The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

Mi THE DAILY PROGRESS, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. AFTERNOON, 'AUGUST 24, 1944 The Daily en Progress 1 published every afternon except Sunday by J. H. LINDSAY toe Catered at the postaffice at Chariottasville an Second Class TELEPHONES Business Office News and Editorial 101 SCRECRIPTION RATTA BY CARRIER BY MAIL--PAYABLE IN ADVANCE Virginia Other Bates One Year $5.00 $8.00 Six Months $2.50 $3.25 Three Months $1.25 $1.75 One Month 60 .15 MEMBER OF THE ASSOLATED PRESS The Associated Press to entitled exclusively to the use for republica. thou of all news dispatches credited to it' or not otherwise credited in this paper and also local news publiabed berela.

THU'RSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1914 Unprofitable Argument Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, Pacific Fleet commander, elaborate upon his recent declaration that Japan could defeated without actual invasion, but because he la a Navy man it is probably not unreasonable to assume that he believes the preponderance of American naval power has bacome such that it can force the Japanese to give up the fight without the necessity of sending armies. ashore. Japan is thickly populated group of islands of limited resources, with blockade, production plus centered destruction in a few by naval large gunfire coastal of cities. those A cities, tight might conceivably force her to cry "uncle," although the character of the bitter -end resistance we have met from Japanese troops on island outposts would seem to indicate that such a surrender would not come until the Japanese ple had been literally starved into submission.

Commenting on the admiral's remarks, Alexander P. de Seversky, apostle of air power, quite properly has pointed" out that without Allied domination of the air Admiral Nimitz' warships would never dare sail close enough to Japan to' destroy her cities or impose an effective blockade. Not naval power, says de Seversky, but aerial power, is the "single strategic force that alone can defeat a nation." And plenty of others capable. of speaking with equal authority can be: found to argue that regardless of the contributions of the naval and air arms, it is by the work of the foot soldiers and the artillerymen that the final: decisions in warfare are achieved. Debate of this kind is interesting but.

of doubtful Certainly all our experience in Europe has been that decisions are gained not by any "single strategic force" but by the coordinated application of all of them. Nobody can say with finality, for example, "to what extent the aerial bombardment of Germany made possible the current sucF of ceases combined of Allied operations ground is forces. even In more the. evident. Pacific Neither the our necessity sea nor land forces can hit.

Japan effectively without the aid, of one or more of the others. Instead of arguing the respective capacities of the several branches we will be wise to continue the development of methods of using them together; to best advantage." -Buy War Savings Bonds 1 'And Stampsg Romania Changes Sides Rostania's prime reason for quitting the 'Axis is the same a rat's reason for leaving a sinking ship. With the sans smashing into the heart of the country from the north and east, with her neighbor to the south, Bulgaria, on the verge of abandoning the war, and with Hitter no longer able to give her effective aid, she simply had no choice but to rot out or face destruction. The. Romanian decision was taken with the thought in mind that a change of front, even at this late hour, might cable her to salvage something from the wreckage of defeat.

The Russians have promised her, with the agreement of the Western Allies, peace terms described by Winston Churchill as "generous." 'Although they have not been made public, it' is taken for granted that they call for the return to Russia of Bessarabia and upper. Bukovina, but there are Indications that they" may also hold forth; hope for the recovery by Romania of valuable territories taken from her by Hitler. As a reward for support of the Axis, it will be remembered, Germany early. in the war, gave Hungary a big piece of Romanian Transylvania, As. compensation" Romania was promised extensive Russian areas.

The Russian territory, now very definitely lost. But by quitting the Axis ahead of vania. Hungary the Romanians may well hope to recover TransylIn fact it is that she'is already turning her, armies in that direction. The merits of the case aside, it all: helps to speed the day of Hitter's collapse. -Buy War Savings Bonds And Stamps2 Railroad.

Radio will Railroad watch men, the radio industry and the traveling public with interest the first full dress trial of radio inaugurated communication in controlling train operations, recently: miles of by the Kansas City Southern Railroad' over 580 main line right-of-way, a Flack One obstacle to the. use of radio by the railroads has been obviated of by 'avallable wave bands. This difficulty has been the radio the Kansas City Southern through the use of strong 'induction principle, Instead of broadcasting weak signal wave in all directions, the railroad's equipment emits of a few which can be picked up only within a distance up by hundred feet. But by the induction principle' it is leling the tracks telephone, and telegraph and teletype wires paral. sets in other trains or from these in turn by radio receiving of-way.

