Courier-Post from Camden, New Jersey (2024)

COUIIH-FOST, Cbmet.n, N. Sahiraay, Jwm 4.1IS1 Bellmawr Pk. Wins Over St. Lawrence O'Brien Sels New Shot Put Mark Lower County Contenders Little League Box Scores DAN PARKER Broadway Bugle Haddon Heights Romps Over Silver Moon, 6-2 Manlove Hurling Tops Whalen; Riverside Wins; One Sunday Tilt Haddon Heights and Silver Moon Diner threw th tun, ih Lose Ground in Race Blackwood's McGinley Has l-Hitter; Full Card on Tap for Sunday Fans Blackwood moved Into contention in the Lower County League last night while three other challengers failed to take advantage jbest young pitchers in local baseball circles last night and Don mamuve ciiidgcu me victor wnen tne Heights won its seventh County Parks League contest, 6 to 2. The league leaders rallied to defeat Silver Moon while Riverside surprised with a thrilling 2 to 1 victory over Brooklawn Post of front running Airport Pontiac's inactivity.

Blackwood got one-hit pitching from Jack MoGinley to tarn LIndenwold, 6 to 19th Gun rose up to stop St Lawrence. 5 to 1 ana wesrviiie and (jlennora battled to a 0-0 deadlock. The two losers and Westvllle trail Airport Pontiaa in the standings. Sports in Brief crooKiawn returns 10 me wars Sunday, entertaining Clementon. The Heights made eight hits off Dan Whalen, Woodrow Wilson High ace, Who was derricked in the eighth when the winners cemented their margin.

Sliver went ahead with a single run in the second on Sam C01NTT PABBS LF.AGl'B FA1RVUW UTTLC LEAGt'l W. L. Blu So 3 Miahty Mitea I R'd Sot 0 1 Whlta soa PC I 050 .000 .000 .000 MIGHTY MITES BLUE SOX abrhoa abrho MrCaf Jb 4 Campbell. 4 Johnson. cf 4 Conada.p 3 Areto rf 4 0 1 3 Rlrn di rt 3 13 1 113 Franta.rf 4 0 11 3 10 Mult 2b 3 113 113 DtCia o.o 13 0 7 1 0 0 Cam a 3 13 3 Watwn 0 0 3 3 Martin Jb 3 1 1 1 3 Donn 1 II 1 00 Ttede lb 4 1 0 1 Mat vtolb 3 Pike, It i 0 14 Fieco 3 0 0 0 3 00 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Holio i It a 0 0 U.h 1 son Totaia 30 I II 10 Miihty Mi tea Blu Son Totali 3T 0 I 3i 11 0 3 3 0 1 0 0 3 0 10 10 14 OAKLTM-BETTUWOOD LITTLE LEAGt W.

PC LeiionnaLet 0 0 1 ooo Jeta 4 3 .7 Llont I Demoni 1 .10 LEGIONNAIRES JETS abrhsa abrhaa Toyer.JD 3 0 10 1 Snyder 3k 3 0 0 0 0 Cariln rt 3 0 0 0 0 Tatem.e 3 1 0 110 Poir 3 14 0 Roeter.rt 3 0 0 1 Gmff.p 3 110 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Rocen 10 0 10 Koen ter aa 3 Pierce. 3b 3 3 Hallo. ell 1 r.Glboo.ct 1 0 0 1 Pru nto.rt 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 R.Th'n,3b 10 0 13 1110 Trotter, If 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 er.ift 1 0 0 0 0 erry.rt 3 0 0 3 1 Beraer 1 0 0 0 0 Totala 33 1 111) Totala II 1 tils Letionnalrea 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 Jeta I I I 0 1 01 38 allow eU. WE8TMONT UTTLC LEAG1 w. PC 1.000 Plrt Co.

4 ma 2 rean firm 1 .500 Mortan Broa .400 Dully a I .350 TO! CO. MORGAN BROS. abrho it i I Dura lt Stolus.Cf JKnody.e Hod on. Kelly. 3b PatVon.rf Snider lb 3 1 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 10 10 1 0 0 3 0 3 3 14 0 Ryan, lb 3 0 0 0 4 3 3 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 1 3T1 0 Crone.e 3 0 0 3 1 A A 1 IS 4 A A A A i i i 0Riiiyib 3003 i Vi 1 I ia.jt if i A a a a son, 11 Jl W.

PC 7 1 3 .750 5 3 1 3 .500 4 4 .500 3 .500 3 4 .428 0 i .000 0 .000 pme( iooo in hu Rill HukP turned in Dy BUI tiuise, Haddon Heljhti Oaklyn Silver Moon Diner Brooklavtn Ric At Holmin Riverside Bellmawr Park Clementon Stratford, Beull's home run and added another in the third on a walk, stolen base and Frantz single. A walk, sacrifice and Man-love's single got one run back in the fourth. In the fourth, the Heights went ahead with two counters on Jerry Sheehan's single, a sacrifice, Ron Smith's single and Lee Obey'g double. Manlove stole home for one of three runs in the sixth. He fanned nine and walked two, while scattering four hits.

Another topflight hurler fell in the Riverside tilt when the winners made the most of three hits to defeat; Jack Hawthorne, the Gloucester High star. With the score tied lall, Riverside won in the seventh on a walk, sacrifice and Silver's triple. D'Autershy was the victorious hurler. He allowed four hits in the tightly contested game and struck out seven. Hawthorne fanned 12 and walked but three.

BROOKLAWN RIVERSIDE ab A a ab Pittonm 3 110 0 Die 3b 3 111 thorne 3 0 0 0 3 3 0 13 Murphy 3b 3 0 0 3 3 Biwr ss 3 0 0 0 3 0 1 3 0 Blank r.rf 3 0 0 1 Hirst.c 3 0 1110 Han on lb 3 0 0 4 3 0 0 0 0 3 10 1 Forsman ct 3 0 1 0 0 Alvlee 3 0 0 0 SiundertU 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 13 Wtlch.rf 3 0-010 Ant 1 0 0 0 Totals 30 10 Pi Co 0 0 3 1 4 310 ran Bros 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2B J. 3: R. Foody HR J. Foody, Hodisnn. no Hodnon.

10. Tharpt, BB Hodgson. 1: Tharpe. I. COLL1NG3W0OD HJTTI.R UAQII VI L.

PC Mohrfeld I Let ton 4 Green Valley 3 Weat Colimjiwood 1 3 3 0 .714 .37 ,18 WEST COLLS LBGIOW abrhoa abrhoa 3 1 0 Sr.F tin JH 4 13 11 3 1 0 3 0 Levins Sb 3 3 10 3 Me us lb Lorkton aa CE ans.rf Watson rf Met; an Co Kellner.e JKvans.p Totals W. Colli lrlon iooo SMFynne 3 3 3 0 SMmerrf" 5 3 0 0 0 0 Mu siio 1 3 0 1 St aer.rf 11110 111" OBecli.lf 3 0 0 0 0 10 10 0 War en i) 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Altidt.b 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 I I 15 Totali 13 11 13 114 3 3 0 0 0 0 5 14 0 3 0 11 880-yard event. But his one min-? ute. 49.4 wcotids set a new meet The Lower county loop is tdlei today, but a full card is scheduled for Sunday when Stanley LOWtE COlTiTT LEAOl W. 13 10 PC 1 000 .714 .700 .602 .444 .4 "14 .3 33 .313 .372 ilmnrT Pnntiaif 0 11 Lindenwoid W'odlynni 19th Gun Battalion Campbell Suui Stanley Motors i 3 3 0 Otendora lai-k Hon Diner .30 .000 Magnolia Auto is at Glendora, Woodlynne meets 19th Gun at Camden High Field, and Campbell's is at Blackwood for a doubleheader.

