Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON: Mary Ann Shadd Cary (October 9, 1823 – June 5, 1893)), November 4, 1854, p. 3 (2024)

itores on the temperance principle reared filled olenn and comfortable a regular post office established ahs g thi ofyes- diub and a for m m ifincb- andzejfi buxton can scarcely be said to hate cost the public anything mr editor i am happy thst you hare offered your columns for theiliscussion of this question in the meantime let me solicitofthe honorable member forjuon doll that he will keep hia eye on any move ments that may be madftin parliament for incorporating this trust and resist them manfully i know that the honorable mem- tboughnff wound could he pereeitd this noble fellow deserves especial mention up on going to um when the- morning broke and offerin to remove him to a co ituatiob7he a never tmnd me behp those who are l f i a for somewhat later upon bringfa*gbira a drink of water be asked meagher to turn bun on his side a little more tojm he might diequietly fires were immedistevy kindled by the passengers which afforded light by which m a his jpngij ber lorlunbton will lend hi weighttandiratherlhinkthat the mem ber for kent will keep clear of all black ameerns only let him add a little clause to his amendment and move for a oonv mittee to call for persons and paper from dawn as well as from buxton mr editor respectfully yours root borks rramumoeuolltrlmab dreadful accident the croat western bailrwuv vpwaansortjrrv kiwxd through the kindne ofjw 0 ruggle wevreabletogive the particulars 6tlhe tbdw hebrtrendragtmtterrible railway d- atter thatever occurred in america he says a few minutes after 1 p m yesterday ni tt inirh ikvaa nral iluhu we left mutraga falia with three flint cla aad two 2nd olaaa passenger cars one ex- prewandonebaggjige cat af le hamilton we were detained about midnight between hamilton and london by a freight engine being on the track after a delay o yn we started and reached- lon- don about 6 hours behind time about 8 miles west of london thecylinder head ofourengitieburl wsfctnielayedu9 two hours we backed down to london took anew engine and startedagainfor windsoir about oneoclock and about 13 miles west of chatham on the baptist creek flats go ing about 20 miles an hour we came incol- lision with a gravel trai of 15 cars backing east the collision was frightful our loco- would be utterly sickening to describe the various wounds and hideous mutilations in flicted upon tbe poor sufferers boards were placed over the tops of tbe beatroftbeumnjuredcarsand upon them the mutilated sufferers whose wants were ad ministered to by the passengers who escaped until the arrival of tbe physicians who had been sent for the remains oftbe dead motive waa oompletdythrownjverjothe rigirt the express car thrornoverrand- crushing the 1st and 2nd class cars into more splinters demolishing the next and making a wreck of tbe third carranddriving into the endfthe fourththepassengers in the last cars escaped unhurtor with slight bruises almost the entire load of the 2nd class ca were killed orwounded some cut completely in two otherswrttlf mangled heads ana oooies and without iiimr the screams and groans were awful every effort waa made by the conductor and paa- sengers tojeliemibiiittnng-uitjqtwil- standing allstrpethiimantefnwtstorelere them all were not extrionled until more t four hours after the collision heaps ot the dead and mangledwere found in toe ruins piled together in all mangled shapes one poor fellow was cut out of the express car his limbs hanging out of the side fifteen feet from the ground one of the strangest features of the accident isthat all the gravel cxraweredeniol and pilc pon rl iecon badl each other with the toflder of thi engine stove in the conductor of tbe gravel train was on the rear car with his signal light and a negro boy at his side the conductor saved himself by jumping the negro boy was killed at the time of the collision there was a dense fog it being almost impossible to see lights where tho blame beloags in this awiulcatastrophe we know not but there jsmomjandcupamejne jnjheopl ration of the attain of the roiid the-con- ductor of tho gravel train says he was or dered out by the superintendent of the gravel pit we ought to mention that on the third car from the rear we had no light at the time of the collision and wore in total dark ness nor had we anything but pieces of candles stuck in tubs at tho time those had goneout at the lime of the collision wewere 32 miles from detroit und 13 from chatham thejurrounding coujtry for miles af