0 0 0 7,874

6 Finance SPA and BIT Supervision 18,890 2,007 5,793 4,230 7,674 0 3,199Subtotal - Strategy Innovation & Financ 18,890 2,007 5,793 4,230 7,674 0 3,199

7 Accounts Payable 717 172 246 180 326 0 1367 General Accounting 7,670 1,884 2,649 1,934 3,509 0 1,4627 Payroll 895 213 307 224 407 0 1707 Audit 741 0 205 150 272 0 1137 Purchasing Supervision 10,631 2,482 3,635 2,655 4,816 0 2,0077 Pcard Audit 16 0 5 3 6 0 2

Subtotal - Finance-Accounting - GF 20,670 4,751 7,048 5,146 9,336 0 3,891

8 Budget Analysis 477 88 157 114 208 0 878 Strategic Planning Issues 678 125 223 163 295 0 123

Subtotal - Strategy Planning & Analysis 1,156 213 380 277 503 0 210

9 Recruitment 1,466 231 471 344 623 0 2609 General HR 1,361 206 435 317 576 0 2409 Terminations 199 30 64 46 84 0 359 Background Checks 22 0 6 4 8 0 39 Compensation Program 298 32 92 67 121 0 51

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Salary%) Dept:10 Finance - Purchasing - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

Purchase Orders

Contract Amendements & Renewals

Formal Bids/RFP's/P


Purchasing Card Rebate

Countywide Programs

Subtotal - Human Resources - GF $3,347 $500 $1,067 $779 $1,413 $0 $589

10 Purchase Orders 0 175 48 35 64 0 2710 Contract Amendements & Renewals 0 745 206 151 274 0 11410 Purchasing Card Rebate 0 (84) (23) (17) (31) 0 (13)10 Countywide Programs 0 210 58 43 77 0 32

Subtotal - Finance - Purchasing - GF 0 1,046 290 212 384 0 160

13 Board of County Commissioners 0 1,595 442 323 586 0 24413 County Commissioner's Other 0 1,188 329 241 436 0 182

Subtotal - Board of County Comm - GF 0 2,783 772 563 1,022 0 426

14 Banking 0 479 133 97 176 0 7314 Investments - General Fund 0 129 36 26 47 0 20

Subtotal - Treasurer - GF 0 608 169 123 223 0 93

15 Non-Divisional 0 457 127 92 168 0 70Subtotal - Non-Departmental - GF 0 457 127 92 168 0 70

17 Fac - Admin & Courts Facility 0 41,316 11,454 8,364 15,174 0 6,324Subtotal - Facilities Management - GF 0 41,316 11,454 8,364 15,174 0 6,324

18 Organization Specific Services 0 2,476 687 501 909 0 37918 Content Services 0 1,216 337 246 446 0 18618 ERP 0 9,155 2,538 1,853 3,362 0 1,40118 EMail/Office 0 2,912 807 589 1,069 0 44618 Network & Telecom 0 7,258 2,012 1,469 2,665 0 1,11118 Enterprise Web Apps 0 729 202 148 268 0 11218 Customer Service 0 4,614 1,279 934 1,695 0 70618 Countywide Services 0 6,478 1,796 1,311 2,379 0 992

Subtotal - Business Innovation & Techn 0 34,837 9,658 7,052 12,794 0 5,332

Total Incoming 70,029 89,684 42,096 30,737 55,764 0 31,116

C. Total Allocated $668,621 $220,493 $160,999 $292,085 $(107,856) $102,90032.98% 24.08% 43.68% (16.13)% 15.39%

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Purchase Orders Allocations Dept:10 Finance - Purchasing - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 9 0.80% $1,572 $0 $1,572 $0 $1,5725 County Attorney - GF 2 0.18% 349 0 349 0 3497 Finance-Accounting - GF 7 0.62% 1,223 0 1,223 0 1,2238 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 1 0.09% 175 0 175 0 1759 Human Resources - GF 6 0.54% 1,048 0 1,048 0 1,048

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 1 0.09% 175 0 175 0 17513 Board of County Comm - GF 2 0.18% 349 0 349 45 39414 Treasurer - GF 5 0.45% 874 0 874 113 98615 Non-Departmental - GF 3 0.27% 524 0 524 68 59216 Transportation & Engineering - GF 17 1.52% 2,970 0 2,970 383 3,35317 Facilities Management - GF 147 13.11% 25,682 0 25,682 3,308 28,99118 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 441 39.34% 77,047 0 77,047 9,925 86,97219 C&R Administration - GF 1 0.09% 175 0 175 23 19721 C&R Elections - GF 20 1.78% 3,494 0 3,494 450 3,94422 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 3 0.27% 524 0 524 68 59223 C&R Recording - GF 3 0.27% 524 0 524 68 59224 Assessor - GF 9 0.80% 1,572 0 1,572 203 1,77525 CSU Extension - GF 19 1.69% 3,319 0 3,319 428 3,74726 Coroner - GF 9 0.80% 1,572 0 1,572 203 1,77528 District Attorney Admin - GF 1 0.09% 175 0 175 23 19731 Emergency Management - GF 20 1.78% 3,494 0 3,494 450 3,94432 Events & Venues - GF 15 1.34% 2,621 0 2,621 338 2,95834 Justice Services - GF 3 0.27% 524 0 524 68 59235 Planning & Zoning - GF 3 0.27% 524 0 524 68 59237 JCSO Detentions - GF 11 0.98% 1,922 0 1,922 248 2,16938 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 1 0.09% 175 0 175 23 19739 JCSO Executive - GF 1 0.09% 175 0 175 23 19740 JCSO Support Services - GF 97 8.65% 16,947 0 16,947 2,183 19,13044 Insurance Fund 9 0.80% 1,572 0 1,572 203 1,77545 Worker's Compensation Fund 2 0.18% 349 0 349 45 39446 Open Space Fund 73 6.51% 12,754 0 12,754 1,643 14,39753 Boettcher Mansion Fund 7 0.62% 1,223 0 1,223 158 1,38155 South Traffic Impact 2 0.18% 349 0 349 45 39458 Road & Bridge Fund 53 4.73% 9,260 0 9,260 1,193 10,45259 Social Services Fund 12 1.07% 2,097 0 2,097 270 2,36760 Workforce Development Fund 2 0.18% 349 0 349 45 39461 Head Start Fund 12 1.07% 2,097 0 2,097 270 2,36764 Fleet Services Fund 38 3.39% 6,639 0 6,639 855 7,49467 Patrol Fund 8 0.71% 1,398 0 1,398 180 1,57868 Inmate Welfare Fund 1 0.09% 175 0 175 23 19769 Forfeiture Fund 1 0.09% 175 0 175 23 19771 Airport Fund 26 2.32% 4,542 0 4,542 585 5,128

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FY 20208/24/2021

Purchase Orders Allocations Dept:10 Finance - Purchasing - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


76 SE Sales Tax-Capital Fund 2 0.18% $349 $0 $349 $45 $39477 Solid Waste Fund 1 0.09% 175 0 175 23 19778 Community Development Fund 1 0.09% 175 0 175 23 19781 CARES Fund 14 1.25% 2,446 0 2,446 315 2,761

Subtotal 1,121 100.00% 195,849 0 195,849 24,644 220,493

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $195,849 $220,493Basis Units: Number of PO's & ON's & PO Mods by divisionSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Contract Amendements & Renewals Allocations Dept:10 Finance - Purchasing - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 3 1.56% $2,234 $0 $2,234 $0 $2,2344 Public Affairs - GF 2 1.04% 1,490 0 1,490 0 1,4907 Finance-Accounting - GF 7 3.65% 5,214 0 5,214 0 5,2149 Human Resources - GF 5 2.60% 3,724 0 3,724 0 3,724

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 1 0.52% 745 0 745 0 74514 Treasurer - GF 2 1.04% 1,490 0 1,490 207 1,69615 Non-Departmental - GF 1 0.52% 745 0 745 103 84816 Transportation & Engineering - GF 7 3.65% 5,214 0 5,214 724 5,93817 Facilities Management - GF 25 13.02% 18,620 0 18,620 2,585 21,20618 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 26 13.54% 19,365 0 19,365 2,689 22,05421 C&R Elections - GF 4 2.08% 2,979 0 2,979 414 3,39322 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 3 1.56% 2,234 0 2,234 310 2,54523 C&R Recording - GF 2 1.04% 1,490 0 1,490 207 1,69624 Assessor - GF 1 0.52% 745 0 745 103 84826 Coroner - GF 2 1.04% 1,490 0 1,490 207 1,69631 Emergency Management - GF 2 1.04% 1,490 0 1,490 207 1,69632 Events & Venues - GF 2 1.04% 1,490 0 1,490 207 1,69634 Justice Services - GF 3 1.56% 2,234 0 2,234 310 2,54537 JCSO Detentions - GF 8 4.17% 5,958 0 5,958 827 6,78640 JCSO Support Services - GF 9 4.69% 6,703 0 6,703 931 7,63444 Insurance Fund 4 2.08% 2,979 0 2,979 414 3,39345 Worker's Compensation Fund 2 1.04% 1,490 0 1,490 207 1,69646 Open Space Fund 25 13.02% 18,620 0 18,620 2,585 21,20658 Road & Bridge Fund 19 9.90% 14,151 0 14,151 1,965 16,11661 Head Start Fund 2 1.04% 1,490 0 1,490 207 1,69664 Fleet Services Fund 5 2.60% 3,724 0 3,724 517 4,24167 Patrol Fund 2 1.04% 1,490 0 1,490 207 1,69668 Inmate Welfare Fund 2 1.04% 1,490 0 1,490 207 1,69671 Airport Fund 5 2.60% 3,724 0 3,724 517 4,24178 Community Development Fund 1 0.52% 745 0 745 103 84881 CARES Fund 10 5.21% 7,448 0 7,448 1,034 8,482

Subtotal 192 100.00% 143,004 0 143,004 17,995 160,999

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $143,004 $160,999Basis Units: Number of Amendments & Renewals, weighted for complexitySource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Formal Bids/RFP's/PQ's Allocations Dept:10 Finance - Purchasing - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 2 2.86% $7,413 $0 $7,413 $0 $7,41314 Treasurer - GF 2 2.86% 7,413 0 7,413 960 8,37316 Transportation & Engineering - GF 5 7.14% 18,531 0 18,531 2,400 20,93217 Facilities Management - GF 10 14.29% 37,063 0 37,063 4,801 41,86418 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 4 5.71% 14,825 0 14,825 1,920 16,74522 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 2 2.86% 7,413 0 7,413 960 8,37326 Coroner - GF 2 2.86% 7,413 0 7,413 960 8,37331 Emergency Management - GF 2 2.86% 7,413 0 7,413 960 8,37337 JCSO Detentions - GF 2 2.86% 7,413 0 7,413 960 8,37340 JCSO Support Services - GF 4 5.71% 14,825 0 14,825 1,920 16,74545 Worker's Compensation Fund 2 2.86% 7,413 0 7,413 960 8,37346 Open Space Fund 3 4.29% 11,119 0 11,119 1,440 12,55958 Road & Bridge Fund 12 17.14% 44,475 0 44,475 5,761 50,23660 Workforce Development Fund 2 2.86% 7,413 0 7,413 960 8,37361 Head Start Fund 1 1.43% 3,706 0 3,706 480 4,18662 Capital Expenditures Fund 2 2.86% 7,413 0 7,413 960 8,37364 Fleet Services Fund 2 2.86% 7,413 0 7,413 960 8,37368 Inmate Welfare Fund 2 2.86% 7,413 0 7,413 960 8,37371 Airport Fund 2 2.86% 7,413 0 7,413 960 8,37376 SE Sales Tax-Capital Fund 2 2.86% 7,413 0 7,413 960 8,37381 CARES Fund 5 7.14% 18,531 0 18,531 2,400 20,932

Subtotal 70 100.00% 259,439 0 259,439 32,646 292,085

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $259,439 $292,085Basis Units: Number of Written bids, RFPs and Prequalifications weighted for complexitySource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Purchasing Card Rebate Allocations Dept:10 Finance - Purchasing - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 22,650.97 0.34% $(362) $0 $(362) $0 $(362)4 Public Affairs - GF 23,325.11 0.35% (373) 0 (373) 0 (373)5 County Attorney - GF 87,340.03 1.29% (1,395) 0 (1,395) 0 (1,395)6 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 1,374.28 0.02% (22) 0 (22) 0 (22)7 Finance-Accounting - GF 8,937.84 0.13% (143) 0 (143) 0 (143)8 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 15,616.94 0.23% (249) 0 (249) 0 (249)9 Human Resources - GF 50,717.65 0.75% (810) 0 (810) 0 (810)

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 5,232.29 0.08% (84) 0 (84) 0 (84)12 Building Safety - GF 29,359.92 0.43% (469) 0 (469) 0 (469)13 Board of County Comm - GF 9,257.53 0.14% (148) 0 (148) 0 (148)14 Treasurer - GF 6,611.79 0.10% (106) 0 (106) 0 (106)16 Transportation & Engineering - GF 33,544.17 0.50% (536) 0 (536) 0 (536)17 Facilities Management - GF 467,875.75 6.93% (7,474) 0 (7,474) 0 (7,474)18 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 130,250.65 1.93% (2,081) 0 (2,081) 0 (2,081)19 C&R Administration - GF 58,854.79 0.87% (940) 0 (940) 0 (940)20 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 1,317.60 0.02% (21) 0 (21) 0 (21)21 C&R Elections - GF 136,159.60 2.02% (2,175) 0 (2,175) 0 (2,175)22 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 10,523.73 0.16% (168) 0 (168) 0 (168)23 C&R Recording - GF 6,606.09 0.10% (106) 0 (106) 0 (106)24 Assessor - GF 19,368.53 0.29% (309) 0 (309) 0 (309)25 CSU Extension - GF 19,228.56 0.28% (307) 0 (307) 0 (307)26 Coroner - GF 90,082.58 1.33% (1,439) 0 (1,439) 0 (1,439)27 County Attorney BOE - GF 399.99 0.01% (6) 0 (6) 0 (6)28 District Attorney Admin - GF 108,360.64 1.60% (1,731) 0 (1,731) 0 (1,731)31 Emergency Management - GF 426,149.32 6.31% (6,807) 0 (6,807) 0 (6,807)32 Events & Venues - GF 63,076.36 0.93% (1,008) 0 (1,008) 0 (1,008)34 Justice Services - GF 24,250.80 0.36% (387) 0 (387) 0 (387)35 Planning & Zoning - GF 35,873.74 0.53% (573) 0 (573) 0 (573)36 Public Trustee 21,589.84 0.32% (345) 0 (345) 0 (345)37 JCSO Detentions - GF 78,320.80 1.16% (1,251) 0 (1,251) 0 (1,251)38 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 29,933.42 0.44% (478) 0 (478) 0 (478)39 JCSO Executive - GF 25,149.16 0.37% (402) 0 (402) 0 (402)40 JCSO Support Services - GF 1,047,560.35 15.51% (16,733) 0 (16,733) 0 (16,733)44 Insurance Fund 80,204.61 1.19% (1,281) 0 (1,281) 0 (1,281)45 Worker's Compensation Fund 11,050.97 0.16% (177) 0 (177) 0 (177)46 Open Space Fund 787,081.87 11.66% (12,572) 0 (12,572) 0 (12,572)53 Boettcher Mansion Fund 25,734.65 0.38% (411) 0 (411) 0 (411)58 Road & Bridge Fund 512,819.90 7.59% (8,191) 0 (8,191) 0 (8,191)59 Social Services Fund 375,877.71 5.57% (6,004) 0 (6,004) 0 (6,004)60 Workforce Development Fund 15,900.35 0.24% (254) 0 (254) 0 (254)61 Head Start Fund 135,347.04 2.00% (2,162) 0 (2,162) 0 (2,162)64 Fleet Services Fund 971,638.99 14.39% (15,520) 0 (15,520) 0 (15,520)

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Purchasing Card Rebate Allocations Dept:10 Finance - Purchasing - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


65 Library Fund 297,150.25 4.40% $(4,747) $0 $(4,747) $0 $(4,747)67 Patrol Fund 169,019.61 2.50% (2,700) 0 (2,700) 0 (2,700)68 Inmate Welfare Fund 23,738.04 0.35% (379) 0 (379) 0 (379)71 Airport Fund 240,705.44 3.56% (3,845) 0 (3,845) 0 (3,845)76 SE Sales Tax-Capital Fund 167.06 0.00% (3) 0 (3) 0 (3)78 Community Development Fund 5,839.93 0.09% (93) 0 (93) 0 (93)81 CARES Fund 5,058.00 0.07% (81) 0 (81) 0 (81)

Subtotal 6,752,235.24 100.00% (107,856) 0 (107,856) 0 (107,856)

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $(107,856) $(107,856)Basis Units: PCard ExpendituresSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Countywide Programs Allocations Dept:10 Finance - Purchasing - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 7.50 0.30% $262 $0 $262 $0 $2624 Public Affairs - GF 5.50 0.22% 192 0 192 0 1925 County Attorney - GF 33.00 1.30% 1,155 0 1,155 0 1,1556 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 1.00 0.04% 35 0 35 0 357 Finance-Accounting - GF 19.00 0.75% 665 0 665 0 6658 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 8.00 0.32% 280 0 280 0 2809 Human Resources - GF 15.35 0.61% 537 0 537 0 537

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 6.00 0.24% 210 0 210 0 21011 Development & Trans - GF 1.00 0.04% 35 0 35 6 4112 Building Safety - GF 26.00 1.03% 910 0 910 154 1,06413 Board of County Comm - GF 5.00 0.20% 175 0 175 30 20514 Treasurer - GF 12.00 0.47% 420 0 420 71 49116 Transportation & Engineering - GF 29.00 1.15% 1,015 0 1,015 172 1,18617 Facilities Management - GF 56.70 2.24% 1,984 0 1,984 335 2,32018 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 69.00 2.73% 2,414 0 2,414 408 2,82319 C&R Administration - GF 6.00 0.24% 210 0 210 35 24520 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 3.00 0.12% 105 0 105 18 12321 C&R Elections - GF 13.00 0.51% 455 0 455 77 53222 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 68.50 2.71% 2,397 0 2,397 405 2,80223 C&R Recording - GF 14.00 0.55% 490 0 490 83 57324 Assessor - GF 51.00 2.02% 1,785 0 1,785 302 2,08625 CSU Extension - GF 3.00 0.12% 105 0 105 18 12326 Coroner - GF 13.60 0.54% 476 0 476 80 55627 County Attorney BOE - GF 2.00 0.08% 70 0 70 12 8228 District Attorney Admin - GF 162.70 6.43% 5,693 0 5,693 963 6,65629 District Atty Dom Violence - GF 1.00 0.04% 35 0 35 6 4130 District Atty Family Justice Cntr - GF 2.00 0.08% 70 0 70 12 8231 Emergency Management - GF 6.00 0.24% 210 0 210 35 24532 Events & Venues - GF 5.00 0.20% 175 0 175 30 20534 Justice Services - GF 42.00 1.66% 1,470 0 1,470 248 1,71835 Planning & Zoning - GF 41.75 1.65% 1,461 0 1,461 247 1,70836 Public Trustee 4.00 0.16% 140 0 140 24 16437 JCSO Detentions - GF 345.50 13.66% 12,090 0 12,090 2,044 14,13438 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 13.00 0.51% 455 0 455 77 53239 JCSO Executive - GF 18.00 0.71% 630 0 630 106 73640 JCSO Support Services - GF 88.00 3.48% 3,079 0 3,079 521 3,60044 Insurance Fund 5.00 0.20% 175 0 175 30 20546 Open Space Fund 135.75 5.37% 4,750 0 4,750 803 5,55353 Boettcher Mansion Fund 5.80 0.23% 203 0 203 34 23758 Road & Bridge Fund 192.60 7.62% 6,740 0 6,740 1,139 7,87959 Social Services Fund 559.20 22.11% 19,568 0 19,568 3,308 22,87660 Workforce Development Fund 30.00 1.19% 1,050 0 1,050 177 1,227

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Countywide Programs Allocations Dept:10 Finance - Purchasing - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


61 Head Start Fund 67.00 2.65% $2,344 $0 $2,344 $396 $2,74164 Fleet Services Fund 22.90 0.91% 801 0 801 135 93766 Benefit Plan Fund 4.00 0.16% 140 0 140 24 16467 Patrol Fund 271.00 10.72% 9,483 0 9,483 1,603 11,08668 Inmate Welfare Fund 8.00 0.32% 280 0 280 47 32771 Airport Fund 23.80 0.94% 833 0 833 141 97478 Community Development Fund 5.00 0.20% 175 0 175 30 20581 CARES Fund 2.00 0.08% 70 0 70 12 82

Subtotal 2,529.15 100.00% 88,501 0 88,501 14,399 102,900

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $88,501 $102,900Basis Units: Benefit Eligible FTE's with Health & Library excludedSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Allocation Summary Dept:10 Finance - Purchasing - GF

Department Purchase Orders

Contract Amendements & Renewals

Formal Bids/RFP's/P


Purchasing Card Rebate

Countywide Programs


3 County Manager - GF $1,572 $2,234 $7,413 $(362) $262 $11,1204 Public Affairs - GF 0 1,490 0 (373) 192 1,3105 County Attorney - GF 349 0 0 (1,395) 1,155 1096 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 0 0 0 (22) 35 137 Finance-Accounting - GF 1,223 5,214 0 (143) 665 6,9598 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 175 0 0 (249) 280 2059 Human Resources - GF 1,048 3,724 0 (810) 537 4,499

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 175 745 0 (84) 210 1,04611 Development & Trans - GF 0 0 0 0 41 4112 Building Safety - GF 0 0 0 (469) 1,064 59513 Board of County Comm - GF 394 0 0 (148) 205 45114 Treasurer - GF 986 1,696 8,373 (106) 491 11,44115 Non-Departmental - GF 592 848 0 0 0 1,44016 Transportation & Engineering - GF 3,353 5,938 20,932 (536) 1,186 30,87317 Facilities Management - GF 28,991 21,206 41,864 (7,474) 2,320 86,90618 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 86,972 22,054 16,745 (2,081) 2,823 126,51419 C&R Administration - GF 197 0 0 (940) 245 (497)20 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 0 0 0 (21) 123 10221 C&R Elections - GF 3,944 3,393 0 (2,175) 532 5,69422 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 592 2,545 8,373 (168) 2,802 14,14323 C&R Recording - GF 592 1,696 0 (106) 573 2,75524 Assessor - GF 1,775 848 0 (309) 2,086 4,40025 CSU Extension - GF 3,747 0 0 (307) 123 3,56326 Coroner - GF 1,775 1,696 8,373 (1,439) 556 10,96227 County Attorney BOE - GF 0 0 0 (6) 82 7528 District Attorney Admin - GF 197 0 0 (1,731) 6,656 5,12229 District Atty Dom Violence - GF 0 0 0 0 41 4130 District Atty Family Justice Cntr - GF 0 0 0 0 82 8231 Emergency Management - GF 3,944 1,696 8,373 (6,807) 245 7,45232 Events & Venues - GF 2,958 1,696 0 (1,008) 205 3,85234 Justice Services - GF 592 2,545 0 (387) 1,718 4,46735 Planning & Zoning - GF 592 0 0 (573) 1,708 1,72736 Public Trustee 0 0 0 (345) 164 (181)37 JCSO Detentions - GF 2,169 6,786 8,373 (1,251) 14,134 30,21138 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 197 0 0 (478) 532 25139 JCSO Executive - GF 197 0 0 (402) 736 53240 JCSO Support Services - GF 19,130 7,634 16,745 (16,733) 3,600 30,37644 Insurance Fund 1,775 3,393 0 (1,281) 205 4,09145 Worker's Compensation Fund 394 1,696 8,373 (177) 0 10,28746 Open Space Fund 14,397 21,206 12,559 (12,572) 5,553 41,14353 Boettcher Mansion Fund 1,381 0 0 (411) 237 1,207

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Allocation Summary Dept:10 Finance - Purchasing - GF

Department Purchase Orders

Contract Amendements & Renewals

Formal Bids/RFP's/P


Purchasing Card Rebate

Countywide Programs


55 South Traffic Impact $394 $0 $0 $0 $0 $39458 Road & Bridge Fund 10,452 16,116 50,236 (8,191) 7,879 76,49359 Social Services Fund 2,367 0 0 (6,004) 22,876 19,23960 Workforce Development Fund 394 0 8,373 (254) 1,227 9,74061 Head Start Fund 2,367 1,696 4,186 (2,162) 2,741 8,82862 Capital Expenditures Fund 0 0 8,373 0 0 8,37364 Fleet Services Fund 7,494 4,241 8,373 (15,520) 937 5,52465 Library Fund 0 0 0 (4,747) 0 (4,747)66 Benefit Plan Fund 0 0 0 0 164 16467 Patrol Fund 1,578 1,696 0 (2,700) 11,086 11,66168 Inmate Welfare Fund 197 1,696 8,373 (379) 327 10,21469 Forfeiture Fund 197 0 0 0 0 19771 Airport Fund 5,128 4,241 8,373 (3,845) 974 14,87076 SE Sales Tax-Capital Fund 394 0 8,373 (3) 0 8,76477 Solid Waste Fund 197 0 0 0 0 19778 Community Development Fund 197 848 0 (93) 205 1,15781 CARES Fund 2,761 8,482 20,932 (81) 82 32,176

Total $220,493 $160,999 $292,085 $(107,856) $102,900 $668,621

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

DEVELOPMENT & TRANSPORTATION Nature and Extent of Service

Development & Transportation serves as a medium of communication between the departments and divisions, the County Manager and the BCC. It provides administrative and managerial support to Building Safety, Transportation & Engineering, Planning & Zoning, Road & Bridge, and the Airport. Indirect costs for these functions will be allocated to the receiving division’s budgets. Development & Transportation includes the following function:

· Development & Transportation Administration Supervision: Costs associated with this function are allocated based on the number of benefit eligible FTE’s supervised by division.

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:11 Development & Trans - GF

Description Amount General Admin

D&T Admin Supervision

Personnel CostsSalaries S1 183,484 0 183,484 Salary % Split .00% 100.00%Benefits S 59,564 0 59,564

Subtotal - Personnel Costs 243,048 0 243,048

Services & Supplies Cost4261 General Supplies S 1 0 14269 Equipment S 1,173 0 1,1734341 Utilities S 737 0 7374356 Dues-Mtgs-Train S 516 0 51647 Insurance Tr's S 900 0 900475754 IT Tech Repl S 1,539 0 1,5394759 Fac Charge D 3,189 0 04759 Indirect Costs D 22,735 0 04759 IT Charge D 13,179 0 0 S 0 0 0

Subtotal - Services & Supplies 43,969 0 4,866

Department Cost Total 287,017 0 247,914

Adjustments to Cost4759 Fac Charge D (3,189) 0 04759 Indirect Costs D (22,735) 0 04759 IT Charge D (13,179) 0 0

Subtotal - Adjustments (39,103) 0 0

Total Costs After Adjustments 247,914 0 247,914

General Admin Distribution 0 0

Grand Total $247,914 $247,914

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Salary%) Dept:11 Development & Trans - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

D&T Admin Supervision

1 Admin and Courts Facility $1,389 $0 $1,389Subtotal - Building Interest and Deprec 1,389 0 1,389

3 County Manager 248 48 2953 Physical Security 75 0 753 Security Committee IT 105 0 105

Subtotal - County Manager - GF 428 48 476

4 Internal Customer Service 95 14 109Subtotal - Public Affairs - GF 95 14 109

5 Billable Legal Fees 18,828 2,106 20,9345 Litigation Costs 64 6 70

Subtotal - County Attorney - GF 18,891 2,112 21,003

7 Accounts Payable 222 53 2767 General Accounting 5,683 1,396 7,0797 Payroll 112 27 1397 Audit 508 0 508

Subtotal - Finance-Accounting - GF 6,524 1,476 8,001

8 Budget Analysis 185 34 2198 Strategic Planning Issues 113 21 134

Subtotal - Strategy Planning & Analysis 298 55 353

9 General HR 227 34 2619 Compensation Program 50 5 55

Subtotal - Human Resources - GF 277 40 316

10 Countywide Programs 35 6 41Subtotal - Finance - Purchasing - GF 35 6 41

13 Board of County Commissioners 0 266 26613 County Commissioner's Other 0 459 459

Subtotal - Board of County Comm - GF 0 725 725

14 Banking 0 185 185

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Salary%) Dept:11 Development & Trans - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

D&T Admin Supervision

14 Investments - General Fund $0 $50 $50Subtotal - Treasurer - GF 0 235 235

15 Non-Divisional 0 76 76Subtotal - Non-Departmental - GF 0 76 76

17 Fac - Admin & Courts Facility 0 3,647 3,647Subtotal - Facilities Management - GF 0 3,647 3,647

18 Content Services 0 203 20318 ERP 0 3,540 3,54018 EMail/Office 0 485 48518 Network & Telecom 0 1,210 1,21018 Enterprise Web Apps 0 121 12118 Customer Service 0 769 76918 Record Storage 0 1,634 1,63418 Countywide Services 0 1,080 1,080

Subtotal - Business Innovation & Techn 0 9,041 9,041

Total Incoming 27,937 17,476 45,413

C. Total Allocated $293,327 $293,327100.00%

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

D&T Admin Supervision Allocations Dept:11 Development & Trans - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


12 Building Safety - GF 26.00 8.30% $22,903 $0 $22,903 $1,451 $24,35416 Transportation & Engineering - GF 29.00 9.26% 25,546 0 25,546 1,618 27,16435 Planning & Zoning - GF 41.75 13.33% 36,777 0 36,777 2,330 39,10758 Road & Bridge Fund 192.60 61.50% 169,660 0 169,660 10,748 180,40871 Airport Fund 23.80 7.60% 20,965 0 20,965 1,328 22,293

Subtotal 313.15 100.00% 275,851 0 275,851 17,476 293,327

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $275,851 $293,327Basis Units: Benefit Eligible FTE's for divisions supervisedSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Allocation Summary Dept:11 Development & Trans - GF

Department D&T Admin Supervision


12 Building Safety - GF $24,354 $24,35416 Transportation & Engineering - GF 27,164 27,16435 Planning & Zoning - GF 39,107 39,10758 Road & Bridge Fund 180,408 180,40871 Airport Fund 22,293 22,293

Total $293,327 $293,327

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Nature and Extent of Services

The Board of County Commissioners (BCC) is charged with overseeing the organization and budgets of a wide variety of county programs. No indirect costs for this function will be allocated to the receiving department/division’s budget. The BCC includes the following functions:

· Board of County Commissioners: These costs are allocated based on benefit eligible FTE’s by department/division except for Library and Public Health which are charged at 10% as they have their own boards.

· County Commissioner’s Other: These costs are allocated based on actual expenditures (excluding debt and transfers) by department/division except for Library and Public Health which are charged at 10% as they have their own boards.