Jim Gross and Joe Koch hook ed up in the Westville-Glendora duel. The former ianned 10 and allowed four hits, with Harry Regan getting three of them. Koch struck out nine and doled out two singles, Jackson allowed but one hit in hurling the 19th Gun triumph. fanned six and walked four efti His mates made four safeties and scored all their runs by the third inning. Three walks in the second, combined with Ben ira zier's two-run single, sent the Army team ahead to say.

3-2. Winning its seventh game in 10 outings, Blackwood moved into fourth place by taming Lin denwold on McGinley's fine hurl me. The Blacks were led by Bob Iacovone with three hits, and Pe- tronglo and Maghan with two each. They made a total of 13 hits on Ron Craig. LINDENWOLD BLACKWOOD abrhoa abrho 3 0 0 1 3 lac e.rt 4 13 3 0 Hint, 3b 3 0 0 0 0 Petr ilo.c 3 3 3 15 0 Arms! f.3b 11113 Knorr.rt 4 0 10 0 Plersnn rt 3 0 0 0 0 in.

si 4 0 10 1 rat nado.lf 3 0 0 1 1 rella 30 4 110 1 3 8 0 8 0 Reus If 3 110 0 Marsh 3 0 0 1 0 Urban lh 1 0 0 3 1 Knant.e 3 0 0 8 0 Rums 3b 3 0 10 0 Craif.p 3 0 0 0 1 11111 TotaJa 311 HIT 3'otais 3)8 13 314 I.lndertod 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Blarkvood 1 4 0 0 1 0 I 8 Messhsn, Hint. 2B Reiss. MrGlnley SO MrOnler, 13; Cralf, 4. BB Mctillllry, Cralf. 1.

ST. IAWRENCI 1TR Ct'M BAT. ib i I abrhoi, rf 10 0 1 OMaj 3 1110 Werh Jb 3 0 0 0 3 Frits lb 3 0 0 8 0 Pud 3 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 2 Strip II. lb 3 10 7 1 Starr rd rf 4 0 0 4 0 forte rf 3 0 0 1 0 Jarkson.o 3 1110 3 1 i 1 1 James fllll Cunn 3t 3 0 0 0 1 In lb 10 111 Klanninr.e 0 0 0 4 0 Sherey 1110 3 Harwk-k 1 0 0 0 1 Gsdsrn 3 10 10 Totals 10 1 1 II I lotaii i in i St. Lavrenre 0 1 0 0 0 02 1 9th Can Battalion I lit! a I Werbeny, Retf.

Farwlck. RO Warwick. Jackson, 8. BB Marines, 8, Jackson, 4 WE3TVI1.LS GLENDORA abrhoi abrhoa 3 0 1 0 0 Powell. 3h 0 1 3 Barton as 3 0 0 4 1 Venella.lf 4 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 Thomas 4 0 0 3 Plum If 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 Bahr'rk Sb 3 0 0 1 3 lacv lh Ta-Mtrtj fl 0 10 Prn rf 3 0 1 Fhr rf 3 0 1 2 0 Yates si 3 0 0 1 1 Cat ndo.3b 3 0 0 1 1 Ohey 0 0 11 0 Grns 1 0 0 0 0 Koch .9 3 0 10 0 Totsia lb 0 a aa a ioisis 30 44 Wetvtlla (f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Glendori 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 so Gron.

ll Koen, BB Grots, Koch, 1. Page Brothers Win In Junior Tilt RADDOS HEIGHTS JR. LE40I I l. rr Pite Bros 1 0 1 000 Watson Roofera 1 I .800 Brownine Bros. 1 1 R.

H. Hirden 0 1 .000 1 The Page Brothers nine scored a 10 to 1 win ovpr Watson Roofers in a Haddon Heights Junior League game last night. The winners got 10 hits otr the offerings of Murphy while Tustin he the losers to three hns, 0 1 nj Totalt 33 1 4 IT 4 Totala 11 1 HOI I If TT zsk' i i tiM Maior Uoscts Hawthorne, Makin. 3B Silver SO kVOV kO wthorne. 13; Anteraky, 7.

BB Haw- Compton, June 6 (UP) A new world shot put record and new American and Finnish mile marks went into the records to day on performances of Party O'Brien, Wes Santee and Denis Johansson in the 14th annual Compton invitational track and sifield meet. O'Brien, of the University of Southern California, broke his own world mark last night with a shot put toss of 59 feet inches, having recovered his form after an miury which had ham pered his efforts recently. His old mark. was 59 feet, inches set this spring at th Fresno, relays. Santee, University of Kansas star, ran the fourth fastest mile in history to break the American record for the distance with time of 4 minutes.

2.4 seconds. It; was onlv one second off the world record of 4:1.4 set by Gunder Haegg, Sweden, in 1945. Santee's time broke all previous times for the collegiate or American mile. Finland's Johansson placed second in the mile event, but his time of 4 minutes, 4 seconds set a new Finnish national record. He held the old mark of 4 minutes, 8.6 seconds.

Santee himself held ths old American collegiate record of 4 minutes, 6.3 seconds, set two weeks ago. The previous American mile 'mark was set at 4 minutes, 5.3 llseconds by Haegg in 1913. The previous best time over the t4i(i4e rii-iA sr an A mArin9 ri i 17 on the New York Athletic Club, 4 minutes. 6 seconds, in 1913. Belgium's Gaston Rein, holder of the world records for the 2000 3000 meter grinds plus the two-mile run, finished third in 4 minutes.

5.7 seconds Marvelous Mai Whitfield, Olym pic star from Ohio State, failed by two-tenths of a second to lower his own world mark in the recora, Deiienng wnimem wn one minute, 49.6 set in woi, Herd, Presidents Seek State Title Woodbury and Woodrow Wilson High Schools and expected to furnish stern competition for Princeton High, the two-time state Group 3 champion, today in the annual track and field meet. Wnodburv defeated Wilson for the South Jersey crown but lost to the Presidents later in dual meet. Pacing the Herd will be huge Frank Urban in the weights; Joe Sloan, half mile and Dick Shea, mile. Wilson will depend on Its big three of John Stiefel, Dave Shrimpton and Van Injaian. Not to mention record breaking Joe Chilbert in the discus.

Talmyra and Tcnnsgrove will be strong threats in Group 2 with the Pals featuring half mile champion Merrill Pratt and Pennsgrove led by Don Bragg, the soaring pole vaulter who topped 13 feet Thursday. Besides -Princeton other chm pions are Verona, Group Red Bank, Group 2, and Montclair in Group 4. St. Peter's, of Jersey City, is the Catholic title holder, Class Loop Club Folds 2d Time Ballinger, June 6 (UP) The new and winless Winters- hasehall entrv in the Class Longhorn League col lapsed last night. Officials saic it was "unprofitable" to continue with a team which has failed to win a single game since entering the league last week.