vast swamp and no aid or physicians at hand which with the denseness of the fog and frightful screams of the wounded for help and water rendered it the most appalling scene imaginable one man had six friends with him all killed at a glance the awful wreck and havoc whic bad been made could be seen tbe passenger engine and tender were at tbe foot of tbe embankment some twenty feet hieti bottom smashed into fragments with the smoke stack and iron portions embedded in tbe marsh which at this point baptist creek stretchedaway on both sides of tbe road tbe fire bad beea thrown completely out an d the- hot cinders were smoking on tbe wet grass tbe first baggage car was per fectly unhurt- but the second one was dashed inioibe jjtat secondclass and with the lat- terformedanimm mamolsplintera wood work iron work bones brains mangled flesh torn clothes broken rifles loaves of bread and other eatables jumbled ngethor if a mine of gunpowder bad blown them into this enormous bean of rub bish the last seconovelasscar had been right upon the rootofwrforwaforstclasi carlnore tbanhalf way ia length the weight of it had crushed in tbe fore part of the car benearh it leaving the rest of it un injured though considerably shattered th squadrons of franetaaiengtihtsr the chinese waters ere to proceed 4o sitka 1 0 attack tbe russian settlem bale of crowtrlands caowttlahdsjtfibtwiht qmbtcuaglii notice is hereby given ibat tbe nadermeniioned lands set apart for school purpows under ine stmule 12 vict ch 3001 in the township of i eliu in the coautv of fsb uc will be open 057 rz whiafaesnleibwdllmen tbese cars were tbe wounded aad dying sotne of them flung ou violently tbe wreck others having crawled down with broken legs while yet others had been car- riedtotbefiresby tbe passengers it is shocking even to think of tbe scene as it were laid under canvass torntrom tbe cars it ap from the evidence adduced at the coronersjuryrtbat killed on the spot and one has since died making a loss of 48 fifiy06 others were taken to chatham severely wounded and no return is madeofajmmber who escaped with slight injuries of the killed 24jvere men j5 women and 9 children of those who were wounded and taken to chatham therejrere twentyfourmen eleveh womeoandsixteen uiurcu there is nothing to relieve the first im pressions that the conductor of the gravel i us re fur this a dis aster -the- engineer remonstrated agains taking the main track upon tbeuneeytainty as to tbe passage of the express train but the conductors orders were positive and the result is known tnepubticwill be satisfied that the most rigid and searching investigation into every incident connected with the collision will take place the following is a list of the dead up to wdayoooivaifurnisbed b t c v uu m pu g all accounts agree that the passenger train whichcame in contac with the gravel oars at the awful collision on friday morn ing waa conducted with the greatest care and caution a complication of accidents and the delay to which it had been subjeot- en at tbe suspension bridge bsd caused it to be several hours behind time and so great was the caution of its conductor and engi neer who knew the hazards of running off time that much complaint was made by thejjassengersat what was deemed unne cessary timidity and dtlatoriness we have ajreadymenionedl that mr thomas f meagher the wellknown irish patroit was on the train and rendered effi- oient service after the distaster his seat had originally been in the rear ear but find ing the heat oppressive he passed into the forward firstclass car whioh was principally used by secondclass passengers their own oars being incapable ot holding them all he was in this car when the crash came though he providentially escaped withoutmuch in jury from a long and interesting account furaisned by him to the tribune we learn that he had been asleep about twenty minutes when he was started by a deep rumbling noise like the sound ofa heavy spent wave as it subsides on coming to a clearer consciousness bo distinctly heard the crashing and ripping of timbpr all aroun him mingled with the most fearful shrieks and groans and the noise gf escaping steam the boor under him was vibrating while hewas crushed in the seat the roof falling down immediately before him striking him in the face with a large torn fragment hb made an instant effort to get clear from the ruins bnt found his right foot caught beneath the sett and tbe broken floor upon making second trial he supceeded in drawingout his leg leaving the boot in the ruins as if ine hootjack he succeeded in rearchmg the rear