The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

(Q) (Q 2B THE SPRINGFIELD SUNDAY REPUBLICAN, SPRINGFIELD, FEBRUARY 13, 1949 EX-SPRINGFIELD INDIAN OTT HELLER RATES AS ONE OF GAME'S MOST. DURABLE FROM THE FROM NEST Walter Graham Ott Heller, and Renewing friendships in this "Ott" Heller, the one-time Springfield coach of the Indianapolis Capitols. the days of Heller's stellar play American League. It was back in came down from his home town sional puck start along with his The Springfiell club was then owned by the Now York Rangers, and late Frank Carroll of Toronto was Tribe's coach. Over at the Coliseum where Heller began it hockey career that placed him among the most durabie and effective players in the game's The Seibert- Heller defense combination swiftly became 8 minor league standout and from heryboth boys went to notable he achievement in the National Hockey League.

Memories of Old Indien.All of Ott Heller's Nati8nal League play WAS as member of New York a 1 1-season streteland came 08 it surprise when the Rangers allowed hisal to leave their organization last year. Wor Heller had been a player for the Blue Shirts, the valuable type who 'served as steering wheel for his mates our there on the ice. And opponents have always had the highest respect for Heller's talents. But now after all his ears of service fo. the Rangers, Ott coaches the "farm" team of one York's NHL rivals.

The Detroit Red Wings were plenty happy when got Utt take charge of the Indianapolis crub. Heller Is still carrying on at doi fen-e in addition to hi. And the durability of the 1118 is surely remarkable. Last season. with Sew Haven.

lte made the league's all-stag teau. Non, in his 40th year. he is still going strong And doing share in the 'In. dianapolic hid for laurels in the Western Division of the all-star in the popularity department. too.

lie likes people. And they like hims He has the Inli confidence of his players, aunt the fine faculty of imparting them the same high spirit that is his. alvays good tO return Springfield." said Holler the other night as he prepared to lead his Capagainst the Indians. "Boy. di4 we a lot of fun and excitement the Coliseum in those Can- -Am League days! Many the time I get to telling scene of the young placers about my days as a Springfield Indian.

guess it puts nie in the old -timers -lis: 'All right. but you kpow I still. enjoy playing the rame as much as ever. Keeps A fellow mentally Joung, 110 matter what his age. There must be new generation of fans at Eastern States Coliseum these days.

but they sure do have that same lively 'O thusiasm. This was 3 great town for hockey, and it still is." For. lowing which. Ott- went out ant sparked his Indianapolis fellows to 4-3 verdict over the club whose umform ho wore 20 winters ago. gh Look On Sports 'Writing Stanley Woodward.

all Amherst College grad (1917) who went in for sports writing at Worcester and Bos. ton. Nowhere became sports editor of the Herald-Tribune, has written it book. The book is titled! "Sports Pase." Woodward's. book sure to interest most newspaper rentCIS and will have special appeal those who like to know just what goes on in A sports department.

Through the years. "Woolward has given a great deal of painstaking attention to the business of sports writing and editing. You will find that he has definite opinions on ail things that have to do with getting out the daily sports pages. Woodward has always been one to savi what he thinks. His book runs true to that form and makes for good.

reading. Not infrequently, chose who have other jobs un a newspaper know too little about the workings of a sports department. Maybe some of those folks will get around to giving, Woodward's book the "once-over." "The Sports Page Sells Papers" 1s the heading pi 0110 'chapter. Another chapter is titled "How. You Get Started." Sounds interesting I 40 it 14.

Wood. ward found that the writing of his book was nO task: one topic. swiftly- suggested Another. He tell how baseball, football, boxing. hockey.

horseracing and other sports are ered, and lets you in 011 prohlems that confront tire editor and is the first ever to such at the reporter. ward's hook; full discussion of sports writing. We particularly liked his chapter headed Nuts and Gee There he explains how the field of -ports is loss cramped than it Is supposed to hr: that of sports involves all the things that. come 111 in general DeWSpaper work, "Sports Page" is published by Simon and Schuster. It goes 411 sale at hook shops 10- morrow.

Leahy's Boost for f'risler Those "insile" stories to the effect that l'aul Brown is weary of the pro football game and craves toe the college ficld have come: to TIRES BATTERIES WASHING and POLISHING Lubrication Expert Service On Ail Makes J. C. BYRNES CO. Studebaker Dealers Studebaker Sales Service Parts 34 Sumner Ave. Tel.

6-7233 Near Longamli St. PITTSFIELD SKATER CAPTURES 1-MILE RACE IN NATIONALS Longsjo Picks, Up 30 Points in Intermediate Boys Division St. l'aul, Web. 13 (AP) -The battle for honors in the divisions provided the main interest in the opening of the National Speed Championships today. lay Blum of Nutley, -N.

and Kenny Bartholomew of Minneapolis Lied for the undefended men's senior title. Lorraine Sabbe of Detroit, the only one of last year's champions making a defense of a crown, held a carious margin in the women's senior division, but with threats of trouble ahead. Shire City skater Wins Jumping into spotlight in the Intermediate Boys Division WAS Arthur Longsjo of Pittsfield. The Shire City skater came home a winner in the one -mile event and was tied for second in the matter of total points in his division. His total is 30.