Lamesa originally held the franchise, but was not making enough money to Justify its existence in the loop and the club was moved to Winters-Ballinger. The Eagles dropped their sixth straight game, 12 to 10, tj Ar-tesla last night. Collapse of the team was an nouncea by business manager T. J. Mansell following the game, Owner manager Harold Webb stated that "attempts to find talent to, pull the Eagles out of the cellar had been unsuccessful and that it was unprofitable for the team to stay in Winters-Balllnger.

Longhorn League president Hal Sayles said later last night that the Winters-Ballinger franchise would not be moved again and one of two alternatives would be taken. The team would either become a road club and finish out the season or another club would be persuaded to drop out to permit the circuit to operate with only six members. Negro Player Ban Ruled Illegal Columbus, 0., June 6 (UP) George M. Trautman, president of the minor baseball leagues, ruled today that the Cotton States League illegally entered an agreement banning the use of Negro players. Trautman also nullified the league's act of forfeiting a May 20 game to Jackson because Hot Springs sought to use a Negro player in violation of the agreement Trautman ordered the game "to be played at Hot Springs at the earliest opportunity." 'The agreement between Hot Springs and the other seven clubs of the Cotton States League entered into on April 14, whereby James and Leander Tugerson would be removed from the club and Hot Springs would sign no other Negro players during the 1953 season, is not a valid agree- iment and cannot be recognized by this office, Trautman said.

All clubs and leagues are nfiH or 15 Race Selections 8ATLRDAT, JCNI UNITED PRESS oni amiss reins. BEST LONOSHOT OBER. BltST PaRLAV TED AND HTPHAStS, AT RFLMON'T PARK ONt BUST CERISE RE1NB. 1. Tall Tree, Munnlnm, Vain Vtxto.

3. Ted M. Mlsa Mecty, Viioroui. 3. Ober, PrUsy Mtsiy.

HH1 Rose. 4. Calamus, Volute, Parnssaua. 5. Hyphaau.

Sun Rene, Raea Reward. 8. CeriM Relae. Mini Valloa. Wiasa mora.

7. Top Bat. c. a CorsiW, Star Host s. noma, ua inAreev.

at trrroii down OKI BUST VILLAGER. 1. noreerVi Boy, Plucky Star. Vasaetl, 3. Raaa to Rlohaa.

Henra U. UnntlnA Unit. 3. Udon If, UBcIt Zekt, Kit Bos. 4.

Answer Man, Landom. Starser stoma. 9. Rlark Bay, Jamal, Pucketer. 8, Villaier.

Kuturesqui, Shell Dim. 7. Montenetrln. Park nanrtv. leebss Ootxli, Fourth Jack, Abstract, Mattafor.

0. Nonpareil, Asternlde, Reaoiet AT PF1 AWARE PARK ONB BEST SKIPPER BILL i. 1 ajole. Mr Attention. Peace Pllali, 3.

Mr. Michael Mollis Fatan. S'ar Dr. Cricket, Prtvlleje, Coletrum Skipper Bill. V-To, Utile Flirt II.

Bhinlni. Eprtnf Grove Royal Vaie, To Market, Cold Ooesse 3. 4. 9. 8 msnd.

7, 1. Hailstone. Toari, Rouiro Bull. Sweet Naomi, Ruth Hanson, Isnvy, INTEENATIONAL NEWS AT REI-MOSTT PARK OKf BRST ALWAYS HOME 1. Tall Tree.

Rni Beau. IktunnlnM 3. Plui Fouri, Hlsh) Braclttst Miss MMOV Hill Rose, Prissy Missy "Top Bt44t The Trooper. Voluta, Roclte Llht Hrnhisli. Safety.

GrsMlan Queen, Cenn Helnt, W1of 9 mrvM ChartK, tbrfo OtltMrt, BquaJ AJwari Roma. Baaha. Orumptta, 3. 4. 8 Mom.

Stnft. AT DELAWARE PARK ONB BEST BIG THUMB 1. Capt. Kim, Mr. Attention, Twe Tenr5i, 1.

Mollle Paiten, Star Tlmi For Futv 3. Dr. Cricket, Privllee. Coeetown Mailt 4. Two, Khan, Pleiades.

5. Snrlnj Grove, Lirk 8un. SrHnlnf, 8. Royal Vale, Senator Joe, Pot CafsV 1. Centenilre, Tortilla, Tosca.

(. Big Thumb, Ruth Hanson, LtttB) Clptalo, AT RI'rrnLK nowe ONI BEST BIJkCK BAY. 1. Pluikr Star, Downs Boy. Bitwvlns, 3 Brother March, Watch lnJon.

HeraJ 3. ITrtrlat Mr, Trained. CoM Jack. 4. Ruth Answer Alan.

Prompt Boy, Black Ray, Mlsi Croai. 8. Futureaque, The Minor. VUlajer 7, Park Dandy, Better Goods, Epic Klfifc 8, Fourth Jack. Sneak Easy.

Blua Ileitis. 5. Nonpareil, Rtsujrt, Asteroldi. rROfRAM AT 1. Matlmal, Hotrork, Pluckr mu.

3. Raja To Riches, Best Dream. Burfm. 3. First Helptni.

Cold Jar. Heiemar 4. 'Reynolds Jr Prompt Roy, Answer Msat Tto Tito. Jamsl. Verlbest.

8 Futuresque, Ocean Br mm, Btemal Moon, T. Belter floods, Montenegrin, Perk Dandp. 8. Atwtrict, Mewtra, Fourth Jarjt Aaterolde, Well Well. Vivian a Beat RCA Victor Ties f-i li vm VUnn I 0011 (lr nllOll LiCuQ 1 Vl kJllWEF uvuu RCA Victor blanked Campbell'.

Soup, 6 to 0, last night for lt sixth victory and a tie for ths lead in the City Industrial League. In a second game, Cam den co*ke shutout Esterbrook Pen, 11 to 0. The Radiomen had everything their way with the Soup nine. They scored once in th first inning and added two in the ae ond and three in the fourth. Jim Glaes hurled a nine-hittef as St.

Paul's trounced Holy Trini ty, 26 to 4, in a City Church League contest. The victory en ahled St. Paul's to even its log at 2-2 while Holy Trinity, of Audubon, lost its third straight CITT INDUSTRIAL LEAGTR Lanitn 1 1 3 3 3 4 3 5 4 4 3 .673 .800 .871 .430 .400 .53 .30 famnoell Soup Mxtili Radio Condenser Whls Camden Iron CAMPBELLS RCA VICTOR ab I it I I Ronee.Jb Hen Macse.Sb Mi wkl.o 0 0 8 1 Mlller.rf 0 3 0 0 0 15 1 Ca ini.ii 0 111 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 Hor n.3b 0 0 0 0 Billy.2b 0 0 3 0 Ta -so lb 0 14 1 Fted. If 0 110 Albtns.rt 0 1 1 1 1 1 Oil 0 1 8 10 4 1 0 5 10 1 3 10 aCalshro 0000 Totali 33 0 4 314 Total! 38 8 Til 8 i-Slrurk out lor Plewlnskl. RCA Victor 1 3 0 3 0 0 Campbells 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kopee, Hetr, Mslese, Patryrk.

Campa n. 2B Miller. Patryck. SO Pitryck. 41 Mllnszewikl, BB Patryck, MUosiewtkL 3, Patryc.