door where he stumbled over the body j b bod to oalesburg michigan had on person 27 29 p gallagher a young woman nameunknown had on furgautrtlblafgloves and black silk bonnet with artificials a man name unknown a woman with dead infant had on person two keys a child f rob inson per receipt in pocket had107 50 jn gold and 5 63 in silver john martin brateman on passejnger train had 5 and one key in pocket r tho his wife hadlyibjuredf4ienry masnn hrakeman on gravel train 2 40 in pocket t p swain had watch on person had lived 14 years in chatham a female unknown had on red dress lace collar and gloves j a young girl named mary kingston per papers on her person a female unknown middle aged bad earrings a young man supposed to be john davis a boy about 10 years old unknown a boy about 1 1 years old unknown irving leslie brakeman on gravel tram a middle aged woman name unknown charles robinson per name in bible on bis person had 53 in gold and 35 cents in silver a female child about i years old unknown a female child about 2 years old unknown a female unknown had a ring on finger a man unknown jacob luscher had a duebill from mar- a mich and i m j holl tub total cbimsah population r only 200000 women and children old men and boys gypsies deserters aliens ccnvieu tartars juwi greeks germans monks and serfs all included for sale to ertoal setilers upon appiicmluu u jobk 8aiukeqolre at stratford on and at ler ihe ten th ofnext month on the fol lowing terms viz the price 10 be ten shillings per acre para ble in ten equal annualinstalments with lnter- est the first nutalment to be paid upon receiving authority to enter upon the land actual occu pation to be immediate nd continuous the land to be cleared si the rale ol iwoacres annuilly for each hundred acree during the first five vests a dwelling hous at least sixteen feet by eighteea lo be erected f lae umber to be reserved uotll the tshthsi been patrrwiirruirsiia-pieiitedrbd- lo be subject to sdv general limber duty thereaf- w llwm of fiegupsllon not assignabl wlui- oat pertaiuion ine sale and license ol occupa tion lo become null and void in case of neglect or violation of any of the condiiions the settler lo be entitled lo obuio a patent upon complying wlthalllhe condiiions not more lhan rwubun- drect acres to be sola to any oncperson on these terms 1st con- 1 to 7hne 100 acres each t3 f 51 ed do i to sine 8 to jsine about 100 each 34 do 140 sine 8 lo 36 ine about 100 each 4th do 1 1 36 incabout 100 acres tsch blh do 1 l 3 f l do do 36 iu do 36123 do 36119 do s6y129 do k 139 6ib do 1 lo 35nc 7lh do 1 to 35 inc 8ih do 1 to 35 inc 9th do 1 to 3 inc 10th do 1 to 35 inc auo the undermentioned crown l and8 in the same township subject lo the earae conditions of actual settlement and term of payment al 7s 6d per acre 1 1th con 1 lo 35 ine abwt 100 acres each 30 137 ilrdo 1 r35 ine do 3m 13th do 1 lo 35 toe 14th do 1 lo 35 ine i5lh do 1 to 35 ine 1 to35 ine 1 to 35 ine igih do 17th do do do do do do 36146 3614b 36 151 36150 36 157 18th do 1 to 35 mc from 67 lo 80 acres 36 123 caown lc defartiwbnt 4 1 qwire 27h july 1854 notice is hereby given thai the undrrmenllon arl fsei a the statute 12 vic ch 2o0j in the county of huron will be open for safe to actual setilers upoa ap plication to ihe residenl agent john cufts esquire at godcnch on and alter tbe ihirtvnrst of ueil month on uiejouowing terms viz the price lo be ten shilling per acre naya- otein tenequirabnnal instalments with inter est the first instalment to be paid upon receiving authority toenieruponthelaod actual occupa tion lo h jninuaiw and continuou the land to ut mt ik piuat rivn ncrp annually far each hundred sctea durituae first five years a dwelling bouse at least stxteen teet by eighteen u be erected the timber to be reserved umll the la has be pj fui i f a 1 1 in be s to any general lim duty thereaf- tera license ol occupation not assignable wlth- out permission the sal and license of occupa tion to become null and void in caseopliegleci or violauon of any of the conditions the seulerto be entitledio obtain a patent upon complying with all the conditions not more than two hun dred acres to be sold to any one person on these terms township op grey 1st con 1 to 70 inclusive 100 acres each 2d do 1 to 35 do about do ho 1 to 35 i3s lltf3 1 lo 35 t to 35 1 to 35 110 35 ioih do lio35 ilthdoltol016lo35do 12ih do 1 to 35 do 13th do 1 to 35 do 14th do lto35 do 3d do 4iirab 5th do 6th do 7th do 8th do 9th do do do do do do do do it do do- do do do do do do do do do do do do do dv do do do do do do do township op tcrnberry co a 1 