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:13 Board of County Comm - GF

Description Amount General Admin

Board of County


County Commissione

r's Other

Personnel CostsSalaries S1 483,685 0 241,843 241,843 Salary % Split .00% 50.00% 50.00%Benefits S 187,851 0 93,926 93,926

Subtotal - Personnel Costs 671,536 0 335,768 335,768

Services & Supplies Cost4261 General Supplies S 4,731 0 2,366 2,3664264 Books & Periodicals S 372 0 186 1864269 Equipment S 2,702 0 1,351 1,35143300 Prof & Tech Serv S 0 0 0 04341 Utilities S 8,123 0 4,061 4,0614356 Dues-Mtgs-Train D 12,864 0 0 04358 Travel-Freight-Deliv S 522 0 261 26147 Insurance Tr's S 8,100 0 4,050 4,0504757 Direct Charges S (1,591) 0 (796) (796)4757 Fleet Charges S 3,692 0 1,846 1,846475754 IT Tech Repl S 3,854 0 1,927 1,9274759 Fac Charge D 86,288 0 0 04759 Indirect Costs D 255,669 0 0 04759 IT Charge D 50,114 0 0 043300 Lobbying Costs D 36,000 0 0 0

Subtotal - Services & Supplies 471,440 0 15,253 15,253

Department Cost Total 1,142,976 0 351,021 351,021

Adjustments to Cost4356 Dues-Mtgs-Train D (12,864) 0 0 04759 Fac Charge D (86,288) 0 0 04759 Indirect Costs D (255,669) 0 0 0

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:13 Board of County Comm - GF

Description Amount General Admin

Board of County


County Commissione

r's Other

4759 IT Charge D (50,114) 0 0 043300 Lobbying Costs D (36,000) 0 0 0

Subtotal - Adjustments (440,935) 0 0 0

Total Costs After Adjustments 702,041 0 351,021 351,021

General Admin Distribution 0 0 0

Grand Total $702,041 $351,021 $351,021

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Salary%) Dept:13 Board of County Comm - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

Board of County


County Commissione

r's Other

1 Admin and Courts Facility $38,149 $0 $19,074 $19,074Subtotal - Building Interest and Deprec 38,149 0 19,074 19,074

2 Equipment Depreciation 4,385 0 2,192 2,192Subtotal - Equipment Depreciation 4,385 0 2,192 2,192

3 County Manager 1,239 238 739 7393 FrontDesk/Switchboard 1,835 353 1,094 1,0943 Physical Security 377 0 188 1883 Security Committee IT 523 0 262 262

Subtotal - County Manager - GF 3,974 591 2,282 2,282

4 Internal Customer Service 475 71 273 273Subtotal - Public Affairs - GF 475 71 273 273

5 Billable Legal Fees 537,785 60,161 298,973 298,9735 Litigation Costs 64,831 6,222 35,527 35,527

Subtotal - County Attorney - GF 602,616 66,383 334,500 334,500

7 Accounts Payable 865 207 536 5367 General Accounting 7,705 1,893 4,799 4,7997 Payroll 560 133 346 3467 Capital Assets 1,213 284 749 7497 Audit 764 0 382 3827 Pcard Audit 29 0 14 14

Subtotal - Finance-Accounting - GF 11,135 2,518 6,827 6,827

8 Budget Analysis 555 102 329 3298 Strategic Planning Issues 565 104 335 335

Subtotal - Strategy Planning & Analysis 1,120 207 663 663

9 General HR 1,135 172 653 6539 Training 318 45 182 1829 Compensation Program 249 27 138 138

Subtotal - Human Resources - GF 1,702 244 973 973

10 Purchase Orders 349 45 197 197

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Salary%) Dept:13 Board of County Comm - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

Board of County


County Commissione

r's Other

10 Purchasing Card Rebate $(148) $0 $(74) $(74)10 Countywide Programs 175 30 102 102

Subtotal - Finance - Purchasing - GF 377 75 226 226

13 Board of County Commissioners 0 1,329 665 66513 County Commissioner's Other 0 1,381 691 691

Subtotal - Board of County Comm - GF 0 2,711 1,355 1,355

14 Banking 0 557 278 27814 Investments - General Fund 0 150 75 75

Subtotal - Treasurer - GF 0 707 353 353

15 Non-Divisional 0 381 190 190Subtotal - Non-Departmental - GF 0 381 190 190

17 Fac - Admin & Courts Facility 0 100,161 50,081 50,081Subtotal - Facilities Management - GF 0 100,161 50,081 50,081

18 Organization Specific Services 0 6,769 3,385 3,38518 Content Services 0 1,013 506 50618 ERP 0 10,645 5,322 5,32218 EMail/Office 0 2,427 1,213 1,21318 Network & Telecom 0 6,048 3,024 3,02418 Enterprise Web Apps 0 607 304 30418 Customer Service 0 3,845 1,922 1,92218 Record Storage 0 5,791 2,895 2,89518 Countywide Services 0 5,398 2,699 2,699

Subtotal - Business Innovation & Techn 0 42,543 21,271 21,271

20 Clerk to the Board 0 9,367 4,683 4,683Subtotal - C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 0 9,367 4,683 4,683

Total Incoming 663,933 225,957 444,945 444,945

C. Total Allocated $1,591,931 $795,965 $795,96550.00% 50.00%

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Board of County Commissioners Allocations Dept:13 Board of County Comm - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 7.50 0.29% $1,994 $0 $1,994 $0 $1,9944 Public Affairs - GF 5.50 0.21% 1,462 0 1,462 0 1,4625 County Attorney - GF 33.00 1.28% 8,772 0 8,772 0 8,7726 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 1.00 0.04% 266 0 266 0 2667 Finance-Accounting - GF 19.00 0.74% 5,051 0 5,051 0 5,0518 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 8.00 0.31% 2,127 0 2,127 0 2,1279 Human Resources - GF 15.35 0.60% 4,080 0 4,080 0 4,080

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 6.00 0.23% 1,595 0 1,595 0 1,59511 Development & Trans - GF 1.00 0.04% 266 0 266 0 26612 Building Safety - GF 26.00 1.01% 6,911 0 6,911 1,190 8,10113 Board of County Comm - GF 5.00 0.19% 1,329 0 1,329 0 1,32914 Treasurer - GF 12.00 0.47% 3,190 0 3,190 549 3,73916 Transportation & Engineering - GF 29.00 1.13% 7,709 0 7,709 1,328 9,03617 Facilities Management - GF 56.70 2.21% 15,072 0 15,072 2,596 17,66718 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 69.00 2.69% 18,341 0 18,341 3,159 21,50019 C&R Administration - GF 6.00 0.23% 1,595 0 1,595 275 1,87020 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 3.00 0.12% 797 0 797 137 93521 C&R Elections - GF 13.00 0.51% 3,456 0 3,456 595 4,05122 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 68.50 2.67% 18,208 0 18,208 3,136 21,34423 C&R Recording - GF 14.00 0.54% 3,721 0 3,721 641 4,36224 Assessor - GF 51.00 1.98% 13,557 0 13,557 2,335 15,89125 CSU Extension - GF 3.00 0.12% 797 0 797 137 93526 Coroner - GF 13.60 0.53% 3,615 0 3,615 623 4,23827 County Attorney BOE - GF 2.00 0.08% 532 0 532 92 62328 District Attorney Admin - GF 162.70 6.33% 43,248 0 43,248 7,448 50,69629 District Atty Dom Violence - GF 1.00 0.04% 266 0 266 46 31230 District Atty Family Justice Cntr - GF 2.00 0.08% 532 0 532 92 62331 Emergency Management - GF 6.00 0.23% 1,595 0 1,595 275 1,87032 Events & Venues - GF 5.00 0.19% 1,329 0 1,329 229 1,55834 Justice Services - GF 42.00 1.63% 11,164 0 11,164 1,923 13,08735 Planning & Zoning - GF 41.75 1.62% 11,098 0 11,098 1,911 13,00936 Public Trustee 4.00 0.16% 1,063 0 1,063 183 1,24637 JCSO Detentions - GF 345.50 13.45% 91,840 0 91,840 15,816 107,65638 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 13.00 0.51% 3,456 0 3,456 595 4,05139 JCSO Executive - GF 18.00 0.70% 4,785 0 4,785 824 5,60940 JCSO Support Services - GF 88.00 3.42% 23,392 0 23,392 4,028 27,42044 Insurance Fund 5.00 0.19% 1,329 0 1,329 229 1,55846 Open Space Fund 135.75 5.28% 36,085 0 36,085 6,214 42,29953 Boettcher Mansion Fund 5.80 0.23% 1,542 0 1,542 266 1,80758 Road & Bridge Fund 192.60 7.50% 51,196 0 51,196 8,817 60,01359 Social Services Fund 559.20 21.76% 148,645 0 148,645 25,598 174,24360 Workforce Development Fund 30.00 1.17% 7,975 0 7,975 1,373 9,348

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Board of County Commissioners Allocations Dept:13 Board of County Comm - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


61 Head Start Fund 67.00 2.61% $17,810 $0 $17,810 $3,067 $20,87764 Fleet Services Fund 22.90 0.89% 6,087 0 6,087 1,048 7,13565 Library Fund 23.95 0.93% 6,366 0 6,366 1,096 7,46366 Benefit Plan Fund 4.00 0.16% 1,063 0 1,063 183 1,24667 Patrol Fund 271.00 10.55% 72,036 0 72,036 12,405 84,44268 Inmate Welfare Fund 8.00 0.31% 2,127 0 2,127 366 2,49370 Public Health Fund 16.29 0.63% 4,330 0 4,330 746 5,07671 Airport Fund 23.80 0.93% 6,326 0 6,326 1,089 7,41678 Community Development Fund 5.00 0.19% 1,329 0 1,329 229 1,55881 CARES Fund 2.00 0.08% 532 0 532 92 623

Subtotal 2,569.39 100.00% 682,987 0 682,987 112,978 795,965

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $682,987 $795,965Basis Units: Benefit Eligible FTE with Health & Library charged at 10%Source:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

County Commissioner's Other Allocations Dept:13 Board of County Comm - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 1,370,734.53 0.37% $2,549 $0 $2,549 $0 $2,5494 Public Affairs - GF 614,189.43 0.17% 1,142 0 1,142 0 1,1425 County Attorney - GF 4,433,812.56 1.21% 8,246 0 8,246 0 8,2466 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 180,308.99 0.05% 335 0 335 0 3357 Finance-Accounting - GF 2,002,819.71 0.55% 3,725 0 3,725 0 3,7258 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 600,927.39 0.16% 1,118 0 1,118 0 1,1189 Human Resources - GF 1,716,245.96 0.47% 3,192 0 3,192 0 3,192

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 638,839.89 0.17% 1,188 0 1,188 0 1,18811 Development & Trans - GF 247,015.28 0.07% 459 0 459 0 45912 Building Safety - GF 2,861,487.83 0.78% 5,322 0 5,322 911 6,23313 Board of County Comm - GF 742,805.26 0.20% 1,381 0 1,381 0 1,38114 Treasurer - GF 1,435,729.90 0.39% 2,670 0 2,670 457 3,12715 Non-Departmental - GF 564,166.74 0.15% 1,049 0 1,049 180 1,22916 Transportation & Engineering - GF 3,346,419.19 0.91% 6,224 0 6,224 1,066 7,29017 Facilities Management - GF 12,183,760.36 3.32% 22,659 0 22,659 3,881 26,54018 Business Innovation & Technology - GF15,634,075.78 4.26% 29,076 0 29,076 4,980 34,05619 C&R Administration - GF 916,555.59 0.25% 1,705 0 1,705 292 1,99720 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 199,226.05 0.05% 371 0 371 63 43421 C&R Elections - GF 4,676,849.12 1.27% 8,698 0 8,698 1,490 10,18822 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 5,356,381.26 1.46% 9,962 0 9,962 1,706 11,66823 C&R Recording - GF 1,049,285.83 0.29% 1,951 0 1,951 334 2,28624 Assessor - GF 4,820,181.78 1.31% 8,965 0 8,965 1,535 10,50025 CSU Extension - GF 741,831.11 0.20% 1,380 0 1,380 236 1,61626 Coroner - GF 2,317,747.11 0.63% 4,311 0 4,311 738 5,04927 County Attorney BOE - GF 173,667.29 0.05% 323 0 323 55 37828 District Attorney Admin - GF 20,179,251.83 5.49% 37,529 0 37,529 6,428 43,95729 District Atty Dom Violence - GF 108,296.10 0.03% 201 0 201 34 23630 District Atty Family Justice Cntr - GF 220,598.58 0.06% 410 0 410 70 48131 Emergency Management - GF 1,523,501.09 0.41% 2,833 0 2,833 485 3,31932 Events & Venues - GF 682,551.07 0.19% 1,269 0 1,269 217 1,48733 Intergovernmental Projects - GF 471,907.50 0.13% 878 0 878 150 1,02834 Justice Services - GF 8,572,855.58 2.33% 15,944 0 15,944 2,731 18,67435 Planning & Zoning - GF 4,009,787.22 1.09% 7,457 0 7,457 1,277 8,73536 Public Trustee 478,040.23 0.13% 889 0 889 152 1,04137 JCSO Detentions - GF 20,843,875.34 5.68% 38,765 0 38,765 6,639 45,40438 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 1,140,126.24 0.31% 2,120 0 2,120 363 2,48439 JCSO Executive - GF 2,293,805.09 0.62% 4,266 0 4,266 731 4,99740 JCSO Support Services - GF 16,872,239.02 4.59% 31,379 0 31,379 5,374 36,75341 Surveyor - GF 2,988.89 0.00% 6 0 6 1 744 Insurance Fund 2,265,036.16 0.62% 4,212 0 4,212 721 4,93445 Worker's Compensation Fund 2,629,694.33 0.72% 4,891 0 4,891 838 5,72846 Open Space Fund 13,716,391.31 3.73% 25,510 0 25,510 4,369 29,879

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FY 20208/24/2021

County Commissioner's Other Allocations Dept:13 Board of County Comm - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


47 Open Space Cities Share Fund 339,989.35 0.09% $632 $0 $632 $108 $74153 Boettcher Mansion Fund 551,962.97 0.15% 1,027 0 1,027 176 1,20255 South Traffic Impact 3,680.03 0.00% 7 0 7 1 857 Evergreen/Conifer Traf Imp Fund 41,120.60 0.01% 76 0 76 13 9058 Road & Bridge Fund 22,266,148.50 6.06% 41,410 0 41,410 7,092 48,50359 Social Services Fund 50,419,475.29 13.73% 93,769 0 93,769 16,060 109,82960 Workforce Development Fund 2,729,511.75 0.74% 5,076 0 5,076 869 5,94661 Head Start Fund 5,480,516.51 1.49% 10,193 0 10,193 1,746 11,93862 Capital Expenditures Fund 31,012.00 0.01% 58 0 58 10 6864 Fleet Services Fund 4,640,368.85 1.26% 8,630 0 8,630 1,478 10,10865 Library Fund 3,065,995.70 0.83% 5,702 0 5,702 977 6,67966 Benefit Plan Fund 37,547,927.41 10.22% 69,831 0 69,831 11,960 81,79167 Patrol Fund 19,196,108.78 5.23% 35,701 0 35,701 6,114 41,81568 Inmate Welfare Fund 658,345.30 0.18% 1,224 0 1,224 210 1,43469 Forfeiture Fund 1,183,082.74 0.32% 2,200 0 2,200 377 2,57770 Public Health Fund 1,635,410.35 0.45% 3,042 0 3,042 521 3,56271 Airport Fund 3,015,920.50 0.82% 5,609 0 5,609 961 6,57073 Jeffco Fin Capital Project Fund 2,500.00 0.00% 5 0 5 1 576 SE Sales Tax-Capital Fund 412,710.60 0.11% 768 0 768 131 89977 Solid Waste Fund 183,412.53 0.05% 341 0 341 58 40078 Community Development Fund 524,377.97 0.14% 975 0 975 167 1,14281 CARES Fund 48,473,984.00 13.20% 90,151 0 90,151 15,440 105,591

Subtotal 367,239,571.25 100.00% 682,987 0 682,987 112,978 795,965

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $682,987 $795,965Basis Units: Operating Exp's (excl. Dep, Fin & Debt Serv, Assist Pymnts, Land & Cap, CAP) with Health & Library charged at 10%Source:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Allocation Summary Dept:13 Board of County Comm - GF

Department Board of County


County Commissione

r's Other


3 County Manager - GF $1,994 $2,549 $4,5434 Public Affairs - GF 1,462 1,142 2,6045 County Attorney - GF 8,772 8,246 17,0186 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 266 335 6017 Finance-Accounting - GF 5,051 3,725 8,7758 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 2,127 1,118 3,2449 Human Resources - GF 4,080 3,192 7,272

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 1,595 1,188 2,78311 Development & Trans - GF 266 459 72512 Building Safety - GF 8,101 6,233 14,33513 Board of County Comm - GF 1,329 1,381 2,71114 Treasurer - GF 3,739 3,127 6,86715 Non-Departmental - GF 0 1,229 1,22916 Transportation & Engineering - GF 9,036 7,290 16,32617 Facilities Management - GF 17,667 26,540 44,20718 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 21,500 34,056 55,55619 C&R Administration - GF 1,870 1,997 3,86620 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 935 434 1,36921 C&R Elections - GF 4,051 10,188 14,23822 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 21,344 11,668 33,01223 C&R Recording - GF 4,362 2,286 6,64824 Assessor - GF 15,891 10,500 26,39125 CSU Extension - GF 935 1,616 2,55126 Coroner - GF 4,238 5,049 9,28627 County Attorney BOE - GF 623 378 1,00128 District Attorney Admin - GF 50,696 43,957 94,65329 District Atty Dom Violence - GF 312 236 54730 District Atty Family Justice Cntr - GF 623 481 1,10431 Emergency Management - GF 1,870 3,319 5,18832 Events & Venues - GF 1,558 1,487 3,04533 Intergovernmental Projects - GF 0 1,028 1,02834 Justice Services - GF 13,087 18,674 31,76135 Planning & Zoning - GF 13,009 8,735 21,74436 Public Trustee 1,246 1,041 2,28837 JCSO Detentions - GF 107,656 45,404 153,06038 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 4,051 2,484 6,53439 JCSO Executive - GF 5,609 4,997 10,60540 JCSO Support Services - GF 27,420 36,753 64,17341 Surveyor - GF 0 7 744 Insurance Fund 1,558 4,934 6,49245 Worker's Compensation Fund 0 5,728 5,728

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Allocation Summary Dept:13 Board of County Comm - GF

Department Board of County


County Commissione

r's Other


46 Open Space Fund $42,299 $29,879 $72,17747 Open Space Cities Share Fund 0 741 74153 Boettcher Mansion Fund 1,807 1,202 3,01055 South Traffic Impact 0 8 857 Evergreen/Conifer Traf Imp Fund 0 90 9058 Road & Bridge Fund 60,013 48,503 108,51559 Social Services Fund 174,243 109,829 284,07260 Workforce Development Fund 9,348 5,946 15,29461 Head Start Fund 20,877 11,938 32,81562 Capital Expenditures Fund 0 68 6864 Fleet Services Fund 7,135 10,108 17,24465 Library Fund 7,463 6,679 14,14166 Benefit Plan Fund 1,246 81,791 83,03767 Patrol Fund 84,442 41,815 126,25768 Inmate Welfare Fund 2,493 1,434 3,92769 Forfeiture Fund 0 2,577 2,57770 Public Health Fund 5,076 3,562 8,63871 Airport Fund 7,416 6,570 13,98673 Jeffco Fin Capital Project Fund 0 5 576 SE Sales Tax-Capital Fund 0 899 89977 Solid Waste Fund 0 400 40078 Community Development Fund 1,558 1,142 2,70081 CARES Fund 623 105,591 106,215

Total $795,965 $795,965 $1,591,931

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

TREASURER Nature and Extent of Services

The Treasurer is the banker for the county and as such is responsible for receiving and depositing all county revenues, in addition to collection and distribution of property taxes. The Treasurer is also responsible for investing and safeguarding these funds per state statute until they are disbursed for county expenditures and purchases. Only the indirect costs for the investments will be allocated to the receiving department/division’s budget. The Treasurer includes the following functions:

· Banking: This function includes receiving, posting and depositing all county revenues from all departments and divisions. This includes receiving electronic deposits as well as the checks and cash deposits received at the counter. The Treasurer’s Office is responsible for cash management of all county bank accounts including sending and funding all electronic transactions for general county operations which includes debt service and payroll. Costs associated with banking activities are allocated based on actual expenditures by department/division.

· Investments – Fund Specific: The Treasurer invests county funds until they are needed to pay obligations. Costs associated with investing activities are allocated to specific funds based on interest income.

· Investments – General Fund: The Treasurer invests county funds until they are needed to pay obligations. Costs associated with investing activities are allocated to the General Fund department/divisions based on actual expenditures.

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

TREASURER Nature and Extent of Services

· Treasurer Public Function: Costs associated with the collection and distribution of property taxes is for the benefit of county funds and other tax authorities. These costs are not allocated to any county funds, departments or divisions.

· Public Trustee: Costs associated with the Public Trustee are allocated 100% to the Public Trustee.

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:14 Treasurer - GF

Description Amount General Admin

Banking Investments - Fund Specific

Investments - General Fund

Treasurer Public


Public Trustee

Personnel CostsSalaries S1 834,191 132,636 115,452 36,955 11,095 533,549 4,505 Salary % Split 15.90% 13.84% 4.43% 1.33% 63.96% .54%Benefits S 263,580 41,909 36,479 11,677 3,506 168,586 1,423

Subtotal - Personnel Costs 1,097,771 174,546 151,932 48,631 14,600 702,134 5,928

Services & Supplies CostSalaries - COVID D 30,476 0 0 0 0 0 04261 General Supplies S 101,776 16,182 14,086 4,509 1,354 65,096 5504269 Equipment S 1,596 254 221 71 21 1,021 943300 Prof & Tech Serv S 39,906 6,345 5,523 1,768 531 25,524 2154341 Utilities S 765 122 106 34 10 489 44343 Repairs & Maint. S 96,315 15,314 13,330 4,267 1,281 61,603 5204344 Rent & Lease S 842 134 117 37 11 539 54351 Misc Serv & Chrg S 35,480 5,641 4,910 1,572 472 22,693 1924354 Adv & Pub P 17,367 0 0 0 0 17,367 04356 Dues-Mtgs-Train S 519 83 72 23 7 332 34385 Fin & Debt Serv. D 58,258 0 0 0 0 0 047 Insurance Tr's S 8,200 1,304 1,135 363 109 5,245 444757 Direct Charges S 7,335 1,166 1,015 325 98 4,691 40475754 IT Tech Repl S 5,582 888 773 247 74 3,570 304759 Fac Charge D 54,519 0 0 0 0 0 04759 Indirect Costs D 47,099 0 0 0 0 0 04759 IT Charge D 381,215 0 0 0 0 0 0Other Charges for Services S (9,518) (1,513) (1,317) (422) (127) (6,088) (51)Other Fed Reimb S (6,798) (1,081) (941) (301) (90) (4,348) (37)

Subtotal - Services & Supplies 870,934 44,838 39,029 12,493 3,751 197,734 1,523

Department Cost Total 1,968,705 219,384 190,960 61,124 18,351 899,868 7,451

Adjustments to CostSalaries - COVID D (30,476) 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:14 Treasurer - GF

Description Amount General Admin

Banking Investments - Fund Specific

Investments - General Fund

Treasurer Public


Public Trustee

4385 Fin & Debt Serv. D (58,258) 0 0 0 0 0 04759 Fac Charge D (54,519) 0 0 0 0 0 04759 Indirect Costs D (47,099) 0 0 0 0 0 04759 IT Charge D (381,215) 0 0 0 0 0 0

Subtotal - Adjustments (571,567) 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Costs After Adjustments 1,397,138 219,384 190,960 61,124 18,351 899,868 7,451

General Admin Distribution (219,384) 36,103 11,556 3,469 166,846 1,409

Grand Total $1,397,138 $227,063 $72,680 $21,820 $1,066,715 $8,859not allocated

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Salary%) Dept:14 Treasurer - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

Banking Investments - Fund Specific

Investments - General Fund

Treasurer Public


Public Trustee

1 Admin and Courts Facility $21,473 $0 $3,534 $1,131 $340 $16,331 $138Subtotal - Building Interest and Deprec 21,473 0 3,534 1,131 340 16,331 138

2 Equipment Depreciation 404,588 0 66,581 21,312 6,398 307,698 2,598Subtotal - Equipment Depreciation 404,588 0 66,581 21,312 6,398 307,698 2,598

3 County Manager 2,975 571 584 187 56 2,697 233 FrontDesk/Switchboard 3,975 764 780 250 75 3,604 303 Physical Security 905 0 149 48 14 688 63 Security Committee IT 1,256 0 207 66 20 955 8

Subtotal - County Manager - GF 9,110 1,335 1,719 550 165 7,944 67

4 Internal Customer Service 1,139 172 216 69 21 997 8Subtotal - Public Affairs - GF 1,139 172 216 69 21 997 8

5 Billable Legal Fees 13,564 1,517 2,482 794 239 11,470 975 Litigation Costs 366 35 66 21 6 305 3

Subtotal - County Attorney - GF 13,930 1,552 2,548 816 245 11,775 99

7 Accounts Payable 339 81 69 22 7 319 37 General Accounting 8,088 1,987 1,658 531 159 7,662 657 Payroll 1,567 373 319 102 31 1,476 127 Capital Assets 81 19 16 5 2 76 17 Audit 1,496 0 246 79 24 1,138 107 Pcard Audit 21 0 3 1 0 16 0

Subtotal - Finance-Accounting - GF 11,591 2,461 2,312 740 222 10,687 90

8 Budget Analysis 1,073 197 209 67 20 966 88 Strategic Planning Issues 1,356 251 264 85 25 1,222 10

Subtotal - Strategy Planning & Analysis 2,429 448 474 152 46 2,189 18

9 General HR 2,723 413 516 165 50 2,385 209 Terminations 199 30 38 12 4 175 19 Unemployment 241 36 46 15 4 210 29 Training 1,091 154 205 66 20 947 8

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Salary%) Dept:14 Treasurer - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

Banking Investments - Fund Specific

Investments - General Fund

Treasurer Public


Public Trustee

9 Compensation Program $597 $65 $109 $35 $10 $503 $49 Compensation Reclassifications 1,107 180 212 68 20 978 8

Subtotal - Human Resources - GF 5,958 877 1,125 360 108 5,198 44

10 Purchase Orders 874 113 162 52 16 750 610 Contract Amendements & Renewals 1,490 207 279 89 27 1,290 1110 Formal Bids/RFP's/PQ's 7,413 960 1,378 441 132 6,368 5410 Purchasing Card Rebate (106) 0 (17) (6) (2) (80) (1)10 Countywide Programs 420 71 81 26 8 373 3

Subtotal - Finance - Purchasing - GF 10,090 1,351 1,883 603 181 8,701 73

13 Board of County Commissioners 3,190 549 615 197 59 2,844 2413 County Commissioner's Other 2,670 457 515 165 49 2,379 20

Subtotal - Board of County Comm - GF 5,860 1,007 1,130 362 109 5,222 44

14 Banking 0 1,076 177 57 17 819 714 Investments - General Fund 0 290 48 15 5 220 2

Subtotal - Treasurer - GF 0 1,366 225 72 22 1,039 9

15 Non-Divisional 0 914 150 48 14 695 6Subtotal - Non-Departmental - GF 0 914 150 48 14 695 6

17 Fac - Admin & Courts Facility 0 56,379 9,278 2,970 892 42,877 362Subtotal - Facilities Management - GF 0 56,379 9,278 2,970 892 42,877 362

18 Organization Specific Services 0 70,349 11,577 3,706 1,113 53,502 45218 Content Services 0 2,431 400 128 38 1,849 1618 ERP 0 20,574 3,386 1,084 325 15,647 13218 EMail/Office 0 5,824 958 307 92 4,429 3718 Network & Telecom 0 14,515 2,389 765 230 11,039 9318 Enterprise Web Apps 0 1,458 240 77 23 1,108 918 Customer Service 0 9,228 1,519 486 146 7,018 5918 Record Storage 0 6,409 1,055 338 101 4,875 4118 Aumentum Tax 0 229,850 37,825 12,107 3,635 174,806 1,47618 Countywide Services 0 12,955 2,132 682 205 9,853 83

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Salary%) Dept:14 Treasurer - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

Banking Investments - Fund Specific

Investments - General Fund

Treasurer Public


Public Trustee

Subtotal - Business Innovation & Techn $0 $373,593 $61,481 $19,679 $5,908 $284,126 $2,399

20 Clerk to the Board 0 416 69 22 7 317 3Subtotal - C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 0 416 69 22 7 317 3

Total Incoming 486,169 441,870 152,724 48,885 14,676 705,795 5,959

C. Total Allocated $2,325,177 $379,787 $121,565 $36,497 $1,772,510 $14,81816.33% 5.23% 1.57% 76.23% 0.64%

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Banking Allocations Dept:14 Treasurer - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 1,370,734.53 0.33% $1,028 $0 $1,028 $0 $1,0284 Public Affairs - GF 614,189.43 0.15% 461 0 461 0 4615 County Attorney - GF 4,433,812.56 1.08% 3,324 0 3,324 0 3,3246 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 180,308.99 0.04% 135 0 135 0 1357 Finance-Accounting - GF 2,002,819.71 0.49% 1,502 0 1,502 0 1,5028 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 600,927.39 0.15% 451 0 451 0 4519 Human Resources - GF 1,716,245.96 0.42% 1,287 0 1,287 0 1,287

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 638,839.89 0.16% 479 0 479 0 47911 Development & Trans - GF 247,015.28 0.06% 185 0 185 0 18512 Building Safety - GF 2,861,487.83 0.70% 2,145 0 2,145 526 2,67113 Board of County Comm - GF 742,805.26 0.18% 557 0 557 0 55714 Treasurer - GF 1,435,729.90 0.35% 1,076 0 1,076 0 1,07615 Non-Departmental - GF 564,166.74 0.14% 423 0 423 104 52716 Transportation & Engineering - GF 3,346,419.19 0.82% 2,509 0 2,509 615 3,12417 Facilities Management - GF 12,183,760.36 2.97% 9,135 0 9,135 2,240 11,37518 Business Innovation & Technology - GF15,634,075.78 3.82% 11,722 0 11,722 2,874 14,59619 C&R Administration - GF 916,555.59 0.22% 687 0 687 168 85620 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 199,226.05 0.05% 149 0 149 37 18621 C&R Elections - GF 4,676,849.12 1.14% 3,507 0 3,507 860 4,36622 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 5,356,381.26 1.31% 4,016 0 4,016 985 5,00123 C&R Recording - GF 1,049,285.83 0.26% 787 0 787 193 98024 Assessor - GF 4,820,181.78 1.18% 3,614 0 3,614 886 4,50025 CSU Extension - GF 741,831.11 0.18% 556 0 556 136 69326 Coroner - GF 2,317,747.11 0.57% 1,738 0 1,738 426 2,16427 County Attorney BOE - GF 173,667.29 0.04% 130 0 130 32 16228 District Attorney Admin - GF 20,179,251.83 4.93% 15,130 0 15,130 3,710 18,83929 District Atty Dom Violence - GF 108,296.10 0.03% 81 0 81 20 10130 District Atty Family Justice Cntr - GF 220,598.58 0.05% 165 0 165 41 20631 Emergency Management - GF 1,523,501.09 0.37% 1,142 0 1,142 280 1,42232 Events & Venues - GF 682,551.07 0.17% 512 0 512 125 63733 Intergovernmental Projects - GF 471,907.50 0.12% 354 0 354 87 44134 Justice Services - GF 8,572,855.58 2.09% 6,428 0 6,428 1,576 8,00435 Planning & Zoning - GF 4,009,787.22 0.98% 3,006 0 3,006 737 3,74436 Public Trustee 478,040.23 0.12% 358 0 358 88 44637 JCSO Detentions - GF 20,843,875.34 5.09% 15,628 0 15,628 3,832 19,46038 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 1,140,126.24 0.28% 855 0 855 210 1,06439 JCSO Executive - GF 2,293,805.09 0.56% 1,720 0 1,720 422 2,14140 JCSO Support Services - GF 16,872,239.02 4.12% 12,650 0 12,650 3,102 15,75241 Surveyor - GF 2,988.89 0.00% 2 0 2 1 344 Insurance Fund 2,265,036.16 0.55% 1,698 0 1,698 416 2,11545 Worker's Compensation Fund 2,629,694.33 0.64% 1,972 0 1,972 483 2,45546 Open Space Fund 13,716,391.31 3.35% 10,284 0 10,284 2,521 12,806

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FY 20208/24/2021

Banking Allocations Dept:14 Treasurer - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


47 Open Space Cities Share Fund 339,989.35 0.08% $255 $0 $255 $62 $31753 Boettcher Mansion Fund 551,962.97 0.13% 414 0 414 101 51555 South Traffic Impact 3,680.03 0.00% 3 0 3 1 357 Evergreen/Conifer Traf Imp Fund 41,120.60 0.01% 31 0 31 8 3858 Road & Bridge Fund 22,266,148.50 5.44% 16,695 0 16,695 4,093 20,78859 Social Services Fund 50,419,475.29 12.31% 37,803 0 37,803 9,269 47,07260 Workforce Development Fund 2,729,511.75 0.67% 2,047 0 2,047 502 2,54861 Head Start Fund 5,480,516.51 1.34% 4,109 0 4,109 1,007 5,11762 Capital Expenditures Fund 31,012.00 0.01% 23 0 23 6 2964 Fleet Services Fund 4,640,368.85 1.13% 3,479 0 3,479 853 4,33265 Library Fund 30,659,956.99 7.49% 22,988 0 22,988 5,636 28,62466 Benefit Plan Fund 37,547,927.41 9.17% 28,152 0 28,152 6,902 35,05567 Patrol Fund 19,196,108.78 4.69% 14,393 0 14,393 3,529 17,92168 Inmate Welfare Fund 658,345.30 0.16% 494 0 494 121 61569 Forfeiture Fund 1,183,082.74 0.29% 887 0 887 217 1,10570 Public Health Fund 16,354,103.48 3.99% 12,262 0 12,262 3,006 15,26871 Airport Fund 3,015,920.50 0.74% 2,261 0 2,261 554 2,81673 Jeffco Fin Capital Project Fund 2,500.00 0.00% 2 0 2 0 276 SE Sales Tax-Capital Fund 412,710.60 0.10% 309 0 309 76 38577 Solid Waste Fund 183,412.53 0.04% 138 0 138 34 17178 Community Development Fund 524,377.97 0.13% 393 0 393 96 49081 CARES Fund 48,473,984.00 11.84% 36,344 0 36,344 8,911 45,255

Subtotal 409,552,225.67 100.00% 307,070 0 307,070 72,717 379,787

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $307,070 $379,787Basis Units: Operating Exp's (excl. Dep, Fin & Debt Serv, Assist Pymnts, Land & Cap, CAP)Source:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Investments - Fund Specific Allocations Dept:14 Treasurer - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