Two-way in dispatchers' offices along the rightlocomotive cab communication: is thus provided between and between trains and all caboose, along between train and dispatchers, the slightest additional the line, and all without putting ed with other forms of radio burden upon air lanes already crowd. but So far the system has been installed transmission. if it works out successfully in practical only on freight trains, would seem to be no good reason why it operation there ed to passenger trains. Perfected and shouldn't be extendrailroads throughout the country, It should adopted go generally long by toward eliminating accidents, while at the same time way tating efficient operation. faciliC -Buy War Savings Bonds And StampsThe ay Russians are becoming so Americanized, have learned to chew gum.

First thing you know that we read, will be making a bid for a big league baseball Mosfranchise. Nelson's China Visit Urged BELIEVE IT OR NOT! By. RIPLEY The By Numerous Opponents, Furthermore, strikes are being called for trivial occurences, just to get rest. Such excuses the Aring of a foreman, tranater of spectora, upgrading of a riveter, abandonment of a 15-minute rest period, have been used for strikes lately. The Army and Navy fear that when the European War ends, the workers will not sustain their in tereat for Japan.

The military will drumming Congress for an in. dustrial draft act again, unless they get the production they want, There should he some reasonable common ground for starting much civilian production immediately Mr. Nelson wants, without fering with the Army and to which his adversaries but no one seems to 1 have found it. Thus the struggle waxes, Arat with Mr. Nelson on top pushing the policy of piecemeal sion particularly tor' small bud.

ness, and now the Somervell- Wilson men running the works to delay reconversion to single big time operation, which will surely cause unemployment hardships well needless shortages of civillan goods. tie Woman's New York 33 By Alice Hughes Now that Barbara Hutton And. 8o-On has taken her third marital in- strike and. le walking: back to the bench I doubt that anyone is much for surprised. She has always obviously been fated to take a sound beating from Battling Cupid.

The first time I saw Baba was on crossing to Europe when she To 17. No kinfolk were with as her, only. maid and companion. Every day saw her sitting alone in her steamer chair, looking what she was--lonely' and bored, "She was violently attacked for her lavish debut in the depths of the depression. She didn't plan it, and she couldn't help her dough, but she tonk a fine pasting.

Her first. bloomer was marrying "Frince" Alexis Mdivani, to and not much good ever. came of marrying any of those three lads from the casus. Ask Pola Negri of Mae Mur or any one-time Mdirani helpmeet. She bought him Venetian palace, the story said, and she nearly drowned him in money.

He on liked it. The country snorted. Then came this Count HauswitsReventlow, who now is listed as Dane but whose chief roots were in adjoining country. His good looks are cold and arrogant, and when I sat near him at dinner here one evening I felt though 1 were cuddling with glacier, His didoes with their little son Lance pretty good tip-off of Count Kurt. But lot of people, Including' myself, felt that Baba might be coming Into harbor when she la ried Cary Grant two years ago.

Grant la a very nice fellow, Ing as well as good-looking, and has never had any of the bad publicity: sometimes stirred up by Hollywood's handsomer lugs, But no dice. Barbara is quoted as saying they are separated because Gary "isn't happy." I betcha he isn't, and there seems no chance of a patch-up. So old Baba la back in the unhappy limelight again. I'm reminded of one of old BIll 'Shakespeare's. cracks to Ophelia "Get thee to a 7: Girl' About Town- we starter Into our seventh consecutive day in which that Glass Thing reads 90 or more, comes this' cheery word from Mra.

George Washington vanagh, venerablewoman who is festooned with a peck of jools every night and just can't avoid cameramen in fancy night clubs. old belle flashes from Spring Lake, N. J. that she has to wear coat these days "It's quite chilly," she says. Oh fie and faugh on you, Mrs.

The bables expected by two show business stars, one here and one in Hollywood, are stirring up gossip hotter than the weather. The stories are really fabulous, but paturally can't be hinted to. in print, 'even if anyone wanted in Of course, if you want to drop this afternoon for saucer of pop Thousands of teen-agers bare are moaning about the fact that Harry James, their dream man ban leader, has a busted foot In cast. Of course, he can still tootle that rolden cornet. No Fussing Needed- Lura de Gei noted local hair architect, says it lan't at all necessary to fuss about fancy new hair-dos to go with the "more hat" trend due this fall.

She has a casual coiffure with the hair from two to six inches long, which she claims can easily be adapted to any type of new hat, from the big Gibson Girl cartwheels to new Boldini toques. Oke, Lara. -mo la elal Mme. Chiang's Treat By aperequest of Mme. Chiang KaiShek, Pan-Dee and Pan-Dah, the pandas she presented to our Bronx -Zoo in 1941, were treated to a large extra mess of bamboo.