to 10 inclusive 100 acres each a b ii to 4u no do jo e no33 doabht901o 34 76 1st con 11 to 60 inclusive 100 acres each 2d do 12902954 3 81741805147 6 ioc 7 59 836 3d con 1 uj 8 ine about 100 acres each 9 95 4th con i lo 9 ine about 100 acres each 10 160 ii 123 1285 13 49 1413 5th conl to 14 mc about 100 acres each clh con 1 to 14 luc do 15 182 16 1391710318671933 7th con 1 lo 19 iuc sboul 100 acres each so 95 8th con t to 20 ine do 21 158 22 122 23 86 94 65 9th con 1 to 25 ine aboul 100 acres each ioih con i to 25 ine do 26 178 27 143728 107 29 71 30 35 1 1th con 1 to 30 ine aboul 100 acres each 12thcon 1 to30inc do 31 199 38 163 33 128 34 92 35 48 township of howick concession c it to 40 inclusive 100 acres each brace elderly man had 13 in bills and 16 50 in coin nathaniel oakes of bata- viayn r goiogtogaleshurgmicbgan cornelius oakes son of n oakes onlia oaltes wife of n oakes philip barron per papers found on his person s female in fant unknown a male child unknown ogiddeo had 23 on bis person a female infant unknown j an unknown woman bad straw bonnet and snuffbox ephraim c moore blind man an unknown man bad 20 65 on hisjersonjanunknown female jrith cuflrpnfunknown man a female child abort 3 years old unknown michael fly had 10 on his person an unknown man an unknown woman a young girt unknown had 94 cm her person an unknown girl about 15 years of age martha bodnsb wife of j b bodgsh daniel oakes tbe detroit mocrtutr puts down the number of dead up to saturday morning at fiftyeight launch capt gaskins new ship was launched on saturday the weather was all that could be desired and every available point from which to see the noble vessel move off was occupied a large company had also as sembled on board the ship on which was stationed the excellent band of the canadian rifles the largenumber of vessels in har bor at the wharves or anchored in the bay with their bunting displayed in honour of the occasion added much to the interest of the whole sceue shortly after three oclock the signal having been given to cut away the ship moved off and glided rapidly into tbe water receiving as she started on the ways tbe name ofeliia mary miss gaskin performed the ceremony of christen ing the launch was one of the most suc cessful that we have witnessed in kingston and everybody waa pleased with the events wauks in canada bricklayers v masons stonecutters joiners carpenters tinsmiths palmers hatters printers compositors powerpressmen tailors male female shoemakers upholsterers coopers farm laborers with board day laborers boys and qlrls 13 lo 14 dressmakers with board railway laborers needlewomen wilh board servant maids per month servant men servant boys carters per lod y 5 currency is equal s d 0 0 oo of john martin t br a of onbe-day- the car he bad been at tbe brake at tbe the mna mary is a fullngged sbm of time of tbe oolltsion and wss bung back into about 900 tons z tbedoorwarof tho car on procuring a mhch credit upon herbui der mr thurston lemaum afier be found that martin we shall obtain m i publish in another issue 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 9 0 6 1 30 70 s d- to ii 3 10-0- 10 0 8 9 9 3 6 6 6 4 3 6 6 6 3 9 0 10 3 6 oribiutlld p arts i a k to a umons tntpaaitios qxmfjamj frahtdng dtsfufiuttr la me drmu and tuby crim t tit bums and lift witbomtt acid aostsunmauairrtn tu entmsnot outer ootortog rf tho jth r8 celebrity in the fashimablecirelisof paris sod lo and the continual reeommroda tiona ol eminent-deotlstsr-ibd-those-wbo-have- been using it lor years esta iisiaperioriiy rver all denlfifices in use whileiurmlrsculous fleets upon the teeib and gams nnxktrtum has bctri enuideratu neglect proves ll merits all ihe eulottlu best upon it sole proprietors w t atkinson dc co cbshmts ft pcanmcta 48 kis- stmt wisl and sold by their agents in lower and upper canada and ihe united slates vide circulars toronto october 3 1854 294m toron saving bank published nodertheamhority of thtlfjrislattii and under the patronage of his lordship the bt rev a f m dscbiasomsu nxwraatm ax mtro wnu t cfto will contain orisoalmdbjlecttd tat hamilton jiiadfebl coninirfhws snd poetrynews of the week town comfortable qosrters filled op ssibey have been 7 tslkfashiona uaves nmirrvrlourtitbors esdallvr their convesieoee and wwclf were 5 interest i paid from the last day in each month in which the deposit ia made and con tinues umll the day that the money be with drawn which may be done at any time 6 the services of tbe trtwtees and jjuwtnrs are entirely gratuitous anditinot p that they shall derive any advantage whatever trrnnn