Blum and Bartholomew finished the first day's three events with 60 points each, comfortably ahead of Rob Fitzgerald of Minneapolis, A former titleholder, had but 20 points on his second the in the two-mile 440. but, Blum like won the Fitzgerald. 410 and the. three-quarter mile race, to give Bartholonew a first good dor 39 points, Fitzgerald failed to place in the two Bartholomew added a third in the 440 and second in the two-mile for his 60 points. Buddy Solent of Chicago also had 20 points on his second in the three-4 quarter mile.

(0! Miss Sabbe won the senior women's three-quarter mile event and placed second in the 440, behind Florence Carter of Saginaw, 18 get 50 points. Are. Carter former Michigan State champion who returned to competition after a two- year layoff had 30 points on her victory in the 440. Bernice Delowski of West Allis, came in cond in the quarter mile I for 20 points. a total matched by Charlotte Chase.

Saranac lake, N. with third places in the two races. Mrs. Carter was edged out 'in the three finished mile third, race thereby by Miss losing Chase, a chance to narrow the sap between Mrs. Carter and Mies Sabbe.

Ed Suttle of Minneapolis was the biggest point-getter of any of the skaters, getting 80 in the intermediboys division. Suyle came in An (in the 220 and the SS0 and 'second in the one -mile. Behind him tied with 30 were Joe Prather of Chicago. a Bob Hall of Providence. R.

and Longsjo. 60) LENOX. HIGH CAGERS DEFEAT CHESTER, 49-32 Time, eight-mia. periods. TRINITY CAGEMEN TRIP MIDDLEBURY BY 51-30 cagers led all the way here tonight to Lenox.

Feb. 13 The Lenox High defeat Chester High, 40-32 in 2 postponed Berkshire League clash. The charges of Coach Eddie Giligan Jumped off tova quick start and were never headed as uzian and Messer the offensive w'h 16 and 10 points respectively. Gleason was high for the losers with nine markers. The lineups: Lenox Chester If P.

0: Mitchell rb Sullivan If Clark rb Fairdeld 6 Vreeland 1b Decker 6, F. Pease 1b- ri lagru lb Messer Carderelli Jerome 1b J. l'ease Alys'e 8 Ib 9 Revancon rh A Gleason I Ek zi'n rb 6 16! Wiley 1- Totals 13 Totals 8 3: Score at time. Lenox 48, Chester 10. Referee, Perry: umpire.

Frazier. Hartiord. Feb. 12-The Trinity cagers needed close to six minutes of playing time here tonight before they finally broke into the scoring column but then w'ent on to whip College. 01-30 before Some 2500 fans in the dedication game of Trinity's now Memorial Field The home tossers had a 13-11 margin at the intermission but then pulled awe in the last half for the victory.

Watson and Loveys wore for their respective teams. The lineups: Trinity Middlehury Elshea Watson If 3 rb Van Lanen It T'ola rh Naud If Gadaire rf 8 Mooney Bra nerd Burdette rf oliinty P'i'ken Works Panzalle ib Loveys 11 Leahey 9 Mulcahy on Th 1 It 0 0 1: Sullivan re 0 Totals 20 11 31 Totals 13 30 Score halt time, Trinity 15, Middlebury ,14. Clark: umpire, Shea. fo) Time, 20-min. halves.

BOSTON SKATER N. E. SKATING HONORS (C'ontinued from Page 1B) 2d. De Ninna, Providence 3d, F. Harrity.

Worcester Park Club, Dion's 110 Time, 40 1-3 seconds, 1st, DeNinna: 2d. Al Broadhurst; Cd, Frank Broadhurat. Nan's One Mile: Time. 3. minutes, 1-3 seconds.

1at, Al Broadhurst: 2d. Ed Dame, Holy Name S. Boston: 3d. Frank Broadhurst Fetture Five Mile: Frank 19 Broadhurst: minutes, 2d. AI 4-5.

seconds. 1st, Broadhurst; 3d. E. Dame: 4th, J. Sintmcns, Stamford S.

Stamford, oth Rudy Sandor, Stamford, 6th, Wally Hanson. Slating Club of Springfield: ath, A. De Ninna? Providence S. Erickson, New York; 9th. Joe Tosal, Manchester.

10th. J. Dauphinais. Senior Women, 220 No time. 1st.

Elsa Gondalen, 2d. J. Forrastier. Bay State 3d. M.

Meaney, Bay State S. C. Senior Women, 880 yards: Time, 1 Himute 31 4-3 seconda. lat, Filsa Gondalen: d. AT Meaner, Bay State S.

Gr, J. Forrestier. Juvenile Roys. 110 d4: Time, 40 4-5 L.ton Bachman, Bay State S. Meaner, P'rovidence S.