MlloszewikL CAMDEN co*kB ESTERBROOK PW ab a ab a 3 0 1 I 4 1 0 1 4 1 3 0 0 LoG'dro a 4 110 0 Mo i i 0 8 1 4 1 3 10 0 Dare. lb 3 0 1 0 Holmes. rt 3 0 1 3 0 Kiel. If Tart Hi. 4 0 0 8 0 1 3 1 a 3 0 10 0 10 Wachali 3 0 0 0 1 Heaton.rf Srn fer.31) 4 3 1 0 Olft Kim, lb 3 10 11 Wrlde.lts 0 1 1 0 0 11 Walker 3 13 10 Shute.t Balrd Press rr Scho'man Buchanan 1 0 10 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totala 31 11 11 11 8 Totals 38 0 8 31 8 Camden Tok 1 0 0 4 3 0 4 It Tsterbronk Pen Co.

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Welde. Thlel. 3B Hirper, Holtnei. CITT CHl'BCH I EAGLE w. Holy Trinity (Camden) 1 0 1 nno Anbury 1 i .067 Nortn apt 1st 3 1 St.

Paul a 3 ann Holy Trinity (Audubon 0 3 .00 HOLT TRINITY, AUD. ST. PAUL'S LtrTH. sin an 0 a is HtmW.ig Bannar.e Arthur, 3t Ill 3 Oil 4Rep ert.M 5 3 3 3 0 0 1 13 1 8 13 8 1 0 1 1 0LH a.3b,p 8 3 13 1 0 0 1 tllli H.W In. Its Bowan.21 Smith.rf 0 0 1 OCUei.p.rt 7011 Lenord.n 0110 Fi1mer.1t 13 10 Clark.

3b 4 10 3 9 L.W rlin.lf 3 13 0 0 rman.ef lino Totali 30 4 1 11 10 Totali 44 38 11314 8t Paula Luth. 4 4 7 0 11 0 038 Holy Trinity, Audubon 0 11 101 0 4 iB (jlaes 3. G. Humee, Repoert, Hsrrop. HP.

Glaei 3. SO Glaes, 4. BB Cliet. Humes, Gilpin, 3. Glaes.

Ltnord, Marlton Eagles Blast E. Camden Hawks, 18-1 CAMDEN-BLEL1NGT0K JB. LIAOL1 76 Green Traw B.C 0 IOOO 0 1 1 a a Bartow Kiversid Mirlton S. Marau4era S. MaU Marlton Eaflaa unleashed 14 -hit ittaak to Oefeat tha Eatt Camden Hawka, 18 to 1, In the Camden-Burllneton Counte Laaiua laat nleht.

Welli led the wlnne-'i attaclt wits four for four, Includini a double and triple, while Kent belted a round-tripper. Harrli held the losers to three hits, itrlklnj out Sva and walkinc seven. C. HAWKS MARLTON EAGLES ii i I lb A Dlenm si 2 0 0 2 2 Glim re 4 10 11 Adams lf 3 0 0 3 0 Fmen 3 10 11 Galla r.2b 3 0 3 0 1 0 lOHsra.rf 3 0 aoPleeate.c 3 1 TaoDer.3b 3 0 0 3 1 Krnt.c 4 3 18 3 4 3 3 1 4 4 3 4 7 0 4 1111 4 3 3 0 0 13 10 1 3 0 10 0 13 0 0 0 1 Wells. lb 0 0 0 Hsriis.p 13 0 McDre.ii 14 0 Harpy.2b 0 0 0 Mark rf 3 0 Ketal.p 1 0 Powns.p 2 0 0 0 1 Gasktll.rt 0 0 1 Evans.

2b i i i'l 1 Tola 38 1 3 18 8 Ttls 34 18 14 2 Ji Jsst Camden Hawkt 0 0 0 0 0' 1 Marlton 2 3 3 11 0 0 3B Walls. 3B WU. HR Ketnt. Fttrrti. Wewal, 1.

BBOiami. 3. Htrrti. Keswi. 3 4 New York, June 6.

A group of Branch Rickey's idolators, all of them members of his Brooklyn Dodger Brain Trust, were gathered in Bear Mountain Inn one night during the spring training season of 1944, sounding the great man's praises so ulsomeiy that it was obvious every last man son oi tnem suspected he was jurking witnin earshot. One compared him with Georee Washington, to our first Presi dent disadvantage. Another saw many of Abraham Lincoln's qualities magnified in Rickey Then up spake Wid Matthews with mien and tone so solemn that a hush met his words. "I think," said Matthews rev erently, "that Mr. Rickey is the greatest man wno has come upon the earth since Christ Himself." Matthews' words returned to me Thursday as I read his first comment on ihe big Pirates-Cubs deal, upon eiitereinp from the conlerence chamber with his former chief.

"I'm bleeding at every pore." moaned Wid. "I did not want to part with Ward." That would have been the psychological moment for someone to ask the bleeding martyr if he cared to revise hi 1944 estimate of his erstwhile Flat bash demi god. But, quite apart from what Wid thought, the names they were calling Branch in Pittsburgh after the bad news was broken that he had finally bartered Ralph Kiner, the only jewel in his tray of Brummagem, were the direct antithesis of the encomiums that had resounded through the great hall of Jack Martin's Bear Mountain hospice that chill March night nine years ago. Pittsburgh's faithful and long: suffering fans couldn't have been angrier at Rickey had he announced he was transferring the Pirates' franchise, lock, stock and Chilly Doyle, to Wheeling, W. Va.

With Kiner jjone, there's nothing for Pittsburgh fans to live for now except bad news about Branch. Everyone is asking: Who' got the worst of this deal?" The question, of course, is premature. Who knows but that Wid Matthews' fallen idol may have sold a thoroughbred with a quarter-! crack, the heaves and a bowed tendon? Tempus fugit; memento Dizzy Dean! At this stage, only one thing is certain: Rickey will wind up the winner, regardless of how the Pirates and Cubs fare on the spectacular trade. He always does. If Branch is angling for a bargain, he may soon be able to get the Pittsburgh franchise in exchange for the publication riehts to his baseball lec tures, in the bear market he has; created.

Without Kiner to keep1 the turnstiles whirling, I can imagine anyone passing up a chance to, spend the afternoon watching 'the crystal Monon- gahela flowing under a Pittsburgh bridge, toward the beautiful Ohio, just to attend the game at Forbes i leld. Rickey once more seems to have outdone the Dutch in giving too little and asking too much. If we had Branch on our truce team, he'dJiave the Reds offering us Outer and Inner Mongolia, the sturgeon fishing rights in the Volga, Byelo-Russia borscnt wells and the odd-numbered vot ing precincts In Nijni-Novgorod if we would call off the war and our plague-carrying locusts. First of all, Rickey gr-t a bundle of solid Wrigley spinach, estimated at Next, he lopped an estimated $67,000 oft his Pittsburgh payroll by unloading $115,000 in salaries while taking on only $48,000 worth. Besides he landed Preston Ward, the first baseman whose loss caused Weeping Wid to bleed from every pore and whose acquisition gave Pittsburgh a first baseman it needed badly; Bob Schultz, a 30-year-old right-hand piicher with no record so far this season; Gene Her-manski, the outfielder he knew in Brooklyn, but whose present batting average of .150 he could hardly recognize; Bob Addis, outfielder with a .133 mark; Toby Atwell, a catcher, and George Freese, an infielder now with Springfield but in danger of being demoted to Pittsburgh.