from the funds even as accommodation of rall ouuua w office on colborne street corner of tbe old post office lane d k feehan manag toronto oct 19 1851 i western daguerrean rooms no 69 yohge siasxt toronto pictures executed in any kind of weather eqnal if not superior lo any in the city and wajuumtis to pleas ob no chas0i mad l7tke lb iu locke dreastpins sick or deeaned persona taken at thalr owa staasse plating with gold or silver on all kinds of metal done to order and in die most superior manner br call and judge for yourselves before going elsewhere which will be to our own advantage to- uaes hs al to slraat u j p williams totwilo sept i6m ssan prospectus life illustrated a nsw first cla88 6 s 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 i 101 to 1 u s money markets toiokto november 3 1854 s d s d flour millers ex sup per brl 33 9 a 36 3 farmers per 196 lbs 31 3 a 33 9 wheat fall perbus 60 lbs 6 4 a 7 6 spring 0 0 a 0 0 oatmeal per brl of 196 lbs 38 9 a io 0 buckwheat flour per 196 lbs 50 0 a 0 0 jndiancommealperjooibs 340 a 96 3 rye per bnshel of 56 ibj 0 0 a 0 0 barley per bushel of 48 lbs- 4 0 o 4 4 oats per bushel of 34 lbs 1 v peas small per bus 60 lbs 3 a s 4 9 marrowfats 0 0 a 0 0 timothy seedper bus 48 lbs 0 0 a 0 0 clover seed per bus 60 lbs 33 ft a 35 0 hay per ton 80 0 a 90 0 straw per loa 60 0 69 6 corduooj per cord 97 6 a 30 0 beef per 100 lbs 0 0 s 0 0 pork m tbe hor per 100 lbs 0 000 bacon per 100 lbs 55 0 a m 6 mutton per lb by ihe quarter 0 6 a 0 7 veal per lb by the quarter j to 0 5 lard per lb 0 6 a 0 tub bnllit ob foiwer above the elbow hja head too ppaand to tanjim vest ever built in upper canada fang- slon new fresh butter per lb eggs per dozen turkeys each geese each ducks per couple fowls per pair potatoes per bushel turnip per bushel onion pir oushsl fl 8 a 1 0 bended fa r lite s ai i artl lo entertainment improvement and progress published wessht at 9 a ybas by fowlers ft wells 308 brtadieay nev it is our purpose to furnish a journal which hound lo no parly sect or theory embracln everyhumau interest and furnishing food i lor all die faculties of ihe mind shall merit a worldwide circulation literature in ihe form of original essays huloncal bio graphical and descriptive sketches of travel and adventure poetry punilng music and 8ulpiure etc from ihe pens of uur best writers r k uarttnir nerinrii with choice elections rrom the leading periodi cals of europe will form prominent fei the great field ol wi notice itliat ht la prmand is lunlah ths fallowls anlclas bi wbavaaalaaaaksaini swffemo w vliea public atteniloo to on of the sett a l oned andebeapest sues in the city elegant smnmsir shawl ofevsry daacriptloa sttjcjlatw tuscan itsuw aw faxcy bonnets very fashionable and very cheap ttry kind nf flrfjw goods that can be nam ui d bawhossn i btads la ow baa minwr aaso sv aataifc haw stic saws af ma bast qaallty in coaaplatf onto for sanlca also aim tmj baadlad abo haadm pal lata aaaa sod tfvtoola t mauwood s saw factory voi stow n st niwwfeklilostraledferioikali oougta 8e ervrol nbwsbagr nxutteltu bt wtos tutlx rocuy oi ww wa hhigilluib uubiwi smwa p j vw tslkfaahiona leaves fromvlourttitbors ctpecuiifiottfclr convesieoee sad wwcvwere court circulars of all nations fine ana formerly under tbe management of mr w c ucrapboov vuicikm v m pnnchreceisei snd mitcetlaskeae latarnatlon thlsrumlcailfl bmtdib la4gl meal icu rumi u im wi ro ujmu m tie had oc w u vacuum now existing among the very excellent erery attention requiafte 10 papers of both provioees and will be more par- able ia graiefudy and proi jteilarlvadapted cr la than gentlemen and aa it will contain mailer of an amoatng and 10 hid 00 iheu l l ai make their amy agief- a 11 win contain maiicr 01 an aiuusmg ww u- struclive class party spirit sad politices will be avoided il will consist of 16 quarto pages ofa similar sirs to the london punoh j and will be printed with new type on good paper the price will be three pence per number or t shillings and si pence per annum paya ble quarterlyutadvsntse e quarterly tn aormncc booksellers and others desirous of acting as agents will please send their orders to ihe-pub- llibers at oace as no larger number of eopiea will be printed than are actually reqnired payment will be required on receipt of ibe nrstnmnber which will appear aboul the middle of august advertisem*nts wiirbe inserlodroo the usual lerma thompson ft co peoples- hon j eluiaiey drhayorsrkh dr tftnor meaara7 mrscollaiu chsronw rasuiixia us mw wm-m- especially lor laeir convesience bdq woic wen albert fumias francis odeam p hayes