36 Public Trustee 151 0.01% $7 $0 $7 $2 $943 Clerk Electronic Filing Fund 6,844 0.33% 329 0 329 78 40744 Insurance Fund 21,961 1.07% 1,055 0 1,055 250 1,30545 Worker's Compensation Fund 62,687 3.06% 3,012 0 3,012 713 3,72546 Open Space Fund 228,341 11.16% 10,970 0 10,970 2,598 13,56847 Open Space Cities Share Fund 15,347 0.75% 737 0 737 175 91252 Conservation Trust Fund 54,481 2.66% 2,617 0 2,617 620 3,23754 Developmentally Disabled Fund 10,223 0.50% 491 0 491 116 60755 South Traffic Impact 75,863 3.71% 3,645 0 3,645 863 4,50856 North Traffic Impact 4,940 0.24% 237 0 237 56 29457 Evergreen/Conifer Traf Imp Fund 14,759 0.72% 709 0 709 168 87758 Road & Bridge Fund 231,709 11.33% 11,132 0 11,132 2,636 13,76859 Social Services Fund 115,405 5.64% 5,544 0 5,544 1,313 6,85762 Capital Expenditures Fund 186,614 9.12% 8,965 0 8,965 2,123 11,08963 Contingent Fund 519 0.03% 25 0 25 6 3164 Fleet Services Fund 146,284 7.15% 7,028 0 7,028 1,664 8,69265 Library Fund 336,187 16.43% 16,151 0 16,151 3,825 19,97666 Benefit Plan Fund 130,788 6.39% 6,283 0 6,283 1,488 7,77168 Inmate Welfare Fund 25,515 1.25% 1,226 0 1,226 290 1,51670 Public Health Fund 173 0.01% 8 0 8 2 1071 Airport Fund 57,472 2.81% 2,761 0 2,761 654 3,41572 Wildland Fire Fund 2,381 0.12% 114 0 114 27 14175 SE Sales Tax-Debt Fund 193,933 9.48% 9,317 0 9,317 2,206 11,52376 SE Sales Tax-Capital Fund 98,793 4.83% 4,746 0 4,746 1,124 5,87077 Solid Waste Fund 24,498 1.20% 1,177 0 1,177 279 1,456

Subtotal 2,045,868 100.00% 98,289 0 98,289 23,276 121,565

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $98,289 $121,565Basis Units: Interest Income by Fund except for the General FundSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Investments - General Fund Allocations Dept:14 Treasurer - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 1,370,734.53 0.94% $277 $0 $277 $0 $2774 Public Affairs - GF 614,189.43 0.42% 124 0 124 0 1245 County Attorney - GF 4,433,812.56 3.03% 895 0 895 0 8956 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 180,308.99 0.12% 36 0 36 0 367 Finance-Accounting - GF 2,002,819.71 1.37% 404 0 404 0 4048 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 600,927.39 0.41% 121 0 121 0 1219 Human Resources - GF 1,716,245.96 1.17% 346 0 346 0 346

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 638,839.89 0.44% 129 0 129 0 12911 Development & Trans - GF 247,015.28 0.17% 50 0 50 0 5012 Building Safety - GF 2,861,487.83 1.96% 577 0 577 151 72913 Board of County Comm - GF 742,805.26 0.51% 150 0 150 0 15014 Treasurer - GF 1,435,729.90 0.98% 290 0 290 0 29015 Non-Departmental - GF 564,166.74 0.39% 114 0 114 30 14416 Transportation & Engineering - GF 3,346,419.19 2.29% 675 0 675 177 85217 Facilities Management - GF 12,183,760.36 8.33% 2,459 0 2,459 644 3,10318 Business Innovation & Technology - GF15,634,075.78 10.69% 3,155 0 3,155 826 3,98119 C&R Administration - GF 916,555.59 0.63% 185 0 185 48 23320 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 199,226.05 0.14% 40 0 40 11 5121 C&R Elections - GF 4,676,849.12 3.20% 944 0 944 247 1,19122 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 5,356,381.26 3.66% 1,081 0 1,081 283 1,36423 C&R Recording - GF 1,049,285.83 0.72% 212 0 212 55 26724 Assessor - GF 4,820,181.78 3.30% 973 0 973 255 1,22725 CSU Extension - GF 741,831.11 0.51% 150 0 150 39 18926 Coroner - GF 2,317,747.11 1.59% 468 0 468 122 59027 County Attorney BOE - GF 173,667.29 0.12% 35 0 35 9 4428 District Attorney Admin - GF 20,179,251.83 13.80% 4,072 0 4,072 1,066 5,13929 District Atty Dom Violence - GF 108,296.10 0.07% 22 0 22 6 2830 District Atty Family Justice Cntr - GF 220,598.58 0.15% 45 0 45 12 5631 Emergency Management - GF 1,523,501.09 1.04% 307 0 307 81 38832 Events & Venues - GF 682,551.07 0.47% 138 0 138 36 17433 Intergovernmental Projects - GF 471,907.50 0.32% 95 0 95 25 12034 Justice Services - GF 8,572,855.58 5.86% 1,730 0 1,730 453 2,18335 Planning & Zoning - GF 4,009,787.22 2.74% 809 0 809 212 1,02136 Public Trustee 478,040.23 0.33% 96 0 96 25 12237 JCSO Detentions - GF 20,843,875.34 14.25% 4,206 0 4,206 1,101 5,30838 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 1,140,126.24 0.78% 230 0 230 60 29039 JCSO Executive - GF 2,293,805.09 1.57% 463 0 463 121 58440 JCSO Support Services - GF 16,872,239.02 11.54% 3,405 0 3,405 892 4,29641 Surveyor - GF 2,988.89 0.00% 1 0 1 0 1

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Investments - General Fund Allocations Dept:14 Treasurer - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


Subtotal 146,224,887.72 100.00% 29,509 0 29,509 6,988 36,497

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $29,509 $36,497Basis Units: Operating Exp's (excl. Dep, Fin & Debt Serv, Assist Pymnts, Land & Cap, CAP) in Gen Fund Only Source:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Public Trustee Allocations Dept:14 Treasurer - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


36 Public Trustee 100 100.00% $11,981 $0 $11,981 $2,837 $14,818

Subtotal 100 100.00% 11,981 0 11,981 2,837 14,818

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $11,981 $14,818Basis Units: Direct to Public TrusteeSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Allocation Summary Dept:14 Treasurer - GF

Department Banking Investments - Fund Specific

Investments - General Fund

Treasurer Public


Public Trustee


3 County Manager - GF $1,028 $0 $277 $0 $0 $1,3044 Public Affairs - GF 461 0 124 0 0 5845 County Attorney - GF 3,324 0 895 0 0 4,2196 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 135 0 36 0 0 1727 Finance-Accounting - GF 1,502 0 404 0 0 1,9068 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 451 0 121 0 0 5729 Human Resources - GF 1,287 0 346 0 0 1,633

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 479 0 129 0 0 60811 Development & Trans - GF 185 0 50 0 0 23512 Building Safety - GF 2,671 0 729 0 0 3,40013 Board of County Comm - GF 557 0 150 0 0 70714 Treasurer - GF 1,076 0 290 0 0 1,36615 Non-Departmental - GF 527 0 144 0 0 67016 Transportation & Engineering - GF 3,124 0 852 0 0 3,97617 Facilities Management - GF 11,375 0 3,103 0 0 14,47718 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 14,596 0 3,981 0 0 18,57719 C&R Administration - GF 856 0 233 0 0 1,08920 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 186 0 51 0 0 23721 C&R Elections - GF 4,366 0 1,191 0 0 5,55722 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 5,001 0 1,364 0 0 6,36523 C&R Recording - GF 980 0 267 0 0 1,24724 Assessor - GF 4,500 0 1,227 0 0 5,72825 CSU Extension - GF 693 0 189 0 0 88126 Coroner - GF 2,164 0 590 0 0 2,75427 County Attorney BOE - GF 162 0 44 0 0 20628 District Attorney Admin - GF 18,839 0 5,139 0 0 23,97829 District Atty Dom Violence - GF 101 0 28 0 0 12930 District Atty Family Justice Cntr - GF 206 0 56 0 0 26231 Emergency Management - GF 1,422 0 388 0 0 1,81032 Events & Venues - GF 637 0 174 0 0 81133 Intergovernmental Projects - GF 441 0 120 0 0 56134 Justice Services - GF 8,004 0 2,183 0 0 10,18735 Planning & Zoning - GF 3,744 0 1,021 0 0 4,76536 Public Trustee 446 9 122 0 14,818 15,39537 JCSO Detentions - GF 19,460 0 5,308 0 0 24,76838 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 1,064 0 290 0 0 1,35539 JCSO Executive - GF 2,141 0 584 0 0 2,72640 JCSO Support Services - GF 15,752 0 4,296 0 0 20,04841 Surveyor - GF 3 0 1 0 0 443 Clerk Electronic Filing Fund 0 407 0 0 0 40744 Insurance Fund 2,115 1,305 0 0 0 3,420

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Allocation Summary Dept:14 Treasurer - GF

Department Banking Investments - Fund Specific

Investments - General Fund

Treasurer Public


Public Trustee


45 Worker's Compensation Fund $2,455 $3,725 $0 $0 $0 $6,18046 Open Space Fund 12,806 13,568 0 0 0 26,37447 Open Space Cities Share Fund 317 912 0 0 0 1,22952 Conservation Trust Fund 0 3,237 0 0 0 3,23753 Boettcher Mansion Fund 515 0 0 0 0 51554 Developmentally Disabled Fund 0 607 0 0 0 60755 South Traffic Impact 3 4,508 0 0 0 4,51156 North Traffic Impact 0 294 0 0 0 29457 Evergreen/Conifer Traf Imp Fund 38 877 0 0 0 91558 Road & Bridge Fund 20,788 13,768 0 0 0 34,55659 Social Services Fund 47,072 6,857 0 0 0 53,92960 Workforce Development Fund 2,548 0 0 0 0 2,54861 Head Start Fund 5,117 0 0 0 0 5,11762 Capital Expenditures Fund 29 11,089 0 0 0 11,11763 Contingent Fund 0 31 0 0 0 3164 Fleet Services Fund 4,332 8,692 0 0 0 13,02465 Library Fund 28,624 19,976 0 0 0 48,60066 Benefit Plan Fund 35,055 7,771 0 0 0 42,82667 Patrol Fund 17,921 0 0 0 0 17,92168 Inmate Welfare Fund 615 1,516 0 0 0 2,13169 Forfeiture Fund 1,105 0 0 0 0 1,10570 Public Health Fund 15,268 10 0 0 0 15,27871 Airport Fund 2,816 3,415 0 0 0 6,23172 Wildland Fire Fund 0 141 0 0 0 14173 Jeffco Fin Capital Project Fund 2 0 0 0 0 275 SE Sales Tax-Debt Fund 0 11,523 0 0 0 11,52376 SE Sales Tax-Capital Fund 385 5,870 0 0 0 6,25677 Solid Waste Fund 171 1,456 0 0 0 1,62778 Community Development Fund 490 0 0 0 0 49081 CARES Fund 45,255 0 0 0 0 45,255

Total $379,787 $121,565 $36,497 $0 $14,818 $552,667

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

NON-DEPARTMENTAL Nature and Extent of Services

Non-Departmental captures County expenditures not appropriate or applicable to other county divisions. Most of the expenditures in the Non-Departmental Division are not allocable in the cost allocation plan. No indirect costs for these functions will be allocated to the receiving department/division’s budget. Non-Departmental includes the following functions:

· Non-Divisional: Costs deposited within this division that cannot be specifically assigned to a division (including tuition reimbursem*nts and service awards) are allocated based on the number of benefit eligible FTE’s per department/division except for the Public Trustee which are excluded from this allocation because they pay employee tuition reimbursem*nts directly.

· Non-Allocable Expenses: Costs that are not allocated are accumulated in this function. This function is not allocated in the cost plan.

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:15 Non-Departmental - GF

Description Amount General Admin




Personnel Costs412 Benefits P 0 0 0 0 Salary % Split .00% .00% .00%4261 General Supplies P 41,726 0 39,363 2,363

Subtotal - Personnel Costs 41,726 0 39,363 2,363

Services & Supplies Cost4341 Utilities P 0 0 0 04343 Repairs & Maint. P 0 0 0 04351 Misc Serv & Chrg P 294,120 0 0 294,120435645 Academic Degree Programs P 174,102 0 174,102 04356 Dues, Mtgs, Train D 1,900 0 0 04388 Clearing D 0 0 0 046 Intergovernmental D 1,585,727 0 0 047 Interdepartmental D 2,301,263 0 0 04759 Indirect Costs D (5,311,183) 0 0 0Direct Charges P 52,319 0 0 52,3194759 IT Charges D (7,666,936) 0 0 04759 Facility Charges D (4,389,040) 0 0 047 Insurance Tr's P 167,500 0 0 167,5004269 Equipment P 0 0 0 045 Land & Capital D 0 0 0 0475730 Facilities Charges P 0 0 0 0

Subtotal - Services & Supplies (12,790,228) 0 174,102 513,939

Department Cost Total (12,748,502) 0 213,465 516,302

Adjustments to Cost4356 Dues, Mtgs, Train D (1,900) 0 0 04388 Clearing D 0 0 0 0

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:15 Non-Departmental - GF

Description Amount General Admin




46 Intergovernmental D (1,585,727) 0 0 047 Interdepartmental D (2,301,263) 0 0 04759 Indirect Costs D 5,311,183 0 0 04759 IT Charges D 7,666,936 0 0 04759 Facility Charges D 4,389,040 0 0 045 Land & Capital D 0 0 0 0

Subtotal - Adjustments 13,478,269 0 0 0

Total Costs After Adjustments 729,767 0 213,465 516,302

General Admin Distribution 0 0 0

Grand Total $729,767 $213,465 $516,302not allocated

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Expense%) Dept:15 Non-Departmental - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming




5 Billable Legal Fees $7,511 $840 $2,443 $5,909Subtotal - County Attorney - GF 7,511 840 2,443 5,909

7 Accounts Payable 6,820 1,635 2,473 5,9817 General Accounting 12,481 3,066 4,548 10,9997 Capital Assets 40 9 15 357 Audit 2,033 0 595 1,439

Subtotal - Finance-Accounting - GF 21,374 4,711 7,630 18,455

8 Budget Analysis 422 78 146 353Subtotal - Strategy Planning & Analysis 422 78 146 353

10 Purchase Orders 524 68 173 41910 Contract Amendements & Renewals 745 103 248 600

Subtotal - Finance - Purchasing - GF 1,269 171 421 1,019

13 County Commissioner's Other 1,049 180 359 869Subtotal - Board of County Comm - GF 1,049 180 359 869

14 Banking 423 104 154 37314 Investments - General Fund 114 30 42 102

Subtotal - Treasurer - GF 537 134 196 474

17 Fac - Spec Proj/Single Occ Bldg - Serv 0 327 96 23117 Fac - Evergreen Main Bldg 0 2,546 745 1,801

Subtotal - Facilities Management - GF 0 2,873 840 2,033

18 ERP 0 8,085 2,365 5,720Subtotal - Business Innovation & Techn 0 8,085 2,365 5,720

Total Incoming 32,162 17,071 14,401 34,832

C. Total Allocated $779,000 $227,866 $551,13429.25% 70.75%

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Non-Divisional Allocations Dept:15 Non-Departmental - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 7.50 0.26% $571 $0 $571 $0 $5714 Public Affairs - GF 5.50 0.19% 419 0 419 0 4195 County Attorney - GF 33.00 1.13% 2,512 0 2,512 0 2,5126 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 1.00 0.03% 76 0 76 0 767 Finance-Accounting - GF 19.00 0.65% 1,446 0 1,446 0 1,4468 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 8.00 0.27% 609 0 609 0 6099 Human Resources - GF 15.35 0.52% 1,169 0 1,169 0 1,169

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 6.00 0.20% 457 0 457 0 45711 Development & Trans - GF 1.00 0.03% 76 0 76 0 7612 Building Safety - GF 26.00 0.89% 1,979 0 1,979 46 2,02513 Board of County Comm - GF 5.00 0.17% 381 0 381 0 38114 Treasurer - GF 12.00 0.41% 914 0 914 0 91416 Transportation & Engineering - GF 29.00 0.99% 2,208 0 2,208 51 2,25917 Facilities Management - GF 56.70 1.94% 4,317 0 4,317 101 4,41718 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 69.00 2.36% 5,253 0 5,253 122 5,37519 C&R Administration - GF 6.00 0.20% 457 0 457 11 46720 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 3.00 0.10% 228 0 228 5 23421 C&R Elections - GF 13.00 0.44% 990 0 990 23 1,01322 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 68.50 2.34% 5,215 0 5,215 122 5,33623 C&R Recording - GF 14.00 0.48% 1,066 0 1,066 25 1,09124 Assessor - GF 51.00 1.74% 3,883 0 3,883 90 3,97325 CSU Extension - GF 3.00 0.10% 228 0 228 5 23426 Coroner - GF 13.60 0.46% 1,035 0 1,035 24 1,05927 County Attorney BOE - GF 2.00 0.07% 152 0 152 4 15628 District Attorney Admin - GF 162.70 5.56% 12,386 0 12,386 289 12,67529 District Atty Dom Violence - GF 1.00 0.03% 76 0 76 2 7830 District Atty Family Justice Cntr - GF 2.00 0.07% 152 0 152 4 15631 Emergency Management - GF 6.00 0.20% 457 0 457 11 46732 Events & Venues - GF 5.00 0.17% 381 0 381 9 39034 Justice Services - GF 42.00 1.43% 3,197 0 3,197 75 3,27235 Planning & Zoning - GF 41.75 1.43% 3,178 0 3,178 74 3,25237 JCSO Detentions - GF 345.50 11.80% 26,303 0 26,303 613 26,91638 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 13.00 0.44% 990 0 990 23 1,01339 JCSO Executive - GF 18.00 0.61% 1,370 0 1,370 32 1,40240 JCSO Support Services - GF 88.00 3.01% 6,699 0 6,699 156 6,85644 Insurance Fund 5.00 0.17% 381 0 381 9 39046 Open Space Fund 135.75 4.64% 10,335 0 10,335 241 10,57553 Boettcher Mansion Fund 5.80 0.20% 442 0 442 10 45258 Road & Bridge Fund 192.60 6.58% 14,662 0 14,662 342 15,00459 Social Services Fund 559.20 19.10% 42,571 0 42,571 992 43,56460 Workforce Development Fund 30.00 1.02% 2,284 0 2,284 53 2,33761 Head Start Fund 67.00 2.29% 5,101 0 5,101 119 5,220

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Non-Divisional Allocations Dept:15 Non-Departmental - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


64 Fleet Services Fund 22.90 0.78% $1,743 $0 $1,743 $41 $1,78465 Library Fund 239.50 8.18% 18,233 0 18,233 425 18,65866 Benefit Plan Fund 4.00 0.14% 305 0 305 7 31267 Patrol Fund 271.00 9.26% 20,631 0 20,631 481 21,11268 Inmate Welfare Fund 8.00 0.27% 609 0 609 14 62370 Public Health Fund 162.90 5.56% 12,401 0 12,401 289 12,69071 Airport Fund 23.80 0.81% 1,812 0 1,812 42 1,85478 Community Development Fund 5.00 0.17% 381 0 381 9 39081 CARES Fund 2.00 0.07% 152 0 152 4 156

Subtotal 2,927.55 100.00% 222,872 0 222,872 4,993 227,866

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $222,872 $227,866Basis Units: Benefit Eligible FTE (Excl. Public Trustee)Source:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Allocation Summary Dept:15 Non-Departmental - GF

Department Non-Divisional




3 County Manager - GF $571 $0 $5714 Public Affairs - GF 419 0 4195 County Attorney - GF 2,512 0 2,5126 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 76 0 767 Finance-Accounting - GF 1,446 0 1,4468 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 609 0 6099 Human Resources - GF 1,169 0 1,169

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 457 0 45711 Development & Trans - GF 76 0 7612 Building Safety - GF 2,025 0 2,02513 Board of County Comm - GF 381 0 38114 Treasurer - GF 914 0 91416 Transportation & Engineering - GF 2,259 0 2,25917 Facilities Management - GF 4,417 0 4,41718 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 5,375 0 5,37519 C&R Administration - GF 467 0 46720 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 234 0 23421 C&R Elections - GF 1,013 0 1,01322 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 5,336 0 5,33623 C&R Recording - GF 1,091 0 1,09124 Assessor - GF 3,973 0 3,97325 CSU Extension - GF 234 0 23426 Coroner - GF 1,059 0 1,05927 County Attorney BOE - GF 156 0 15628 District Attorney Admin - GF 12,675 0 12,67529 District Atty Dom Violence - GF 78 0 7830 District Atty Family Justice Cntr - GF 156 0 15631 Emergency Management - GF 467 0 46732 Events & Venues - GF 390 0 39034 Justice Services - GF 3,272 0 3,27235 Planning & Zoning - GF 3,252 0 3,25237 JCSO Detentions - GF 26,916 0 26,91638 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 1,013 0 1,01339 JCSO Executive - GF 1,402 0 1,40240 JCSO Support Services - GF 6,856 0 6,85644 Insurance Fund 390 0 39046 Open Space Fund 10,575 0 10,57553 Boettcher Mansion Fund 452 0 45258 Road & Bridge Fund 15,004 0 15,00459 Social Services Fund 43,564 0 43,56460 Workforce Development Fund 2,337 0 2,337

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FY 20208/24/2021

Allocation Summary Dept:15 Non-Departmental - GF

Department Non-Divisional




61 Head Start Fund $5,220 $0 $5,22064 Fleet Services Fund 1,784 0 1,78465 Library Fund 18,658 0 18,65866 Benefit Plan Fund 312 0 31267 Patrol Fund 21,112 0 21,11268 Inmate Welfare Fund 623 0 62370 Public Health Fund 12,690 0 12,69071 Airport Fund 1,854 0 1,85478 Community Development Fund 390 0 39081 CARES Fund 156 0 156

Total $227,866 $0 $227,866

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

TRANSPORTATION & ENGINEERING Nature and Extent of Services

Transportation & Engineering (T&E) provides a variety of public services related to transportation planning, traffic management, roadway/bridge design, storm drainage, and public infrastructure permitting and inspection. T&E is the civil engineering arm of the County and is responsible for planning, design, and construction of transportation and drainage facilities affecting the County roadway system. The division oversees safe and efficient movement of traffic on county roadways by providing appropriate traffic control devices. T&E also inspects road construction by developers in new sub-divisions, and street cuts by utilities for compliance to county standards and approved plans.

· Design: T&E Design Section completes surveys, acquires right-of-way, designs roadway improvements, bridge rehabilitation and replacement, sidewalk/path installation, culvert maintenance support, drainage and other safety improvements. This section is also responsible for managing engineering consultants to design larger capital improvement projects.

· Traffic/Transportation: This section in T&E is responsible for transportation planning and traffic operation functions for the county’s roadway system. System deficiencies, traffic safety operations evaluations and assessments that are used in the planning and design of capital improvement projects. The section also addresses citizen concerns with smaller signage/striping projects. The county’s traffic signal system is managed with the assistance of a contractor. Maintenance planning assistance is provided to R&B, who are responsible for the county’s roadway markings and signs. This section is generally supported by the R&B Fund.

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FY 20208/24/2021

TRANSPORTATION & ENGINEERING Nature and Extent of Services

· Construction/Inspection: Construction/Inspection section provides both management and inspection for county roadway/bridge improvements in the Capital Improvement Program (CIP). T&E inspection staff also inspects public improvements required by Planning & Zoning (P&Z) for new land developments, erosion controls, and utility street cuts. The Construction Engineering staff within this function is generally supported by specific fund projects. Costs associated with inspections performed for P&Z related projects are supported by permit fees and the General Fund.

The indirect costs for T&E are allocated to the receiving department/division’s budgets. T&E includes the following functions:

· Road & Bridge (R&B): Costs associated with working with the R&B Division are allocated directly to them.

· Project Related: Costs associated with specific division projects (e.g., Open Space, Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport) and specific fund projects are allocated based on the number of engineering hours by department/division or by specific project fund.

· Inspections: Costs associated with inspections performed are allocated 51% to Road & Bridge and 49% to Non-County.

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:16 Transportation & Engineering - GF

Description Amount General Admin

Road & Bridge

Project Related


Personnel CostsSalaries S1 2,412,302 364,981 56,930 1,248,125 742,265 Salary % Split 15.13% 2.36% 51.74% 30.77%Benefits S 656,324 99,302 15,489 339,582 201,951

Subtotal - Personnel Costs 3,068,626 464,283 72,420 1,587,707 944,216

Services & Supplies CostSalaries - COVID D 15,937 0 0 0 04261 General Supplies S 33,113 5,010 781 17,133 10,1894264 Books & Periodicals S 290 44 7 150 894269 Equipment S 107,577 16,276 2,539 55,660 33,10243300 Prof & Tech Serv S 40,354 6,106 952 20,879 12,4174341 Utilities S 31,774 4,807 750 16,440 9,7774343 Repairs & Maint. S 4,125 624 97 2,134 1,2694344 Rent & Lease S 8,606 1,302 203 4,453 2,6484351 Misc Serv & Chrg S 1,378 209 33 713 4244356 Dues-Mtgs-Train S 12,508 1,892 295 6,471 3,8494358 Travel-Freight-Deliv S 245 37 6 127 754385 Fin & Debt Serv. D 16,610 0 0 0 045 Land & Capital D 250,631 0 0 0 047 Insurance Tr's S 23,300 3,525 550 12,055 7,1694757 Fleet Charges S 140 21 3 72 43475754 IT Tech Repl S 21,745 3,290 513 11,251 6,6914759 Fac Charge D 86,401 0 0 0 04759 Indirect Costs D 191,160 0 0 0 04759 IT Charge D 208,166 0 0 0 0Other Federal Reimb's S (1,298) (196) (31) (672) (399)

Subtotal - Services & Supplies 1,052,763 42,948 6,699 146,868 87,343

Department Cost Total 4,121,389 507,231 79,119 1,734,575 1,031,559

Adjustments to CostSalaries - COVID D (15,937) 0 0 0 0

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:16 Transportation & Engineering - GF

Description Amount General Admin

Road & Bridge

Project Related


4385 Fin & Debt Serv. D (16,610) 0 0 0 045 Land & Capital D (250,631) 0 0 0 04759 Fac Charge D (86,401) 0 0 0 04759 Indirect Costs D (191,160) 0 0 0 04759 IT Charge D (208,166) 0 0 0 0

Subtotal - Adjustments (768,905) 0 0 0 0

Total Costs After Adjustments 3,352,484 507,231 79,119 1,734,575 1,031,559

General Admin Distribution (507,231) 14,105 309,227 183,899

Grand Total $3,352,484 $93,223 $2,043,802 $1,215,458

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FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Salary%) Dept:16 Transportation & Engineering - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

Road & Bridge

Project Related


1 Admin and Courts Facility $39,245 $0 $1,091 $23,925 $14,228Subtotal - Building Interest and Deprec 39,245 0 1,091 23,925 14,228

2 Equipment Depreciation 21,779 0 606 13,277 7,896Subtotal - Equipment Depreciation 21,779 0 606 13,277 7,896

3 County Manager 7,189 1,380 238 5,224 3,1073 FrontDesk/Switchboard 4 1 0 3 23 Physical Security 2,187 0 61 1,333 7933 Security Committee IT 3,035 0 84 1,850 1,100

Subtotal - County Manager - GF 12,414 1,381 384 8,410 5,002

4 Internal Customer Service 2,753 415 88 1,931 1,148Subtotal - Public Affairs - GF 2,753 415 88 1,931 1,148

5 Billable Legal Fees 30,365 3,397 939 20,583 12,2415 Litigation Costs 4,900 470 149 3,274 1,947

Subtotal - County Attorney - GF 35,266 3,867 1,088 23,857 14,188

7 Accounts Payable 1,433 344 49 1,083 6447 General Accounting 17,152 4,214 594 13,026 7,7477 Payroll 3,581 853 123 2,704 1,6087 Capital Assets 3,964 929 136 2,983 1,7747 Audit 1,688 0 47 1,029 6127 Pcard Audit 104 0 3 64 38

Subtotal - Finance-Accounting - GF 27,923 6,340 953 20,888 12,422

8 Budget Analysis 2,688 495 89 1,941 1,1548 Strategic Planning Issues 3,278 606 108 2,368 1,408

Subtotal - Strategy Planning & Analysis 5,966 1,101 197 4,308 2,562

9 Recruitment 2,199 347 71 1,552 9239 General HR 6,580 997 211 4,619 2,7479 Terminations 598 91 19 420 2509 Unemployment 722 108 23 506 301

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FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Salary%) Dept:16 Transportation & Engineering - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

Road & Bridge

Project Related


9 Training $4,002 $565 $127 $2,784 $1,6569 Background Checks 22 0 1 13 89 Compensation Program 1,443 156 44 975 5809 Compensation Reclassifications 2,213 359 72 1,568 933

Subtotal - Human Resources - GF 17,778 2,623 567 12,438 7,397

10 Purchase Orders 2,970 383 93 2,044 1,21610 Contract Amendements & Renewals 5,214 724 165 3,620 2,15310 Formal Bids/RFP's/PQ's 18,531 2,400 582 12,761 7,58910 Purchasing Card Rebate (536) 0 (15) (327) (194)10 Countywide Programs 1,015 172 33 723 430

Subtotal - Finance - Purchasing - GF 27,194 3,679 858 18,821 11,193

11 D&T Admin Supervision 25,546 1,618 755 16,560 9,849Subtotal - Development & Trans - GF 25,546 1,618 755 16,560 9,849

13 Board of County Commissioners 7,709 1,328 251 5,509 3,27613 County Commissioner's Other 6,224 1,066 203 4,444 2,643

Subtotal - Board of County Comm - GF 13,932 2,393 454 9,953 5,919

14 Banking 2,509 615 87 1,905 1,13314 Investments - General Fund 675 177 24 520 309

Subtotal - Treasurer - GF 3,184 792 111 2,424 1,442

15 Non-Divisional 2,208 51 63 1,377 819Subtotal - Non-Departmental - GF 2,208 51 63 1,377 819

17 Fac - Admin & Courts Facility 0 103,039 2,865 62,816 37,357Subtotal - Facilities Management - GF 0 103,039 2,865 62,816 37,357

18 Amanda 0 34,788 967 21,208 12,61218 Organization Specific Services 0 13,612 379 8,299 4,93518 Content Services 0 5,875 163 3,582 2,13018 ERP 0 47,955 1,334 29,235 17,38618 EMail/Office 0 14,074 391 8,580 5,103

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FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Salary%) Dept:16 Transportation & Engineering - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

Road & Bridge

Project Related


18 Network & Telecom $0 $35,079 $975 $21,385 $12,71818 Enterprise Web Apps 0 3,522 98 2,147 1,27718 Customer Service 0 22,301 620 13,595 8,08518 Record Retrieval 0 1,915 53 1,167 69418 Record Storage 0 9,562 266 5,829 3,46718 Countywide Services 0 31,309 871 19,087 11,351

Subtotal - Business Innovation & Techn 0 219,992 6,117 134,115 79,759

20 Clerk to the Board 0 7,701 214 4,695 2,792Subtotal - C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 0 7,701 214 4,695 2,792

Total Incoming 235,188 354,992 16,411 359,797 213,973

C. Total Allocated $3,942,664 $109,635 $2,403,599 $1,429,4312.78% 60.96% 36.26%

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Road & Bridge Allocations Dept:16 Transportation & Engineering - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


58 Road & Bridge Fund 100 100.00% $99,763 $0 $99,763 $9,871 $109,635

Subtotal 100 100.00% 99,763 0 99,763 9,871 109,635

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $99,763 $109,635Basis Units: 100% allocation to Road & BridgeSource:

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FY 20208/24/2021

Project Related Allocations Dept:16 Transportation & Engineering - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


46 Open Space Fund 494 3.19% $69,771 $(22,777) $46,993 $6,904 $53,89755 South Traffic Impact 1,646 10.63% 232,475 (114,025) 118,450 23,003 141,45257 Evergreen/Conifer Traf Imp Fund 732 4.73% 103,385 (41,091) 62,294 10,230 72,52458 Road & Bridge Fund 7,700 49.72% 1,087,518 (522,426) 565,092 107,608 672,69971 Airport Fund 127 0.82% 17,937 0 17,937 1,775 19,71276 SE Sales Tax-Capital Fund 2,936 18.96% 414,669 (184,951) 229,719 41,031 270,74980 Non-County 1,851 11.95% 261,428 0 261,428 25,868 287,296

Subtotal 15,486 100.00% 2,187,182 (885,270) 1,301,912 216,417 1,518,329

Direct Bills 885,270 885,270

Total $2,187,182 $2,403,599Basis Units: Engineering Hrs by Dept/DivSource:

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FY 20208/24/2021

Inspections Allocations Dept:16 Transportation & Engineering - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


58 Road & Bridge Fund 51 51.00% $663,371 $0 $663,371 $65,639 $729,01080 Non-County 49 49.00% 637,356 0 637,356 63,065 700,421

Subtotal 100 100.00% 1,300,727 0 1,300,727 128,704 1,429,431

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $1,300,727 $1,429,431Basis Units: 51% allocation to Road & Bridge, 49% to OtherSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Allocation Summary Dept:16 Transportation & Engineering - GF

Department Road & Bridge

Project Related

Inspections Total

0 Direct Billed $0 $885,270 $0 $885,27046 Open Space Fund 0 53,897 0 53,89755 South Traffic Impact 0 141,452 0 141,45257 Evergreen/Conifer Traf Imp Fund 0 72,524 0 72,52458 Road & Bridge Fund 109,635 672,699 729,010 1,511,34371 Airport Fund 0 19,712 0 19,71276 SE Sales Tax-Capital Fund 0 270,749 0 270,74980 Non-County 0 287,296 700,421 987,717

Total $109,635 $2,403,599 $1,429,431 $3,942,664

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Nature and Extent of Services

Facilities Management (FM) provides facility maintenance services for the Jefferson County buildings and grounds. FM is actively responsible 24 hours per day 7 days per week for over 40 separate sites, which includes 50 primary buildings, 2 leased facilities, as well as miscellaneous cell towers and vacant land. FM is responsible for the buildings listed and the items listed in the buildings. FM is also responsible for all space planning, office/building remodels and new capital asset planning, design and project management.