The Cubs, with Kiner to back up Hank Sauer, now have the best one-two wallop in baseball, plus catcher Joe Garagiola, Yogi Berra's St. Louis paesano; George Metkovich, outfielder, and Howie Pollef, pitcher. Immediately after getting ric of Kiner and his $75,000 salary. Pittsburgh's Dave Harum with blood-curdling boos ringing in ears long since trained to turn them back, unheard, was engulfed in a wave of sportsmanship. It seems that something that has rankled in Rickey's bosom ever since.

he arrived in Pittsburgh was the thought that "Greennerg Garden," the fence in left field, shortened for Hank's (Continued on Paiffl Sitfn J.J. Jr. Net Tourne; At Bridgeton Club Bridgeton, June 6. The South Jersey junior tennis tournament will be played today and tomorrow at Cohanzick Country Club. Competition will be for boys up to 18 years.

Jockey Too Light For U.S. Army Los Angeles, June 6 (UP) Jockey Ray York, one of the top riders at the current Hollywood Park race meeting, failed to make the weight for Uncle Sam yesterday, York, appearing for his selective service physical tipped the scale at 101 pounds, five less than the minimum for his weight of five feet, one inch. "I guess that's the penalty lor making the weight to ride not making the weight for the draft," York grinned. Ttl-COl'KTT LMGU L. Mt.

Bnhrtina Bellmawr 4 Grenloch 4 3 St Lawrence 4 4 Aten 4 4 Brtlmawr Park 4 Kirkwood 1 i rr ST I no .444 Bellmawr Park squeezed out an 8 to 7 victory over St. Lawrence! with two runs in the last half of; tne sixtn inning in a Trl County League ttit last night. Bellmawr Park garnered 11 hits off the offerings of Mickens to score three times in the first inning, once in the third, twire in the fourth and twice in the sixth. St. Lawrence tallied its markers with two each in the second and third innings and three in the fifth.

Humphries and Beebe tripled for the winners. Bellmawr Park got its two runs in the sixth on singles by Weston and Randolph, with Weston scoring on a fielder's choice. Humphries' triple scored Carl Thompson, the winning pitcher, with the winning run ST. LAWRENCE BELLMAWR PARK i a ab a 4 3 4 0 0 3 3 111 110 0 1 4 111 Cla'enn Don Mur hy 30 Lord. 3b 0 1 3 4 3 0 0 0 Ran'nna 0 111 CTh on.o 1 0 0 3 Hu lea lb 11(0 ntann tk 0 0 0 0 KT aon.rf 0 0 0 0 Beebe.r.

0 0 0 0 Rlckert.O 0 110 JCon ly.e Gal her, lb 4 0 0 4 11 i 0 1 10 0 Neill rf DLord.e I 3 0 3 0 1 1 3 0 0 1 0 110 1 0 0 0 116 0 RCon 3 0 0 Totali 37 7 II 1 Totala SO 111 13 10 Ft Lawrence 0 3 3 0 3 07 B'llmawr Park 3 0 1 3 0 3 Murnhy, Gattuher. Randnloh, Hum-nfcrlea. Olson. J. Connelr.

1 3B D. ford. 3B Beebe, Humnnnea. SO Mickena, 4: C. Tanmnon.

RB C. Thomnaon, 3. C. Thompson. Mickms.

Champ's Trainer Drills Schlimm New York, June 6 (UP) Sports of all sorts: Little Charley Goldman, Rocky Marciano's trainer and tutor, has signed to teach the tricks of the trade to another young heavyweight, 19-year-old Al Schlimm, of Baltimore Goldman is credited with polishing the rdugher edges or Marclanos style and thinks he can do the same with the young Marylander who showed great promise in his first dozen fights. U. S. open golf champion Julius Boros has been off his game recently but he gets one break in next week's title defense at Oak-mont, Pa. The champ is the only man in the field who qualifies automatically for the final four rounds and he can skip the first two or use 'em for practice without any pressure.

Some local newspapers report the Dodgers are petting touchy about critical press notices Easiest way in the world to blow a pennant The Cincinnati Red-legs advertise themselves as the first professional baseball team in America and they're challenging the Cubs for the title of the worst in the National League, Western is in South The women's Western Open Golf championship is scheduled for Atlanta, June 15-20 with! Betsy Rawls defending Wonder where the "Southern Open" is to De played Chicago! Marquette University's stadium will be a crowded place when they run off the 28th Central Collegiate Conference track and field championships In addition to 200 contestants, there'll be 90 officials. Gentleman Gene Saraaen will be out to extend his amazing match play record in the PGA championship at Birmingham, July 1-7 Sarazen, now 51, has won 53 matches in PGA tournaments That's 11 more than the next best, Walter Hagen. Jersey Joe Walcott's 30 day suspension is up on June 15, if any one cares Kayoed fighters in most states draw an automatic set down and Jersey Joe drew his for the sitdown against Rocky Marciano. Huskies on Rebound All three Washington Huskie crews varsity jayvees and frosh are unoeaten this year and ex pect to win at least one event in the Intercolligate Rowing Association Regatta coming up near Syracuse June Last year snutout in three years was Wash ington's first grind. For the record: Lightweight cnampion Jimmy carter has won 60 fights, lost 22 and drew seven His June 12 challenge, George Araujo, has won 49, lost two and drew one Araujo now is a slight betting favorite.

ihe major league All Star game is a great mid-summer show already but wouldn't it be a aandy spot to match the games speed demons in a base-circling footrace? Seems to be a growing rivalry monir the admirers of Mickey Mantle, of the xankees, Jim Busby, of the Senators, Bill Bruton, of Rraves, Richie Ashburn, of the Phillies, Bobby Thomson, of the Giants and any Red Sox outfielder you care to pick. Williams, Johnson Clash Monday Trenton, June 6. Eyeing im portant, lucrative bouts. Ike Wil liams, former world's lightweight champion, battles George Johnson, state middleweight cham pion, over the 10-round route Monday night at the Trenton Arena. Both battlers predict they'll win via the knockout route in this all-Trenton joust which will not be televised.

The Williams-Johnson setto is Trenton's most (important scrap since Gorilla Jones, then world's middleweight champion, successfully defended his title against Young Terry 21 years ago. Wil liams starts his quest tonight for what he hopes will be a chance at Kid Gavilan's welterweight crown. Today's Scratches DELAWARE P1R.K Clear, fasl Pot P. rl)T Noble Sun, Mr. Snoop, Trenton Sand.

Pleiades. 3. 4. 8. Royal Vale, Eolui, Scobeyvlllt, Joey Boy, mrrsen.

BELMONT PARK Clear. Past Po.l 1.15 P. liDT Miss Mrgry. Dlsmnnd Head glTFOI.K DOWNS. Hear, Fast Past 2 P.

EOT Our Freedom, Doreeris Boy, First Rt-Blr Rlue, Lees First Flyaway Jack. Buifur. Wa'ch Union. Colymbus. Staiier Homt, Deep Down.

Brilliant Maid. Little Lurky. Pomflull, Hunters Union, lioluc, Pepper Lou. 1. turn Independent Baseball FBIDAT SCORES Clendori.

0: O. Furvww Blur Soa, 6. Muhty Mltei. S. Weatmont fat 10; Morrta 0.