coort circulars of all nation fine ana fbrmerlr under tbe manaiement of mr w c jaa halliman johnllcgee tjonelf j music and the drama our portrait gallery ce irxmtaahke rtbcnhlsa angle c4j matuaiuaia 0 0 l j w cha robertson angus macdooell tpdelahaye tnutaw and directors elec 10 i d tie present year w y macdonell pntaident p oneillvicppansrdbiit mcaaaa sg lynnpfoyrda hayes bankers bank of upper canada sol1c1torjas hallinan eaa this institution is now opened for ihe trans- aition of businiss on ever day sunda and hoiuays excepted irom 10 oclock a ra os p ni when sums jrom one 8bllling upwards will be received on deposit and interest allowed according to its rules and regulations which may be seen at any lime by applying at the bank the toronto savings bank has been founded solely with a view towards encouraging habits of economy amongst tkeoptative classes71y offering them a place for the secure deposit of their savings and the most liberal terms of io- itrest forthc tnoneythey pay- w complish these ends and lo ensure public con fidence in the institntion the rules provide 1 that there shall always be a numerous direclory t 2 that ample aeenritle be gi by ihe om- cersand mat both officers aartrnsrees be sworn to the talthfut discbarjreortheirdmies 3 that the utmol publicity shall be given to the manner in which its affairs shall be conduct ed by submitting a statement at every ses nf pullampnl 10 mich branch oflat ttjslatarc and publishing the same in the city newspapers 4 all the profits made by investments are lo be paid lo depositors and the interest can never bej four p hat ant fur warehouse 84 ypua 8trmt tonoino w h asiivorth respectfully informs ihe public of to ronto and vicinliy that the above eatablish- meet is now open with a very large and well assorted stock of king street toronto july 1854 i great attraction f new fancy dry 3rootji7 establishment york street between richmond and adelaide torqhio jdoons ales liouara vrn sletreshlbulhtrts suya ftt wilh a splendid aasoriuei nf goiea sad hosiery in all sire- wcol 8leve cojt boas hoods ear cap h-td- ree kens lambs wcol sbirtaand drwer drasaina collars ties handkrrrh da muorta edgilfs lacea nais mnalln7hir neilrte ac excellent value in flannels bankeu cot tons shirtings tlclre pnnts gmghaiaa blot i drills grey cloths salmens w er tattolipil kqsaantmpise 6lwlavteettvrtsinw c manujutm under u m immediate inspectim velvet trimmings bolloo ac ia every style from tie best materials this slock h replete wilh every aniclela th awh a niendriordwetricllytoibt tine requisite for the cansdlsti p ca8h 8y8tev1 he can promiwibosewho trade and wiltliefousd well worllitjde a te- iavonr ilm wilh their cnilom prorate artide h05 ofjmending jrrtaiwraior ff vjnjw at lie lnxst fetstue prut and excellem valuetaaol aurpaae4 to latslcby chi tr ka rggn second price l- uiiia bio id- autbihsirr respectfully announces lo ihe cltiacu of toronto and vicinity that she haa juai opened at the stand loroerly occupied by miss srvtr7ork3lre a h s of pall goods which she wlkaell aa cheap aa can be elsewhere obtained in the city xlu raahloiu m o a would also invite the anention of the ladies to ihe dnaf bttag departmobt wbsra will al all imaabs foadths latest fasis and loudon ratthm for ladies dresses mantillas cloaks sacks and children clotting all of which will be made loorderon the shortest notice and by the most competent bands 3r an early colt is respectkuj satiated j3 a good millims and arresimcis wanted september 93rd 1854 87 boots snd shoes for kent ostaoiisnuicn wm u fifth 8treeta which he will aell for csan at cheaper ralea lhan can be afforded at any other slore in the town from the farmers ot ksvr be would invite an examination of his stock from hia idwexperience in thia branch or bui- rjaaiieiiaay aowrsonpsaao nets he feelsconadent of being able to execute f m 1 1 herden wilh wrilrh hr mny tb favnured ml be will guarantee nearness and prompiiiess on bia- partforiheworkbemaybeenirsilwitk ch c would also return thanks 10 bis old customers for the patrooagejereiofore extended totmttinlhiipestomerimbeoonunuajiceof their favours cmtxam judy 1854 19ly sciescb in all iu departments will be explored and all new discoveries laid before our readers in a popular torm the arts particularly in tbe departments of agriculture mechanical indusliy and manufactures will receive attention and no invention or improred process will escape our notice 1 agriculture f- horticulture in which so large a portion ot our people are en gaged will demand al our hands special con sideration we shall endeavor to elevate