C. Junior Boya, to 16. 110 yards: Time. 2-3 anconds. Tat, Jobert.

Manchester 2d. Bachman, Wilmington; 3d. F. Larsen, Warehouse l'oint: Intermediate Boys, 880 Time. 1 37 4-5 seconda.

1st, It. Bay State S. Johnson, I. Valori, Worcester Park S. C.

Local Girls up 12, 220 Time. seconds. Ist. J. Catron; I'leming; 3d, Mary Garvey.

Junior Girls up to 16. 220 Time 27 2-5 seconds. 1st J. Bachman Bay State S.C. Local Girls up to 16.

yda: No time. 1st. Nancy Mulcare: 2d. Francis Willard. Intermediate Girls, 140 Time, 51 sec-: onds.

1st. Mary Dame, Holy Name S. 2d, Jeannet Broadhurst. Bay State; Cd, F. Mulbrene, Holy Name S.

C. Olars Garvey of Springfield won the Local up 1: pears of ace. The Springfield Plan Rare. F. Beckett: 2d, Rudy Sardor; 3d, Joe Toast.

Springfield College Defeats Mass, in Overtime Struggle Gagnon Ties Count to Force Extra Session; Kubachka, Murao Clinch 49-44 Victory Amherst, Feb. 12-In a thrilling and well-played game Springfield College defeated University of Mass. here tonight but it required an overtime period to do it. The MARoons won, with Joe Kubachka the big noise with 21 points, six of them in overtime. With two minutes to go and the Maroon loading by two points Springfield attempted to dreeze the ball but Ray Gagnon intercepted a pass and tossed in a' doubledecker to send the teams into overtime.

Kubachka immeditoly tossed two fouls, then 84 basket. Gagnon came ba with another basket but Kubachk: scored again. Shig Murao was foule as he made a lasket. He also got tho foul toss. Rylacktl closed the.

scoring with doubledocker. The lineups: Springfield Ital 1: Camp'nolo 11 10 McGrath ru Sell TO Ander It rh Murao ri Norskey lb Sulliv Goldman Kubachka Gagnon Barker Barrett rb 10 0 3 White Looney Johnston DicCauley it It 0 Totals 9 43 Totals 13 4 41 Score at hall time, Springfeld 22, 1 Referee, Winters: umpire, Malin. Time. 10-min. perioda; 5-min.

overtime. Sofid. Frost t'. of Mues. Frost Mackow 1t Svelza Shalfont rE Boarsey Lake rf Erlandson lb 0 Paris rI th Lettera Barrett Enright 6.

E- Mann Carey Palbot Preley ri Decker th Gil ri Me Neil 1b 0 Kerswig If Hart ru 10 Hourdeau I 8 111 Koehler rh P'elcher rb 0 1 Totals 9 67 Total 13 Score at half time. Springfield Frosh 43, Univ of Mass. Frosh Riel: umpire. Shrude. Time.

10-man. period HOME CITY CAGERS WIN AT GREENFIELD Greenfeld. Feb. Simon's quintet of Springfield handed Gree field's Brown Bombers a 10-57 defeat tonight at Washington Haji. Tex Campion.

and Boh Paced the attack for the with Bob Jennings the defensive star. Therlineups: St. Simon' a Thomas, 0 'H. 031. Peters Harris Johnson ri 10 20 D.

Petera 12 Burris Campion 13 3 F. A Jennings rE 4 J. Peters Scott 10 10 4 Totals 6 Score at halt time, St. Simon's Bombers Yestramski: umpire, Chala. lane.

10-min. periode. CORNELL IN RALLY TO BEAT PRINCETON Ithaca. No Feb. 12 (P) After a close first half.

Cornell pulled away in the sPond and went on to defeat Princeton. tonight in Rn EastIntercollegiate League basketball game. INDIANS SCORE WIN. OVER NEW HAVEN, 4-1 (Continued from l'age 18) bell. one of the rookies brought up from the lovers by the Ramblers, carried the puck down the right side, skated in back 06 158 net and curved the disk around the pipe for the score.

Ramsden and I'refontaine were siren assists on the play. The Indians. whys by this time were moving in and out the penalty box in company with their rivals, pressed Clerc continually but the youngster was 100 good for them until before the game At 1S.05 Schmidt came up score on winded, Macey's pass directly after A faccoff in the New Haven zone. That wag the signal for trouble and the remainder of the game was spent by the officials in separating '(e: the hattling players and handing out penalties. The lineups: SPRINGFIELD (4) NEW HAVEN NicAtee.

g. McAnd: rd rd. Lamirande Allen. Id Id. Larelle Davies Schmidt.

rw Tw. Brown Kaiser. Hyrninak Referees: Rabbit McVe. and Palsy Callighen. New Haven spares: Bloomer.

Larcten. taine ameden. White. Denis, Campbell. d'atson, See spares: Conn.

Curick. Summerhill, Lemieux. Tradell, en, McMurdy. Narduzzi. First Period Lemieux (McMurdy, Conn) -Springfield.