· Administration and Courts Facility (CAB): Heat and power, water and sanitation, storm water, trash removal, recycling, heating/ventilation/air conditioning (HVAC) systems, electrical systems, plumbing, building interior, building exterior, fire systems, grease hoods/traps, generator, exercise equipment, conveyance systems, security, janitorial services, mail services, hardscape services, landscape services, snow removal and conference rooms.

· Human Services (HS) Building: Heat and power, water and sanitation, storm water, trash removal, recycling, HVAC systems, electrical systems, plumbing, building interior, building exterior, fire systems, generator, exercise equipment, conveyance systems, security, janitorial services, mail services, hardscape services, landscape services and snow removal.

· Dakota Building: Heat and power, water and sanitation, storm water, trash removal, recycling, HVAC systems, electrical systems, plumbing, building interior, building exterior, fire systems, generator, conveyance systems, security, janitorial services, mail services, hardscape services, landscape services, and snow removal.

· District Attorney (DA) Building: Heat and power, water and sanitation, storm water, trash removal, recycling, HVAC systems, electrical systems, plumbing, building interior, building exterior, fire systems, conveyance systems, security, janitorial services, mail services, hardscape services, landscape services, and snow removal.

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FY 20208/24/2021

FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Nature and Extent of Services

· Open Space (OS) Building: Heat and power, water and sanitation, storm water, trash removal, recycling, HVAC systems,

electrical systems, plumbing, building interior, building exterior, fire systems, conveyance systems, security, janitorial services, mail services, hardscape services, landscape services, and snow removal.

· Remington Building: Heat and power, water and sanitation, storm water, trash removal, HVAC systems, electrical systems, plumbing, building interior, building exterior, fire systems, conveyance systems, security, janitorial services, mail services, hardscape services, landscape services, snow removal, and conference rooms.

· Laramie Building : Heat and power, water and sanitation, storm water, trash removal, recycling, HVAC systems, electrical systems, plumbing, building interior, building exterior, fire systems, generator, conveyance systems, security, janitorial services, mail services, hardscape services, landscape services, snow removal and conference rooms.

· Fairgrounds Complex: Heat and power, water and sanitation, storm water, HVAC systems, electrical systems, plumbing, grease hoods/trap, building interior, building exterior, fire systems, janitorial services, mail services and hardscape services.

· Evergreen Service Center Building (Motor Vehicle and Sheriff’s Office): Heat and power, water and sanitation, trash removal, HVAC systems, electrical systems, plumbing, building interior, building exterior, fire systems, security, janitorial services, mail services, hardscape services, landscape services and snow removal.

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FY 20208/24/2021

FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Nature and Extent of Services

· South Service Center Building: Heat and power, water and sanitation, storm water, trash removal, HVAC systems, electrical systems, plumbing, building interior, building exterior, fire systems, generator, exercise equipment, security, janitorial services, mail services, hardscape services, landscape services, snow removal and conference rooms.

· Central Shops (Road & Bridge Golden): Heat and power, water and sanitation, storm water, trash removal, HVAC systems, electrical systems, plumbing, building interior, building exterior, landscape services, fire systems, security, janitorial services and mail services.

· Government Campus: Light and power, water, storm water, trash removal, electrical systems, hardscape services, landscape services and snow removal.

· Open Space Shop Building: Heat and power, water and sanitation, storm water, trash removal, recycling, HVAC systems, electrical systems, plumbing, building interior, building exterior, fire systems, security, janitorial services and hardscape services.

· Sheriff’s Office Detention Center (Exterior Only): Trash removal, recycling, electrical systems, hardscape services, landscape services, mail services, storm water and snow removal.

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FY 20208/24/2021

FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Nature and Extent of Services

· Road & Bridge South Shops: Heat and power, water and sanitation, storm water, trash removal, HVAC systems,

electrical systems, plumbing, building interior, building exterior, fire systems, janitorial services and mail services.

· Road & Bridge Evergreen Shops: Heat and power, water and sanitation, HVAC systems, electrical systems, plumbing, building interior, building exterior, fire systems, security, trash removal, exercise equipment, janitorial services and mail services.

· Road & Bridge Critchell Shops: Heat and power, HVAC systems, electrical systems, septic systems, well, plumbing, building interior and building exterior.

· Road & Bridge Golden Gate Shops: Heat and power, HVAC systems, electrical systems, plumbing, building interior and building exterior.

· Road & Bridge Indian Hills Shops: Heat and power, water, HVAC systems, electrical systems, septic systems, plumbing, building interior and building exterior.

· Road & Bridge Lookout Mountain Shops: Heat and power, HVAC systems, electrical systems, septic systems, wells, plumbing, building interior and building exterior.

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FY 20208/24/2021

FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Nature and Extent of Services

· Road & Bridge Shaffers Shops: Heat and power, HVAC systems, electrical systems, septic systems, wells, plumbing, janitorial, building interior and building exterior.

· Road & Bridge Coal Creek Shops: Heat and power, HVAC systems, electrical systems, septic systems, wells, plumbing, building interior and building exterior.

· Road & Bridge Buffalo Creek Salt Storage: Power, electrical systems, building interior and building exterior.

· Parfet Building: Heat and power, water and sanitation, storm water, trash removal, HVAC systems, electrical systems, plumbing, building interior, building exterior, fire systems, generator, exercise equipment, conveyance systems, security, janitorial services, mail services, hardscape services, landscape services and snow removal.

· Public Health Arvada (WIC): Doors, windows, HVAC system, electrical systems, plumbing systems, building interior, building exterior, security, landscaping immediately surrounding building and hardscape services.

· Motor Vehicle Arvada (lease): Heat and power, doors, windows, building interior, trash removal, fire systems, security, janitorial services and mail services.

· Motor Vehicle Lakewood (lease): Heat and power, water, doors, windows, building interior, security, fire systems, janitorial services and mail services.

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FY 20208/24/2021

FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Nature and Extent of Services

· Boettcher Mansion (Full service on request, direct billed): HVAC systems, electrical systems, septic systems, plumbing,

building interior, building exterior, fire systems and mail services.

· New York Building: Heat and power, water and sanitation, storm water, trash removal, HVAC systems, electrical systems, plumbing, building exterior, fire systems, grease trap, hardscape services and snow removal. As of August 2019, the County no longer owns this building.

· Rooney Landfill: Landfill gas collection system, light and power, electrical systems, landfill cap maintenance, lease management and phone line.

· Radio Tower Lookout Mountain: Heat and power, HVAC systems and electrical systems.

· Radio Tower Rampart Range: Heat and power.

· Radio Tower Smokey Hill: Heat and power, HVAC system and landscape services.

· Unallocated Properties: Power, landscape services, water and sanitation.

· Head Start Wheat Ridge: Only on request.

· Pine Gulch Landfill: Landfill cap maintenance and monitoring.

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FY 20208/24/2021

FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Nature and Extent of Services

· Foothills Animal Shelter: Only on request.

· Open Space Parks: Only on request.

· Arvada Head Start: Only on request.

The indirect costs for these functions will be allocated to the receiving department/division’s budget. The Facilities Management Division includes the following functions:

· Administration and Courts Facility: Costs related to the Administration and Courts Facility are allocated to the occupants of the building by square footage per occupant.

· Human Services Building: Costs related to the HS building are allocated to the occupants of the building by square footage per occupant.

· Dakota Building: Costs related to the Dakota building are allocated to the occupants of the building by square footage per occupant.

· District Attorney Building: Costs related to the DA building are allocated to the occupants of the building by square footage per occupant.

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FY 20208/24/2021

FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Nature and Extent of Services

· Open Space Building: Costs related to the OS building are allocated to the occupants of the building by square footage per


· Remington Building: Costs related to the Remington building are allocated to the occupants of the building by square footage per occupant.

· Laramie Building: Costs related to the Laramie building are allocated to the occupants of the building by square footage per occupant.

· Fairgrounds Buildings: Costs related to the Fairgrounds building are allocated to the occupants of the building by square footage per occupant.

· Central Shop Buildings: Costs related to the Central Shop building are allocated to the occupants of the building by square footage per occupant.

· Evergreen Service Center Building: Costs related to the Evergreen Service Center building are allocated to the occupants of the

building by square footage per occupant.

· South Service Center Building: Costs related to the South Service Center building are allocated to the occupants of the building by square footage per occupant.

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Nature and Extent of Services

· Arvada WIC Building: Costs related to the Arvada WIC building are allocated to the occupants of the building by square footage

per occupant.

· Evergreen Shop Main Building: Costs related to the Evergreen Shop Main building are allocated to the occupants of the building by square footage per occupant.

· South Shop Main Building: Costs related to the South Shop Main Building are allocated to the occupants of the building by square footage per occupant.

· Single Occupant Buildings – Salaries and Benefits: Salary and benefit costs related to buildings that can be charged at 100% to a department/division are allocated to that department/division based on the actual hours incurred for the building.

· Special Projects – Salaries and Benefits: Salary and benefit costs related to special projects completed by request by a department/division that can be charged at 100% to that department/division are allocated based on the actual hours incurred for the project.

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FY 20208/24/2021

FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Nature and Extent of Services

· Spec Proj/Single Occupant Buildings – Services and Supplies: Service and supply costs related to a special project or a single

department/division occupying a building are charged at 100% and are allocated to that department/division based on the actual costs incurred for the building or project.

· Slash Collection: Slash collection (tree limbs, branches, pine needles, etc.). This service is available to all Jeffco residents. These services are allocated 100% to the public.

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:17 Facilities Management - GF

Description Amount General Admin

Fac - Admin & Courts Facility

Fac - HS Bldg

Fac - Dakota Bldg

Fac - DA Bldg

Fac - OS Bldg

Fac - Remington


Fac - Laramie Bldg

Personnel CostsSalaries S1 3,507,485 0 1,466,129 517,705 154,329 183,441 9,821 104,874 331,457 Salary % Split .00% 41.80% 14.76% 4.40% 5.23% .28% 2.99% 9.45%Benefits S 1,238,446 0 517,670 182,795 54,492 64,771 3,468 37,030 117,033

Subtotal - Personnel Costs 4,745,931 0 1,983,799 700,499 208,821 248,212 13,289 141,903 448,490

Services & Supplies CostSalaries - COVID D 158,511 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04261 General Supplies P 489,605 77,073 123,471 27,145 9,193 13,777 9,178 11,501 18,1364262 Energy Supplies P 1,269,262 0 445,002 178,233 45,335 47,670 46,939 36,930 173,4014264 Books & Periodicals P 280 280 0 0 0 0 0 0 04269 Equipment P 32,048 26,692 4,977 0 0 0 0 0 043300 Prof & Tech Serv P 42,087 215 15,714 387 335 997 324 648 3244241 Utilities P 321,391 77,891 47,046 39,033 4,223 5,448 8,535 12,836 12,4454343 Repairs & Maint P 1,915,047 71,846 686,311 210,866 69,147 66,154 54,906 52,096 208,0804344 Rent & Lease P 204,797 20,703 0 0 0 0 600 0 04351 Misc Serv & Charges P 1,310 1,310 0 0 0 0 0 0 04354 Adv & Pub P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04356 Dues - Mtgs - Train P 3,632 3,462 0 0 0 0 0 0 04358 Travel-Freight-Deliv P 20 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 04385 Fin & Debt Serv D 2,897 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04388 Clearing D 547 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 045 Land & Capital D 19,888 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 047 Insurance Tr's P 46,600 46,600 0 0 0 0 0 0 047 Interdepartmental D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04757 Direct Charges P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04757 Fleet Charges P 2,629 2,629 0 0 0 0 0 0 0475730 Facility Charges P 17,091 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04759 IT Charge D 380,802 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0475754 IT Tech Repl P 29,993 29,993 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:17 Facilities Management - GF

Description Amount General Admin

Fac - Admin & Courts Facility

Fac - HS Bldg

Fac - Dakota Bldg

Fac - DA Bldg

Fac - OS Bldg

Fac - Remington


Fac - Laramie Bldg

4759 Indirect Costs D 455,099 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Facilities Master Plan - Gen Supp P 4,640 0 162 4,478 0 0 0 0 0Facilities Master Plan - Prof & Tech Se P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Facilities Master Plan - R&M P 1,278,565 350 687,462 590,753 0 0 0 0 0Major Maintenance - Prof & Tech P 73,174 42,500 0 30,674 0 0 0 0 0Major Maintenance - R&M P 1,185,083 246,240 180,929 245,646 27,880 19,627 63,044 118,366 8,756Major Maintenance - Supplies P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Major Maintenance - Facility Charges P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Countywide Security - R&M P 864 864 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Project Exp - Prof & Tech Serv P 25 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Project Exp - R&M P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Project Exp - Gen Supp P 254 254 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Slash Salaries P 89,018 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Slash Salaries - COVID D 4,471 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Slash Benefits P 36,773 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Slash Gen Supplies P 4,414 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Slash Energy Supplies P 171 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Slash Prof & Tech Serv P 98,743 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Slash R&M P 1,944 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Slash Rent & Lease P 6,737 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Slash Ins Tr's P 2,800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Slash Fleet P 88,544 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Capitalized Salaries D 57,414 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Capitalized Benefits D 19,291 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Energy Sales P (32,361) 0 (408) 0 0 0 0 0 (10,382)Misc Rent P (575) (575) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Cell Tower Lease Rev P (7,756) (7,756) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Slash Revenue P (121,345) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Laramie Bldg Rent Rev P (79,118) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (79,118)Other Federal Reimb's S (98) 0 (41) (14) (4) (5) (0) (3) (9)

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:17 Facilities Management - GF

Description Amount General Admin

Fac - Admin & Courts Facility

Fac - HS Bldg

Fac - Dakota Bldg

Fac - DA Bldg

Fac - OS Bldg

Fac - Remington


Fac - Laramie Bldg

Other Reimb - ID Cards S (196) 0 (82) (29) (9) (10) (1) (6) (19)Other Reimb's S (18,696) 0 (7,815) (2,760) (823) (978) (52) (559) (1,767)Other Rev S (15) 0 (6) (2) (1) (1) (0) (0) (1)Prior Year Reimb's S (664) 0 (278) (98) (29) (35) (2) (20) (63)Settlements, Awards S (600) 0 (251) (89) (26) (31) (2) (18) (57)

Subtotal - Services & Supplies 8,085,037 640,616 2,182,194 1,324,223 155,221 152,613 183,469 231,771 329,727

Department Cost Total 12,830,968 640,616 4,165,993 2,024,722 364,042 400,825 196,758 373,674 778,218

Adjustments to CostSalaries - COVID D (158,511) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04385 Fin & Debt Serv D (2,897) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04388 Clearing D (547) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 045 Land & Capital D (19,888) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 047 Interdepartmental D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04759 IT Charge D (380,802) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04759 Indirect Costs D (455,099) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Slash Salaries - COVID D (4,471) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Capitalized Salaries D (57,414) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Capitalized Benefits D (19,291) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Subtotal - Adjustments (1,098,920) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Costs After Adjustments 11,732,048 640,616 4,165,993 2,024,722 364,042 400,825 196,758 373,674 778,218

General Admin Distribution (640,616) 267,777 94,555 28,187 33,504 1,794 19,154 60,538

Grand Total $11,732,048 $4,433,770 $2,119,277 $392,229 $434,329 $198,552 $392,829 $838,756

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:17 Facilities Management - GF

Description Amount Fac - Fairgrounds


Fac - Evergreen Serv Cntr


Fac - South Service Cntr


Fac - Central Shop Bldg

Fac - Arvada WIC Bldg

FAC - Parfet Bldg

Fac - Single Occupant

Bldg - S&B E '

Fac - Special Projects - S&B Exp's

Personnel CostsSalaries S1 3,507,485 16,134 45,247 55,068 55,769 11,224 121,359 301,293 81,023 Salary % Split .46% 1.29% 1.57% 1.59% .32% 3.46% 8.59% 2.31%Benefits S 1,238,446 5,697 15,976 19,444 19,691 3,963 42,850 106,383 28,608

Subtotal - Personnel Costs 4,745,931 21,831 61,223 74,511 75,460 15,187 164,209 407,675 109,631

Services & Supplies CostSalaries - COVID D 158,511 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04261 General Supplies P 489,605 5,222 4,775 9,942 0 543 9,306 0 04262 Energy Supplies P 1,269,262 39,427 7,128 20,947 0 0 43,899 0 04264 Books & Periodicals P 280 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04269 Equipment P 32,048 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 043300 Prof & Tech Serv P 42,087 1,945 0 324 0 0 1,409 0 04241 Utilities P 321,391 28,686 1,441 3,298 0 0 9,470 0 04343 Repairs & Maint P 1,915,047 16,360 7,978 36,316 89,132 0 81,083 0 04344 Rent & Lease P 204,797 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04351 Misc Serv & Charges P 1,310 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04354 Adv & Pub P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04356 Dues - Mtgs - Train P 3,632 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04358 Travel-Freight-Deliv P 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04385 Fin & Debt Serv D 2,897 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04388 Clearing D 547 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 045 Land & Capital D 19,888 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 047 Insurance Tr's P 46,600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 047 Interdepartmental D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04757 Direct Charges P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04757 Fleet Charges P 2,629 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0475730 Facility Charges P 17,091 0 0 0 17,091 0 0 0 04759 IT Charge D 380,802 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0475754 IT Tech Repl P 29,993 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

MGT Consulting Group Page 228 of 316


Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:17 Facilities Management - GF

Description Amount Fac - Fairgrounds


Fac - Evergreen Serv Cntr


Fac - South Service Cntr


Fac - Central Shop Bldg

Fac - Arvada WIC Bldg

FAC - Parfet Bldg

Fac - Single Occupant

Bldg - S&B E '

Fac - Special Projects - S&B Exp's

4759 Indirect Costs D 455,099 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Facilities Master Plan - Gen Supp P 4,640 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Facilities Master Plan - Prof & Tech Se P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Facilities Master Plan - R&M P 1,278,565 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Major Maintenance - Prof & Tech P 73,174 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Major Maintenance - R&M P 1,185,083 113,653 16,839 1,654 0 0 13,012 0 0Major Maintenance - Supplies P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Major Maintenance - Facility Charges P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Countywide Security - R&M P 864 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Project Exp - Prof & Tech Serv P 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Project Exp - R&M P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Project Exp - Gen Supp P 254 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Slash Salaries P 89,018 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Slash Salaries - COVID D 4,471 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Slash Benefits P 36,773 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Slash Gen Supplies P 4,414 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Slash Energy Supplies P 171 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Slash Prof & Tech Serv P 98,743 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Slash R&M P 1,944 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Slash Rent & Lease P 6,737 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Slash Ins Tr's P 2,800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Slash Fleet P 88,544 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Capitalized Salaries D 57,414 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Capitalized Benefits D 19,291 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Energy Sales P (32,361) (10,330) 0 (11,241) 0 0 0 0 0Misc Rent P (575) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Cell Tower Lease Rev P (7,756) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Slash Revenue P (121,345) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Laramie Bldg Rent Rev P (79,118) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Other Federal Reimb's S (98) (0) (1) (2) (2) (0) (3) (8) (2)

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:17 Facilities Management - GF

Description Amount Fac - Fairgrounds


Fac - Evergreen Serv Cntr


Fac - South Service Cntr


Fac - Central Shop Bldg

Fac - Arvada WIC Bldg

FAC - Parfet Bldg

Fac - Single Occupant

Bldg - S&B E '

Fac - Special Projects - S&B Exp's

Other Reimb - ID Cards S (196) (1) (3) (3) (3) (1) (7) (17) (5)Other Reimb's S (18,696) (86) (241) (294) (297) (60) (647) (1,606) (432)Other Rev S (15) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (1) (1) (0)Prior Year Reimb's S (664) (3) (9) (10) (11) (2) (23) (57) (15)Settlements, Awards S (600) (3) (8) (9) (10) (2) (21) (52) (14)

Subtotal - Services & Supplies 8,085,037 194,870 37,900 60,921 105,901 478 157,478 (1,741) (468)

Department Cost Total 12,830,968 216,701 99,122 135,432 181,361 15,665 321,687 405,934 109,163

Adjustments to CostSalaries - COVID D (158,511) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04385 Fin & Debt Serv D (2,897) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04388 Clearing D (547) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 045 Land & Capital D (19,888) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 047 Interdepartmental D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04759 IT Charge D (380,802) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04759 Indirect Costs D (455,099) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Slash Salaries - COVID D (4,471) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Capitalized Salaries D (57,414) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Capitalized Benefits D (19,291) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Subtotal - Adjustments (1,098,920) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Costs After Adjustments 11,732,048 216,701 99,122 135,432 181,361 15,665 321,687 405,934 109,163

General Admin Distribution 2,947 8,264 10,058 10,186 2,050 22,165 55,029 14,798

Grand Total $11,732,048 $219,648 $107,386 $145,490 $191,547 $17,715 $343,852 $460,963 $123,961

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:17 Facilities Management - GF

Description Amount Fac - Spec Proj/Single Occ Bldg -

S &

Fac - Slash Fac - Evergreen Main Bldg

Fac - South Shop Main


Personnel CostsSalaries S1 3,507,485 0 0 13,328 39,284 Salary % Split .00% .00% .38% 1.12%Benefits S 1,238,446 0 0 4,706 13,871

Subtotal - Personnel Costs 4,745,931 0 0 18,035 53,154

Services & Supplies CostSalaries - COVID D 158,511 0 0 0 04261 General Supplies P 489,605 170,343 0 0 04262 Energy Supplies P 1,269,262 184,351 0 0 04264 Books & Periodicals P 280 0 0 0 04269 Equipment P 32,048 379 0 0 043300 Prof & Tech Serv P 42,087 19,465 0 0 04241 Utilities P 321,391 37,352 0 20,157 13,5304343 Repairs & Maint P 1,915,047 264,772 0 0 04344 Rent & Lease P 204,797 183,494 0 0 04351 Misc Serv & Charges P 1,310 0 0 0 04354 Adv & Pub P 0 0 0 0 04356 Dues - Mtgs - Train P 3,632 170 0 0 04358 Travel-Freight-Deliv P 20 0 0 0 04385 Fin & Debt Serv D 2,897 0 0 0 04388 Clearing D 547 0 0 0 045 Land & Capital D 19,888 0 0 0 047 Insurance Tr's P 46,600 0 0 0 047 Interdepartmental D 0 0 0 0 04757 Direct Charges P 0 0 0 0 04757 Fleet Charges P 2,629 0 0 0 0475730 Facility Charges P 17,091 0 0 0 04759 IT Charge D 380,802 0 0 0 0475754 IT Tech Repl P 29,993 0 0 0 0

MGT Consulting Group Page 231 of 316


Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:17 Facilities Management - GF

Description Amount Fac - Spec Proj/Single Occ Bldg -

S &

Fac - Slash Fac - Evergreen Main Bldg

Fac - South Shop Main


4759 Indirect Costs D 455,099 0 0 0 0Facilities Master Plan - Gen Supp P 4,640 0 0 0 0Facilities Master Plan - Prof & Tech Se P 0 0 0 0 0Facilities Master Plan - R&M P 1,278,565 0 0 0 0Major Maintenance - Prof & Tech P 73,174 0 0 0 0Major Maintenance - R&M P 1,185,083 129,437 0 0 0Major Maintenance - Supplies P 0 0 0 0 0Major Maintenance - Facility Charges P 0 0 0 0 0Countywide Security - R&M P 864 0 0 0 0Project Exp - Prof & Tech Serv P 25 0 0 0 0Project Exp - R&M P 0 0 0 0 0Project Exp - Gen Supp P 254 0 0 0 0Slash Salaries P 89,018 0 89,018 0 0Slash Salaries - COVID D 4,471 0 0 0 0Slash Benefits P 36,773 0 36,773 0 0Slash Gen Supplies P 4,414 0 4,414 0 0Slash Energy Supplies P 171 0 171 0 0Slash Prof & Tech Serv P 98,743 0 98,743 0 0Slash R&M P 1,944 0 1,944 0 0Slash Rent & Lease P 6,737 0 6,737 0 0Slash Ins Tr's P 2,800 0 2,800 0 0Slash Fleet P 88,544 0 88,544 0 0Capitalized Salaries D 57,414 0 0 0 0Capitalized Benefits D 19,291 0 0 0 0Energy Sales P (32,361) 0 0 0 0Misc Rent P (575) 0 0 0 0Cell Tower Lease Rev P (7,756) 0 0 0 0Slash Revenue P (121,345) 0 (121,345) 0 0Laramie Bldg Rent Rev P (79,118) 0 0 0 0Other Federal Reimb's S (98) 0 0 (0) (1)

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:17 Facilities Management - GF

Description Amount Fac - Spec Proj/Single Occ Bldg -

S &

Fac - Slash Fac - Evergreen Main Bldg

Fac - South Shop Main


Other Reimb - ID Cards S (196) 0 0 (1) (2)Other Reimb's S (18,696) 0 0 (71) (209)Other Rev S (15) 0 0 (0) (0)Prior Year Reimb's S (664) 0 0 (3) (7)Settlements, Awards S (600) 0 0 (2) (7)

Subtotal - Services & Supplies 8,085,037 989,763 207,799 20,080 13,303

Department Cost Total 12,830,968 989,763 207,799 38,115 66,457

Adjustments to CostSalaries - COVID D (158,511) 0 0 0 04385 Fin & Debt Serv D (2,897) 0 0 0 04388 Clearing D (547) 0 0 0 045 Land & Capital D (19,888) 0 0 0 047 Interdepartmental D 0 0 0 0 04759 IT Charge D (380,802) 0 0 0 04759 Indirect Costs D (455,099) 0 0 0 0Slash Salaries - COVID D (4,471) 0 0 0 0Capitalized Salaries D (57,414) 0 0 0 0Capitalized Benefits D (19,291) 0 0 0 0

Subtotal - Adjustments (1,098,920) 0 0 0 0

Total Costs After Adjustments 11,732,048 989,763 207,799 38,115 66,457

General Admin Distribution 0 0 2,434 7,175

Grand Total $11,732,048 $989,763 $207,799 $40,549 $73,632

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Salary%) Dept:17 Facilities Management - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

Fac - Admin & Courts Facility

Fac - HS Bldg

Fac - Dakota Bldg

Fac - DA Bldg

Fac - OS Bldg

Fac - Remington


Fac - Laramie Bldg

Fac - Fairgrounds


1 Admin and Courts Facility * $25,615 $0 $25,615 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $01 Human Svcs Bldg * 3,403 0 0 3,403 0 0 0 0 0 01 Dakota Bldg * 6,025 0 0 0 6,025 0 0 0 0 01 DA Building * 378 0 0 0 0 378 0 0 0 01 Remington Building * 923 0 0 0 0 0 0 923 0 01 Laramie Building * 14,858 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14,858 01 South Service Center Building * 625 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Central Shops Building * 2,986 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Parfet Building * 1,496 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Subtotal - Building Interest and Deprec 56,309 0 25,615 3,403 6,025 378 0 923 14,858 0

2 Equipment Depreciation 203,526 0 85,074 30,041 8,955 10,644 570 6,085 19,233 936Subtotal - Equipment Depreciation 203,526 0 85,074 30,041 8,955 10,644 570 6,085 19,233 936

3 County Manager 14,056 2,699 7,003 2,473 737 876 47 501 1,583 773 Deputy County Manager Supervision 49,375 9,452 24,590 8,683 2,588 3,077 165 1,759 5,559 2713 FrontDesk/Switchboard 4,931 947 2,457 868 259 307 16 176 555 273 Physical Security 4,275 0 1,787 631 188 224 12 128 404 203 Security Committee IT 5,934 0 2,480 876 261 310 17 177 561 27

Subtotal - County Manager - GF 78,570 13,099 38,318 13,530 4,033 4,794 257 2,741 8,663 422

4 Internal Customer Service 5,383 811 2,589 914 273 324 17 185 585 28Subtotal - Public Affairs - GF 5,383 811 2,589 914 273 324 17 185 585 28

5 Billable Legal Fees 50,993 5,704 23,699 8,369 2,495 2,965 159 1,695 5,358 2615 Litigation Costs 12,861 1,234 5,892 2,080 620 737 39 421 1,332 65

Subtotal - County Attorney - GF 63,854 6,939 29,591 10,449 3,115 3,702 198 2,117 6,690 326

7 Accounts Payable 25,647 6,149 13,291 4,693 1,399 1,663 89 951 3,005 1467 General Accounting 45,809 11,255 23,853 8,423 2,511 2,984 160 1,706 5,393 2627 Payroll 8,282 1,974 4,287 1,514 451 536 29 307 969 477 Capital Assets 5,703 1,336 2,942 1,039 310 368 20 210 665 327 Audit 7,201 0 3,010 1,063 317 377 20 215 680 337 Pcard Audit 1,455 0 608 215 64 76 4 44 138 7

Subtotal - Finance-Accounting - GF 94,097 20,713 47,991 16,946 5,052 6,005 321 3,433 10,850 528

8 Budget Analysis 9,121 1,678 4,514 1,594 475 565 30 323 1,021 50

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Salary%) Dept:17 Facilities Management - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

Fac - Admin & Courts Facility

Fac - HS Bldg

Fac - Dakota Bldg

Fac - DA Bldg

Fac - OS Bldg

Fac - Remington


Fac - Laramie Bldg

Fac - Fairgrounds


8 Strategic Planning Issues $6,409 $1,185 $3,174 $1,121 $334 $397 $21 $227 $718 $35Subtotal - Strategy Planning & Analysis 15,530 2,863 7,688 2,715 809 962 52 550 1,738 85

9 Recruitment 10,262 1,618 4,966 1,753 523 621 33 355 1,123 559 General HR 14,000 2,121 6,739 2,380 709 843 45 482 1,523 749 Terminations 2,392 364 1,152 407 121 144 8 82 260 139 Unemployment 1,203 181 578 204 61 72 4 41 131 69 Training 3,820 539 1,822 643 192 228 12 130 412 209 Background Checks 328 0 137 48 14 17 1 10 31 29 Compensation Program 2,821 305 1,307 461 138 163 9 93 295 149 Compensation Reclassifications 3,320 539 1,613 570 170 202 11 115 365 18

Subtotal - Human Resources - GF 38,145 5,668 18,314 6,467 1,928 2,291 123 1,310 4,140 202

10 Purchase Orders 25,682 3,308 12,118 4,279 1,276 1,516 81 867 2,740 13310 Contract Amendements & Renewals 18,620 2,585 8,864 3,130 933 1,109 59 634 2,004 9810 Formal Bids/RFP's/PQ's 37,063 4,801 17,499 6,179 1,842 2,189 117 1,252 3,956 19310 Purchasing Card Rebate (7,474) 0 (3,124) (1,103) (329) (391) (21) (223) (706) (34)10 Countywide Programs 1,984 335 970 342 102 121 6 69 219 11

Subtotal - Finance - Purchasing - GF 75,876 11,030 36,327 12,827 3,824 4,545 243 2,598 8,213 400

13 Board of County Commissioners 15,072 2,596 7,385 2,608 777 924 49 528 1,670 8113 County Commissioner's Other 22,659 3,881 11,094 3,917 1,168 1,388 74 794 2,508 122

Subtotal - Board of County Comm - GF 37,731 6,476 18,479 6,525 1,945 2,312 124 1,322 4,178 203

14 Banking 9,135 2,240 4,755 1,679 500 595 32 340 1,075 5214 Investments - General Fund 2,459 644 1,297 458 137 162 9 93 293 14

Subtotal - Treasurer - GF 11,594 2,884 6,052 2,137 637 757 41 433 1,368 67

15 Non-Divisional 4,317 101 1,846 652 194 231 12 132 417 20Subtotal - Non-Departmental - GF 4,317 101 1,846 652 194 231 12 132 417 20

17 Fac - Admin & Courts Facility * 0 67,254 67,254 0 0 0 0 0 0 017 Fac - HS Bldg * 0 21,990 0 21,990 0 0 0 0 0 017 Fac - Dakota Bldg * 0 27,350 0 0 27,350 0 0 0 0 017 Fac - DA Bldg * 0 1,366 0 0 0 1,366 0 0 0 0

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Salary%) Dept:17 Facilities Management - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