Zoo officials haven't finally decided which is the boy and which the girl but this comical couple is the overwhelming favorite at the Zoo, as pandas everywhere. Director Tee Van. War Tod. By Paul Mallon WASHINGTON -More Important people then C. E.

Wilson, the 'have been after the Board Chairman ald Nelson to get him to Chins farther, all the way back Sears Roebuck, whence he came. The President's strong right (though somewhat limp and now himself) James F. Byrnes Jong has been aligned against Also Harry Hopkins' man, General Brehon B. Somervell, long has ed and planned for the worst Mr. Nelson.

The latest Inside cause for newed anger report Army production made by two Nelson's. assistants seeming show Somervell all wrong in figures on Army shortages. This report Mr. Wilson Is supposed to have sent to the Chief Staff, General George C. Marshall with an invitation to look it over.

It claims Somervell. was able arrive at. his shortages only transferring title of equipment supplies from his own department to Army transportation, or the reau of Ordnance or. some other Army subdivision, send Mere mention of such a report' official tempers Aying and the sub-official whisper, "it been suppressed." At Arst Mr. Nelson understood he would he In China for only twe or three weeks at the most.

But since then, he has read, the papers he la to be there 00 fathe, so-called crucial per 10 lod as developments within WPB concerning the Nelson method of piecemeal return to peacetime- production (30 per cent crease he says) or the WilsonSomervell "Ides of waiting mass reconversion. Senators and Congressmen also read the papers and they not only criticized the China mission, they threatened, to Investigate It. them Nelson is small business far us the government la concerned, and they him here. It was their apprehensions which caused Mr. Roosevelt to issue his denials.

But when the Preaident said the Nelson mission to China Is "most bered pressing," Vice the Congressmen rememPresident Wallace was the last to undertake pressing mission in that direction, only lose his job, even with Mr. Roosevelt's support. The President also said therewould be no change in WPB policy (he mentioned nothing about chairmen), but the earlier White House announcement bad specifically designated Mr. Nelson's enemy this Issue, Mr. Wilson, to be acting chairman, in he will have many opportunities to act 4 with and without Mr.

Roosevelt's Therefore, Mr. Roosevelt his not been able to dispel, entirely the 3 common elements supposition within among WPB the that the Army got rid of Mr. son for the coming 60 to 90 days at least, and possibly, for. longer. Civilians tend to sympathise with the Nelson case, but there an untold side to the Army' stand also.

For Inatance, it can now be related General: Elsenhower, two or three weeks ago, suddenly ordered 80,000 trucks to be shipped Immediately. Apparently he more his Army forward Into Germany on trucks entirely, disregarding railroad repair. (MORE) Now 80,000 is a 'sensational number of trucks land the Army has been claiming shortage in this line), but they were found stored around the country, and the major war operation of setting them to the seaboard and aboard ships has proceeded satisfactorily, The Army and Navy feel they must twice a much they think they will need, in order to have enough. In battle you cannot afford to be caught short. Atop this, Pacific Coast Senators say 8,000 war workers have been since leaving California each the end of the European War became evident, They are moving A back to midwest farm regions.

news. account estimated to 5,000 leaving the San Francisco area each month. Just Folks bu 4. Guest PEACE QUARREL want to set on. to the: peaceful days When the worst of our problems are: Can we alt through a couple of picture playi, And who is to have the car? 1 want to ret back.

to the old home Ute And the usual family jar: Who knite? cut wire with the: carving And: "Pa, may I have the carp bare will; hated war and always Forever Its crimes rd bar. long thrill: once more for. this family I could take. the Romania's sh*t Opens Nazi Fla To Allied Atta THE BURNING WELL I Colfax, Louisiana FLOWS FIRE AND WATER FROM THE SAME SOURCE 3 HORNED TOAD IS NOT A TOAD -IT IS A LIZARD AND IT NEVER DRINKS WATER MRS. MILDRED WITTAKER.


This was printed in recognition of the situation 'that doctors are scarce and hard to get and the housekeeper in the family will have to administer the first part of the first ald most of the time. Today we will consider the medical emergencies which. may occur to adults. Adults 'are not subject to emer. gencies from natural disease nearly as much as children.

The cases of age tend to creep up on the victim slowly. But adults come more Into contact with machines and moving objects and bad food. 80 adult emergencies are mare likely ito be trauma--cuts, bruises, burns, sprains, broken bones- or poisoning. A possible fracture should always be suspected in a collision accident -being knocked down by an automobile, etc--or fall, and falls pre very common household accidents In the late summer and carly fall, what with getting up on rickety ladders for house cleaning or Ing down dark cellar stairs to start the furnace, etc. Don't More Patient You are In the presence of a son who has suffered such an cident, and there is no doctor or anybody else around-what are you to do? Well, the first piece of advice I feel like giving Is that of 'famous old Dublin practitioner who was outlining his final ment of wisdom in the art of ment to a favorite assistant who was leaving him to go out to wilderness of patients of his own.