Macey (Allen) -Springfield. Trudell (Curick. Allen Allen (high stick), Davies (stashing), MeAndrew (interference) Denis Lavelle (Chooking). (9) Second Per od scoring. Penalties: Conn (alashing), Allen (tripping, Bloomer thigh Third Period stick).

1-New Haven. Campbell maden, 10 3-Springfield. Schmidt (Macey) 15:03 T'enalties: Levello (tripping), Courtean (hooking), Bloomer (charging). Lavelle stick), Trudell (high stick), Rameden (tripping), Kaiser (charging Unnn 1. min.

Tottle (major, fighting. Denis (match miaconduct). MicAndrew (10. min. Bloomer major).

Eaves: McAtep St, LeClerc 43. BOXING (Fla.) University of Virginia South Carolina 4, The Citadci, (ic). ARNOLD QUINTET SCORES CAGE WIN: OVER LOCAL ACES Nutmeg Hoopmen Stage Late Rally for 72-62 Victory at Milford Milford, Feb. 12-The Aroul College cagers outlasted American In. ternational of Springfield here tonight to capture a 72-62 sion before some 500 fans.

The local forces were off to an varly lead only to have Bob Flagg pace a comeback which saw the visitors move out front just prior to the intermission. But Savard tossed in three quick baskets as Arnold tout Over again and the locals showed a 35-30 margin at time. Late Rally The MIC tossers never led again but they did manage to tie the score at and again at 60-60 late in the second half. when Bill Edmonds an Cernard Shea combined for eight visiting points. Dowever.

Arnold moved ahead again with three minutes remaining and gained comfortable advantage. Savard and Brown were high for Arnold while Edmonds scored 15 points and Flagg 12 for the visiting combine. The lineups: Arnold AIG Serard 1: 141 Beaudoin rh 1' Sawver It Wright 1h Analo If Herderame ri Kiera rf 41 Edmonds t'aascik Yvon: Stathia Shea Richiedei Brown 1b Goatyla 1b Keese rb Marrow Hannigan rb rh 3: Zaniszen 'i rb Totala Totrie Store at half time. Arnold 33. co.

Referee. umpire. dieridina. Time, 20-min. LAIC FROSH DEFEAT PHARMACY QUINTET A merican International freshman basketball team defeated Western College of Pharm 35 to 39.

in Kirby Junior High grin last nicht. The lineups: 10 l'ha Pt 10 (acan rh began 01 lb rt 4 Murphy Anton 121 Treml ri Cole 3 Tall Jocel Daly Duquette Th lb A Weinstein Mack Butters Totals Total: 13 13 Score at time. MIC 23, 15. Referee. Melntyre: umpire.

Begley. Time, eight-min. periods. WESTFIELD TEACHERS BEAT HOLYOKE FIVE Feh. 12-Westfield State Teacher's College broke in the win column by tapping out A 10:30 win over hoopsters from Holyoke Junior College here tonight at Westfield High's Eddie Tearo did the bulk of scoring for the winners.

SANDERSON WINNER OF FRANKLIN CROWN Northampton. Web. 12-The Sanderson Academy basketball team won the playoff for the Franklin League title here at the Northampton High tonight, defeating Huntingion High by it 16-33 margingns Bill Fuller dropped in 19 points to lend the attack. Sanderson led from the opening whistle and after boasting a 17-10 lead at. the half, coasted the remainder of the way.

Some 300 fans sat in on the contest. The lineups: Huntington Pts Lilly 10 1. Jose rb 16 Thayer rt 0. WHcox In 8 Fuller 8 3 Gabeille Lesure Winthrt Howes 1h R. Ward 1b 4 Caputo I Bilgererb Bush 38 10 Totals 12 33 Score at half time.

Sanderson 17. Huntinston 10. Referee. Misinne: umpire, Pagos. Time, eight-min.

perioda. HOLYOKE PROS, EDGE JERSEY CITY, 82-74 Feb. 12 The I'ros annexed their fourth victory five cage starts here at the City surface tonight by handing the scyl City Reds S2-71 setback fore some 800 fans. College Basketball Results Springfield 49, Chi of (overtime) Springfield (Frosh) Univ. Mass.

(Frosh) 52 Arnold 72. ALC 62.. ('olby Hates Maine 69. Bowdoin 37 Williams Amherst 36 Dartmouth 60, Harvard 35 U'niv. of.

Conn. 632) Wesleyan 41 Trinity 31, Middlebury 30 Yale 61, Navy 47 (6; Conn. (Frosh) 6.3, Wesleyan (Frosh) 45 Brown 59, Providence st Verment 38, Coast Guard Academy 41 Cornell 39, Princeton 11 Colgate 67, Army 66 (overtime) Columbia 65, Pennsylvanias Seton Hall Georgetown 33 Purdue 66. Michigan 48 Syracuse, 11, Rutgers 57 Niagara 39, St. John's (Bkn) 55 Lehigh 30.