Fac - Admin & Courts Facility

Fac - HS Bldg

Fac - Dakota Bldg

Fac - DA Bldg

Fac - OS Bldg

Fac - Remington


Fac - Laramie Bldg

Fac - Fairgrounds


17 Fac - OS Bldg * $0 $53,100 $0 $0 $0 $0 $53,100 $0 $0 $017 Fac - Remington Bldg * 0 2,349 0 0 0 0 0 2,349 0 017 Fac - Laramie Bldg * 0 15,011 0 0 0 0 0 0 15,011 017 Fac - South Service Cntr Bldg * 0 533 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 017 Fac - Central Shop Bldg * 0 8,417 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 017 FAC - Parfet Bldg * 0 4,885 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 017 Fac - Single Occupant Bldg - S&B Exp' 0 6,461 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 017 Fac - Evergreen Main Bldg 0 1,709 714 252 75 89 5 51 162 8

Subtotal - Facilities Management - GF 0 210,425 67,968 22,242 27,426 1,455 53,104 2,400 15,173 8

18 Organization Specific Services 0 19,300 8,067 2,849 849 1,009 54 577 1,824 8918 Content Services 0 11,487 4,802 1,695 505 601 32 343 1,086 5318 ERP 0 174,597 72,982 25,771 7,682 9,131 489 5,220 16,499 80318 EMail/Office 0 27,517 11,502 4,062 1,211 1,439 77 823 2,600 12718 Network & Telecom 0 68,585 28,669 10,123 3,018 3,587 192 2,051 6,481 31518 Enterprise Web Apps 0 6,887 2,879 1,016 303 360 19 206 651 3218 Customer Service 0 43,602 18,226 6,436 1,918 2,280 122 1,304 4,120 20118 Record Retrieval 0 1,310 548 193 58 69 4 39 124 618 Record Storage 0 9,196 3,844 1,357 405 481 26 275 869 4218 Countywide Services 0 61,214 25,587 9,035 2,693 3,201 171 1,830 5,785 282

Subtotal - Business Innovation & Techn 0 423,695 177,104 62,537 18,643 22,159 1,186 12,668 40,039 1,949

20 Clerk to the Board 0 6,453 2,697 952 284 337 18 193 610 30Subtotal - C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 0 6,453 2,697 952 284 337 18 193 610 30

Total Incoming 684,931 711,155 565,653 192,337 83,142 60,899 56,267 37,091 136,755 5,203

C. Total Allocated $13,128,134 $4,999,423 $2,311,614 $475,371 $495,228 $254,818 $429,919 $975,511 $224,85138.08% 17.61% 3.62% 3.77% 1.94% 3.27% 7.43% 1.71%

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Salary%) Dept:17 Facilities Management - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

Fac - Evergreen Serv Cntr


Fac - South Service Cntr


Fac - Central Shop Bldg

Fac - Arvada WIC Bldg

FAC - Parfet Bldg

Fac - Single Occupant

Bldg - S&B E '

Fac - Special Projects - S&B Exp's

Fac - Spec Proj/Single Occ Bldg -

S & 1 Admin and Courts Facility * $25,615 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $01 Human Svcs Bldg * 3,403 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Dakota Bldg * 6,025 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 DA Building * 378 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Remington Building * 923 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Laramie Building * 14,858 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 South Service Center Building * 625 0 0 625 0 0 0 0 0 01 Central Shops Building * 2,986 0 0 0 2,986 0 0 0 0 01 Parfet Building * 1,496 0 0 0 0 0 1,496 0 0 0

Subtotal - Building Interest and Deprec 56,309 0 0 625 2,986 0 1,496 0 0 0

2 Equipment Depreciation 203,526 0 2,625 3,195 3,236 651 7,042 17,483 4,701 0Subtotal - Equipment Depreciation 203,526 0 2,625 3,195 3,236 651 7,042 17,483 4,701 0

3 County Manager 14,056 2,699 216 263 266 54 580 1,439 387 03 Deputy County Manager Supervision 49,375 9,452 759 924 935 188 2,035 5,053 1,359 03 FrontDesk/Switchboard 4,931 947 76 92 93 19 203 505 136 03 Physical Security 4,275 0 55 67 68 14 148 367 99 03 Security Committee IT 5,934 0 77 93 94 19 205 510 137 0

Subtotal - County Manager - GF 78,570 13,099 1,183 1,439 1,458 293 3,172 7,874 2,118 0

4 Internal Customer Service 5,383 811 80 97 98 20 214 532 143 0Subtotal - Public Affairs - GF 5,383 811 80 97 98 20 214 532 143 0

5 Billable Legal Fees 50,993 5,704 731 890 901 181 1,962 4,870 1,310 05 Litigation Costs 12,861 1,234 182 221 224 45 488 1,211 326 0

Subtotal - County Attorney - GF 63,854 6,939 913 1,111 1,126 227 2,449 6,081 1,635 0

7 Accounts Payable 25,647 6,149 410 499 506 102 1,100 2,731 734 07 General Accounting 45,809 11,255 736 896 907 183 1,974 4,902 1,318 07 Payroll 8,282 1,974 132 161 163 33 355 881 237 07 Capital Assets 5,703 1,336 91 111 112 23 244 605 163 07 Audit 7,201 0 93 113 114 23 249 619 166 07 Pcard Audit 1,455 0 19 23 23 5 50 125 34 0

Subtotal - Finance-Accounting - GF 94,097 20,713 1,481 1,803 1,825 367 3,972 9,862 2,652 0

8 Budget Analysis 9,121 1,678 139 170 172 35 374 928 249 0

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Salary%) Dept:17 Facilities Management - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

Fac - Evergreen Serv Cntr


Fac - South Service Cntr


Fac - Central Shop Bldg

Fac - Arvada WIC Bldg

FAC - Parfet Bldg

Fac - Single Occupant

Bldg - S&B E '

Fac - Special Projects - S&B Exp's

Fac - Spec Proj/Single Occ Bldg -

S & 8 Strategic Planning Issues $6,409 $1,185 $98 $119 $121 $24 $263 $652 $175 $0Subtotal - Strategy Planning & Analysis 15,530 2,863 237 289 292 59 636 1,580 425 0

9 Recruitment 10,262 1,618 153 187 189 38 411 1,020 274 09 General HR 14,000 2,121 208 253 256 52 558 1,385 372 09 Terminations 2,392 364 36 43 44 9 95 237 64 09 Unemployment 1,203 181 18 22 22 4 48 119 32 09 Training 3,820 539 56 68 69 14 151 374 101 09 Background Checks 328 0 4 5 5 1 11 28 8 09 Compensation Program 2,821 305 40 49 50 10 108 269 72 09 Compensation Reclassifications 3,320 539 50 61 61 12 134 331 89 0

Subtotal - Human Resources - GF 38,145 5,668 565 688 697 140 1,516 3,763 1,012 0

10 Purchase Orders 25,682 3,308 374 455 461 93 1,003 2,490 670 010 Contract Amendements & Renewals 18,620 2,585 274 333 337 68 734 1,822 490 010 Formal Bids/RFP's/PQ's 37,063 4,801 540 657 666 134 1,448 3,596 967 010 Purchasing Card Rebate (7,474) 0 (96) (117) (119) (24) (259) (642) (173) 010 Countywide Programs 1,984 335 30 36 37 7 80 199 54 0

Subtotal - Finance - Purchasing - GF 75,876 11,030 1,121 1,364 1,382 278 3,007 7,465 2,008 0

13 Board of County Commissioners 15,072 2,596 228 277 281 57 611 1,518 408 013 County Commissioner's Other 22,659 3,881 342 417 422 85 918 2,280 613 0

Subtotal - Board of County Comm - GF 37,731 6,476 570 694 703 141 1,530 3,797 1,021 0

14 Banking 9,135 2,240 147 179 181 36 394 977 263 014 Investments - General Fund 2,459 644 40 49 49 10 107 267 72 0

Subtotal - Treasurer - GF 11,594 2,884 187 227 230 46 501 1,244 334 0

15 Non-Divisional 4,317 101 57 69 70 14 153 379 102 0Subtotal - Non-Departmental - GF 4,317 101 57 69 70 14 153 379 102 0

17 Fac - Admin & Courts Facility * 0 67,254 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 017 Fac - HS Bldg * 0 21,990 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 017 Fac - Dakota Bldg * 0 27,350 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 017 Fac - DA Bldg * 0 1,366 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Salary%) Dept:17 Facilities Management - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

Fac - Evergreen Serv Cntr


Fac - South Service Cntr


Fac - Central Shop Bldg

Fac - Arvada WIC Bldg

FAC - Parfet Bldg

Fac - Single Occupant

Bldg - S&B E '

Fac - Special Projects - S&B Exp's

Fac - Spec Proj/Single Occ Bldg -

S & 17 Fac - OS Bldg * $0 $53,100 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $017 Fac - Remington Bldg * 0 2,349 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 017 Fac - Laramie Bldg * 0 15,011 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 017 Fac - South Service Cntr Bldg * 0 533 0 533 0 0 0 0 0 017 Fac - Central Shop Bldg * 0 8,417 0 0 8,417 0 0 0 0 017 FAC - Parfet Bldg * 0 4,885 0 0 0 0 4,885 0 0 017 Fac - Single Occupant Bldg - S&B Exp' 0 6,461 0 0 0 0 0 6,461 0 017 Fac - Evergreen Main Bldg 0 1,709 22 27 27 5 59 147 39 0

Subtotal - Facilities Management - GF 0 210,425 22 560 8,444 5 4,944 6,607 39 0

18 Organization Specific Services 0 19,300 249 303 307 62 668 1,658 446 018 Content Services 0 11,487 148 180 183 37 397 987 265 018 ERP 0 174,597 2,252 2,741 2,776 559 6,041 14,998 4,033 018 EMail/Office 0 27,517 355 432 438 88 952 2,364 636 018 Network & Telecom 0 68,585 885 1,077 1,091 219 2,373 5,891 1,584 018 Enterprise Web Apps 0 6,887 89 108 109 22 238 592 159 018 Customer Service 0 43,602 562 685 693 140 1,509 3,745 1,007 018 Record Retrieval 0 1,310 17 21 21 4 45 113 30 018 Record Storage 0 9,196 119 144 146 29 318 790 212 018 Countywide Services 0 61,214 790 961 973 196 2,118 5,258 1,414 0

Subtotal - Business Innovation & Techn 0 423,695 5,466 6,652 6,737 1,356 14,660 36,395 9,787 0

20 Clerk to the Board 0 6,453 83 101 103 21 223 554 149 0Subtotal - C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 0 6,453 83 101 103 21 223 554 149 0

Total Incoming 684,931 711,155 14,591 18,915 29,387 3,619 45,516 103,619 26,128 0

C. Total Allocated $13,128,134 $121,977 $164,406 $220,934 $21,334 $389,368 $564,582 $150,089 $989,7630.93% 1.25% 1.68% 0.16% 2.97% 4.30% 1.14% 7.54%

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Salary%) Dept:17 Facilities Management - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

Fac - Slash Fac - Evergreen Main Bldg

Fac - South Shop Main


1 Admin and Courts Facility * $25,615 $0 $0 $0 $01 Human Svcs Bldg * 3,403 0 0 0 01 Dakota Bldg * 6,025 0 0 0 01 DA Building * 378 0 0 0 01 Remington Building * 923 0 0 0 01 Laramie Building * 14,858 0 0 0 01 South Service Center Building * 625 0 0 0 01 Central Shops Building * 2,986 0 0 0 01 Parfet Building * 1,496 0 0 0 0

Subtotal - Building Interest and Deprec 56,309 0 0 0 0

2 Equipment Depreciation 203,526 0 0 773 2,279Subtotal - Equipment Depreciation 203,526 0 0 773 2,279

3 County Manager 14,056 2,699 0 64 1883 Deputy County Manager Supervision 49,375 9,452 0 224 6593 FrontDesk/Switchboard 4,931 947 0 22 663 Physical Security 4,275 0 0 16 483 Security Committee IT 5,934 0 0 23 66

Subtotal - County Manager - GF 78,570 13,099 0 348 1,027

4 Internal Customer Service 5,383 811 0 24 69Subtotal - Public Affairs - GF 5,383 811 0 24 69

5 Billable Legal Fees 50,993 5,704 0 215 6355 Litigation Costs 12,861 1,234 0 54 158

Subtotal - County Attorney - GF 63,854 6,939 0 269 793

7 Accounts Payable 25,647 6,149 0 121 3567 General Accounting 45,809 11,255 0 217 6397 Payroll 8,282 1,974 0 39 1157 Capital Assets 5,703 1,336 0 27 797 Audit 7,201 0 0 27 817 Pcard Audit 1,455 0 0 6 16

Subtotal - Finance-Accounting - GF 94,097 20,713 0 436 1,286

8 Budget Analysis 9,121 1,678 0 41 121

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Salary%) Dept:17 Facilities Management - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

Fac - Slash Fac - Evergreen Main Bldg

Fac - South Shop Main


8 Strategic Planning Issues $6,409 $1,185 $0 $29 $85Subtotal - Strategy Planning & Analysis 15,530 2,863 0 70 206

9 Recruitment 10,262 1,618 0 45 1339 General HR 14,000 2,121 0 61 1819 Terminations 2,392 364 0 10 319 Unemployment 1,203 181 0 5 159 Training 3,820 539 0 17 499 Background Checks 328 0 0 1 49 Compensation Program 2,821 305 0 12 359 Compensation Reclassifications 3,320 539 0 15 43

Subtotal - Human Resources - GF 38,145 5,668 0 166 491

10 Purchase Orders 25,682 3,308 0 110 32510 Contract Amendements & Renewals 18,620 2,585 0 81 23810 Formal Bids/RFP's/PQ's 37,063 4,801 0 159 46910 Purchasing Card Rebate (7,474) 0 0 (28) (84)10 Countywide Programs 1,984 335 0 9 26

Subtotal - Finance - Purchasing - GF 75,876 11,030 0 330 973

13 Board of County Commissioners 15,072 2,596 0 67 19813 County Commissioner's Other 22,659 3,881 0 101 297

Subtotal - Board of County Comm - GF 37,731 6,476 0 168 495

14 Banking 9,135 2,240 0 43 12714 Investments - General Fund 2,459 644 0 12 35

Subtotal - Treasurer - GF 11,594 2,884 0 55 162

15 Non-Divisional 4,317 101 0 17 49Subtotal - Non-Departmental - GF 4,317 101 0 17 49

17 Fac - Admin & Courts Facility * 0 67,254 0 0 017 Fac - HS Bldg * 0 21,990 0 0 017 Fac - Dakota Bldg * 0 27,350 0 0 017 Fac - DA Bldg * 0 1,366 0 0 0

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Salary%) Dept:17 Facilities Management - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

Fac - Slash Fac - Evergreen Main Bldg

Fac - South Shop Main


17 Fac - OS Bldg * $0 $53,100 $0 $0 $017 Fac - Remington Bldg * 0 2,349 0 0 017 Fac - Laramie Bldg * 0 15,011 0 0 017 Fac - South Service Cntr Bldg * 0 533 0 0 017 Fac - Central Shop Bldg * 0 8,417 0 0 017 FAC - Parfet Bldg * 0 4,885 0 0 017 Fac - Single Occupant Bldg - S&B Exp' 0 6,461 0 0 017 Fac - Evergreen Main Bldg 0 1,709 0 6 19

Subtotal - Facilities Management - GF 0 210,425 0 6 19

18 Organization Specific Services 0 19,300 0 73 21618 Content Services 0 11,487 0 44 12918 ERP 0 174,597 0 663 1,95518 EMail/Office 0 27,517 0 105 30818 Network & Telecom 0 68,585 0 261 76818 Enterprise Web Apps 0 6,887 0 26 7718 Customer Service 0 43,602 0 166 48818 Record Retrieval 0 1,310 0 5 1518 Record Storage 0 9,196 0 35 10318 Countywide Services 0 61,214 0 233 686

Subtotal - Business Innovation & Techn 0 423,695 0 1,610 4,745

20 Clerk to the Board 0 6,453 0 25 72Subtotal - C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 0 6,453 0 25 72

Total Incoming 684,931 711,155 0 4,298 12,668

C. Total Allocated $13,128,134 $207,799 $44,847 $86,3001.58% 0.34% 0.66%

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Fac - Admin & Courts Facility Allocations Dept:17 Facilities Management - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 5,117.30 1.07% $50,591 $0 $50,591 $0 $50,5914 Public Affairs - GF 3,135.23 0.66% 30,995 0 30,995 0 30,9955 County Attorney - GF 17,373.93 3.64% 171,762 0 171,762 0 171,7626 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 266.27 0.06% 2,632 0 2,632 0 2,6327 Finance-Accounting - GF 9,305.56 1.95% 91,996 0 91,996 0 91,9968 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 4,520.62 0.95% 44,692 0 44,692 0 44,6929 Human Resources - GF 12,456.85 2.61% 123,151 0 123,151 0 123,151

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 4,179.16 0.87% 41,316 0 41,316 0 41,31611 Development & Trans - GF 368.94 0.08% 3,647 0 3,647 0 3,64712 Building Safety - GF 8,257.12 1.73% 81,631 0 81,631 5,903 87,53413 Board of County Comm - GF 10,131.45 2.12% 100,161 0 100,161 0 100,16114 Treasurer - GF 5,702.76 1.19% 56,379 0 56,379 0 56,37916 Transportation & Engineering - GF 10,422.50 2.18% 103,039 0 103,039 0 103,03917 Facilities Management - GF 6,802.81 1.42% 67,254 0 67,254 0 67,25418 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 4,690.40 0.98% 46,370 0 46,370 3,353 49,72319 C&R Administration - GF 4,388.62 0.92% 43,387 0 43,387 3,137 46,52420 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 2,911.66 0.61% 28,785 0 28,785 2,081 30,86722 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 6,272.41 1.31% 62,010 0 62,010 4,484 66,49423 C&R Recording - GF 8,000.11 1.67% 79,091 0 79,091 5,719 84,81024 Assessor - GF 18,349.17 3.84% 181,403 0 181,403 13,117 194,52028 District Attorney Admin - GF 7,380.98 1.55% 72,970 0 72,970 5,276 78,24634 Justice Services - GF 8,674.49 1.82% 85,758 0 85,758 6,201 91,95935 Planning & Zoning - GF 16,781.51 3.51% 165,905 0 165,905 11,997 177,90236 Public Trustee 1,422.80 0.30% 14,066 (12,200) 1,866 1,017 2,88340 JCSO Support Services - GF 8,247.32 1.73% 81,535 0 81,535 5,896 87,43044 Insurance Fund 1,494.73 0.31% 14,777 0 14,777 1,069 15,84679 Courts 246,168.83 51.54% 2,433,670 0 2,433,670 175,977 2,609,64780 Non-County 44,827.98 9.39% 443,178 0 443,178 32,046 475,223

Subtotal 477,651.51 100.00% 4,722,150 (12,200) 4,709,950 277,273 4,987,223

Direct Bills 12,200 12,200

Total $4,722,150 $4,999,423Basis Units: Admin & Courts Facility Footage per OccupantSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Fac - HS Bldg Allocations Dept:17 Facilities Management - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


17 Facilities Management - GF 1,269.14 0.99% $21,990 $0 $21,990 $0 $21,99059 Social Services Fund 123,056.49 96.24% 2,132,163 (1,391,980) 740,183 93,462 833,64580 Non-County 3,538.54 2.77% 61,311 0 61,311 2,688 63,999

Subtotal 127,864.17 100.00% 2,215,464 (1,391,980) 823,484 96,150 919,634

Direct Bills 1,391,980 1,391,980

Total $2,215,464 $2,311,614Basis Units: HS Bldg Square Footage per OccupantSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Fac - Dakota Bldg Allocations Dept:17 Facilities Management - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


17 Facilities Management - GF 2,539.65 6.42% $27,350 $0 $27,350 $0 $27,35026 Coroner - GF 8,487.59 21.46% 91,406 0 91,406 11,343 102,74831 Emergency Management - GF 4,258.40 10.77% 45,860 0 45,860 5,691 51,55140 JCSO Support Services - GF 15,173.48 38.37% 163,408 0 163,408 20,277 183,68570 Public Health Fund 2,908.48 7.35% 31,322 0 31,322 3,887 35,20980 Non-County 6,181.16 15.63% 66,567 0 66,567 8,260 74,827

Subtotal 39,548.76 100.00% 425,913 0 425,913 49,458 475,371

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $425,913 $475,371Basis Units: Dakota Bldg Square Footage per OccupantSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Fac - DA Bldg Allocations Dept:17 Facilities Management - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


17 Facilities Management - GF 168.41 0.29% $1,366 $0 $1,366 $0 $1,36628 District Attorney Admin - GF 57,482.52 99.71% 466,218 0 466,218 27,643 493,862

Subtotal 57,650.93 100.00% 467,584 0 467,584 27,643 495,228

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $467,584 $495,228Basis Units: DA Bldg Square Footage Per OccupantSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Fac - OS Bldg Allocations Dept:17 Facilities Management - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


17 Facilities Management - GF 14,499.63 26.51% $53,100 $0 $53,100 $0 $53,10034 Justice Services - GF 2,421.66 4.43% 8,868 0 8,868 3,284 12,15238 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 3,196.05 5.84% 11,704 0 11,704 4,334 16,03846 Open Space Fund 34,580.69 63.22% 126,639 0 126,639 46,889 173,528

Subtotal 54,698.03 100.00% 200,312 0 200,312 54,506 254,818

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $200,312 $254,818Basis Units: OS Bldg Square Footage per OccupantSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Fac - Remington Bldg Allocations Dept:17 Facilities Management - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


17 Facilities Management - GF 170.68 0.57% $2,349 $0 $2,349 $0 $2,34928 District Attorney Admin - GF 184.13 0.61% 2,534 0 2,534 107 2,64234 Justice Services - GF 3,179.89 10.61% 43,767 0 43,767 1,854 45,62159 Social Services Fund 3,079.35 10.27% 42,383 0 42,383 1,795 44,17879 Courts 22,243.54 74.21% 306,155 0 306,155 12,966 319,12080 Non-County 1,115.87 3.72% 15,359 0 15,359 650 16,009

Subtotal 29,973.46 100.00% 412,547 0 412,547 17,372 429,919

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $412,547 $429,919Basis Units: Remington Bldg Square Footage per OccupantSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Fac - Laramie Bldg Allocations Dept:17 Facilities Management - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


7 Finance-Accounting - GF 127.85 0.11% $967 $0 $967 $0 $96717 Facilities Management - GF 1,983.72 1.64% 15,011 0 15,011 0 15,01118 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 31,052.89 25.74% 234,984 0 234,984 16,370 251,35421 C&R Elections - GF 23,270.56 19.29% 176,093 0 176,093 12,267 188,36122 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 5,045.10 4.18% 38,177 0 38,177 2,660 40,83734 Justice Services - GF 3,729.04 3.09% 28,218 0 28,218 1,966 30,18459 Social Services Fund 25,446.30 21.09% 192,558 0 192,558 13,414 205,97260 Workforce Development Fund 20,371.45 16.88% 154,155 (126,021) 28,134 10,739 38,87378 Community Development Fund 633.60 0.53% 4,795 (5,682) (888) 334 (554)80 Non-County 8,993.96 7.45% 68,059 0 68,059 4,741 72,801

Subtotal 120,654.47 100.00% 913,019 (131,703) 781,316 62,492 843,807

Direct Bills 131,703 131,703

Total $913,019 $975,511Basis Units: Laramie Bldg Square Footage per OccupantSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Fac - Fairgrounds Bldg Allocations Dept:17 Facilities Management - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


25 CSU Extension - GF 7,969.56 6.66% $14,832 $0 $14,832 $154 $14,98632 Events & Venues - GF 111,605.65 93.34% 207,708 0 207,708 2,157 209,865

Subtotal 119,575.21 100.00% 222,540 0 222,540 2,311 224,851

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $222,540 $224,851Basis Units: Fairgrounds Bldg Square Footage per OccupantSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Fac - Evergreen Serv Cntr Bldg Allocations Dept:17 Facilities Management - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


22 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 2,696.79 48.97% $56,559 $0 $56,559 $3,174 $59,73340 JCSO Support Services - GF 2,810.11 51.03% 58,936 0 58,936 3,307 62,243

Subtotal 5,506.90 100.00% 115,495 0 115,495 6,481 121,977

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $115,495 $121,977Basis Units: Evergreen Service Center Square Footage per OccupantSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Fac - South Service Cntr Bldg Allocations Dept:17 Facilities Management - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


17 Facilities Management - GF 112.21 0.34% $533 $0 $533 $0 $53322 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 6,948.99 21.16% 33,011 0 33,011 1,788 34,79940 JCSO Support Services - GF 16,761.59 51.05% 79,626 0 79,626 4,314 83,93970 Public Health Fund 1,806.40 5.50% 8,581 0 8,581 465 9,04680 Non-County 7,206.30 21.95% 34,233 0 34,233 1,855 36,088

Subtotal 32,835.49 100.00% 155,984 0 155,984 8,421 164,406

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $155,984 $164,406Basis Units: South Service Center Bldg Square Footage per OccupantSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Fac - Central Shop Bldg Allocations Dept:17 Facilities Management - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


7 Finance-Accounting - GF 200.00 0.67% $1,369 $0 $1,369 $0 $1,36917 Facilities Management - GF 1,230.00 4.12% 8,417 0 8,417 0 8,41758 Road & Bridge Fund 16,655.25 55.73% 113,975 0 113,975 9,602 123,57664 Fleet Services Fund 11,802.74 39.49% 80,768 0 80,768 6,804 87,572

Subtotal 29,887.99 100.00% 204,528 0 204,528 16,406 220,934

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $204,528 $220,934Basis Units: Central Shops Bldg Square Footage per OccupantSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Fac - Arvada WIC Bldg Allocations Dept:17 Facilities Management - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


70 Public Health Fund 2,973.38 100.00% $19,727 $0 $19,727 $1,608 $21,334

Subtotal 2,973.38 100.00% 19,727 0 19,727 1,608 21,334

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $19,727 $21,334Basis Units: Arvada WIC Bldg Square Footage per OccupantSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

FAC - Parfet Bldg Allocations Dept:17 Facilities Management - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


17 Facilities Management - GF 686.53 1.33% $4,885 $0 $4,885 $0 $4,88570 Public Health Fund 49,142.54 95.25% 349,663 0 349,663 21,498 371,16180 Non-County 1,763.93 3.42% 12,551 0 12,551 772 13,323

Subtotal 51,593.00 100.00% 367,099 0 367,099 22,269 389,368

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $367,099 $389,368Basis Units: Parfet Building Square Footage per OccupantSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Fac - Single Occupant Bldg - S&B Exp's Allocations Dept:17 Facilities Management - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


17 Facilities Management - GF 35.50 1.25% $6,461 $0 $6,461 $0 $6,46122 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 328.00 11.59% 59,691 0 59,691 5,825 65,51632 Events & Venues - GF 677.50 23.94% 123,295 0 123,295 12,031 135,32737 JCSO Detentions - GF 37.28 1.32% 6,784 0 6,784 662 7,44640 JCSO Support Services - GF 74.50 2.63% 13,558 0 13,558 1,323 14,88146 Open Space Fund 314.65 11.12% 57,262 0 57,262 5,588 62,85058 Road & Bridge Fund 511.00 18.06% 92,995 0 92,995 9,075 102,06961 Head Start Fund 625.50 22.10% 113,832 0 113,832 11,108 124,94064 Fleet Services Fund 225.75 7.98% 41,083 0 41,083 4,009 45,092

Subtotal 2,829.68 100.00% 514,962 0 514,962 49,620 564,582

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $514,962 $564,582Basis Units: Actual Hours by department/divisionSource:

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Fac - Special Projects - S&B Exp's Allocations Dept:17 Facilities Management - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


21 C&R Elections - GF 2.00 0.24% $335 $(184) $151 $28 $17924 Assessor - GF 1.00 0.12% 168 (735) (567) 14 (553)46 Open Space Fund 190.20 23.02% 31,880 (6,176) 25,704 2,672 28,37653 Boettcher Mansion Fund 186.00 22.51% 31,176 (13,194) 17,982 2,613 20,59558 Road & Bridge Fund 314.00 38.01% 52,631 (17,091) 35,540 4,411 39,95159 Social Services Fund 86.00 10.41% 14,415 (5,040) 9,375 1,208 10,58361 Head Start Fund 9.00 1.09% 1,509 (940) 569 126 69564 Fleet Services Fund 1.00 0.12% 168 (348) (180) 14 (166)70 Public Health Fund 37.00 4.48% 6,202 (2,120) 4,082 520 4,601

Subtotal 826.20 100.00% 138,482 (45,828) 92,654 11,606 104,261

Direct Bills 45,828 45,828

Total $138,482 $150,089Basis Units: Actual Hours by department/divisionSource:

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FY 20208/24/2021

Fac - Spec Proj/Single Occ Bldg - Serv & Supply Exp Allocations Dept:17 Facilities Management - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


15 Non-Departmental - GF 327.00 0.03% $327 $0 $327 $0 $32722 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 217,959.00 22.02% 217,959 0 217,959 0 217,95937 JCSO Detentions - GF 39,082.00 3.95% 39,082 0 39,082 0 39,08240 JCSO Support Services - GF 22,321.00 2.26% 22,321 0 22,321 0 22,32146 Open Space Fund 16,944.00 1.71% 16,944 0 16,944 0 16,94453 Boettcher Mansion Fund 6,032.00 0.61% 6,032 0 6,032 0 6,03258 Road & Bridge Fund 284,123.41 28.71% 284,123 (11,322) 272,801 0 272,80161 Head Start Fund 112,002.00 11.32% 112,002 (56,686) 55,316 0 55,31670 Public Health Fund 383.00 0.04% 383 0 383 0 38380 Non-County 290,590.00 29.36% 290,590 0 290,590 0 290,590

Subtotal 989,763.41 100.00% 989,763 (68,008) 921,754 0 921,754

Direct Bills 68,008 68,008

Total $989,763 $989,763Basis Units: Actual Costs by department/divisionSource:

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FY 20208/24/2021

Fac - Slash Allocations Dept:17 Facilities Management - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


80 Non-County 100 100.00% $207,799 $0 $207,799 $0 $207,799

Subtotal 100 100.00% 207,799 0 207,799 0 207,799

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $207,799 $207,799Basis Units: 100% to PublicSource:

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FY 20208/24/2021

Fac - Evergreen Main Bldg Allocations Dept:17 Facilities Management - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


15 Non-Departmental - GF 1,313.22 5.93% $2,546 $0 $2,546 $0 $2,54617 Facilities Management - GF 881.55 3.98% 1,709 0 1,709 0 1,70958 Road & Bridge Fund 4,532.18 20.46% 8,787 0 8,787 434 9,22164 Fleet Services Fund 15,419.40 69.63% 29,895 0 29,895 1,476 31,371

Subtotal 22,146.35 100.00% 42,938 0 42,938 1,909 44,847

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $42,938 $44,847Basis Units: Evergreen Main Bldg Square Footage per OccupantSource:

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FY 20208/24/2021

Fac - South Shop Main Bldg Allocations Dept:17 Facilities Management - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


58 Road & Bridge Fund 3,718.41 34.86% $28,124 $0 $28,124 $1,962 $30,08664 Fleet Services Fund 6,947.64 65.14% 52,549 0 52,549 3,666 56,214

Subtotal 10,666.05 100.00% 80,673 0 80,673 5,627 86,300

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $80,673 $86,300Basis Units: South Shop Main Bldg Square Footage per OccupantSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Allocation Summary Dept:17 Facilities Management - GF

Department Fac - Admin & Courts Facility

Fac - HS Bldg

Fac - Dakota Bldg

Fac - DA Bldg

Fac - OS Bldg

Fac - Remington


Fac - Laramie Bldg

Fac - Fairgrounds


Fac - Evergreen Serv Cntr


Fac - South Service Cntr


0 Direct Billed $12,200 $1,391,980 $0 $0 $0 $0 $131,703 $0 $0 $03 County Manager - GF 50,591 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04 Public Affairs - GF 30,995 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 05 County Attorney - GF 171,762 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 06 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 2,632 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 Finance-Accounting - GF 91,996 0 0 0 0 0 967 0 0 08 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 44,692 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 09 Human Resources - GF 123,151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 41,316 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 011 Development & Trans - GF 3,647 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 012 Building Safety - GF 87,534 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 013 Board of County Comm - GF 100,161 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 014 Treasurer - GF 56,379 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 015 Non-Departmental - GF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 016 Transportation & Engineering - GF 103,039 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 017 Facilities Management - GF 67,254 21,990 27,350 1,366 53,100 2,349 15,011 0 0 53318 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 49,723 0 0 0 0 0 251,354 0 0 019 C&R Administration - GF 46,524 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 020 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 30,867 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 021 C&R Elections - GF 0 0 0 0 0 0 188,361 0 0 022 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 66,494 0 0 0 0 0 40,837 0 59,733 34,79923 C&R Recording - GF 84,810 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 024 Assessor - GF 194,520 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 025 CSU Extension - GF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14,986 0 026 Coroner - GF 0 0 102,748 0 0 0 0 0 0 028 District Attorney Admin - GF 78,246 0 0 493,862 0 2,642 0 0 0 031 Emergency Management - GF 0 0 51,551 0 0 0 0 0 0 032 Events & Venues - GF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 209,865 0 034 Justice Services - GF 91,959 0 0 0 12,152 45,621 30,184 0 0 035 Planning & Zoning - GF 177,902 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 036 Public Trustee 2,883 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 037 JCSO Detentions - GF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 038 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 0 0 0 0 16,038 0 0 0 0 040 JCSO Support Services - GF 87,430 0 183,685 0 0 0 0 0 62,243 83,93944 Insurance Fund 15,846 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 046 Open Space Fund 0 0 0 0 173,528 0 0 0 0 053 Boettcher Mansion Fund 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 058 Road & Bridge Fund 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 059 Social Services Fund 0 833,645 0 0 0 44,178 205,972 0 0 060 Workforce Development Fund 0 0 0 0 0 0 38,873 0 0 061 Head Start Fund 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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FY 20208/24/2021