A. 8 Cirr. I MuMT Good. 4. Oaklvn Lcsionnaires.

Jeti. 1 Haddon Henhu 0, Silver Moon Diner, Rlvemlde, Bionklawn. 1. Haddonlleld Kiwanu, 14; Exrhinit. J.

Blackwood Panthera. 13; Lions, Lafftrty. Firemen, 3. Colli Lesion. 11; w.

Colli. 5. 19th Gun, St. Lawrence, 3. Westville.

Glendora. O. Blackwood. 8: Lindenwold. 1.

Marlton Ettlet, I. Camden Hawka. 'Pae 10: Wattes Roofer. X. rl lance.

Grey. 3. Camden Travelers rXtnbart. S. Delawara Jen.

(: Parkaide AC, 4. Swedesbore Paultboto, 0. Glaubnro. 10: timer. Bellmar Park.

8. St. Lawrence, T. RATtRDAT Cramer Jr. Ywta Lrarae Panthers vi.

Knijhti. at Broadway It Everrt': Decatur vs. Jaruan. at Dayton At Perah in Pcnnsaakca Little Least National Bunion Green So vi, Brown Sni. siNnar tower Caanty League Woodlynne vi.

19th Gun Battalion, at Camden Hit Campbell i at Biarkwood (1 Stanley Auto at Glendora. Raneocaa Vallew leafwe Burllneton at Indian Milli; Medford at Bordentown; Columbia et New Eiypt, Beverly at Pemberton; Vlncentown at Mt. Laurel. Otanty Parka Learm Oementon at Brooklawn Poft. Haddon Heirhta Jr.

LrafM Bmwtimf Broa. v. Paft Wataoa Roofera vi. Harden Realtora, 1 p. m.

Other Caraea PHSL vi Army Aircrajt, it Crewent Brawninr rd. Independent Softball niDAT SCORES St Paul. Holy Trinity. Audubon, 4. RCA Victor.

CampbelH Soup. 0 Camden co*kt, 11; Eaterbrook Pen, 0. Scholastic Track SATTRDAT State Meet at Ruttera Unlvertity. Favored Ward Paris. June fi ftlPi t-fpauilu nr i imivir vvaiu, Ol Atlanta, was bounced out of the French Amateur Golf Championships by J'a 39-year-old Air Force major ljwho entered the tournament for a lark, Maj.

J. 5.. Anderson, of Ot-tumwa, was sure he'd be beaten by Ward, so last night he dutifully booked passage back to his Weisbaden, Germany, post. He was supposed to leave last night, but a stunning 2 and 1 victory over Ward in the fourth round changed those plans. Now Anderson and Ernest Arend of Deal, N.

are the only Americans remaining in the tourney, and they meet in the quaternnals today. Among the victims today was crooner Bing Crosby. But that was expected. "Der Bingle" was "der bungle" as he blew shot after shot in a third round loss to Len Crawley, of England, 7 arm o. Dues' Fence Stays For Rest of '53 Pittsburgh, June 6 (UP) Three National Lea pup flnhe v.

terday squelched Pittsburgh Pirate General Manager Branch Rickev's nlan tn nut riri of "Greenberg Gardens," Forbes tt i i neius nome-run naven, along with sluep-er Ralnh Ki npr League President Warren C. Giles told Rickey that because of the three "no's" in a poll of seven clubj, the Pirates must wait until the end of the 1953 season to tear down the wire fence barrier that shortens left field at Forbes neia Dy ju teet. The names of the three dissenters were not revealed, but it was felt that Kiner's new team felt he should not be deprived of the advantage when he plays in Pittsburgh. The short left field also is a natural for the Cubs' other right-handed home run hitter, Hank Sauer. It was reported that Brooklyn, whose right-handed power hitter Roy Campanella leads the league in homers, also was against the removal.

Card at Belmont M0ND4Y, JI NK 0 WKATHKR, CLEAR: TRACK. FAST HIT riRST J350O, claiming, Innsr 107 Robert Dear 101 'Oale Toni 10 Ethel Slnne 7 fur- "Spmut 1D2 Flddlera Girl 1 12 Slwanoe 113 Pajeant 100 1 1 3 Labrnnk tni Flir. T.fc SECOND J3500, claiminr. 3-vear-oids, 7 lunonzs: 113 Galim.nt Yjihmak 111 Prlnne Of Time 1 1 3 109 Oraclmii One 113 Star Nvmph -rigntrnt wis 131 107 Selective "Black ini THIRD daiminif. ateeplechaie, year-nia ana tip, about 3 miles: 13S Repose Proceed 1JS 133 "Nljht Patrol Solar Count MS 130 Leedle Tahku Patrol 13 133 Spike Seven Blandystone 143 141 Sf. rot'RTH 33S00. rlaiminf, -ear-oldi and lin Pnfr we, ii, aim ui.ifb. Duaty Darlin 113 Fldset 113 Bleu Feature 118 Dollar Belle lOS 110 "Blue Flash 1 13 Rsmbllnc Mary 1 1 Self Assurance 1 1 A nnirfln prejoii no FIFTH $4000. 3-year-oldi, 5 turlones (Widrner Courser 117 aBold Imp bBlue Eye 11T 117 Solto Voice sFlapper 117 117 Guayana bBlushka 117 ll I0P Speedy Jeep 117 117 Fascinator awhealley stabla entry: bC, Oitrlker rniry. jSIXTH J7S00.

added Tercentary handicap, 110 Fly wheel 109 aflame Chanct 105 Dr. Stanley 1 10 Dandolo 1 1 riHun Bradley 109 First Aid US Impasse 10S (Hllarioul 123 annair aiua-wneaiwy nraoie tmre. SEVENTH 33800, Clalmlnj, 10 'Qulckaway Rock Maid Snd 100 IIS Informer Blue Shocker 115 117 The Preem Prism 117 310 Mrtopla Bootlet 1T 130 Sheer Worth Atomic Fleet 117 111 'Adsr a.Trlnacria US EIGHTH maidens, 3-year-olds and lin. 11'. 111 "Thursl 100 -Pece Jlttera 1 1.1 Dlonvsia 121 Rnysl Admiral 119 Pit Hope 11 FlfUn Brljht Past 111 Malshar 113 oool 110 Dlonvins 1 1 Stalk 110 AAC.

Listed ac- cordinf to post Almeda's Debs detfrea homt and away ioftbsli samei with first class elrls' teams In lamden. Gloucester and Burllnitlon. Anxious to complete schedule, rail Bill Almeda Jr. at Timber Creek 3-3687, alter 8pm Th Creentret BC would Mk to book home am. away hasehall amei with teams In the 10 to 13-year-old clam.

Oontaet Fred Shourds at Moorestown 0-OA8-J-3 or WTHi Creentret BC, Church Moorestown. striking out 11. Hirchklnd Evans. lfrOarrinn Ulllf 2B Mansano SO Kellner, Ivans. 4: Warren.