Franklin Marshall 36 "Temple 56, State. 16 TECH SWIMMERS VICTORS IN MASS. SCHOOLBOY MEET Orange and Black Edges Holyoke as Four Records Are Set Antherst, Feb. 12-Tech High of Springfield took top honors here this afternoon in the Annual Western Mas. sachusetta High school gwim meet, in the University of Massachusetts pool.

'The Techmen amassed 1. total of points in the eight eveals, giving them a comfortable lead over vole High. runnersup with 43 points. The defending champions of Amherst High could reach only third position. with 35 pointy Classical High of Springfield Garnered 17 points for fourth position.

Cathedral High of Springfield, the fifth entrant, was unable to win point, not placing anyone in the finals. Four Meet Marks Pour new records for meet were set. Don Bell, of Amherst High, did the 100 yard breast stroke in 1:07.0 in the second heat of the morning's qualifying races, but dropped back to in the afternoon final event. The latter mark was enough to give him first place, however. Jack Joslyn, 40 the winning Tech team.

who might called the outstanding participant, set a new meet record for the 200 yard fros style, winning the event with A of 2: 14.S. He also ran off with first place in the 100 yard tree style. The third record was accomplished by Joe Rogers of Amherst, winning the 100. vard back strobe with a time of 1:07.9. The Amherst relay set the final new record when they took the event with a mark of 1:27.9.

The summaries: Fifty yard free by Bigelow (Amherst). Horning 'ad T. Murphy Tech). 1th Gibson (Tech). 5th Wheeler (Holyoke.

THine 2 seconds. hreant on by Bell herstr, heufman Williams A herat Ferris (Holyoker, ilolway 1. 1 free atyle WolL by Joslyn Mechi. Davinu Nutzenko Batchelder (Te 111 vard back stroke -Won boy Rogers (Amberst), Alben Daviau (11 yokel. Horst Tech).

4 10 sard frea vie 'on les Joelyn Stray (Holyoke), McK instrie (Tech. Houlanger (Amherst, Anderson Tech Time 39 Fancy diving Won Sikes (Tech), Strav (Holyoke). Tech (T. Kutyard medley relay -Won by Amherst Bell.

Rigelow), Holyoke R. Murphy), (Onyon, kautman. Time 200 yard free relay- by Holvoke Wheeler. Curran. Horning), Tech tGibeon.

Rascholder. Brews, McKinstriel Brown. Cosging. WILLIAMS WRESTLERS EXTEND WIN STREAK William town, Mel. 12 12-The Williams College wrestlers extended their fore a near capacity crowd of returnandefeated season this afternoon heing alumni and students bet downing the United States Coast Guard Academy of New London.

21-10. The upset the match was the defeat of Paul Shorb Williams who until today had Rever been beaten since early prep school as St. Albans in Washington, D. C'. Fie was by in the 143 lb.

class. Toe Numinary: 121 I. class -WorD hy Carl (CG) Jh. clast won boy Coot: 126 lb. class won by Perry (WI by decision: 143 class won by Kynick, by decision: lh, won by (W, by decision: 10L3 lb.

class won by Leitzinger by. decision: lb. class tie between Smith. (CG, ard Conant (W); untimited class won by Stillwell by fall: losers -121 Mcl'ean 126 lb. Hall (CG: 143 lb.

Shorb (W): 133 lb. Thompson Co: 103 Th. Fie'eson (CG); unlimited Thomas (CG). PITTSFIELD LEGION WINS TO TAKE SECOND PLACE Pitt 12-American Legion moved into second place over Moose Club by trimming Moose Club in the Pittsfield City League basketball program here tonight. In another contest Nixon's Restaurant trimmed the 56-19.

MT. HERMON MATMEN EDGE AMHERST FROSH wrestlers defeated Amherst College Freshmen. 21-11 here today, Date Burdge, Weighing 217 pounds. feature event from Chuck Kody of Amherst on A decision. Al Seris Amherst's pinDing Dave Wells in the 135-round event.

Al Forsythe of Amherst gained a decision over Capt. John Whitaker of Mt. Hermon in the 165-pound class. The summaries: 121 lb, class, Young (H defeat Pryne (AI 145 by fallen ciRsa, Dave Monroe V6 (IT) defeated Don Munro (A) by a fall. lb.

class. (H) defeated Humphrey (A) by derision. class. W'ood (11) defeated Smr. church (A) with fall.

133 lb. Seris (A) defeated Wells by fall. ih, Foraythe (A) defeated H) by decision. 113 It. cias.

Mcdirath (A) defeated AnFOrEP by decision. Unlimited class, Burdso (11) defeated Kendy (.) by decision. Mt. Hernion. Feb 12-Mt.

Hermon Penn Sends Invitations To Penn Relay Carnival Philadelphia Feh. 12 (P)-The Uni- Jer- versity of today sent inbe- vitations to 1338 colleges and schools compete in the. 33th l'enn Relay Carnival April 29-30. Invitations went to 259 colleges. 101 schools, 592 high schools.