Allocation Summary Dept:17 Facilities Management - GF

Department Fac - Admin & Courts Facility

Fac - HS Bldg

Fac - Dakota Bldg

Fac - DA Bldg

Fac - OS Bldg

Fac - Remington


Fac - Laramie Bldg

Fac - Fairgrounds


Fac - Evergreen Serv Cntr


Fac - South Service Cntr


64 Fleet Services Fund $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $070 Public Health Fund 0 0 35,209 0 0 0 0 0 0 9,04678 Community Development Fund 0 0 0 0 0 0 (554) 0 0 079 Courts 2,609,647 0 0 0 0 319,120 0 0 0 080 Non-County 475,223 63,999 74,827 0 0 16,009 72,801 0 0 36,088

Total $4,999,423 $2,311,614 $475,371 $495,228 $254,818 $429,919 $975,511 $224,851 $121,977 $164,406

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FY 20208/24/2021

Allocation Summary Dept:17 Facilities Management - GF

Department Fac - Central Shop Bldg

Fac - Arvada WIC Bldg

FAC - Parfet Bldg

Fac - Single Occupant

Bldg - S&B E '

Fac - Special Projects - S&B Exp's

Fac - Spec Proj/Single Occ Bldg -

S &

Fac - Slash Fac - Evergreen Main Bldg

Fac - South Shop Main



0 Direct Billed $0 $0 $0 $0 $45,828 $68,008 $0 $0 $0 $1,649,7203 County Manager - GF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50,5914 Public Affairs - GF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30,9955 County Attorney - GF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 171,7626 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,6327 Finance-Accounting - GF 1,369 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 94,3338 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 44,6929 Human Resources - GF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 123,151

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41,31611 Development & Trans - GF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,64712 Building Safety - GF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 87,53413 Board of County Comm - GF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100,16114 Treasurer - GF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 56,37915 Non-Departmental - GF 0 0 0 0 0 327 0 2,546 0 2,87316 Transportation & Engineering - GF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 103,03917 Facilities Management - GF 8,417 0 4,885 6,461 0 0 0 1,709 0 210,42518 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 301,07719 C&R Administration - GF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 46,52420 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30,86721 C&R Elections - GF 0 0 0 0 179 0 0 0 0 188,54022 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 0 0 0 65,516 0 217,959 0 0 0 485,33923 C&R Recording - GF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 84,81024 Assessor - GF 0 0 0 0 (553) 0 0 0 0 193,96725 CSU Extension - GF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14,98626 Coroner - GF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 102,74828 District Attorney Admin - GF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 574,75031 Emergency Management - GF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 51,55132 Events & Venues - GF 0 0 0 135,327 0 0 0 0 0 345,19234 Justice Services - GF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 179,91635 Planning & Zoning - GF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 177,90236 Public Trustee 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,88337 JCSO Detentions - GF 0 0 0 7,446 0 39,082 0 0 0 46,52838 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16,03840 JCSO Support Services - GF 0 0 0 14,881 0 22,321 0 0 0 454,50044 Insurance Fund 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15,84646 Open Space Fund 0 0 0 62,850 28,376 16,944 0 0 0 281,69853 Boettcher Mansion Fund 0 0 0 0 20,595 6,032 0 0 0 26,62758 Road & Bridge Fund 123,576 0 0 102,069 39,951 272,801 0 9,221 30,086 577,70459 Social Services Fund 0 0 0 0 10,583 0 0 0 0 1,094,37960 Workforce Development Fund 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 38,87361 Head Start Fund 0 0 0 124,940 695 55,316 0 0 0 180,951

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Allocation Summary Dept:17 Facilities Management - GF

Department Fac - Central Shop Bldg

Fac - Arvada WIC Bldg

FAC - Parfet Bldg

Fac - Single Occupant

Bldg - S&B E '

Fac - Special Projects - S&B Exp's

Fac - Spec Proj/Single Occ Bldg -

S &

Fac - Slash Fac - Evergreen Main Bldg

Fac - South Shop Main



64 Fleet Services Fund $87,572 $0 $0 $45,092 $(166) $0 $0 $31,371 $56,214 $220,08370 Public Health Fund 0 21,334 371,161 0 4,601 383 0 0 0 441,73578 Community Development Fund 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (554)79 Courts 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,928,76880 Non-County 0 0 13,323 0 0 290,590 207,799 0 0 1,250,658

Total $220,934 $21,334 $389,368 $564,582 $150,089 $989,763 $207,799 $44,847 $86,300 $13,128,134

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FY 20208/24/2021


Business Innovation & Technology (BIT) provides a variety of services ranging from applications used directly by employees/citizens to services that are behind the scenes and necessary for the support of existing and new services. Services are either directly billed or allocated through the cost plan.

· Direct Purchase – some services are purchased by customers directly from a vendor using agreements that are managed by BIT or the State of Colorado: · Networked Printers and Managed Printer Services · Staff augmentation for IT professionals

· Direct Billed – some services/items are purchased by BIT on behalf of customers who are then direct billed for the expense:

· Printing Services and Microsoft Office Training (outsourced) · Technology Refreshment Program (laptops and desktops) · All charges for telephone (voice) circuits and services (including long distance charges) · Services to State Organizations (Juvenile Assessment Center) · Miscellaneous (hardware, software, phones and computer accessories)

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· Supporting Costs – these costs are spread to the allocated functions based on the number of BIT staff hours for each function with the exception noted below: · Infrastructure

· Servers, databases and direct expenses that support the services delivered to customers. · Operations

· Systems and services that are used internally. This includes fault monitoring systems, ticketing systems and ongoing maintenance and support activities.

· General & Administrative · General expenses associated with overall management of the organization. This includes financial and

administrative functions, employee training and executive management. · Projects

· Labor and direct expenses associated with non-capital BIT projects are assigned to the infrastructure, operations or services they support.

· Labor and direct expense associated with non-capital customer projects are spread to the allocated functions based on the number of BIT staff hours for each function.

· Note: Labor and direct expenses for capital projects are allocated in the cost plan via equipment depreciation; these costs are allocated over the life of the asset.

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Indirect costs for these functions will be allocated to the receiving department/division’s budget. BIT allocates the following functions:

· Amanda: The purpose of Amanda is to automate case management business processes, including permitting, licensing, complaints, inspections, zoning, planning and registrations. Costs associated with Amanda services are allocated based on the number of new Amanda folders created during the year by department/division.

· Organization Specific Services: The purpose of organization specific services is to automate business processes with technical solutions, rapid application development, implementation and consulting services. Costs associated with a specific organization are allocated based on the number of hours worked by BIT on the initiatives for that organization.

· Content Services: The purpose of Content Services (Livelink) is to automate the storage, tracking, updating and retrieval of county electronic documents and records. Content Services also provides tools for management of physical documents and records. Costs associated with Content Services are allocated based on the number of benefit eligible FTEs by department/division.

· Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): The purpose of ERP (JD Edwards) is to provide the system of record for financial, procurement, human resources and payroll processes. The implementation costs for the new financial system, Workday, are also included in this allocation. Costs associated with ERP are allocated based on the amount of actual operating expenditures (excluding debt, capital and transfers, but including assistance payments) by department/division.

· Email/Office: The purpose of email is to provide internal and external email, directory, distribution lists and SPAM filtering services. This function includes the support of secure email services (Proofpoint). Costs associated with Email/Office are allocated based on the number of benefit eligible FTEs by department/division, with Library and Sheriff’s Office charged at 20% to account for in-house email systems.

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· Network & Telecom: The purpose of Network Services is to provide data, voice and video services to all County office locations.

Network includes Virtual Private Network (VPN) secure remote access services providing the ability to remotely access files and applications for employees working from offsite locations. The purpose of telecommunications is to provide hardware and software to support internal and external voice communications. Telecom includes directory services, conference services and call centers. The purpose of IVR (Interactive Voice Response) is to provide customers with a semi-automated means of accessing county information and services. Costs associated with Network, Telecom and IVR are allocated based on the number of benefit eligible FTEs by department/division, with Library charged at 10% to account for their own in-house network and phone system; Road & Bridge and Head Start charged at 30% due to a very low utilization of network and telecom services; and Sheriff charged at 15% to account for their own in-house network.

· Enterprise Web Apps: The purpose of Enterprise Web Applications is to provide InsideJeffco and services and their associated Enterprise Web Applications. These applications enhance the way agencies engage and serve employees and citizens online. Costs associated with Enterprise Web Applications are allocated based on number of benefit eligible FTEs by department/division, with Library charged at 20% to account for their having no content on InsideJeffco or and their own in-house web services.

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· Customer Service: The purpose of Customer Service is to provide Help Desk and Dispatch services to provide support information, process requests for services/hardware/software and manage the documentation, assignment and resolution of lost or degraded services provided to County employees and citizens. Costs associated with Customer Service are allocated based on number of benefit eligible FTEs by department/division, with DA, Library, Open Space, Sheriff’s Office, Head Start and Public Health charged at 20% to account for their own in-house Tier 1 Help Desk; Road & Bridge charged at 50% due to a very low utilization of these services.

· Aumentum Tax: The purpose of the Aumentum Tax Service is to support the Assessor’s property evaluations and the Treasurer’s collection of property taxes. This includes the on-going maintenance/updates of software and integrations with associated services. Allocation is split 60/40 between the Assessor and Treasurer.

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· Countywide Services: Costs associated with countywide services are allocated based on Benefit Eligible FTEs by department/division and include:

· GIS – provides mapping, aerial photography and geographical based calculations to illustrate trends, perform current and predictive analysis of geospatial data based on the unique attributes of location, quantity and item.

· Innovation & New Tech Evals – rapidly prototypes new technology and evaluates fit across the organization. Incorporates a culture of change, innovation and creative thinking to deliver results to organizations and the community.

· Resilient Jeffco – creates and encourages efforts to implement process improvements and organization development programs.

· Security Services – monitors and prohibits the unauthorized access, disclosure, duplication, modification, diversion, destruction, loss, misuse or theft of electronic information stored on or transmitted over county computer systems and networks to maintain appropriate confidentiality, integrity and availability.

· Time & Labor - automates time tracking (Kronos) and provides reports for managers and government agencies. · Training Development/Delivery – promotes training of new solutions and awareness of existing resources, deploys new

software with training opportunities and drives adoption to create the most value to the county.

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Archives and Records Management are also within BIT and they provide preservation of and access to critical business documents and the permanently valuable historical records of Jefferson County, ensuring that records are retrievable, reliable, secure and legally compliant. Costs associated with Archives are removed from the cost plan and not allocated as Archives is not a service provided directly to county departments/divisions. Labor and direct costs associated with Records Management are spread across two allocated functions with 40% to Records Retrieval and 60% to Records Storage and then allocated to departments/divisions as:

· Record Retrieval: Costs associated with retrieving materials as requested are allocated based on the count of retrieved items

by department/division. · Record Storage: Costs associated with storage of physical documents and artifacts are allocated based on the cubic feet of

storage of materials by department/division.

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:18 Business Innovation & Technology - GF

Description Amount General Admin

Amanda Organization Specific Services

Content Services

ERP EMail/Office Network & Telecom

Enterprise Web Apps

Personnel CostsSalaries (add back in a/c 411198) S1 5,671,547 1,398,603 176,952 456,560 197,937 1,005,565 53,880 389,635 91,312 Salary % Split 24.66% 3.12% 8.05% 3.49% 17.73% .95% 6.87% 1.61%Benefits (add back in a/c 412198) S 1,234,606 304,454 38,520 99,386 43,088 218,896 11,729 84,817 19,877

Subtotal - Personnel Costs 6,906,153 1,703,057 215,472 555,945 241,025 1,224,461 65,608 474,453 111,189

Services & Supplies CostSalaries - COVID D 29,531 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04261 General Supplies P (5,599) (17,602) 0 0 0 8 0 9,584 04264 Books & Periodicals S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04269 Equipment P 152,806 51,260 0 1,786 46 391 0 87,932 043300 Prof & Tech Serv P 1,906,280 78,250 0 0 0 1,468,879 0 127,699 04341 Utilities P 420,090 43,261 0 0 0 0 0 376,674 04343 Repairs & Maint P 2,658,866 16,216 115,444 19,268 82,743 965,438 665,177 400,178 66,4764344 Rent & Lease P 14,188 11,021 0 0 0 0 0 0 04351 Misc Serv & Chrgs S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04354 Adv & Pub P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04356 Dues-Mtgs-Train P 152,908 4,440 0 0 1,495 81,604 0 0 15,4704358 Travel-Freight-Deliv P 445 0 0 0 0 93 0 352 04385 Fin & Debt Serv D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 045 Land & capital D 898,391 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 047 Insurance Tr's S 39,000 9,617 1,217 3,140 1,361 6,915 371 2,679 62847 Interdepartmental S 14,543 3,586 454 1,171 508 2,578 138 999 2344757 Direct Charges S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04757 Fleet Charges S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0475730 Facility Charges D 378,304 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04759 Indirect Costs D 721,762 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0475754 IT Tech Replacement S 866 214 27 70 30 154 8 59 14Capitalized Salaries (a/c 411198) D 125,249 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Capitalized Benefits (a/c 412998) D 41,332 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:18 Business Innovation & Technology - GF

Description Amount General Admin

Amanda Organization Specific Services

Content Services

ERP EMail/Office Network & Telecom

Enterprise Web Apps

Archives, Salaries D 81,306 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Archives, Benefits D 26,018 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Infrastructure Salaries S 632,236 155,909 19,726 50,895 22,065 112,095 6,006 43,435 10,179Infrastructure Benefits S 221,283 54,568 6,904 17,813 7,723 39,233 2,102 15,202 3,563Infr & Oper's Gen Supplies S 2,344 578 73 189 82 416 22 161 38Infr & Oper's Equip S 12,853 3,170 401 1,035 449 2,279 122 883 207Projects, Salaries S 193,149 47,631 6,026 15,548 6,741 34,245 1,835 13,269 3,110Infr & Oper's Prof & Tech Srvcs S 311,705 76,866 9,725 25,092 10,879 55,265 2,961 21,414 5,018Project Benefits S 67,602 16,671 2,109 5,442 2,359 11,986 642 4,644 1,088Infr & Oper's R&M S 929,647 229,251 29,005 74,837 32,445 164,826 8,832 63,867 14,967Infr & Oper's Dues/Mtgs S 9,472 2,336 296 762 331 1,679 90 651 152Infr & Oper's Travel S 32 8 1 3 1 6 0 2 1IT Operations, Salaries S 522,182 128,770 16,292 42,036 18,224 92,583 4,961 35,874 8,407IT Operations Benefits S 182,764 45,070 5,702 14,713 6,378 32,404 1,736 12,556 2,943Other Charges for Services P (12,150) 0 0 0 0 0 0 (12,150) 0426927 - BU 91225 Tech Replacement D 204,951 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Other Rev P (649) (649) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Subtotal - Services & Supplies 10,933,707 960,441 213,402 273,798 193,859 3,073,078 695,004 1,205,965 132,495

Department Cost Total 17,839,860 2,663,499 428,874 829,743 434,883 4,297,539 760,613 1,680,418 243,684

Adjustments to CostSalaries - COVID D (29,531) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04385 Fin & Debt Serv D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 045 Land & capital D (898,391) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0475730 Facility Charges D (378,304) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04759 Indirect Costs D (721,762) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Capitalized Salaries (a/c 411198) D (125,249) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Capitalized Benefits (a/c 412998) D (41,332) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Archives, Salaries D (81,306) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:18 Business Innovation & Technology - GF

Description Amount General Admin

Amanda Organization Specific Services

Content Services

ERP EMail/Office Network & Telecom

Enterprise Web Apps

Archives, Benefits D (26,018) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0426927 - BU 91225 Tech Replacement D (204,951) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Subtotal - Adjustments (2,506,844) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Costs After Adjustments 15,333,016 2,663,499 428,874 829,743 434,883 4,297,539 760,613 1,680,418 243,684

General Admin Distribution (2,663,499) 90,162 174,436 91,425 903,467 159,903 353,272 51,229

Grand Total $15,333,016 $519,036 $1,004,179 $526,309 $5,201,006 $920,516 $2,033,690 $294,913

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:18 Business Innovation & Technology - GF

Description Amount Customer Service

Record Retrieval

Record Storage

Aumentum Tax

Countywide Services

Personnel CostsSalaries (add back in a/c 411198) S1 5,671,547 448,619 75,091 112,637 237,071 1,027,684 Salary % Split 7.91% 1.32% 1.99% 4.18% 18.12%Benefits (add back in a/c 412198) S 1,234,606 97,657 16,346 24,519 51,607 223,711

Subtotal - Personnel Costs 6,906,153 546,277 91,437 137,156 288,677 1,251,395

Services & Supplies CostSalaries - COVID D 29,531 0 0 0 0 04261 General Supplies P (5,599) 740 191 286 0 1,1944264 Books & Periodicals S 0 0 0 0 0 04269 Equipment P 152,806 0 0 0 0 11,39143300 Prof & Tech Serv P 1,906,280 106,808 0 0 0 124,6444341 Utilities P 420,090 0 0 0 0 1554343 Repairs & Maint P 2,658,866 9,214 2,118 3,177 599 312,8184344 Rent & Lease P 14,188 0 1,267 1,900 0 04351 Misc Serv & Chrgs S 0 0 0 0 0 04354 Adv & Pub P 0 0 0 0 0 04356 Dues-Mtgs-Train P 152,908 240 969 1,454 250 46,9864358 Travel-Freight-Deliv P 445 0 0 0 0 04385 Fin & Debt Serv D 0 0 0 0 0 045 Land & capital D 898,391 0 0 0 0 047 Insurance Tr's S 39,000 3,085 516 775 1,630 7,06747 Interdepartmental S 14,543 1,150 193 289 608 2,6354757 Direct Charges S 0 0 0 0 0 04757 Fleet Charges S 0 0 0 0 0 0475730 Facility Charges D 378,304 0 0 0 0 04759 Indirect Costs D 721,762 0 0 0 0 0475754 IT Tech Replacement S 866 69 11 17 36 157Capitalized Salaries (a/c 411198) D 125,249 0 0 0 0 0Capitalized Benefits (a/c 412998) D 41,332 0 0 0 0 0

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:18 Business Innovation & Technology - GF

Description Amount Customer Service

Record Retrieval

Record Storage

Aumentum Tax

Countywide Services

Archives, Salaries D 81,306 0 0 0 0 0Archives, Benefits D 26,018 0 0 0 0 0Infrastructure Salaries S 632,236 50,010 8,371 12,556 26,427 114,561Infrastructure Benefits S 221,283 17,503 2,930 4,395 9,250 40,096Infr & Oper's Gen Supplies S 2,344 185 31 47 98 425Infr & Oper's Equip S 12,853 1,017 170 255 537 2,329Projects, Salaries S 193,149 15,278 2,557 3,836 8,074 34,999Infr & Oper's Prof & Tech Srvcs S 311,705 24,656 4,127 6,190 13,029 56,481Project Benefits S 67,602 5,347 895 1,343 2,826 12,249Infr & Oper's R&M S 929,647 73,535 12,309 18,463 38,859 168,452Infr & Oper's Dues/Mtgs S 9,472 749 125 188 396 1,716Infr & Oper's Travel S 32 3 0 1 1 6IT Operations, Salaries S 522,182 41,305 6,914 10,371 21,827 94,619IT Operations Benefits S 182,764 14,457 2,420 3,630 7,640 33,117Other Charges for Services P (12,150) 0 0 0 0 0426927 - BU 91225 Tech Replacement D 204,951 0 0 0 0 0Other Rev P (649) 0 0 0 0 0

Subtotal - Services & Supplies 10,933,707 365,350 46,114 69,171 132,088 1,066,097

Department Cost Total 17,839,860 911,627 137,552 206,327 420,765 2,317,492

Adjustments to CostSalaries - COVID D (29,531) 0 0 0 0 04385 Fin & Debt Serv D 0 0 0 0 0 045 Land & capital D (898,391) 0 0 0 0 0475730 Facility Charges D (378,304) 0 0 0 0 04759 Indirect Costs D (721,762) 0 0 0 0 0Capitalized Salaries (a/c 411198) D (125,249) 0 0 0 0 0Capitalized Benefits (a/c 412998) D (41,332) 0 0 0 0 0Archives, Salaries D (81,306) 0 0 0 0 0

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:18 Business Innovation & Technology - GF

Description Amount Customer Service

Record Retrieval

Record Storage

Aumentum Tax

Countywide Services

Archives, Benefits D (26,018) 0 0 0 0 0426927 - BU 91225 Tech Replacement D (204,951) 0 0 0 0 0

Subtotal - Adjustments (2,506,844) 0 0 0 0 0

Total Costs After Adjustments 15,333,016 911,627 137,552 206,327 420,765 2,317,492

General Admin Distribution 191,650 28,917 43,376 88,457 487,204

Grand Total $15,333,016 $1,103,277 $166,469 $249,703 $509,222 $2,804,696

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Expense%) Dept:18 Business Innovation & Technology - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

Amanda Organization Specific Services

Content Services

ERP EMail/Office Network & Telecom

Enterprise Web Apps

Customer Service

1 Admin and Courts Facility $17,661 $0 $598 $1,157 $606 $5,991 $1,060 $2,342 $340 $1,2711 Laramie Building 232,588 0 7,873 15,233 7,984 78,895 13,963 30,849 4,474 16,736

Subtotal - Building Interest and Deprec 250,250 0 8,471 16,389 8,590 84,885 15,024 33,192 4,813 18,007

2 Equipment Depreciation 961,611 0 32,551 62,977 33,007 326,181 57,730 127,543 18,496 69,192Subtotal - Equipment Depreciation 961,611 0 32,551 62,977 33,007 326,181 57,730 127,543 18,496 69,192

3 County Manager 17,105 3,284 690 1,335 700 6,916 1,224 2,704 392 1,4673 FrontDesk/Switchboard 1,789 344 72 140 73 723 128 283 41 1533 Physical Security 5,203 0 176 341 179 1,765 312 690 100 3743 Security Committee IT 7,221 0 244 473 248 2,449 434 958 139 520

Subtotal - County Manager - GF 31,317 3,628 1,183 2,289 1,199 11,853 2,098 4,635 672 2,514

4 Internal Customer Service 6,551 987 255 494 259 2,557 452 1,000 145 542Subtotal - Public Affairs - GF 6,551 987 255 494 259 2,557 452 1,000 145 542

5 Billable Legal Fees 43,058 4,817 1,621 3,135 1,643 16,239 2,874 6,350 921 3,445Subtotal - County Attorney - GF 43,058 4,817 1,621 3,135 1,643 16,239 2,874 6,350 921 3,445

6 Finance SPA and BIT Supervision 108,617 11,540 4,067 7,869 4,124 40,757 7,214 15,937 2,311 8,646Subtotal - Strategy Innovation & Financ 108,617 11,540 4,067 7,869 4,124 40,757 7,214 15,937 2,311 8,646

7 Accounts Payable 10,254 2,458 430 833 436 4,312 763 1,686 245 9157 General Accounting 19,140 4,702 807 1,561 818 8,087 1,431 3,162 459 1,7167 Payroll 8,506 2,027 357 690 362 3,573 632 1,397 203 7587 Capital Assets 5,056 1,185 211 409 214 2,117 375 828 120 4497 Audit 2,851 0 97 187 98 967 171 378 55 2057 Pcard Audit 405 0 14 27 14 137 24 54 8 29

Subtotal - Finance-Accounting - GF 46,211 10,372 1,915 3,706 1,942 19,193 3,397 7,505 1,088 4,071

8 Budget Analysis 12,356 2,274 495 958 502 4,962 878 1,940 281 1,0538 Strategic Planning Issues 7,800 1,442 313 605 317 3,135 555 1,226 178 665

Subtotal - Strategy Planning & Analysis 20,156 3,715 808 1,563 819 8,097 1,433 3,166 459 1,718

9 Recruitment 8,796 1,387 345 667 350 3,454 611 1,351 196 733

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Expense%) Dept:18 Business Innovation & Technology - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

Amanda Organization Specific Services

Content Services

ERP EMail/Office Network & Telecom

Enterprise Web Apps

Customer Service

9 General HR $15,883 $2,407 $619 $1,198 $628 $6,204 $1,098 $2,426 $352 $1,3169 Terminations 1,395 212 54 105 55 545 97 213 31 1169 Unemployment 1,924 289 75 145 76 751 133 294 43 1599 Training 5,594 789 216 418 219 2,165 383 847 123 4599 Background Checks 197 0 7 13 7 67 12 26 4 149 Compensation Program 3,433 371 129 249 131 1,290 228 505 73 2749 Compensation Reclassifications 3,873 629 152 295 155 1,527 270 597 87 324

Subtotal - Human Resources - GF 41,095 6,085 1,597 3,090 1,619 16,003 2,832 6,258 907 3,395

10 Purchase Orders 77,047 9,925 2,944 5,696 2,985 29,501 5,221 11,536 1,673 6,25810 Contract Amendements & Renewals 19,365 2,689 747 1,444 757 7,481 1,324 2,925 424 1,58710 Formal Bids/RFP's/PQ's 14,825 1,920 567 1,097 575 5,680 1,005 2,221 322 1,20510 Purchasing Card Rebate (2,081) 0 (70) (136) (71) (706) (125) (276) (40) (150)10 Countywide Programs 2,414 408 96 185 97 957 169 374 54 203

Subtotal - Finance - Purchasing - GF 111,571 14,943 4,283 8,286 4,343 42,914 7,595 16,780 2,433 9,103

13 Board of County Commissioners 18,341 3,159 728 1,408 738 7,293 1,291 2,852 414 1,54713 County Commissioner's Other 29,076 4,980 1,153 2,230 1,169 11,552 2,045 4,517 655 2,450

Subtotal - Board of County Comm - GF 47,417 8,138 1,881 3,638 1,907 18,845 3,335 7,369 1,069 3,997

14 Banking 11,722 2,874 494 956 501 4,951 876 1,936 281 1,05014 Investments - General Fund 3,155 826 135 261 137 1,350 239 528 77 286

Subtotal - Treasurer - GF 14,877 3,700 629 1,217 638 6,301 1,115 2,464 357 1,337

15 Non-Divisional 5,253 122 182 352 185 1,823 323 713 103 387Subtotal - Non-Departmental - GF 5,253 122 182 352 185 1,823 323 713 103 387

17 Fac - Admin & Courts Facility 46,370 3,353 1,683 3,256 1,707 16,866 2,985 6,595 956 3,57817 Fac - Laramie Bldg 234,984 16,370 8,509 16,462 8,628 85,260 15,090 33,338 4,835 18,086

Subtotal - Facilities Management - GF 281,354 19,723 10,192 19,718 10,335 102,126 18,075 39,933 5,791 21,664

18 Content Services 0 13,979 473 915 480 4,742 839 1,854 269 1,00618 ERP 0 224,041 7,584 14,673 7,690 75,995 13,450 29,716 4,309 16,12118 EMail/Office 0 33,487 1,134 2,193 1,149 11,359 2,010 4,442 644 2,41018 Network & Telecom 0 83,464 2,825 5,466 2,865 28,311 5,011 11,070 1,605 6,006

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Expense%) Dept:18 Business Innovation & Technology - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

Amanda Organization Specific Services

Content Services

ERP EMail/Office Network & Telecom

Enterprise Web Apps

Customer Service

18 Enterprise Web Apps $0 $8,381 $284 $549 $288 $2,843 $503 $1,112 $161 $60318 Customer Service 0 53,061 1,796 3,475 1,821 17,998 3,185 7,038 1,021 3,81818 Countywide Services 0 74,493 2,522 4,879 2,557 25,268 4,472 9,880 1,433 5,360

Subtotal - Business Innovation & Techn 0 490,905 16,618 32,150 16,850 166,516 29,471 65,111 9,442 35,323

20 Clerk to the Board 0 3,330 113 218 114 1,130 200 442 64 240Subtotal - C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 0 3,330 113 218 114 1,130 200 442 64 240

Total Incoming 1,969,336 582,005 86,365 167,091 87,575 865,423 153,169 338,396 49,072 183,580

C. Total Allocated $17,884,357 $605,401 $1,171,270 $613,884 $6,066,428 $1,073,685 $2,372,087 $343,986 $1,286,8583.39% 6.55% 3.43% 33.92% 6.00% 13.26% 1.92% 7.20%

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Expense%) Dept:18 Business Innovation & Technology - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

Record Retrieval

Record Storage

Aumentum Tax

Countywide Services

1 Admin and Courts Facility $17,661 $0 $192 $288 $587 $3,2311 Laramie Building 232,588 0 2,525 3,788 7,724 42,545

Subtotal - Building Interest and Deprec 250,250 0 2,717 4,075 8,311 45,775

2 Equipment Depreciation 961,611 0 10,440 15,660 31,936 175,897Subtotal - Equipment Depreciation 961,611 0 10,440 15,660 31,936 175,897

3 County Manager 17,105 3,284 221 332 677 3,7293 FrontDesk/Switchboard 1,789 344 23 35 71 3903 Physical Security 5,203 0 56 85 173 9523 Security Committee IT 7,221 0 78 118 240 1,321

Subtotal - County Manager - GF 31,317 3,628 379 569 1,161 6,392

4 Internal Customer Service 6,551 987 82 123 250 1,379Subtotal - Public Affairs - GF 6,551 987 82 123 250 1,379

5 Billable Legal Fees 43,058 4,817 520 780 1,590 8,757Subtotal - County Attorney - GF 43,058 4,817 520 780 1,590 8,757

6 Finance SPA and BIT Supervision 108,617 11,540 1,305 1,957 3,990 21,979Subtotal - Strategy Innovation & Financ 108,617 11,540 1,305 1,957 3,990 21,979

7 Accounts Payable 10,254 2,458 138 207 422 2,3257 General Accounting 19,140 4,702 259 388 792 4,3617 Payroll 8,506 2,027 114 172 350 1,9277 Capital Assets 5,056 1,185 68 102 207 1,1417 Audit 2,851 0 31 46 95 5217 Pcard Audit 405 0 4 7 13 74

Subtotal - Finance-Accounting - GF 46,211 10,372 614 921 1,879 10,350

8 Budget Analysis 12,356 2,274 159 238 486 2,6768 Strategic Planning Issues 7,800 1,442 100 150 307 1,690

Subtotal - Strategy Planning & Analysis 20,156 3,715 259 389 793 4,366

9 Recruitment 8,796 1,387 111 166 338 1,863

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Expense%) Dept:18 Business Innovation & Technology - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

Record Retrieval

Record Storage

Aumentum Tax

Countywide Services

9 General HR $15,883 $2,407 $199 $298 $607 $3,3469 Terminations 1,395 212 17 26 53 2949 Unemployment 1,924 289 24 36 74 4059 Training 5,594 789 69 104 212 1,1689 Background Checks 197 0 2 3 7 369 Compensation Program 3,433 371 41 62 126 6969 Compensation Reclassifications 3,873 629 49 73 150 823

Subtotal - Human Resources - GF 41,095 6,085 512 768 1,567 8,630

10 Purchase Orders 77,047 9,925 944 1,416 2,888 15,90910 Contract Amendements & Renewals 19,365 2,689 239 359 732 4,03410 Formal Bids/RFP's/PQ's 14,825 1,920 182 273 556 3,06310 Purchasing Card Rebate (2,081) 0 (23) (34) (69) (381)10 Countywide Programs 2,414 408 31 46 94 516

Subtotal - Finance - Purchasing - GF 111,571 14,943 1,374 2,060 4,202 23,142

13 Board of County Commissioners 18,341 3,159 233 350 714 3,93313 County Commissioner's Other 29,076 4,980 370 555 1,131 6,229

Subtotal - Board of County Comm - GF 47,417 8,138 603 905 1,845 10,162

14 Banking 11,722 2,874 158 238 485 2,67014 Investments - General Fund 3,155 826 43 65 132 728

Subtotal - Treasurer - GF 14,877 3,700 202 303 617 3,398

15 Non-Divisional 5,253 122 58 88 179 983Subtotal - Non-Departmental - GF 5,253 122 58 88 179 983

17 Fac - Admin & Courts Facility 46,370 3,353 540 810 1,651 9,09517 Fac - Laramie Bldg 234,984 16,370 2,729 4,093 8,348 45,977

Subtotal - Facilities Management - GF 281,354 19,723 3,269 4,903 9,999 55,073

18 Content Services 0 13,979 152 228 464 2,55718 ERP 0 224,041 2,432 3,649 7,441 40,98118 EMail/Office 0 33,487 364 545 1,112 6,12518 Network & Telecom 0 83,464 906 1,359 2,772 15,267

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Expense%) Dept:18 Business Innovation & Technology - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