The young man had departed and closed the door when the old docoh, tor ran Charlie after him and one other thing don't do too much!" The tendency when a person has been knocked down or fallen off something and is. lying dazed in heap when la to display great activity is matter of wisdom masterful inactivity la called for. Do not try to move them about too much, or lift the head, or arrange the clothes. The Injured person is bound to be in more 'or less shock and movements only add to the shock. less The the more severe the Injury the patient should handled.

limbs Especially don't try to move the to see if there is tion or a fracture. After the is over and the victim has shock come out of his daze, and he has to be transported doctor, if you even suspect a fracture, put on or simple splint with a piece of board make pillow or a sling. It doesn't any difference for immediate purposes whether the ends of ports. their progress to the The latest "romances" victim of studios attractive John Hodlak, Hollywood ball of In fire: since he made love to Talloo Bankhead in "Lifeboat." Now it is Anne Baxter he is reported "going with." Naturally, she works for the same company, as do nearly all his this "girl The same studio gave treatment to Tyrone. Power, before he married Annabella.

The press, agents had him practically engaged to Sonia Henie, a fellow. employe then setting build 4. Ic r. Sine the fractured bones are in position or not: the only purpose of the splint is to reduce pain and shock. For, poisonings don't try to re member the exact antidote.

eral measures are of more importance -empty the stomach by vomiting, the bowels by enema, get the patient. to bed and sweating. The universal antidote that can probably be found in any household is tincture of Iodine added to boiled starch. Or egg white and baking soda. Natural disease that produces emergencies in adults manifests by pain.

(appendicitis, gallstones, Itself in the great majority of cases heart pain) or shortness of breath. For any of them, reat, hot water bags, and paregoric will do best until the doctor comes. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 8. causes the ach to rumble between breakfast and day? I lunch; lunch 'and dinner, every don't even feel hungry. Answer: It doesn't mean thing.

Sometimes it sets to be any. bad habit. The stomach us. bad habits as well the rest of picks up A. hand What is the cause of neurl-.

tis what is neuritis? What kind of diet will cure it? The term neuritis is used very Indiacriminately by both doctors and laymen. Any pain along nerve path is called neuritis, when, properly, it should be called neuralgia. Neuritis an but and also usually leads not only to pain mation or degeneration of a nerve to paralysis. Many are the causes of neuritis-infection, degeneration by lead, and other poisons, nutritional disturbances -such diabetes and Vitamin deficiency (bert-berl). Only in the last class is diet Washington In Wartime Jack' Stinnett will WASHINGTON- you thing never about get them to say anyit for publication, Ar.

my grin officers here will give you of and wink at any mention which the speed. and dispatch with reading Congress lifted the ban casts matter, Alma and broadgoing to the soldiers. 'Almost without debate in Senate and. with none at the the House, Congress unanimously all in took out of the Soldier Sen. Robert A.

Taft's Vote Bill, restricting soldiers' reading amendment ter to that which bearing on the coming elections. have no -no was apparent that there bate on possibility of controversial dewas Taft the amendment, but couldn't refrain from express- Sen. Ing the the Army opinion held by many: That of by original. its strict enforcement on the spot as put Congress in recent it rarely has been years. Sen.

"The War Department," Taft, "has not only interpret- said but ed the has act in a nonsensical manner, soldiers riven the public and the. an entirely erroneous idea Twenty Years Ago Today August 24,. 1924 At' the meeting of the Woman's' Missionary Union of the Albemarie Baptist Association, Mrs. G. F.

Spitzer, of a this city, was elected associational superintendent; the most important office a lay woman can hold in the Association, -and also a member of the executive board of the Woman's Missionary Union of Virginia. During the past four years a total of $38,428.09 hai been contributed by the women of the Albemarie Association. Oliver Wells, 1 farmer of the Batesville community, died at local hospital. He was son of Mr. and Mrs.