61 junior, highs. 196 elementary and 113 parochial schools. More than 500 schools are expected 10 accent and 69 send some 3000 individuals to the meet. Greenfield, Feb. 12-Greenfield High School' defeated the faculty 34.

10 49 before a packed house here tonight. Johnny Joslyn Homie Burns and Justin Moore sparked, the atthck for the winners. The R. Faculty inslyn 6 Benjamin Ta Duprey If Galbraith Saleskirt Lovett 12 Stutter ri Taylor 12 J. CO Sautter Burns 13 Card 1g l'elc 0 D.

larris 1g "I Morris ri poore 13 Dyer 10 Stams 1g Moore 1'g Totals Totals More time, Faculty, 1- School 10: Time, eight-min. pericds. Referee. Snith: umpire. Rozak.

6 Greenfield High Quintet Trips Faculty, 54 to Coming Alumni to Get Full Sport Program Springfield College Basketball, Swimming, Hockey, Wrestling and Gymnastic Teams to Meet Strong Rivals in Annual Week- End Bow to Grads 3 Hockey city last week was Ehrhardt Indian hockey player who is now One has ot be a veteran fan to gecall for the Indians of the old Canadienthe 'autumn of 1929 that smiling Ott of Kitchener. to make his profesfellow townsman and buddy, Earl Seibert. 9 Vin 16th. Game of Season at Expense of Cardinals, 62-41 UCONNS IN SLOW START, THEN BEAT WESLEYAN CAGERS Storrs, Feb. 12-After surviving a shaky start, University of Connecticut's varsity hoopmen annexed their 16th win of the season by topping Wesleyan, 62-11, in a game played here tonight.

After five minutes of play had gone by, Wesleyan took a temporary lead of 11-3. Timely baskets by Joe Maloney shifty forward. rut Connecticut in the van and this lead was kept throughout. The lineuns: Wesleyan Pts! I' Pts Fisher Wilson rb ti Gates li Buschmann Maloney If Wenner Th Freedman Stewart Ih Bartnecki 1 Shorter lb Lind Robertson 1b Beardworth Hayle ri Hefternan 0 Benson rf Seroto' lb Francis If Mudiozia Scanlos 1 Galise 10 0 Wiehams 1: 00 kerk Clark Nevers Pr Chapman rb Totals 12 Totais Score half time, U. of Conn.

30. Weslevan I the end of their run since Mr. Brown signed a new tract with the Cleveland Browns. Votre Dame, Coach Frank L.eahy the final speaker at recent Detroit banquet jeatured by the presentation of the Rev. d.

Hugh O'Donnell Me. morial trophy to football cham(o pion Michigan. Leahy in id 1 that 24 3 'result of the 1912 Notre Dame. Michigan. he learnedo wore football in one afternoon front Frits ('ri-ler than at any other time of his life.

Seedless to say, that scored A heavy hit with the Michigan crowd. The Notre Dame contingent at the banquet wAs generous 8 fanlt. in their ex pression. of what Michigan mean to football. 8 About the only time during night when the hAsty of Notre Dame, hundreds of them in the audience, Het SO with 3.

real feeling for their own, was when John Panelli. fullback on last year's team and alInext season. for, iNtroduced. Panready signed the Detroit Lions elli was forced stag twice. Modesty was the keynote of all except one speaker: at that.

big Detroit football baaquct. Dick Rifenberg, the Michigan A 11- America end. the Quaferhacks' Cuhgin their election of him as the most valuable player of the year in college football. saying: "Joy picked the right THis brought down the house. And it A ing note after much modesty.

Ba-chall and Television International Baseball League ident Frank Shaughnessy says television reople are using and other sports products to sell a product which is close to banana luxury and an extravagance. saYs: "The fan who thinks No is going to save money on sports ticket is croing to hive soup, soap and ct salesmen cluttering up his living room, telling stale jokes and opening cans of corn. If he wAnts Ito see a ball game he'll have to go lout to the park like he always did." 0 the topic of major league ball players and their contracts: Remember the time the late New York Yankee owner resent Lefty Gomez 1 contract containing a painful salary slash? Gomez, in Toyko at the time, cabled Ruppert: "Received bathoy's Contract. Some mistake. Please forward And even though the arable collect.

10 8 pert came through with a $4090 boost. And then there was the time when Manager Joe McCarthy put Gomez "on the pan" in a World Series game. When Gomez stepped off the pitching mound skyward at a lowflying plane the McCarthy temper simmered. Joe," murthered Gomez. 'they coulin't hit anything while had the ball in my hand." the All- America Conference has The Chicago football team, of switched from the nickname Rockets to that of the Hornets.

If. the Hornets have no more sting than did the Rockets, then Hornet by any other name wit still smell like a Rocket. HowRay Flaherty, theonew head roach, is not aren-tomed turnins out flopperoos, and should at least do twice 15 4000 AN. the Chicago club did 1947 and 3 when the Rockets managed to win just one out of 11 in each season. If they win only two under Maherty next fall, they wili.

have done as well in one "season as their presecessors did in two. 6. DUNCAN R. MORTON Auburre' N. Feb.