Record Retrieval

Record Storage

Aumentum Tax

Countywide Services

18 Enterprise Web Apps $0 $8,381 $91 $136 $278 $1,53318 Customer Service 0 53,061 576 864 1,762 9,70618 Countywide Services 0 74,493 809 1,213 2,474 13,626

Subtotal - Business Innovation & Techn 0 490,905 5,330 7,995 16,303 89,796

20 Clerk to the Board 0 3,330 36 54 111 609Subtotal - C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 0 3,330 36 54 111 609

Total Incoming 1,969,336 582,005 27,700 41,549 84,732 466,688

C. Total Allocated $17,884,357 $194,169 $291,253 $593,954 $3,271,3841.09% 1.63% 3.32% 18.29%

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Amanda Allocations Dept:18 Business Innovation & Technology - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


12 Building Safety - GF 14,860 63.86% $374,054 $0 $374,054 $13,377 $387,43116 Transportation & Engineering - GF 1,382 5.94% 34,788 0 34,788 0 34,78835 Planning & Zoning - GF 4,493 19.31% 113,097 0 113,097 4,045 117,14244 Insurance Fund 275 1.18% 6,922 0 6,922 248 7,17070 Public Health Fund 2,258 9.70% 56,838 0 56,838 2,033 58,871

Subtotal 23,268 100.00% 585,699 0 585,699 19,701 605,401

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $585,699 $605,401Basis Units: # of new Amanda FoldersSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Organization Specific Services Allocations Dept:18 Business Innovation & Technology - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 1,654 0.34% $3,832 $0 $3,832 $0 $3,8324 Public Affairs - GF 3,259 0.67% 7,550 0 7,550 0 7,5505 County Attorney - GF 7,548 1.54% 17,486 0 17,486 0 17,4867 Finance-Accounting - GF 71,776 14.67% 166,277 0 166,277 0 166,2778 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 428 0.09% 992 0 992 0 9929 Human Resources - GF 2,065 0.42% 4,784 0 4,784 0 4,784

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 1,069 0.22% 2,476 0 2,476 0 2,47612 Building Safety - GF 14,609 2.99% 33,843 0 33,843 1,574 35,41713 Board of County Comm - GF 2,922 0.60% 6,769 0 6,769 0 6,76914 Treasurer - GF 30,367 6.21% 70,349 0 70,349 0 70,34916 Transportation & Engineering - GF 5,876 1.20% 13,612 0 13,612 0 13,61217 Facilities Management - GF 8,331 1.70% 19,300 0 19,300 0 19,30019 C&R Administration - GF 206 0.04% 477 0 477 22 49920 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 2,038 0.42% 4,721 0 4,721 220 4,94121 C&R Elections - GF 16,457 3.36% 38,124 0 38,124 1,773 39,89722 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 1,187 0.24% 2,750 0 2,750 128 2,87823 C&R Recording - GF 14,970 3.06% 34,680 0 34,680 1,613 36,29224 Assessor - GF 24,627 5.03% 57,051 0 57,051 2,653 59,70425 CSU Extension - GF 233 0.05% 540 0 540 25 56526 Coroner - GF 2,222 0.45% 5,148 0 5,148 239 5,38727 County Attorney BOE - GF 771 0.16% 1,786 0 1,786 83 1,86928 District Attorney Admin - GF 746 0.15% 1,728 0 1,728 80 1,80929 District Atty Dom Violence - GF 197 0.04% 456 0 456 21 47830 District Atty Family Justice Cntr - GF 6,199 1.27% 14,361 0 14,361 668 15,02831 Emergency Management - GF 1,213 0.25% 2,810 0 2,810 131 2,94132 Events & Venues - GF 176 0.04% 408 0 408 19 42734 Justice Services - GF 22,990 4.70% 53,259 0 53,259 2,476 55,73535 Planning & Zoning - GF 126,271 25.81% 292,521 0 292,521 13,602 306,12336 Public Trustee 730 0.15% 1,691 0 1,691 79 1,77037 JCSO Detentions - GF 155 0.03% 359 0 359 17 37638 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 92 0.02% 213 0 213 10 22340 JCSO Support Services - GF 15,731 3.22% 36,443 0 36,443 1,695 38,13742 Historical Commission - GF 485 0.10% 1,124 0 1,124 52 1,17644 Insurance Fund 1,337 0.27% 3,097 0 3,097 144 3,24146 Open Space Fund 3,853 0.79% 8,926 0 8,926 415 9,34153 Boettcher Mansion Fund 480 0.10% 1,112 0 1,112 52 1,16458 Road & Bridge Fund 8,181 1.67% 18,952 0 18,952 881 19,83359 Social Services Fund 37,421 7.65% 86,690 0 86,690 4,031 90,72160 Workforce Development Fund 1,282 0.26% 2,970 0 2,970 138 3,10861 Head Start Fund 443 0.09% 1,026 0 1,026 48 1,07464 Fleet Services Fund 5,499 1.12% 12,739 0 12,739 592 13,33165 Library Fund 295 0.06% 683 0 683 32 715

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Organization Specific Services Allocations Dept:18 Business Innovation & Technology - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


67 Patrol Fund 350 0.07% $811 $0 $811 $38 $84970 Public Health Fund 38,694 7.91% 89,639 0 89,639 4,168 93,80771 Airport Fund 1,119 0.23% 2,592 0 2,592 121 2,71378 Community Development Fund 2,589 0.53% 5,998 0 5,998 279 6,277

Subtotal 489,143 100.00% 1,133,154 0 1,133,154 38,116 1,171,270

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $1,133,154 $1,171,270Basis Units: Weighted Salaries Spent by dept/divSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Content Services Allocations Dept:18 Business Innovation & Technology - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 7.50 0.26% $1,519 $0 $1,519 $0 $1,5194 Public Affairs - GF 5.50 0.19% 1,114 0 1,114 0 1,1145 County Attorney - GF 33.00 1.13% 6,686 0 6,686 0 6,6866 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 1.00 0.03% 203 0 203 0 2037 Finance-Accounting - GF 19.00 0.65% 3,849 0 3,849 0 3,8498 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 8.00 0.27% 1,621 0 1,621 0 1,6219 Human Resources - GF 15.35 0.52% 3,110 0 3,110 0 3,110

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 6.00 0.20% 1,216 0 1,216 0 1,21611 Development & Trans - GF 1.00 0.03% 203 0 203 0 20312 Building Safety - GF 26.00 0.89% 5,267 0 5,267 195 5,46213 Board of County Comm - GF 5.00 0.17% 1,013 0 1,013 0 1,01314 Treasurer - GF 12.00 0.41% 2,431 0 2,431 0 2,43116 Transportation & Engineering - GF 29.00 0.99% 5,875 0 5,875 0 5,87517 Facilities Management - GF 56.70 1.93% 11,487 0 11,487 0 11,48718 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 69.00 2.35% 13,979 0 13,979 0 13,97919 C&R Administration - GF 6.00 0.20% 1,216 0 1,216 45 1,26120 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 3.00 0.10% 608 0 608 23 63021 C&R Elections - GF 13.00 0.44% 2,634 0 2,634 98 2,73122 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 68.50 2.34% 13,877 0 13,877 514 14,39123 C&R Recording - GF 14.00 0.48% 2,836 0 2,836 105 2,94124 Assessor - GF 51.00 1.74% 10,332 0 10,332 383 10,71525 CSU Extension - GF 3.00 0.10% 608 0 608 23 63026 Coroner - GF 13.60 0.46% 2,755 0 2,755 102 2,85727 County Attorney BOE - GF 2.00 0.07% 405 0 405 15 42028 District Attorney Admin - GF 162.70 5.55% 32,962 0 32,962 1,220 34,18229 District Atty Dom Violence - GF 1.00 0.03% 203 0 203 8 21030 District Atty Family Justice Cntr - GF 2.00 0.07% 405 0 405 15 42031 Emergency Management - GF 6.00 0.20% 1,216 0 1,216 45 1,26132 Events & Venues - GF 5.00 0.17% 1,013 0 1,013 38 1,05034 Justice Services - GF 42.00 1.43% 8,509 0 8,509 315 8,82435 Planning & Zoning - GF 41.75 1.42% 8,458 0 8,458 313 8,77136 Public Trustee 4.00 0.14% 810 0 810 30 84037 JCSO Detentions - GF 345.50 11.79% 69,995 0 69,995 2,591 72,58738 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 13.00 0.44% 2,634 0 2,634 98 2,73139 JCSO Executive - GF 18.00 0.61% 3,647 0 3,647 135 3,78240 JCSO Support Services - GF 88.00 3.00% 17,828 0 17,828 660 18,48844 Insurance Fund 5.00 0.17% 1,013 0 1,013 38 1,05046 Open Space Fund 135.75 4.63% 27,502 0 27,502 1,018 28,52053 Boettcher Mansion Fund 5.80 0.20% 1,175 0 1,175 44 1,21958 Road & Bridge Fund 192.60 6.57% 39,019 0 39,019 1,445 40,46459 Social Services Fund 559.20 19.08% 113,289 0 113,289 4,194 117,48360 Workforce Development Fund 30.00 1.02% 6,078 0 6,078 225 6,303

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Content Services Allocations Dept:18 Business Innovation & Technology - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


61 Head Start Fund 67.00 2.29% $13,574 $0 $13,574 $503 $14,07664 Fleet Services Fund 22.90 0.78% 4,639 0 4,639 172 4,81165 Library Fund 239.50 8.17% 48,521 0 48,521 1,796 50,31766 Benefit Plan Fund 4.00 0.14% 810 0 810 30 84067 Patrol Fund 271.00 9.24% 54,902 0 54,902 2,033 56,93568 Inmate Welfare Fund 8.00 0.27% 1,621 0 1,621 60 1,68170 Public Health Fund 162.90 5.56% 33,002 0 33,002 1,222 34,22471 Airport Fund 23.80 0.81% 4,822 0 4,822 179 5,00078 Community Development Fund 5.00 0.17% 1,013 0 1,013 38 1,05081 CARES Fund 2.00 0.07% 405 0 405 15 420

Subtotal 2,931.55 100.00% 593,906 0 593,906 19,977 613,884

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $593,906 $613,884Basis Units: Benefit Eligible FTESource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

ERP Allocations Dept:18 Business Innovation & Technology - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 1,370,734.53 0.33% $19,643 $0 $19,643 $0 $19,6434 Public Affairs - GF 614,189.43 0.15% 8,802 0 8,802 0 8,8025 County Attorney - GF 4,433,812.56 1.08% 63,538 0 63,538 0 63,5386 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 180,308.99 0.04% 2,584 0 2,584 0 2,5847 Finance-Accounting - GF 2,002,819.71 0.49% 28,701 0 28,701 0 28,7018 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 600,927.39 0.15% 8,611 0 8,611 0 8,6119 Human Resources - GF 1,716,245.96 0.42% 24,594 0 24,594 0 24,594

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 638,839.89 0.16% 9,155 0 9,155 0 9,15511 Development & Trans - GF 247,015.28 0.06% 3,540 0 3,540 0 3,54012 Building Safety - GF 2,861,487.83 0.70% 41,006 0 41,006 1,553 42,55913 Board of County Comm - GF 742,805.26 0.18% 10,645 0 10,645 0 10,64514 Treasurer - GF 1,435,729.90 0.35% 20,574 0 20,574 0 20,57415 Non-Departmental - GF 564,166.74 0.14% 8,085 0 8,085 0 8,08516 Transportation & Engineering - GF 3,346,419.19 0.82% 47,955 0 47,955 0 47,95517 Facilities Management - GF 12,183,760.36 2.97% 174,597 0 174,597 0 174,59718 Business Innovation & Technology - GF15,634,075.78 3.82% 224,041 0 224,041 0 224,04119 C&R Administration - GF 916,555.59 0.22% 13,135 0 13,135 497 13,63220 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 199,226.05 0.05% 2,855 0 2,855 108 2,96321 C&R Elections - GF 4,676,849.12 1.14% 67,021 0 67,021 2,538 69,55822 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 5,356,381.26 1.31% 76,759 0 76,759 2,906 79,66523 C&R Recording - GF 1,049,285.83 0.26% 15,037 0 15,037 569 15,60624 Assessor - GF 4,820,181.78 1.18% 69,075 0 69,075 2,615 71,69025 CSU Extension - GF 741,831.11 0.18% 10,631 0 10,631 403 11,03326 Coroner - GF 2,317,747.11 0.57% 33,214 0 33,214 1,258 34,47227 County Attorney BOE - GF 173,667.29 0.04% 2,489 0 2,489 94 2,58328 District Attorney Admin - GF 20,179,251.83 4.93% 289,175 0 289,175 10,949 300,12429 District Atty Dom Violence - GF 108,296.10 0.03% 1,552 0 1,552 59 1,61130 District Atty Family Justice Cntr - GF 220,598.58 0.05% 3,161 0 3,161 120 3,28131 Emergency Management - GF 1,523,501.09 0.37% 21,832 0 21,832 827 22,65932 Events & Venues - GF 682,551.07 0.17% 9,781 0 9,781 370 10,15233 Intergovernmental Projects - GF 471,907.50 0.12% 6,763 0 6,763 256 7,01934 Justice Services - GF 8,572,855.58 2.09% 122,852 0 122,852 4,652 127,50335 Planning & Zoning - GF 4,009,787.22 0.98% 57,461 0 57,461 2,176 59,63736 Public Trustee 478,040.23 0.12% 6,850 0 6,850 259 7,11037 JCSO Detentions - GF 20,843,875.34 5.09% 298,699 0 298,699 11,310 310,00938 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 1,140,126.24 0.28% 16,338 0 16,338 619 16,95739 JCSO Executive - GF 2,293,805.09 0.56% 32,871 0 32,871 1,245 34,11640 JCSO Support Services - GF 16,872,239.02 4.12% 241,784 0 241,784 9,155 250,93941 Surveyor - GF 2,988.89 0.00% 43 0 43 2 4444 Insurance Fund 2,265,036.16 0.55% 32,459 0 32,459 1,229 33,68845 Worker's Compensation Fund 2,629,694.33 0.64% 37,684 0 37,684 1,427 39,11146 Open Space Fund 13,716,391.31 3.35% 196,560 0 196,560 7,442 204,003

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FY 20208/24/2021

ERP Allocations Dept:18 Business Innovation & Technology - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


47 Open Space Cities Share Fund 339,989.35 0.08% $4,872 $0 $4,872 $184 $5,05753 Boettcher Mansion Fund 551,962.97 0.13% 7,910 0 7,910 299 8,20955 South Traffic Impact 3,680.03 0.00% 53 0 53 2 5557 Evergreen/Conifer Traf Imp Fund 41,120.60 0.01% 589 0 589 22 61258 Road & Bridge Fund 22,266,148.50 5.44% 319,081 0 319,081 12,081 331,16259 Social Services Fund 50,419,475.29 12.31% 722,527 0 722,527 27,357 749,88460 Workforce Development Fund 2,729,511.75 0.67% 39,115 0 39,115 1,481 40,59661 Head Start Fund 5,480,516.51 1.34% 78,538 0 78,538 2,974 81,51162 Capital Expenditures Fund 31,012.00 0.01% 444 0 444 17 46164 Fleet Services Fund 4,640,368.85 1.13% 66,498 0 66,498 2,518 69,01665 Library Fund 30,659,956.99 7.49% 439,367 0 439,367 16,636 456,00366 Benefit Plan Fund 37,547,927.41 9.17% 538,073 0 538,073 20,373 558,44767 Patrol Fund 19,196,108.78 4.69% 275,086 0 275,086 10,416 285,50268 Inmate Welfare Fund 658,345.30 0.16% 9,434 0 9,434 357 9,79269 Forfeiture Fund 1,183,082.74 0.29% 16,954 0 16,954 642 17,59670 Public Health Fund 16,354,103.48 3.99% 234,359 0 234,359 8,874 243,23371 Airport Fund 3,015,920.50 0.74% 43,219 0 43,219 1,636 44,85573 Jeffco Fin Capital Project Fund 2,500.00 0.00% 36 0 36 1 3776 SE Sales Tax-Capital Fund 412,710.60 0.10% 5,914 0 5,914 224 6,13877 Solid Waste Fund 183,412.53 0.04% 2,628 0 2,628 100 2,72878 Community Development Fund 524,377.97 0.13% 7,514 0 7,514 285 7,79981 CARES Fund 48,473,984.00 11.84% 694,647 0 694,647 26,302 720,949

Subtotal 409,552,225.67 100.00% 5,869,011 0 5,869,011 197,418 6,066,428

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $5,869,011 $6,066,428Basis Units: Operating Exp's (excl. Dep, Fin & Debt Serv, Assist Pymnts, Land & Cap, CAP)Source:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

EMail/Office Allocations Dept:18 Business Innovation & Technology - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 7.50 0.35% $3,640 $0 $3,640 $0 $3,6404 Public Affairs - GF 5.50 0.26% 2,669 0 2,669 0 2,6695 County Attorney - GF 33.00 1.54% 16,015 0 16,015 0 16,0156 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 1.00 0.05% 485 0 485 0 4857 Finance-Accounting - GF 19.00 0.89% 9,221 0 9,221 0 9,2218 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 8.00 0.37% 3,883 0 3,883 0 3,8839 Human Resources - GF 15.35 0.72% 7,450 0 7,450 0 7,450

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 6.00 0.28% 2,912 0 2,912 0 2,91211 Development & Trans - GF 1.00 0.05% 485 0 485 0 48512 Building Safety - GF 26.00 1.21% 12,618 0 12,618 485 13,10313 Board of County Comm - GF 5.00 0.23% 2,427 0 2,427 0 2,42714 Treasurer - GF 12.00 0.56% 5,824 0 5,824 0 5,82416 Transportation & Engineering - GF 29.00 1.35% 14,074 0 14,074 0 14,07417 Facilities Management - GF 56.70 2.65% 27,517 0 27,517 0 27,51718 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 69.00 3.22% 33,487 0 33,487 0 33,48719 C&R Administration - GF 6.00 0.28% 2,912 0 2,912 112 3,02420 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 3.00 0.14% 1,456 0 1,456 56 1,51221 C&R Elections - GF 13.00 0.61% 6,309 0 6,309 243 6,55222 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 68.50 3.20% 33,244 0 33,244 1,278 34,52223 C&R Recording - GF 14.00 0.65% 6,794 0 6,794 261 7,05624 Assessor - GF 51.00 2.38% 24,751 0 24,751 952 25,70325 CSU Extension - GF 3.00 0.14% 1,456 0 1,456 56 1,51226 Coroner - GF 13.60 0.64% 6,600 0 6,600 254 6,85427 County Attorney BOE - GF 2.00 0.09% 971 0 971 37 1,00828 District Attorney Admin - GF 162.70 7.60% 78,961 0 78,961 3,036 81,99729 District Atty Dom Violence - GF 1.00 0.05% 485 0 485 19 50430 District Atty Family Justice Cntr - GF 2.00 0.09% 971 0 971 37 1,00831 Emergency Management - GF 1.20 0.06% 582 0 582 22 60532 Events & Venues - GF 5.00 0.23% 2,427 0 2,427 93 2,52034 Justice Services - GF 42.00 1.96% 20,383 0 20,383 784 21,16735 Planning & Zoning - GF 41.75 1.95% 20,262 0 20,262 779 21,04136 Public Trustee 4.00 0.19% 1,941 0 1,941 75 2,01637 JCSO Detentions - GF 69.10 3.23% 33,535 0 33,535 1,290 34,82538 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 2.60 0.12% 1,262 0 1,262 49 1,31039 JCSO Executive - GF 3.60 0.17% 1,747 0 1,747 67 1,81440 JCSO Support Services - GF 17.60 0.82% 8,542 0 8,542 328 8,87044 Insurance Fund 5.00 0.23% 2,427 0 2,427 93 2,52046 Open Space Fund 135.75 6.34% 65,882 0 65,882 2,533 68,41553 Boettcher Mansion Fund 5.80 0.27% 2,815 0 2,815 108 2,92358 Road & Bridge Fund 192.60 9.00% 93,472 0 93,472 3,594 97,06659 Social Services Fund 559.20 26.13% 271,388 0 271,388 10,436 281,82460 Workforce Development Fund 30.00 1.40% 14,559 0 14,559 560 15,119

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

EMail/Office Allocations Dept:18 Business Innovation & Technology - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


61 Head Start Fund 67.00 3.13% $32,516 $0 $32,516 $1,250 $33,76664 Fleet Services Fund 22.90 1.07% 11,114 0 11,114 427 11,54165 Library Fund 47.90 2.24% 23,247 0 23,247 894 24,14166 Benefit Plan Fund 4.00 0.19% 1,941 0 1,941 75 2,01667 Patrol Fund 54.20 2.53% 26,304 0 26,304 1,011 27,31668 Inmate Welfare Fund 1.60 0.07% 777 0 777 30 80670 Public Health Fund 162.90 7.61% 79,058 0 79,058 3,040 82,09871 Airport Fund 23.80 1.11% 11,551 0 11,551 444 11,99578 Community Development Fund 5.00 0.23% 2,427 0 2,427 93 2,52081 CARES Fund 2.00 0.09% 971 0 971 37 1,008

Subtotal 2,140.35 100.00% 1,038,745 0 1,038,745 34,941 1,073,685

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $1,038,745 $1,073,685Basis Units: Benefit Eligible FTE's with Library & Sheriff @20%Source:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Network & Telecom Allocations Dept:18 Business Innovation & Technology - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 7.50 0.40% $9,072 $0 $9,072 $0 $9,0724 Public Affairs - GF 5.50 0.29% 6,653 0 6,653 0 6,6535 County Attorney - GF 33.00 1.74% 39,917 0 39,917 0 39,9176 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 1.00 0.05% 1,210 0 1,210 0 1,2107 Finance-Accounting - GF 19.00 1.00% 22,983 0 22,983 0 22,9838 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 8.00 0.42% 9,677 0 9,677 0 9,6779 Human Resources - GF 15.35 0.81% 18,568 0 18,568 0 18,568

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 6.00 0.32% 7,258 0 7,258 0 7,25811 Development & Trans - GF 1.00 0.05% 1,210 0 1,210 0 1,21012 Building Safety - GF 26.00 1.37% 31,450 0 31,450 1,232 32,68213 Board of County Comm - GF 5.00 0.26% 6,048 0 6,048 0 6,04814 Treasurer - GF 12.00 0.63% 14,515 0 14,515 0 14,51516 Transportation & Engineering - GF 29.00 1.53% 35,079 0 35,079 0 35,07917 Facilities Management - GF 56.70 2.99% 68,585 0 68,585 0 68,58518 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 69.00 3.64% 83,464 0 83,464 0 83,46419 C&R Administration - GF 6.00 0.32% 7,258 0 7,258 284 7,54220 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 3.00 0.16% 3,629 0 3,629 142 3,77121 C&R Elections - GF 13.00 0.69% 15,725 0 15,725 616 16,34122 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 68.50 3.61% 82,859 0 82,859 3,246 86,10523 C&R Recording - GF 14.00 0.74% 16,935 0 16,935 663 17,59824 Assessor - GF 51.00 2.69% 61,691 0 61,691 2,417 64,10725 CSU Extension - GF 3.00 0.16% 3,629 0 3,629 142 3,77126 Coroner - GF 13.60 0.72% 16,451 0 16,451 644 17,09527 County Attorney BOE - GF 2.00 0.11% 2,419 0 2,419 95 2,51428 District Attorney Admin - GF 162.70 8.58% 196,805 0 196,805 7,709 204,51429 District Atty Dom Violence - GF 1.00 0.05% 1,210 0 1,210 47 1,25730 District Atty Family Justice Cntr - GF 2.00 0.11% 2,419 0 2,419 95 2,51431 Emergency Management - GF 0.90 0.05% 1,089 0 1,089 43 1,13132 Events & Venues - GF 5.00 0.26% 6,048 0 6,048 237 6,28534 Justice Services - GF 42.00 2.21% 50,804 0 50,804 1,990 52,79435 Planning & Zoning - GF 41.75 2.20% 50,502 0 50,502 1,978 52,48036 Public Trustee 4.00 0.21% 4,838 0 4,838 190 5,02837 JCSO Detentions - GF 51.83 2.73% 62,688 0 62,688 2,456 65,14438 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 1.95 0.10% 2,359 0 2,359 92 2,45139 JCSO Executive - GF 2.70 0.14% 3,266 0 3,266 128 3,39440 JCSO Support Services - GF 13.20 0.70% 15,967 0 15,967 625 16,59244 Insurance Fund 5.00 0.26% 6,048 0 6,048 237 6,28546 Open Space Fund 135.75 7.16% 164,206 0 164,206 6,432 170,63853 Boettcher Mansion Fund 5.80 0.31% 7,016 0 7,016 275 7,29158 Road & Bridge Fund 57.78 3.05% 69,892 0 69,892 2,738 72,62959 Social Services Fund 559.20 29.47% 676,418 (2,711,883) (2,035,465) 26,497 (2,008,969)60 Workforce Development Fund 30.00 1.58% 36,289 (190,531) (154,242) 1,421 (152,821)

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Network & Telecom Allocations Dept:18 Business Innovation & Technology - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


61 Head Start Fund 20.10 1.06% $24,313 $(199,140) $(174,826) $952 $(173,874)64 Fleet Services Fund 22.90 1.21% 27,700 0 27,700 1,085 28,78565 Library Fund 23.95 1.26% 28,970 0 28,970 1,135 30,10566 Benefit Plan Fund 4.00 0.21% 4,838 0 4,838 190 5,02867 Patrol Fund 40.65 2.14% 49,171 0 49,171 1,926 51,09768 Inmate Welfare Fund 1.20 0.06% 1,452 0 1,452 57 1,50870 Public Health Fund 162.90 8.59% 197,047 0 197,047 7,719 204,76571 Airport Fund 23.80 1.25% 28,789 0 28,789 1,128 29,91778 Community Development Fund 5.00 0.26% 6,048 (23,448) (17,400) 237 (17,163)81 CARES Fund 2.00 0.11% 2,419 0 2,419 95 2,514

Subtotal 1,897.21 100.00% 2,294,893 (3,125,002) (830,109) 77,194 (752,915)

Direct Bills 3,125,002 3,125,002

Total $2,294,893 $2,372,087Basis Units: Benefit Eligible FTE's with Head Start & R&B @ 30%, Sheriff @ 15% & Library @ 10%Source:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Enterprise Web Apps Allocations Dept:18 Business Innovation & Technology - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 7.50 0.27% $911 $0 $911 $0 $9114 Public Affairs - GF 5.50 0.20% 668 0 668 0 6685 County Attorney - GF 33.00 1.20% 4,008 0 4,008 0 4,0086 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 1.00 0.04% 121 0 121 0 1217 Finance-Accounting - GF 19.00 0.69% 2,308 0 2,308 0 2,3088 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 8.00 0.29% 972 0 972 0 9729 Human Resources - GF 15.35 0.56% 1,864 0 1,864 0 1,864

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 6.00 0.22% 729 0 729 0 72911 Development & Trans - GF 1.00 0.04% 121 0 121 0 12112 Building Safety - GF 26.00 0.95% 3,158 0 3,158 118 3,27613 Board of County Comm - GF 5.00 0.18% 607 0 607 0 60714 Treasurer - GF 12.00 0.44% 1,458 0 1,458 0 1,45816 Transportation & Engineering - GF 29.00 1.06% 3,522 0 3,522 0 3,52217 Facilities Management - GF 56.70 2.07% 6,887 0 6,887 0 6,88718 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 69.00 2.52% 8,381 0 8,381 0 8,38119 C&R Administration - GF 6.00 0.22% 729 0 729 27 75620 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 3.00 0.11% 364 0 364 14 37821 C&R Elections - GF 13.00 0.47% 1,579 0 1,579 59 1,63822 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 68.50 2.50% 8,320 0 8,320 310 8,63023 C&R Recording - GF 14.00 0.51% 1,700 0 1,700 63 1,76424 Assessor - GF 51.00 1.86% 6,194 0 6,194 231 6,42525 CSU Extension - GF 3.00 0.11% 364 0 364 14 37826 Coroner - GF 13.60 0.50% 1,652 0 1,652 62 1,71327 County Attorney BOE - GF 2.00 0.07% 243 0 243 9 25228 District Attorney Admin - GF 162.70 5.94% 19,761 0 19,761 737 20,49829 District Atty Dom Violence - GF 1.00 0.04% 121 0 121 5 12630 District Atty Family Justice Cntr - GF 2.00 0.07% 243 0 243 9 25231 Emergency Management - GF 6.00 0.22% 729 0 729 27 75632 Events & Venues - GF 5.00 0.18% 607 0 607 23 63034 Justice Services - GF 42.00 1.53% 5,101 0 5,101 190 5,29135 Planning & Zoning - GF 41.75 1.52% 5,071 0 5,071 189 5,26036 Public Trustee 4.00 0.15% 486 0 486 18 50437 JCSO Detentions - GF 345.50 12.61% 41,964 0 41,964 1,565 43,52938 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 13.00 0.47% 1,579 0 1,579 59 1,63839 JCSO Executive - GF 18.00 0.66% 2,186 0 2,186 82 2,26840 JCSO Support Services - GF 88.00 3.21% 10,688 0 10,688 399 11,08744 Insurance Fund 5.00 0.18% 607 0 607 23 63046 Open Space Fund 135.75 4.95% 16,488 0 16,488 615 17,10353 Boettcher Mansion Fund 5.80 0.21% 704 0 704 26 73158 Road & Bridge Fund 192.60 7.03% 23,393 0 23,393 872 24,26559 Social Services Fund 559.20 20.41% 67,920 0 67,920 2,532 70,45260 Workforce Development Fund 30.00 1.09% 3,644 0 3,644 136 3,780

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Enterprise Web Apps Allocations Dept:18 Business Innovation & Technology - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


61 Head Start Fund 67.00 2.45% $8,138 $0 $8,138 $303 $8,44164 Fleet Services Fund 22.90 0.84% 2,781 0 2,781 104 2,88565 Library Fund 47.90 1.75% 5,818 0 5,818 217 6,03566 Benefit Plan Fund 4.00 0.15% 486 0 486 18 50467 Patrol Fund 271.00 9.89% 32,915 0 32,915 1,227 34,14368 Inmate Welfare Fund 8.00 0.29% 972 0 972 36 1,00870 Public Health Fund 162.90 5.95% 19,786 0 19,786 738 20,52371 Airport Fund 23.80 0.87% 2,891 0 2,891 108 2,99978 Community Development Fund 5.00 0.18% 607 0 607 23 63081 CARES Fund 2.00 0.07% 243 0 243 9 252

Subtotal 2,739.95 100.00% 332,791 0 332,791 11,194 343,986

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $332,791 $343,986Basis Units: Benefit Eligible FTE's with Library @ 20%Source:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Customer Service Allocations Dept:18 Business Innovation & Technology - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 7.50 0.46% $5,767 $0 $5,767 $0 $5,7674 Public Affairs - GF 5.50 0.34% 4,229 0 4,229 0 4,2295 County Attorney - GF 33.00 2.04% 25,377 0 25,377 0 25,3776 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 1.00 0.06% 769 0 769 0 7697 Finance-Accounting - GF 19.00 1.17% 14,611 0 14,611 0 14,6118 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 8.00 0.49% 6,152 0 6,152 0 6,1529 Human Resources - GF 15.35 0.95% 11,804 0 11,804 0 11,804

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 6.00 0.37% 4,614 0 4,614 0 4,61411 Development & Trans - GF 1.00 0.06% 769 0 769 0 76912 Building Safety - GF 26.00 1.61% 19,994 0 19,994 806 20,80013 Board of County Comm - GF 5.00 0.31% 3,845 0 3,845 0 3,84514 Treasurer - GF 12.00 0.74% 9,228 0 9,228 0 9,22816 Transportation & Engineering - GF 29.00 1.79% 22,301 0 22,301 0 22,30117 Facilities Management - GF 56.70 3.50% 43,602 0 43,602 0 43,60218 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 69.00 4.26% 53,061 0 53,061 0 53,06119 C&R Administration - GF 6.00 0.37% 4,614 0 4,614 186 4,80020 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 3.00 0.19% 2,307 0 2,307 93 2,40021 C&R Elections - GF 13.00 0.80% 9,997 0 9,997 403 10,40022 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 68.50 4.23% 52,676 0 52,676 2,123 54,80023 C&R Recording - GF 14.00 0.86% 10,766 0 10,766 434 11,20024 Assessor - GF 51.00 3.15% 39,219 0 39,219 1,581 40,80025 CSU Extension - GF 3.00 0.19% 2,307 0 2,307 93 2,40026 Coroner - GF 13.60 0.84% 10,458 0 10,458 422 10,88027 County Attorney BOE - GF 2.00 0.12% 1,538 0 1,538 62 1,60028 District Attorney Admin - GF 32.54 2.01% 25,023 0 25,023 1,009 26,03229 District Atty Dom Violence - GF 0.20 0.01% 154 0 154 6 16030 District Atty Family Justice Cntr - GF 0.40 0.02% 308 0 308 12 32031 Emergency Management - GF 1.20 0.07% 923 0 923 37 96032 Events & Venues - GF 5.00 0.31% 3,845 0 3,845 155 4,00034 Justice Services - GF 42.00 2.59% 32,298 0 32,298 1,302 33,60035 Planning & Zoning - GF 41.75 2.58% 32,106 0 32,106 1,294 33,40036 Public Trustee 4.00 0.25% 3,076 0 3,076 124 3,20037 JCSO Detentions - GF 69.10 4.27% 53,138 0 53,138 2,142 55,28038 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 2.60 0.16% 1,999 0 1,999 81 2,08039 JCSO Executive - GF 3.60 0.22% 2,768 0 2,768 112 2,88040 JCSO Support Services - GF 17.60 1.09% 13,534 0 13,534 546 14,08044 Insurance Fund 5.00 0.31% 3,845 0 3,845 155 4,00046 Open Space Fund 27.15 1.68% 20,878 0 20,878 842 21,72053 Boettcher Mansion Fund 5.80 0.36% 4,460 0 4,460 180 4,64058 Road & Bridge Fund 96.30 5.95% 74,054 0 74,054 2,985 77,03959 Social Services Fund 559.20 34.54% 430,022 0 430,022 17,335 447,35760 Workforce Development Fund 30.00 1.85% 23,070 0 23,070 930 24,000