still more tbe standard of mtcakicii umcaray and lo develop and bring u light the latent talent and akill of our iniellfgent and worthy artisans physiology and ihe laws of lile in iheir application 10 phy sical development and the promotion or health will have a prominent place in our columns education in its broadest sense will be encouraged and aided bv coniributorsj engaged in leaching in col lege school and shop we sha i iry lo render the pursuit or knowledge ey and attractive new books will be carefully andcaodidly noticed and where thetr importance seems 10 demand it critically reviewed in ihe department of general news we ahall be prompt authentic and full giving a carelully prepared summary of psaslng events both foreign and domestic and renadint all signs of progress in every depanmenljqt file tae maura will be carefully reported and such general commercial and financial information given aa ibe interests of our readers demand tubfamily girgus we shall make our paper a welcome and valued visitor at every fireside tax caiuiasis will find in each number a snug comer set apart for their amusem*nt and instruction kind reader an onilino of ouf plan la brior you do you like ill ir so we shall be happy ie rsealtwvonrtcserlpuoaaad latoeae u bthsu of btrtssairy sad oar new sntarprls dr cadwell 0 oulist au1ust utt 8 irl k 8 fa 8 tc ol 0 r g- from td per yard boyles and a9ht0m9 prwtsj pansols ribbons flowtn spivltl atyitirfionaxkb ooso cooav all oncred at ibe lowest reinunerailve prices an early call ia respectfully solicited ma 90 if samuel heake3t australia house mhe undarairned beg leave lo call the alien able ia grstefuhr and promptly given l dan lake kng william stratmajaiun cw w september 1854 tegs leave to call special atteptjoo to i kb- lunch al all hours also a line nf cast aj blnckof at ibe service of the public at ihe moat reason- french cashmere dre s8e8 able charge rich check and brocaded silks 56 d l french merinoca cobourgi auwool plaldadflalnba g barga boots-anb-shqesr- tht english hoim no0yongtstreet one door- worth of adelaldebireet 70hrrhawktegrto annixe the cilhens of toronto afcd ihe inhabitants or ibe sur rounding neigbooihood that be has jn hand a choice and wellselected stock of ladles gen- tlrmens and childrens boots aad 8hoe8 which will be sold at the lowest possible prices fui cash oamaa dedfcated by permlsaiou to hu flenerns ujaabonsstawtka por ar illta lo- ou and iaapect the above slock ry remember lie enrus boot and sim sore no 86 y01 ge street jcst call at the railroad house neribrxlng street bast toronto clothing hats gaps ac g0rnxl1tj3 a charity would respectfolly call the attention of bis friends and the public generally to his lm amnrimtnt of boots and shoes ot me next icw wcw everis constantly on hand at hi importations he will give great bargain to elishmenv ot king between fonrth and pnehaaer ai wholemfe or reial staple and eancy dry goods millinery e fcc thomas law80n8 slock ia unusually large aod aa it must be cleared out during ihe next few weeks to make room for large fall luliauiianivui p porchaaen at wholesale or reial ctotlixng made to measure in tkerst style manshir ancft ummnud t lawson work phttmty foundry william polley 66 king 8treet tbt tobohto jhawljgcolpolkm and veaic ribbons ties collara vrlla chequered warehooae 6b kit torotrtor tn king ftrtet eaat j fs 13 30- stthsprbss aewworkrbfthraufiirem ot la a baotwuooa or cakao tax canntasi csuaoaa foaxar guuauioa se- the female einraitv guide hiimr oifcuiwui wmwai eubl of biuliauh nor general ot brjriah north amerb ik two r price mraawswgsandsai rtnes ttao sent poatpald lo any pan of british morta america thomas macleab tv co torooio c w printed at the old countryman oftt toronto c w nearly the whole of ibe flrat edtilon of 1000 cuplesliarrmbkribbiliaaritejia lh uv ko- brijajjorth mr for rare bargains m spring and summer w commi imraediately wjihijie editor of mms and bora rsaotjiad 1 xhe old countryman toronto c w posi- psld only a small apace ean be devoaed to thi august lolb 1864 forgery tha oounterlut badwuv r dy keluf in canada the lives of thk people w wn the pub c are cannoned against po a counterfeit v which is now circulating lhron we are informed lhat partlee al hsmiltoe cjw have been selling a spurious article of our rea- dy relief for the genuinetodealerm tbtal snot only a fraud upon us but u a most wicked la- poiiun on the publie the wrh otwll l7owinrlvlend himself 100 vile aodneagseroa a trick lor ibe gain ol a fe ir su u unule 10 dd wilh and should be conned bys respectable dealers for if a few rfxpenc wmi lodoce