12 R. Morton, 62. professional at Highland Colt Course from 1925 to 1947, died today. lo. was member of the National and Central, New York Professional Golfers Association.

Featuring home attractions in all sports, Springfield leans week will run end. a three Equally ting circus interesting in side basketbaw, attractions wrestling will contest and the annual local appearance of the Springfield tion team. All of this will be conducted primarily for the alumni attending the Winter "Home-Coming" weekend beginning Friday and continuing all day Saturday. Varsity SEVILLA, MAROON DIVER, SETS MARK IN WILLIAMS POOL Ephmen, However, Springfield College "Swimmers, 45-30 10 Williamstou P'oh 12 College swimmers this afternoon defeated a hard fighting Springfield Colloge squad. 13-30.

before maximum crowd in the local pool. Leading by ahe point, 80-29, going into the last two events, the Enhmen culminated their scoring 39 capturing a tust and seefond 410 freestyle and a first in the 400 yard freestyde relay, respectively. Sevilla Tops DiverOutstandiw for Springfield were divManuel Sevilla and Campbell. the former taking a first in that event with 112 13 points 14 break his own Williams pool reconi Ar 100.9 points sut la.t year. also shattered the old mark with a total of 101.7 points.

The summary: Di 300-yard medley relay. won by Williams Wineman. Snyder, freestyle, won by Baldwin A Reid d. Malthaner 3d. S4-yArd freestyle, on by Murray (W).

Weaver (8) 2d. Conle (W 3d. 24.6 Diving, by (8). (S) 2d, (Wi 3d. Points, 112.13 1'0-yard free-tvle.

won by Bachman (S), Kong (8) 24, Brashears (W 30. 57.1 150-yard backstroke. won by W'ineman Lammot Krayer (N; 3d. 1:38.5 breastetroke. won by Hoeflor (S).

Weaver (S) 2d, Svenson 3d. 2:35.0 410-vard fropattle. Won by Roil (W). lambert (W) Malthaner (S; M. 4:59.6 400-vard medley Won by Williams Reuchert, Murray, Baldwin: 3:12.1 a MT.

HERMON CAGERS BEAT: VERMONT FIVE Saxtons River, Feb. 12 Mt. Hermon. and Vermont Academy split in their athletic program here today. Mt.

Hermon won the basketball 33 10 43 and Vermont took the hockey contest. 6-3. The lineups: Mt. Hermon W. trad.

1: Tts' 1: Dibble It 11: Calvart 1, W.aeripan 3 ft; Watson rb 2 3 ri n. ha. Ih Stone ri 01 Manley 1h Cook Kelleher Knapp 3 Hubball If Into re Th Nehrn ri 1'. Elton in 4 Lee ri l'ATher rb 14i Lemon 10 Van Maur 1f Totals Totais, 11 VERMONT WINS SKI MEET AT CUSHING Fob. 12-The annual! carnival here today' was won by Vermont Academy with Kimball second Deerfield, third Mt.

Hermon. fourth and Cushing fifth. cients, downhill race, won by Shaw (Va) 2S; second Sherrer (Va) .71. Cross country won by Condick (Va) time 18-17: second Shaw, (Va) third Sherrer (Va) Slalom. by Shaw (Va) time 25.4::: second Cook (Kn) third J.

Oberiander (Kn). Jumping won by Sherrer second W'estcott (Ku) 69.1: third Shaw (Va) 68.2: fourth Bassett (it. Herman) Longest jump made by Gondict 69 feet. AMAZING RALLY WINS FOR WILLIAMS Newark. N.

Fob. 12 liams College pulled annzillg nire-goal rally in the final chukker to edge the favored University polo 11-10, tonight at Essex Troop Armory. Coal by Bill Hudson just 'As the final boli sounded provided the winning margin for the Massachusetts trio after teammate Vic Herman, a California youth. Thad driven two consceutive goals to tie at 10-10. had four goals in the date spree and' was top scorer with a total of five.

Olympians Defeat Newport (N. Five Lol by Johnny Jeffries with 11 kets and five fouls. the St. George Olympians defeated teed Newport. N.

11.. Olympians 55 to 33 last 'night at the Club. In a game. the Olympian Juniors downed the Chicopee West End A. C.

The lineups: Olympians Newport Jeffries If Spanne rh 10 Dabakis. it 7 Giokas 1h Baldum ri N. Caidakia ('hiklakis 4. Saggiotis 1h Zaharias 1'h 4 J. Spanne Katsoulis rb oil Coronis If Score Totals at halt tinie, 5 To'alz Olympians NewDori 10.

Referee. Morgan: umpire, Junes, Time, 10-min. periods. MELNA CURS WIN Meina Cubs defeated Brightwood Barons, 82 77, in the Trinity evn last night. They Cube I' Gruskin If 13 4.