3. BB Kellner, Ivtna, Warren. 3, WOODLTNNS LITTLF. LEAOl'l a W. L.

A. Can 1 0 1 000 Mi.nty Good HI Camden Fort 0 1 ,000 A. B. CARR MIGHTY GOOD I 5 is 1 It 1 in r. i a 0 Harrier ef 3 10 0 0 Mich leke 4 Hamp 3b 1 Konketty 3 Roasato.3b 3 Hardtnr.d 3 Birch.

rf 3 Doyie.lf 3 Shuts 1b 3 Total! 34 0140 0 0 0 Whiter 0 0 1 1 11 1 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 1 0 0 Vtia 3h 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Keller.rf 0 0 0 Krvwk 2b 1 0 4 0 Vlckery 3 4 1 0 Totala 10 1 10 a A CilT 0 0 3 0 00 Miehty Com! 1 0 0 0 1 04 leery. 11 BB so Kon Hetty 14: Ronketty, Vickcry. Vlckery, Ronketty. HADDON FIELD UTTLC LEAOl'l W. L.

PC Kiwim 0 1000 Rotary 3 3 .400 Bnys Stor 4 acnanire 1 .186 KTWANIS EXCHANGS till abrhoa une 1 4 1 3 4 0 Brown. rf 3 110 0 Hodrll 3ti 3 3 10 1 Harb 3b 3 0 0 3 0 lim.a 93100 McD'ld 3b 313 rtansen.ii 3 3 1 0 0 Carner.rt 10 0 0 0 3 3 111 Klrkv If 10 1 3 0 110 Heston.lo 10 0 0 1 0 0 0 Till 300 1 1 1 3 0 0 4 0 0 11 0 Lelsh 3 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 Shep 10 0 0 0 3 0 II 0 1 0 Jaro ha. rt Sawllnn Erbert 3b Reeves Beide n.lf Idison 10 0 1 1 Totali 3f 14 11 II 1 Totala 33 3 4 18 4 Klsranu 4 4 3 0 3 014 Exchange 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 Brown, Harfceraon. 3B so nayea, mi, 0. BB Hijet, 3, TU1.

3 BLACKWOOD LITTLF UAGl'l W. L. Beara 5 3 Lions 4 3 Tueri 1 4 Panthera 1 4 PANTHIRS LIONS PC .714 .887 .333 .300 a ab a Coin. 3b 0 Keltey.Sb 3 0 1 Herman Sb 9 irvin.p 3 1 Stilearf 4 3 Slick 0 1 Brown. 3b 1 0 1 0 Car htlo.lf 4 lOtt lb 0 OCraircf 3 3 3 3 Humes.

If Julian. Morraizt Fentm Iss new. lb Pasq ale ss Shearer 2b Girher.rf 3 10 1 4 13 0 10 0 114 0 10 0 0 oooo 1 0 Knapp.p Totala 1113 8 118 Tusis liattilt Panthera 0 3 8 0 0 13 Lions 1 3 3 3 0 10 2B Fenlmor. Herman, Cirlrhiln. 3B 3B Morram, SO irvln.

Knspp. 1. GLOUCESTER LITTLE LEAOl'l W. Rotary t' Liona 1 PC. 1.000 .833 .500 Fathers 1 Urhtmaa 3 4 Laflerty 3 4 Firemen 0 .333 .333 .000 FIREMEN LAFFERTT tb a a Debet I 0 Munn 3 1 1 14 0 Collins.

3b 0 0 1 1 I 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Muler as 1 3 Gregor lb 0 0 Reeder 3b 1 1 Con oily 0 1 Johni n.rf 3 0 0 0 Zdon.lf 0 0 Allison Jb 110 Bmwn 1110 0 0 10 0 0 13 Bevan 3b Cham n.rf Wrljht.rf Naue 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Haas. 2b 0 0 0 0 4 1 18 3 Totala' 13 Firemen 1 4 15 Totali 1 0 11 1 0 1 1 LarTerty 0 Mi Brown Bevan. SO Connolly. 14 Brown, BB Connolly, Brown, ft, Connolly. Brown.

Card at Delaware MONDAT, JTNE WEATHFR, CLEAR: TRACK FAST POST 3.00 P. FIRST $3500, maideni, longs: 113 -Cab Far I I 8 Gin Tonic 113 Confuser III 'Ridne Reward 118 Cobblers Bench 118 Alloyed 1 18 Red Hanniran 1 1 9 Lady Fame furlongs: M. EOT 2-year-olds, 1 fur- Retlp 118 Dapper 1 1 8 Tryociees 1 1 8 Braemsr 1 1 8 Bad Conduct 118 Rsdlola 115 Lovely Wave Nmnio 118 8ECOM) $3000 claiminr. 3-yea 113 aBlr Gee Ray 118 Carolyn R. 1IJI Appliance 1 3 1 Clear Sweep 116 Queen Clover 118 'Direct Tint 115 Go A Bit 105 a'Busy No Lite Return 121 Mrs G.

R. 110 bDont Argue 1 1 0 Blond Persisn 105 Bays Delliht 115 Lord Jeff 124 Swordras 111 bDenbli Doll 134 Primordial 1 14 114 WUtul aAitiiteln-Bryaon entry: bSmlth-Blesting entry. THIRD 13000. etaiminj, 4-year-oldt and up, tunonjr 114 Helen Maiset 111 -Staunch Friend 121 aDollargofast 121 Seebit 115 Ed The Great 115 Locked In 118 Problem Lai Solicitor 118 Zatinf 114 Super Slrn 113 Dustpan 119 Imphal 113 Chilli Rock 119 Colonel Phil 113 118 a-GloHc A. R.

Benton-S. Dewey Gottlieb entry. FOI'RTH $3000, clalmmi, 3-year-oldi, furloncs: 113 Zero Lad Northerlea 110 118 Crown Derby Buff 113 110 Farjae Swiss Knlfht 119 113 Anthony C. Irvs Boy 118 FIFTH $4000, allowances, 1-year-olds. 6 furlones: 110 Mid Streim 113 Neaptlde 113 Alt A Mo 115 Yock Tom 118 Elliott Htm TTStnc lis Knotty Paul 118 Rates Best 110 Lefend of Confey 115 aWlnit ot Gold 110 Sir Rarco 118 115 Abidjan 115 Dark Royal 105 a'Glorys Crown Beebeedashea 116 aR O.

Hickman entry. SIXTH $r000, 3 and 4-year- oios. i i-i miles: 119 ejoymiker 119 iDlnewtsely 1 14 Made Lamp 134 aLlttle Grer Pijmn-Roberts entrv. Reial Manner 114 Mr. Skip 114 Eternal Sir 114 Lord Admiralty 124 SEVENTH J.ionn, clilmlnf, 4-yeir-oldi and no.

l' miles: 108 'Towncastle 1 IS Maun I 1 8 Rnuih Cookie "118 Toy Vnx I I 5 r-tr Count Bon Lynn 116 Sccnav 113 Aetlr 114 Wlnnlnf Prince 114 Jac. Brier 115 114 Antry Thoushst MS 117 Ea't Ra 114 Jack Kent 1 Albion Temm 113 riOHTH nono. rlalmlnj. 4-year-oldf and no, fillies and mares. 1 1-18 miles: 11S Rrd Pono 'Rarwar 110 114 Partdork Kitten 'Eternal Banter 110 111 Glnny njhtlnr 113 113 Fale Front "Dorlenne 118 1 1 4 Lucky Lady Hooeful 1 1 4 On Cuard Jseopo 111 110 Brlht fmvn Runnlnc Short lfi 118 Game Finwar Tinsel 118 0 oi Ha thorne.