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Customer Service Allocations Dept:18 Business Innovation & Technology - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


61 Head Start Fund 13.40 0.83% $10,305 $0 $10,305 $415 $10,72064 Fleet Services Fund 22.90 1.41% 17,610 0 17,610 710 18,32065 Library Fund 47.90 2.96% 36,835 0 36,835 1,485 38,32066 Benefit Plan Fund 4.00 0.25% 3,076 0 3,076 124 3,20067 Patrol Fund 54.20 3.35% 41,680 0 41,680 1,680 43,36068 Inmate Welfare Fund 1.60 0.10% 1,230 0 1,230 50 1,28070 Public Health Fund 32.58 2.01% 25,054 0 25,054 1,010 26,06471 Airport Fund 23.80 1.47% 18,302 0 18,302 738 19,04078 Community Development Fund 5.00 0.31% 3,845 0 3,845 155 4,00081 CARES Fund 2.00 0.12% 1,538 0 1,538 62 1,600

Subtotal 1,618.97 100.00% 1,244,980 0 1,244,980 41,878 1,286,858

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $1,244,980 $1,286,858Basis Units: Benefit Eligible FTE's with R&B @ 50% & DA, Open Space, Library, Sheriff, Head Start & Pub Hlth @ 20%Source:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Record Retrieval Allocations Dept:18 Business Innovation & Technology - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


5 County Attorney - GF 105 5.63% $10,582 $0 $10,582 $0 $10,58216 Transportation & Engineering - GF 19 1.02% 1,915 0 1,915 0 1,91517 Facilities Management - GF 13 0.70% 1,310 0 1,310 0 1,31019 C&R Administration - GF 1 0.05% 101 0 101 4 10421 C&R Elections - GF 975 52.31% 98,258 0 98,258 3,567 101,82624 Assessor - GF 19 1.02% 1,915 0 1,915 70 1,98426 Coroner - GF 21 1.13% 2,116 0 2,116 77 2,19327 County Attorney BOE - GF 42 2.25% 4,233 0 4,233 154 4,38628 District Attorney Admin - GF 260 13.95% 26,202 0 26,202 951 27,15432 Events & Venues - GF 25 1.34% 2,519 0 2,519 91 2,61134 Justice Services - GF 55 2.95% 5,543 0 5,543 201 5,74435 Planning & Zoning - GF 185 9.92% 18,644 0 18,644 677 19,32136 Public Trustee 82 4.40% 8,264 0 8,264 300 8,56437 JCSO Detentions - GF 7 0.38% 705 0 705 26 73140 JCSO Support Services - GF 23 1.23% 2,318 0 2,318 84 2,40244 Insurance Fund 4 0.21% 403 0 403 15 41846 Open Space Fund 2 0.11% 202 0 202 7 20960 Workforce Development Fund 17 0.91% 1,713 0 1,713 62 1,77570 Public Health Fund 9 0.48% 907 0 907 33 940

Subtotal 1,864 100.00% 187,850 0 187,850 6,319 194,169

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $187,850 $194,169Basis Units: # of RetrievalsSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Record Storage Allocations Dept:18 Business Innovation & Technology - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 170.71 0.88% $2,490 $0 $2,490 $0 $2,4904 Public Affairs - GF 55.00 0.28% 802 0 802 0 8025 County Attorney - GF 1,500.13 7.77% 21,882 0 21,882 0 21,8827 Finance-Accounting - GF 308.20 1.60% 4,496 0 4,496 0 4,4968 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 38.00 0.20% 554 0 554 0 5549 Human Resources - GF 69.82 0.36% 1,018 0 1,018 0 1,018

11 Development & Trans - GF 112.00 0.58% 1,634 0 1,634 0 1,63412 Building Safety - GF 371.65 1.92% 5,421 0 5,421 236 5,65713 Board of County Comm - GF 397.00 2.06% 5,791 0 5,791 0 5,79114 Treasurer - GF 439.40 2.27% 6,409 0 6,409 0 6,40916 Transportation & Engineering - GF 655.50 3.39% 9,562 0 9,562 0 9,56217 Facilities Management - GF 630.40 3.26% 9,196 0 9,196 0 9,19619 C&R Administration - GF 12.00 0.06% 175 0 175 8 18320 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 255.22 1.32% 3,723 0 3,723 162 3,88521 C&R Elections - GF 2,294.95 11.88% 33,476 0 33,476 1,456 34,93222 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 0.50 0.00% 7 0 7 0 823 C&R Recording - GF 684.40 3.54% 9,983 0 9,983 434 10,41724 Assessor - GF 154.64 0.80% 2,256 0 2,256 98 2,35425 CSU Extension - GF 32.00 0.17% 467 0 467 20 48726 Coroner - GF 316.00 1.64% 4,609 0 4,609 200 4,81027 County Attorney BOE - GF 88.00 0.46% 1,284 0 1,284 56 1,33928 District Attorney Admin - GF 5,525.71 28.61% 80,603 0 80,603 3,505 84,10831 Emergency Management - GF 2.00 0.01% 29 0 29 1 3032 Events & Venues - GF 89.80 0.46% 1,310 0 1,310 57 1,36734 Justice Services - GF 326.00 1.69% 4,755 0 4,755 207 4,96235 Planning & Zoning - GF 1,545.48 8.00% 22,544 0 22,544 980 23,52436 Public Trustee 42.30 0.22% 617 0 617 27 64437 JCSO Detentions - GF 1,088.00 5.63% 15,871 0 15,871 690 16,56140 JCSO Support Services - GF 314.50 1.63% 4,588 0 4,588 200 4,78742 Historical Commission - GF 72.63 0.38% 1,059 0 1,059 46 1,10544 Insurance Fund 87.00 0.45% 1,269 0 1,269 55 1,32446 Open Space Fund 233.70 1.21% 3,409 0 3,409 148 3,55758 Road & Bridge Fund 14.00 0.07% 204 0 204 9 21359 Social Services Fund 725.00 3.75% 10,575 0 10,575 460 11,03560 Workforce Development Fund 71.00 0.37% 1,036 0 1,036 45 1,08161 Head Start Fund 16.60 0.09% 242 0 242 11 25365 Library Fund 114.21 0.59% 1,666 0 1,666 72 1,73870 Public Health Fund 22.00 0.11% 321 0 321 14 33571 Airport Fund 14.00 0.07% 204 0 204 9 21378 Community Development Fund 82.00 0.42% 1,196 0 1,196 52 1,24880 Non-County 345.60 1.79% 5,041 0 5,041 219 5,260

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Record Storage Allocations Dept:18 Business Innovation & Technology - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


Subtotal 19,317.02 100.00% 281,775 0 281,775 9,478 291,253

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $281,775 $291,253Basis Units: Cubic ft of StorageSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Aumentum Tax Allocations Dept:18 Business Innovation & Technology - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


14 Treasurer - GF 40 40.00% $229,850 $0 $229,850 $0 $229,85024 Assessor - GF 60 60.00% 344,775 0 344,775 19,329 364,104

Subtotal 100 100.00% 574,625 0 574,625 19,329 593,954

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $574,625 $593,954Basis Units: 60% Assessor, 40% TreasurerSource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Countywide Services Allocations Dept:18 Business Innovation & Technology - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 7.50 0.26% $8,097 $0 $8,097 $0 $8,0974 Public Affairs - GF 5.50 0.19% 5,938 0 5,938 0 5,9385 County Attorney - GF 33.00 1.13% 35,627 0 35,627 0 35,6276 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 1.00 0.03% 1,080 0 1,080 0 1,0807 Finance-Accounting - GF 19.00 0.65% 20,513 0 20,513 0 20,5138 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 8.00 0.27% 8,637 0 8,637 0 8,6379 Human Resources - GF 15.35 0.52% 16,572 0 16,572 0 16,572

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 6.00 0.20% 6,478 0 6,478 0 6,47811 Development & Trans - GF 1.00 0.03% 1,080 0 1,080 0 1,08012 Building Safety - GF 26.00 0.89% 28,070 0 28,070 1,039 29,10913 Board of County Comm - GF 5.00 0.17% 5,398 0 5,398 0 5,39814 Treasurer - GF 12.00 0.41% 12,955 0 12,955 0 12,95516 Transportation & Engineering - GF 29.00 0.99% 31,309 0 31,309 0 31,30917 Facilities Management - GF 56.70 1.93% 61,214 0 61,214 0 61,21418 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 69.00 2.35% 74,493 0 74,493 0 74,49319 C&R Administration - GF 6.00 0.20% 6,478 0 6,478 240 6,71720 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 3.00 0.10% 3,239 0 3,239 120 3,35921 C&R Elections - GF 13.00 0.44% 14,035 0 14,035 520 14,55522 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 68.50 2.34% 73,953 0 73,953 2,738 76,69123 C&R Recording - GF 14.00 0.48% 15,115 0 15,115 560 15,67424 Assessor - GF 51.00 1.74% 55,060 0 55,060 2,038 57,09825 CSU Extension - GF 3.00 0.10% 3,239 0 3,239 120 3,35926 Coroner - GF 13.60 0.46% 14,683 0 14,683 544 15,22627 County Attorney BOE - GF 2.00 0.07% 2,159 0 2,159 80 2,23928 District Attorney Admin - GF 162.70 5.55% 175,652 0 175,652 6,503 182,15529 District Atty Dom Violence - GF 1.00 0.03% 1,080 0 1,080 40 1,12030 District Atty Family Justice Cntr - GF 2.00 0.07% 2,159 0 2,159 80 2,23931 Emergency Management - GF 6.00 0.20% 6,478 0 6,478 240 6,71732 Events & Venues - GF 5.00 0.17% 5,398 0 5,398 200 5,59834 Justice Services - GF 42.00 1.43% 45,344 0 45,344 1,679 47,02235 Planning & Zoning - GF 41.75 1.42% 45,074 0 45,074 1,669 46,74236 Public Trustee 4.00 0.14% 4,318 0 4,318 160 4,47837 JCSO Detentions - GF 345.50 11.79% 373,005 0 373,005 13,810 386,81438 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 13.00 0.44% 14,035 0 14,035 520 14,55539 JCSO Executive - GF 18.00 0.61% 19,433 0 19,433 719 20,15240 JCSO Support Services - GF 88.00 3.00% 95,005 0 95,005 3,517 98,52344 Insurance Fund 5.00 0.17% 5,398 0 5,398 200 5,59846 Open Space Fund 135.75 4.63% 146,557 0 146,557 5,426 151,98353 Boettcher Mansion Fund 5.80 0.20% 6,262 0 6,262 232 6,49458 Road & Bridge Fund 192.60 6.57% 207,932 0 207,932 7,698 215,63159 Social Services Fund 559.20 19.08% 603,717 0 603,717 22,351 626,06860 Workforce Development Fund 30.00 1.02% 32,388 0 32,388 1,199 33,587

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Countywide Services Allocations Dept:18 Business Innovation & Technology - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


61 Head Start Fund 67.00 2.29% $72,334 $0 $72,334 $2,678 $75,01264 Fleet Services Fund 22.90 0.78% 24,723 0 24,723 915 25,63865 Library Fund 239.50 8.17% 258,566 0 258,566 9,573 268,13966 Benefit Plan Fund 4.00 0.14% 4,318 0 4,318 160 4,47867 Patrol Fund 271.00 9.24% 292,574 0 292,574 10,832 303,40668 Inmate Welfare Fund 8.00 0.27% 8,637 0 8,637 320 8,95770 Public Health Fund 162.90 5.56% 175,868 0 175,868 6,511 182,37971 Airport Fund 23.80 0.81% 25,695 0 25,695 951 26,64678 Community Development Fund 5.00 0.17% 5,398 0 5,398 200 5,59881 CARES Fund 2.00 0.07% 2,159 0 2,159 80 2,239

Subtotal 2,931.55 100.00% 3,164,925 0 3,164,925 106,460 3,271,384

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $3,164,925 $3,271,384Basis Units: Benefit Eligible FTESource:

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Allocation Summary Dept:18 Business Innovation & Technology - GF

Department Amanda Organization Specific Services

Content Services

ERP EMail/Office Network & Telecom

Enterprise Web Apps

Customer Service

Record Retrieval

Record Storage

0 Direct Billed $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,125,002 $0 $0 $0 $03 County Manager - GF 0 3,832 1,519 19,643 3,640 9,072 911 5,767 0 2,4904 Public Affairs - GF 0 7,550 1,114 8,802 2,669 6,653 668 4,229 0 8025 County Attorney - GF 0 17,486 6,686 63,538 16,015 39,917 4,008 25,377 10,582 21,8826 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 0 0 203 2,584 485 1,210 121 769 0 07 Finance-Accounting - GF 0 166,277 3,849 28,701 9,221 22,983 2,308 14,611 0 4,4968 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 0 992 1,621 8,611 3,883 9,677 972 6,152 0 5549 Human Resources - GF 0 4,784 3,110 24,594 7,450 18,568 1,864 11,804 0 1,018

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 0 2,476 1,216 9,155 2,912 7,258 729 4,614 0 011 Development & Trans - GF 0 0 203 3,540 485 1,210 121 769 0 1,63412 Building Safety - GF 387,431 35,417 5,462 42,559 13,103 32,682 3,276 20,800 0 5,65713 Board of County Comm - GF 0 6,769 1,013 10,645 2,427 6,048 607 3,845 0 5,79114 Treasurer - GF 0 70,349 2,431 20,574 5,824 14,515 1,458 9,228 0 6,40915 Non-Departmental - GF 0 0 0 8,085 0 0 0 0 0 016 Transportation & Engineering - GF 34,788 13,612 5,875 47,955 14,074 35,079 3,522 22,301 1,915 9,56217 Facilities Management - GF 0 19,300 11,487 174,597 27,517 68,585 6,887 43,602 1,310 9,19618 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 0 0 13,979 224,041 33,487 83,464 8,381 53,061 0 019 C&R Administration - GF 0 499 1,261 13,632 3,024 7,542 756 4,800 104 18320 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 0 4,941 630 2,963 1,512 3,771 378 2,400 0 3,88521 C&R Elections - GF 0 39,897 2,731 69,558 6,552 16,341 1,638 10,400 101,826 34,93222 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 0 2,878 14,391 79,665 34,522 86,105 8,630 54,800 0 823 C&R Recording - GF 0 36,292 2,941 15,606 7,056 17,598 1,764 11,200 0 10,41724 Assessor - GF 0 59,704 10,715 71,690 25,703 64,107 6,425 40,800 1,984 2,35425 CSU Extension - GF 0 565 630 11,033 1,512 3,771 378 2,400 0 48726 Coroner - GF 0 5,387 2,857 34,472 6,854 17,095 1,713 10,880 2,193 4,81027 County Attorney BOE - GF 0 1,869 420 2,583 1,008 2,514 252 1,600 4,386 1,33928 District Attorney Admin - GF 0 1,809 34,182 300,124 81,997 204,514 20,498 26,032 27,154 84,10829 District Atty Dom Violence - GF 0 478 210 1,611 504 1,257 126 160 0 030 District Atty Family Justice Cntr - GF 0 15,028 420 3,281 1,008 2,514 252 320 0 031 Emergency Management - GF 0 2,941 1,261 22,659 605 1,131 756 960 0 3032 Events & Venues - GF 0 427 1,050 10,152 2,520 6,285 630 4,000 2,611 1,36733 Intergovernmental Projects - GF 0 0 0 7,019 0 0 0 0 0 034 Justice Services - GF 0 55,735 8,824 127,503 21,167 52,794 5,291 33,600 5,744 4,96235 Planning & Zoning - GF 117,142 306,123 8,771 59,637 21,041 52,480 5,260 33,400 19,321 23,52436 Public Trustee 0 1,770 840 7,110 2,016 5,028 504 3,200 8,564 64437 JCSO Detentions - GF 0 376 72,587 310,009 34,825 65,144 43,529 55,280 731 16,56138 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 0 223 2,731 16,957 1,310 2,451 1,638 2,080 0 039 JCSO Executive - GF 0 0 3,782 34,116 1,814 3,394 2,268 2,880 0 040 JCSO Support Services - GF 0 38,137 18,488 250,939 8,870 16,592 11,087 14,080 2,402 4,78741 Surveyor - GF 0 0 0 44 0 0 0 0 0 042 Historical Commission - GF 0 1,176 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,105

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Allocation Summary Dept:18 Business Innovation & Technology - GF

Department Amanda Organization Specific Services

Content Services

ERP EMail/Office Network & Telecom

Enterprise Web Apps

Customer Service

Record Retrieval

Record Storage

44 Insurance Fund $7,170 $3,241 $1,050 $33,688 $2,520 $6,285 $630 $4,000 $418 $1,32445 Worker's Compensation Fund 0 0 0 39,111 0 0 0 0 0 046 Open Space Fund 0 9,341 28,520 204,003 68,415 170,638 17,103 21,720 209 3,55747 Open Space Cities Share Fund 0 0 0 5,057 0 0 0 0 0 053 Boettcher Mansion Fund 0 1,164 1,219 8,209 2,923 7,291 731 4,640 0 055 South Traffic Impact 0 0 0 55 0 0 0 0 0 057 Evergreen/Conifer Traf Imp Fund 0 0 0 612 0 0 0 0 0 058 Road & Bridge Fund 0 19,833 40,464 331,162 97,066 72,629 24,265 77,039 0 21359 Social Services Fund 0 90,721 117,483 749,884 281,824 (2,008,969) 70,452 447,357 0 11,03560 Workforce Development Fund 0 3,108 6,303 40,596 15,119 (152,821) 3,780 24,000 1,775 1,08161 Head Start Fund 0 1,074 14,076 81,511 33,766 (173,874) 8,441 10,720 0 25362 Capital Expenditures Fund 0 0 0 461 0 0 0 0 0 064 Fleet Services Fund 0 13,331 4,811 69,016 11,541 28,785 2,885 18,320 0 065 Library Fund 0 715 50,317 456,003 24,141 30,105 6,035 38,320 0 1,73866 Benefit Plan Fund 0 0 840 558,447 2,016 5,028 504 3,200 0 067 Patrol Fund 0 849 56,935 285,502 27,316 51,097 34,143 43,360 0 068 Inmate Welfare Fund 0 0 1,681 9,792 806 1,508 1,008 1,280 0 069 Forfeiture Fund 0 0 0 17,596 0 0 0 0 0 070 Public Health Fund 58,871 93,807 34,224 243,233 82,098 204,765 20,523 26,064 940 33571 Airport Fund 0 2,713 5,000 44,855 11,995 29,917 2,999 19,040 0 21373 Jeffco Fin Capital Project Fund 0 0 0 37 0 0 0 0 0 076 SE Sales Tax-Capital Fund 0 0 0 6,138 0 0 0 0 0 077 Solid Waste Fund 0 0 0 2,728 0 0 0 0 0 078 Community Development Fund 0 6,277 1,050 7,799 2,520 (17,163) 630 4,000 0 1,24880 Non-County 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,26081 CARES Fund 0 0 420 720,949 1,008 2,514 252 1,600 0 0

Total $605,401 $1,171,270 $613,884 $6,066,428 $1,073,685 $2,372,087 $343,986 $1,286,858 $194,169 $291,253

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Allocation Summary Dept:18 Business Innovation & Technology - GF

Department Aumentum Tax

Countywide Services


0 Direct Billed $0 $0 $3,125,0023 County Manager - GF 0 8,097 54,9724 Public Affairs - GF 0 5,938 38,4255 County Attorney - GF 0 35,627 241,1186 Strategy Innovation & Finance - GF 0 1,080 6,4517 Finance-Accounting - GF 0 20,513 272,9588 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 0 8,637 41,0989 Human Resources - GF 0 16,572 89,764

10 Finance - Purchasing - GF 0 6,478 34,83711 Development & Trans - GF 0 1,080 9,04112 Building Safety - GF 0 29,109 575,49613 Board of County Comm - GF 0 5,398 42,54314 Treasurer - GF 229,850 12,955 373,59315 Non-Departmental - GF 0 0 8,08516 Transportation & Engineering - GF 0 31,309 219,99217 Facilities Management - GF 0 61,214 423,69518 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 0 74,493 490,90519 C&R Administration - GF 0 6,717 38,51820 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF 0 3,359 23,83821 C&R Elections - GF 0 14,555 298,42922 C&R Motor Vehicle - GF 0 76,691 357,68923 C&R Recording - GF 0 15,674 118,54824 Assessor - GF 364,104 57,098 704,68425 CSU Extension - GF 0 3,359 24,13526 Coroner - GF 0 15,226 101,48827 County Attorney BOE - GF 0 2,239 18,21128 District Attorney Admin - GF 0 182,155 962,57329 District Atty Dom Violence - GF 0 1,120 5,46530 District Atty Family Justice Cntr - GF 0 2,239 25,06331 Emergency Management - GF 0 6,717 37,06032 Events & Venues - GF 0 5,598 34,63933 Intergovernmental Projects - GF 0 0 7,01934 Justice Services - GF 0 47,022 362,64335 Planning & Zoning - GF 0 46,742 693,44136 Public Trustee 0 4,478 34,15437 JCSO Detentions - GF 0 386,814 985,85438 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 0 14,555 41,94539 JCSO Executive - GF 0 20,152 68,40640 JCSO Support Services - GF 0 98,523 463,90641 Surveyor - GF 0 0 4442 Historical Commission - GF 0 0 2,281

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Allocation Summary Dept:18 Business Innovation & Technology - GF

Department Aumentum Tax

Countywide Services


44 Insurance Fund $0 $5,598 $65,92445 Worker's Compensation Fund 0 0 39,11146 Open Space Fund 0 151,983 675,48847 Open Space Cities Share Fund 0 0 5,05753 Boettcher Mansion Fund 0 6,494 32,66955 South Traffic Impact 0 0 5557 Evergreen/Conifer Traf Imp Fund 0 0 61258 Road & Bridge Fund 0 215,631 878,30359 Social Services Fund 0 626,068 385,85660 Workforce Development Fund 0 33,587 (23,472)61 Head Start Fund 0 75,012 50,97962 Capital Expenditures Fund 0 0 46164 Fleet Services Fund 0 25,638 174,32865 Library Fund 0 268,139 875,51266 Benefit Plan Fund 0 4,478 574,51367 Patrol Fund 0 303,406 802,60668 Inmate Welfare Fund 0 8,957 25,03269 Forfeiture Fund 0 0 17,59670 Public Health Fund 0 182,379 947,23971 Airport Fund 0 26,646 143,37773 Jeffco Fin Capital Project Fund 0 0 3776 SE Sales Tax-Capital Fund 0 0 6,13877 Solid Waste Fund 0 0 2,72878 Community Development Fund 0 5,598 11,95980 Non-County 0 0 5,26081 CARES Fund 0 2,239 728,982

Total $593,954 $3,271,384 $17,884,357

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

CLERK & RECORDER – CLERK TO THE BOARD Nature and Extent of Services

Clerk & Recorder (C&R) – Clerk to the Board processes applications and renewals of all liquor licenses as well as other Permits and Licenses for the County. In addition, they prepare Land Use Agendas and perform clerical duties for the County Commissioners, Jefferson County Emergency Communications Authority (JCECA), Liquor Licensing Authority and Cultural Council. They are also custodian of contracts, minutes and resolutions and are responsible for publishing minutes and resolutions to the internet on a weekly basis. The indirect costs for this function will be allocated to the receiving department/division’s budget. The C&R – Clerk to the Board includes the following function:

· Clerk to the Board: Costs associated with the activities of Clerk to the Board are allocated based on the number of Board Action and/or Contract Agenda item counts by department/division, with Public Health excluded.

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:20 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF

Description Amount General Admin

Clerk to the Board

Passport Duties & Liquor

LiPersonnel CostsSalaries S1 142,231 34,391 52,640 55,200 Salary % Split 24.18% 37.01% 38.81%Benefits S 40,103 9,697 14,842 15,564

Subtotal - Personnel Costs 182,334 44,088 67,482 70,764

Services & Supplies CostSalaries - COVID D 7,027 0 0 04261 General Supplies S 3,317 802 1,228 1,2874269 Equipment S 1,570 380 581 6094341 Utilities S 233 56 86 904344 Rent & Lease S 1,884 455 697 7314354 Adv & Pub S 278 67 103 1084356 Dues-Mtgs-Train S 1,950 472 722 7574385 Fin & Debt Serv. D 697 0 0 047 Insurance Tr's S 3,300 798 1,221 1,281475754 IT Tech Repl S 634 153 235 2464759 Fac Charge D 25,047 0 0 04759 Indirect Costs D 35,909 0 0 04759 IT Charge D 26,788 0 0 0Transcript Charges P (325) (325) 0 0

Subtotal - Services & Supplies 108,308 2,858 4,873 5,109

Department Cost Total 290,642 46,947 72,354 75,873

Adjustments to CostSalaries - COVID D (7,027) 0 0 04385 Fin & Debt Serv. D (697) 0 0 04759 Fac Charge D (25,047) 0 0 04759 Indirect Costs D (35,909) 0 0 0

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

A. Department Costs Dept:20 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF

Description Amount General Admin

Clerk to the Board

Passport Duties & Liquor

Li4759 IT Charge D (26,788) 0 0 0Subtotal - Adjustments (95,468) 0 0 0

Total Costs After Adjustments 195,174 46,947 72,354 75,873

General Admin Distribution (46,947) 22,916 24,031

Grand Total $195,174 $95,270 $99,904not allocated

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Salary%) Dept:20 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

Clerk to the Board

Passport Duties & Liquor

Li1 Admin and Courts Facility $10,963 $0 $5,352 $5,612Subtotal - Building Interest and Deprec 10,963 0 5,352 5,612

3 County Manager 744 143 433 4543 Physical Security 226 0 110 1163 Security Committee IT 314 0 153 161

Subtotal - County Manager - GF 1,284 143 696 730

4 Internal Customer Service 285 43 160 168Subtotal - Public Affairs - GF 285 43 160 168

5 Billable Legal Fees 16,706 1,869 9,067 9,5085 Litigation Costs 28 3 15 16

Subtotal - County Attorney - GF 16,734 1,872 9,082 9,524

7 Accounts Payable 494 118 299 3147 General Accounting 7,321 1,799 4,452 4,6687 Payroll 448 107 271 2847 Audit 679 0 331 3477 Pcard Audit 4 0 2 2

Subtotal - Finance-Accounting - GF 8,946 2,024 5,355 5,615

8 Budget Analysis 149 27 86 908 Strategic Planning Issues 339 63 196 206

Subtotal - Strategy Planning & Analysis 488 90 282 296

9 General HR 681 103 383 4019 Terminations 199 30 112 1189 Unemployment 241 36 135 1429 Training 182 26 101 1069 Compensation Program 149 16 81 85

Subtotal - Human Resources - GF 1,452 211 812 851

10 Purchasing Card Rebate (21) 0 (10) (11)10 Countywide Programs 105 18 60 63

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

B. Incoming Costs - (Default Spread Salary%) Dept:20 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF

Department First Incoming

Second Incoming

Clerk to the Board

Passport Duties & Liquor

LiSubtotal - Finance - Purchasing - GF $84 $18 $50 $52

13 Board of County Commissioners 797 137 456 47813 County Commissioner's Other 371 63 212 222

Subtotal - Board of County Comm - GF 1,168 201 668 701

14 Banking 149 37 91 9514 Investments - General Fund 40 11 25 26

Subtotal - Treasurer - GF 190 47 116 121

15 Non-Divisional 228 5 114 120Subtotal - Non-Departmental - GF 228 5 114 120

17 Fac - Admin & Courts Facility 28,785 2,081 15,067 15,800Subtotal - Facilities Management - GF 28,785 2,081 15,067 15,800

18 Organization Specific Services 4,721 220 2,412 2,52918 Content Services 608 23 308 32318 ERP 2,855 108 1,446 1,51718 EMail/Office 1,456 56 738 77418 Network & Telecom 3,629 142 1,841 1,93018 Enterprise Web Apps 364 14 184 19318 Customer Service 2,307 93 1,172 1,22818 Record Storage 3,723 162 1,896 1,98818 Countywide Services 3,239 120 1,639 1,719

Subtotal - Business Innovation & Techn 22,902 937 11,636 12,202

Total Incoming 93,509 7,672 49,389 51,791

C. Total Allocated $296,355 $144,660 $151,69548.81% 51.19%

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Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Clerk to the Board Allocations Dept:20 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF

Department Units Allocation Percent

First Allocation

Direct Billed Department Allocation

Second Allocation


3 County Manager - GF 24 3.55% $4,995 $0 $4,995 $0 $4,9954 Public Affairs - GF 1 0.15% 208 0 208 0 2085 County Attorney - GF 4 0.59% 833 0 833 0 8337 Finance-Accounting - GF 80 11.82% 16,652 0 16,652 0 16,6528 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 19 2.81% 3,955 0 3,955 0 3,9559 Human Resources - GF 1 0.15% 208 0 208 0 208

12 Building Safety - GF 1 0.15% 208 0 208 9 21713 Board of County Comm - GF 45 6.65% 9,367 0 9,367 0 9,36714 Treasurer - GF 2 0.30% 416 0 416 0 41616 Transportation & Engineering - GF 37 5.47% 7,701 0 7,701 0 7,70117 Facilities Management - GF 31 4.58% 6,453 0 6,453 0 6,45318 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 16 2.36% 3,330 0 3,330 0 3,33021 C&R Elections - GF 11 1.62% 2,290 0 2,290 99 2,38827 County Attorney BOE - GF 44 6.50% 9,158 0 9,158 395 9,55431 Emergency Management - GF 2 0.30% 416 0 416 18 43435 Planning & Zoning - GF 119 17.58% 24,769 0 24,769 1,069 25,83838 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 2 0.30% 416 0 416 18 43439 JCSO Executive - GF 74 10.93% 15,403 0 15,403 665 16,06744 Insurance Fund 2 0.30% 416 0 416 18 43446 Open Space Fund 27 3.99% 5,620 0 5,620 242 5,86253 Boettcher Mansion Fund 1 0.15% 208 0 208 9 21758 Road & Bridge Fund 15 2.22% 3,122 0 3,122 135 3,25759 Social Services Fund 88 13.00% 18,317 0 18,317 790 19,10761 Head Start Fund 1 0.15% 208 0 208 9 21764 Fleet Services Fund 3 0.44% 624 0 624 27 65171 Airport Fund 25 3.69% 5,204 0 5,204 225 5,42878 Community Development Fund 2 0.30% 416 0 416 18 434

Subtotal 677 100.00% 140,915 0 140,915 3,745 144,660

Direct Bills 0 0

Total $140,915 $144,660Basis Units: Board Action and/or Contract Agenda Item Counts by Dept/Div, excl. Public HealthSource:

MGT Consulting Group Page 315 of 316


Jefferson County,ColoradoFull Cost Allocation Plan

FY 20208/24/2021

Allocation Summary Dept:20 C&R Clerk to the Board - GF

Department Clerk to the Board

Passport Duties & Liquor



3 County Manager - GF $4,995 $0 $4,9954 Public Affairs - GF 208 0 2085 County Attorney - GF 833 0 8337 Finance-Accounting - GF 16,652 0 16,6528 Strategy Planning & Analysis - GF 3,955 0 3,9559 Human Resources - GF 208 0 208

12 Building Safety - GF 217 0 21713 Board of County Comm - GF 9,367 0 9,36714 Treasurer - GF 416 0 41616 Transportation & Engineering - GF 7,701 0 7,70117 Facilities Management - GF 6,453 0 6,45318 Business Innovation & Technology - GF 3,330 0 3,33021 C&R Elections - GF 2,388 0 2,38827 County Attorney BOE - GF 9,554 0 9,55431 Emergency Management - GF 434 0 43435 Planning & Zoning - GF 25,838 0 25,83838 JCSO Law Enforcement - GF 434 0 43439 JCSO Executive - GF 16,067 0 16,06744 Insurance Fund 434 0 43446 Open Space Fund 5,862 0 5,86253 Boettcher Mansion Fund 217 0 21758 Road & Bridge Fund 3,257 0 3,25759 Social Services Fund 19,107 0 19,10761 Head Start Fund 217 0 21764 Fleet Services Fund 651 0 65171 Airport Fund 5,428 0 5,42878 Community Development Fund 434 0 434

Total $144,660 $0 $144,660

MGT Consulting Group Page 316 of 316


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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.