him to rob ihe distressed sufferer of bop and health and to place the tovalldjwi 1 i 1 1 1 ts his tafvl haoliivia and btot workf 4a fto jor jjl and health and to pisce ine intaifuam m totectfolirinnmimibarbetin biwonldnotterbple todeceiv hisbrrt n yonge 8ireei dealers who wih the genuine ptrrcnaej m y apram j saw mill ofrjlrfrlnot of irresponsible pedlai lksnab j i or travelling adventurer and impostor at dealer who have rrr offered to them be- haehlnety caitlbp ftelb low ourregular jri may rely upon tbe same irteguiarpri a counterfeit operator on tlw ey andjettj 8iiei shoes doo irons roa mj aictsini sin haeunery un w i of every description also plain and ornamental r pf p m onanliiiea for lets ihan 10 p cast iron columns nlrmnrice dealer who pilaslefsr window caps sills and graces bark mills oven months cauldrons tfugar kettles blindness deafness and all defects of sight and hearing surgery no60kwg st east pawed jr open from 9 a m to 7 p m x residence comer of wellington and york 81 toronto may soth ih64 hoticc any person desirous of a copy of dr cad- well thutibi on t era ano e ul published and containing a large report of very inlereatlng case wilt receive the same free of charge by forwarding his address fit- piolhesubacnbe cadwellmd toronto may soth 1854 clothes made repaired cleaned w l humbuut would respectfully announce to the cltl- sen ofwindor snd nrroundinp coun try that be is prepared to make rlpair or clean clothing at the horu i noifce and la the most mtisfactory maaner having bad ample experience in his line of boslnej tn ihe cities ofcharlemou bc and boston ma he utter himself that bv dillgente and strict aliemiontobualnms he wll windwr c w sept 9 1854 plough castings 4c on the most improved principle and neither la bor nor expen will be pared to turn out work which for strength and durability cannot bt ur- issed he i extensively manufacturing improved plain and ornamental coal and wocxl air light cooking parlor ana box stovfis of various ixe and patterns hollowwc 4c which b offer to ihe trade on aaeasy erms and at aa low rale a any olber establish ment in canada ordera from the country promptly fulfilled brass fittings ofevery description made and finished ajargt iupplyfftmbhrittuoh and corrca wiu kept constantly on baod toronto may 6lb 1854 cent from our regulargro price desje- who purchase the counterfeit and offer tbe for ale render iterative liable to pj all of our travellers aod anlbovixed agct um apowerotaliorney signed by us aoihorisfiif tbem in our name t tranmct oor toem tbe following are oor nlv agenb hjmu- ion c w t b1ckle son haiiix- tonkneeshawtco intoronmy- man brothers 2s agentsweauo 11 to simpson 40 toronto april 24th 1884 wanted from pour to six wood choppers lo chop wood about two mile from town apply f cast- oa jmt fnb it tare ssptfltod um w hats hats hats light duubib klkfllht 1q chkir the subscriber would call the attention of ihe hatung public to the extraordinary lhree doljak bat which his manufactory is daily produclisr in large quantities the hats foe durability llghtncu and tyle will favorablyicsmpare wilh n poor or five porhf hat in the cfly iy rnurui ritaivimi j n b wholesale buyer can get at miaea ublihment new york hau aupetior in every way and at aa low prices a ibey psy j new york by which they save 90 par cent of dutle and cluur fnmiianatla brnmr ktagt temte tn the toronto circulatingl ibrary akd fancy goods aod stationery store no 76 king street east mrs higqins inform her friends and tba public ihai she has opened ihe abor li brary conislnlng over iwoffvolume of sumdard works in history biography belle lehw land novem which will be kepi up hy lhe addlilc of new sundard work and periodical they usne from the press a one year six months 2 1 2 threemontha 2 2 one month entitling the snbrlber lo three sets of bool- lo be kept no longer than one one year s 2 six moolhs i s s threemontha jl n b if not paid at ihe rime of ubwrtbiogi ihe terms wll be 10a 3d for two sets m l 3d for three acta for every three months nokacsscaiaa to deposit the vlneof the book and to pay w a singftvolnme sdr f lzlkftor r iwnor tlnee voiaroea savfc jnf vrork in fonr or mor volume st tb rale ot w per rolome for condition tkket n mrs hlggln further exftr ft sale a ww as jd iloekv fascv good and suooerj to which a lnrtl aiwoilp toreato msy 10 ism t



Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON: Mary Ann Shadd Cary (October 9, 1823 – June 5, 1893)), November 4, 1854, p. 3 (2024)


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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.