Garret A. Wells, of Farina, and was 26 years of age. Besides his wife' and two small children, he is survived by his ents, six brothers and six sisters. At the close of the service at South Plains Presbyterian Church last series night, the Anal 1 service of a of meetings in progress there, ten members of the Ku Klux Klan their appearance and deposited purse containing substantial sum of money. a A 'Bloomfeld" musicale.

was held yesterday in aid of the bonddebt of St. Paul's Church. The program was contributed chiefly Mr. Wilkinson, of the University, a highly accomplished violinMiss Phyllis Carey contributed several piano solos. City returned Sergeant Randolph Perry from Richmond, where he attended the Afteenth anState convention of the Virginia Association of Benevolent Protective Order of Elks.

what act actually Even some of the Democratic members Congress who ordi. narily. would feel no pain at all seeing one of the Senate's most Important Republican leaders comfted by legislation he had sponsored, admitted privately and a grin that the senator probwas more than half right. The War Department started by issuing what Sen. Taft called "a book of Incomprehensible officer regulations which no commanding could interpret." With that a basis and the threat of $1,000 or a year in jail which the act provided to work.

for violations, the Army First went the books which had slightest taint of political including -even Charles A. Beard's "The Republic." Then the magazines and In even the British newspapers. Just whether movies were actually put on the banned list clear even now, but it does appear that the report that the "Wilson" was' blacklisted unthe 'act was erroneous. Sen. said the War Department him that the more than two-hour length of the Alm made impractical for use on Army it is impossible to schedule entertainment of that However, when the Army banned Associated By De Witt Press Mackende War render Romania's to the Allies double back-dop the Germans--will 10 war a kan peninsula render the Jer altbough.

he will for untenable long as he can' as hanz de ure to delay bis own a further The Romanian: capitula sents another great turnabout tory for the Allies, military macy has played its although gest of the Balkan part. Thi flown the white. day countries has been beaten in because about. to be overrun battie by sal forces which were the on her from the north. bearing tance of her surrender The 1.

Bulgaria, already la four that may be her expected to follow rat deserted the next door neighbor 2. Nazi camp. against Hungary, which also Romania's Hungary vulnerable to direct attack ern Germany's anutb in basin, The Dani shield. Reich, will is a gateway into which lies. now be open to the 3.

Hitter will lose of which he la 'in sUp great 4 The moral. effect. desperate the Japan, around, will especially be In Germany of great. It's the of thing that's breaking the the Nazis and the he So far Romania Itself Nippones is cerned, it has represented Hi greatest source of supplies! In ed Not only has he dep Balkans. heavily on the Ploesti oil to his' war machine running, but fertile Balkan state has bed land Rowing with milk and hi of Romania produces vast quant corn and other foodstuffs have played their Important in keeping the people of Germ loyal to the Fuehrer.

No small gree-of his. success 'in mainta' his home front has been due to fact that he has kept the ma sufficiently well fed. While we don't need to ret Romania's move in the light of returning prodigal, and kill fatted call, yet we can have erant understanding of her poult A substantial portion of the port tion always has been pro-Ally representatives of that element hare taken over the governm It's encouraging to see in the inet that distinguished old peas leader, Jullu Maniu, who for mi years has been a 'steadying duence among his people. on, There was, however, even bet the war. a very considerable fast movement in Romania, with ings towards both Italy and many.

The fascist organizat was known as the Iron Guard, one of the prominent adhere was the same general Ion Anton cu who has been head of the purl government which has been Hitler's will, However, there was more that to the story. Germany politico domination -as It did of neighborl countries. When I was in Buck rest in 1938. just after Munich, found that Hitler held that part the world in the palm of his bar The explanation was simple: cod tries like Romania and Hungi marketing more than fifty cent of their products in German -and they had absolutely no at native market. The Nazi could bankrupt them almost ore night by withdrawing his patra age.

So it was that when he demandi Romanian adherence to the he rot It. Antonescu and his ou ft handed over their birthrig for a mess of pottage which must stink in their nostrils. Today's Horoscope You are honest and just, genet ous, affectionate, far-sighted, have: good judgment, you are fortunate as to have a birthday day. You love 1 music, and have con siderable talent for it. You are amusing and Interesting talked humorous and good company.

Ta also love your home and are solici tous for the happiness of your tam Ily and loved ones. In the next months love, social and Anancis affairs prosper well and happines will be yours. Make good use of excellent vibrations now operating Today's child will enjoy much pool fortune and popularity, and Ex play fine traits and accomplish meats. Success is assured "Yankee from Olympus." becaus contained on one page the port of an interview betwees President Roosevelt- and Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes just after the former took office in 1933, followed that with blacklisted "An Offcial Guide to the Amens can Air Forces," because it bat picture of "the Commander Chief" as a front piece, was If there completely any doubt that" the routed. led the is rout, it has only Army pointed out that the Navy didr? ban anything and nebody of a went! or paid over part ine.

The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)


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