Anteraky, DiAnteriky. Hawthorne. SILVER MOON DINER HADDON HEIGHTS abrhoa abrhoa Tryka lb 3 1 0 3 Obey If 3 0 1 3 0 Frantr.u 3 0 1 3 0 11110 Bantt 3b 3 0 11 0 Betr.10 10 0 Buell rf 3 110 0 Watert rf 3 1 0 Shw 2b 3 0 0 1 1 Man! ve 3 1 3 Srhem eya 3 0 0 5 1 Bancr rf 3 0 0 Whalen. 3 0 117 Shee an.e 3 1 1 Vane.rf 3 0 0 1 0 Hofm a sa 3 0 1 Robinn If 3 0 0 3 0 Smith 3b 3 11 Davnea 1 0 0 0 0 Cave.rt ill 0 1 Grtsco.p 0 0 0 rj Totala 33 14 1111 Totala 21 1 I 31 7 Silver Moon Diner 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 Haddon Heighti 0 0 0 1 3 3 6 Bancroft. IB- L.

Obey. HR Buell, SO Whalen. Manlove BB Whalen. Manlove, 3, Manlove. I Whalen.

Richards Rides Derby Winner Epsom, June 6 (UP) Sir Gordon Richards finally won the English Derby after 28 tries today when he came in first aboard Pinza. Richards is the winningest jockey in he world. He has ridden mr han 4600 winners in three dv. Jes of racing. But never had he won the Derby.

It was a fitting climax to coronation week even though Queen Elizabeth was in the crowd to see her own horse Aureole go down to defeat. For Richards was knighted just before the coronation. Aureole finished second, with Pink Horse, a long shot, third. This probably was Richards' last chance to win the for he is expected to retire from the turf at the end of the season. So anxious was he to climax his career properly with the elusive Derby victory that he personally took Pinza on his last workout on the course yesterday.

The horse never before had run on a track with left turns, and Richards carefully him to the novelty. The lesson was learned well. Pinza von one of the turf's most gruelling races a mile and a half grind over a hilly course with sharp turns. Unlike American tracks, which are level, this one has various rises. The home stretch itself is a grind uphill.

Pinza won by four lengths, and the Queen's horse was a length and a half ahead of the third horse. Pinza was a 5 to 1 joint favorite with Premonition, an also ran. The Queen's horse was sec ond in the betting at 9 to 1 and Pink Horse was 33 to 1. The only American horse entered was Good Brandy, owned by Robert Sterling Clark, New York and Maryland. He was well out of it, although the overnight line laid down by Britain's legal bookmakers made him 10 to Rivcrton Duo Wins Medal Honors A four under par 32-3668 gave Bob Biernie and Tom Ionotti of Riverton, medal honors yesterdav in the qualifying round of the better ball of partners tournament at Plymouth.

The Riverton duo posted their 68 early and the mark withstood the assault of a field of more than 80 teams during the day. Four other combinations finished a stroke behind. They included Harold Bilheimer and Ed Workman, Allentown; Bob Buhner and Dick Sperry, Old York Road; Sid Orcutt and Pete Wei-land, Phoenixville, and Ed Swift and Leo Heller, Chester Valley. Grid Giants to Train At Minn. Camp New York, June 6 (UPI The New York Football Giants announced today they will train at St.

Peter, and two other sites and will play five exhibition games to get ready for the 1953 National League campaign. New York opens' its regular season against the Rams at Los Angeles, Sept. 27. 0 0j Dover lead the winners hitting ..1 11 1, A nntt nff i riuiiirktjiu fct-iuns; a double and home run and Dover getting a double and triple. Pace Brothers scored tnree the first, one in the second and six in the fifth while the Roofers tallied their lone run in the second inning.

WATSON ROOFERS PAOB BROS. brhoa abrhoa Shls'er lb 3 0 0 7 0 3 1 0 13 0 Ha.lad If 3 0 0 0 0 3 110 land ss 3 0 1 0 0 Htr nd 3b 4 111 1 1 1 0 0 13 3 0 Del do. lb 3 0 0 1 0 Tustin 3 0 10 Wrleht Jb 1 (i 1 1 1 Plson.ef 3 110 Jones.rf 0 0 0 0 0 Bu 0 10 1 May oy 3 0 0 4 1 Flcher.rf 3 10 0 Murnhy.p 10 0 13 Howie If 3 0 10 1 0 0 0 0 Ru Irk 2b 3 0 10 Drach.Sb 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 Lam ati.2b 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 Totals 18 1 1 15 Totals IS 10 10 IS 1 Watson Roofers 0 1 0 0 0 1 Pie Bros 3 1 0 0 0 10 Iceland. DelWfflido. Jones.

3B Hirch klnd. Poyer. 3B Doyer. BR Hirchklnd. SO Tustin.

11: Murphy, BB Tustin, Murphy, 4. Tuitin. Murphy. Tvo Tie for Lead In State Shoot The New Jersey State shoot opened yesterday at the Pine Valley Gun Club, Clementon, with two preliminary matches. In yesterday 16-yard match, Edward Jennings, Vineland, and John Rowland, Bay Head, deadlocked with 48s, Next came Paul Davis, Elmer Olt and Horace High with 47s.

In the 50-bird yardage handicap, A. M. Reeves, Salem, triumphed with 49 at 21 yards. George Hess, Woodstown, and Dr. and Mrs.

Lewis R. Wolf, Philadelphia, shared runner-up with 47s. Delaware Jets Down WHITMAN PARK LIONS Lf AGl'E W. L. PC.

Delaware Twp. Jeta 4 0 1 000 Sacred Heart 4 1 .800 Mantua Aces 0 3 .000 Partsldt 0 4 .000 Tha Delaware Townihln Jati caitured their fourth victory with in 8 to 4 win last nljht nvrr the Parkslda AC to retain possession of first place, in tha Whitman Park Lions Lea eti. Arrarl and Hlbtto mashed two-bas Wows for the winners. Wlnninit pitcher was Swam end tolnf pitcher Carbon. The Jets scored twici In the wcond: one In the third: three times In the fourth and twice in the fifth.

Parkjid rcored twice in the first and twice tn the ilxth. DELAWARE JKTS PARKSIDK AC sbrhsa abrhoa Arcs rl. st Pvkes If 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 0 3 0 4 1 3 1 4 1 3 0 0 0 0 3 3 113 2 0 0 0 BP ski, lb 5 0 Turner ct 1 0 1 0 1 3 7 0 2 1 1 0 San ci If i 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 FV 8 0 DeV llo.rf 0 0 Dnto.Jb 1 7 bone 0 0 ReV llo.n 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Vesoe.rf 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 So lak.2b Total 8 18 13 Totftl 33 4 41HJI Oelawara Two, Jeti 0 3 1 3 3 0 Parkslde AC Herman. t. Wswrxynnk, Arcsrl.

willu. Vatsnn, Mertjork. 21. Arcart. Niblie.

Swartt. Cirborta. ill fuvauo. 1. Swarta.

Car bona. 4 0 again notified that any prohibi- f'xt tion by any league against employment by any club of any sirt.o individual because of his color or creed cannot and will.snnish.e not be approved by this office." Deli 1 Titerf eleolnt horn and awaf ba se thai ns fames wirn tuiiv uniformed earns 1: 1 4 tn IT year bracket. Phoni Oaori MS 8-4 101 -J. lie. Ltste4 acrardlnt to 8.

Iba. AAC, post noiltlrmi..

Courier-Post from Camden, New Jersey (2024)


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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.