1. Caron rh. Barons a Goldberg If 7 B. Dufault de N. Fore Handman Burnst'n rf 1h 10 R.

Maler Kotarski Dufault ri lb 3 a M. Rubin Ucati rb rb :1 A. llarabin rf silo 'Total 40 2 sal Totals COLLEGE SWIMMING Howard Harlem olorado 14. Wyoming William Springtield 80 Tenn 51. Columbia olcate 40, Cornell 35 (9) College athletic and swimming be a hockey, College exhibienjoyment of at Springfield, and Freshman team competition with bo in basketball, swimming and wrestling Saturday.

A junior varsity hasketball fame and all informal hockey battle are Friday attractions. Basketballs Lingers Only two morn week ends of winter sports will remain after the coming festivities. buts the basketball schedule will hate two of the top home attractions as Long Island Lin.versity Invades Field House on Feb. 26. and Rhodo Island State winds up, negield's schedule on Larch 3.

The opporents in hasketball will ho the traditional rival in the played for the alumni Providence College. 'The Friars have mot "the Maroon quintet in this fenture year ago game they for a took number part in of the years. gel el 9 ing court contest at the now field ho we. Springfield is up in the home and home -eries with the Providencedeam this year. but A a a a a a a close and hard is certain to result in the leecond ting bere.

The Friars and Maroons engaged in A -tuck vase battle at Proti-, 3 dence TWO weeks 020 which gave Conch Bunn's quintet first claim 10 honors this year. Springfield triumphod 34-31. Springfield will look 10 Joe Kubachka, lanky center and ac shooter, to display his basket curacy for alumni at the home-coming game. Supplementing Kubachka's shoRting will be the set shot work of Ted Campagnola. who closely follows Kubachka in delivering tallies for the Maroon- Alumni.

also. will have their first glance at Bob Barrett, lanky guard on the home team whose contribution to the game at the backboards As well as In the scoring column 'has been increasingly effective for Springfield. Cocaptains Kubachka 1 John Sullivan of Holyoke will ho playing before their last "home-coming" audienco this week. since they are in the graduating class this year. As a matter of fact.

the whole basketball squad wall be riddled by 4:49 graduations. Conch Dunn having somewhat unxaccumulated an almost com- senior personnel on his starting five and first line of reserves. The hockey game on Friday after145 911 at the Eastern States Coliseum will give local fans of Holy Cross an opportunity 10. Crusader tram in action in the fast ice sport. Springfield has broken into hockey this year wider many handicaps a limited opportunity for the pucksters to work out.

Nevertheles: strong and ardent squad has been developed under the leadership of I'rof. George Henderson. rormer skat-. on for Rivalry Cathedral betacen And St. Springfield Michael's.

and the Conns is always a hotly contested prost in call sports, and the Connecticat place on the home- coming swimming program willo provide a major attracting. The limited coating Citpacity in pool will restrict attendance at the Pimming menus 10 alumni and students at the college. SAmple seating will be available for the varsity wrestling match against McGill University at 12.30. All scaiing at the basketball game at 4 will be for reserved scat: ticket holders. Here is the "home-coming" sports schedule: Friday: Hockey.

Colisa.n, Springfield Holy Varsity Basketball. Junior ve 6 Junior College. Field Saw day: 12.30 111.. Wrestling Varsity McGill. Field House.

n. m. Swimming. Varsi: vS. Connecticut.

Curdy Natatorium. D. Rayketball. Freshmen 1 R. Freshmer.

Field louse. 3.00 n. wrestling. Freshmenas. LoomAvademy.

West sium. p. swimming. Freshmen vs. U'niversity of mnnecticut.

exhibition team will give nastie at the Municipal Auditorium at to 6.30 D. EDDIE MILLER SIGNS CONTRACT WITH PHILS phia, Feb. 12 (P)-The T'hiladelphia Phillies received the signed contracts of veteran shortstop Eldie outfielder. Miller and Stan rookie Miler Gent his papers in from where ho is waiting for the opening of the Sming training EPAat Clearwater. Tollinig.

1 bonus player, played with the T'his' Wilmington. 0: farm club in the Interstate League last seasons after graduating from Texas A M. Holyoke in Hall Marshall Morehead (Ky.) 44 Virginia 8S, Ohio Wesleyan 69 Duke 53. Georgia Tech Miami (Fla.) To, Stetson Michigan 04. Indiana 47 Nebraska 49, Kansas 39 Illinois 61.

Ohio State 49 ('larkson 61, Champlain 11 Pitt 30, Westminster 41 Wiling Mary. F7; Roanoke C'olloge Unit. of Richmond 59, of ginia 38 Davidson 10, Washington Lee Marietta 3 Catawba 65, Lenoir Rhyne 61 Wisconsin S6, Northwestern 72 Minnesota 4. Iotra 49 Lafayette 71, Gettysburg 62 Furman'68, South Carolina 39 Northeastern 70, New Hampshire 51 Kentucky 96, Xavier (Cincinnati) 30 LaSalle (l'hit) TR, Manhattan 16 Elkins 65, Ameriran Univ. SPRING PARTS CO Inc.


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The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

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