Fort Worth Daily Gazette from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)

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Iv address pap ailed FREE ta all If you are or knotv is afflicted with or these diseases send Kn caustic nor jvufts Sj a lie wasl ri Sh btcn as il bta of fetthTis Specfl plainly written to SCHENCK SON Philadelphia Pa Sshed vhittAeUPlih3 lizz tan fcll afterd t3 ds of prais re supcrflu Qza Sc8rtaf Sjphllls maUsniip Running EOT tfgxs of UicerS SvcU Dfcoaces and Unnatural scno actonishingtures 58tn have been sue XCdlllC Take the wes ses sudtkU Malaria etc tsburgt ias an example In Dr Hartmano Ills oi of chargefron the Peruna 0 A worse case of Scro Yet LACUP1A cured fc5 Forsabbyalldciig tfee Peruna Medicine Co sysc Sidney Diseases tico rAecuXcir liablt of tliirestion jvitXiouS can en 503 goorrliealtli oiacpveryw2re DfiSBETTS OEBS f60f Main Street DALLAM TE 3fAS XVV Vn debility Spermatorrhoea hcnunalLosses XigltEmis on ital Powers Sleeplessness De 1 ol Memory Confusion of Ideas Vj ounnne Depression of Spirits ixiety Easily Discouraged Laslc 1 1 Dull Listless Unfit for ud 1 inds life a burden Ml and PRIVATEK J1il A Jilt yphilis a lc aaj results completely i jtlSMro of mcrcurv Scrofula ores Blotches Pimples tnfUtffno liead anil Bones Syphilitic I outh nrd Tongue Catarrh Etc tTt i i i CURED WHEN OTHERS age aud 1l dnev and Bladder Troubles ougut for It I Weak Back Burning Urine shepherds I 1 liicittfr Urine high coloied or 1 i dnnent on standing Gonorrhea 1 lis Etc promptly and safely cured ioiublp 10 Young and MiddleAgeu Jlen SIr TTTT The awful effects of IITj LlVri early vice which Weakness destroying both mind all its dreaded ills permanently I FT SIT AT STRICTURE permanently i illlTiJU cured removal complete dilation without indisputable RVTTS Address those who have 1 1jI iO impaired thems61ves by ence and solitary habits which i id and body unfitting th6m for iiij or marriage i ME or those entering onthat ware of physical debility quickly OTJJ5 SpTT0023jSSi i oa facts First Fractical experience ca is especially studied thus iidit Third Medicines are prepared atory exactly to suit each case thus uie without injury i cits postpaid for celebrated works 5 iu Nervous and Delicate Diseases turtd flajA friendly letter or call uture suffering and shame and add to life Jk Xo letters answered 1 rnaiued by 1 cents in stamps Ad cts tali on Drs Betts Betts 01 lain street Dallas Tex For two 3 ears I had rheumntisai so bad that it disabled rae for work andomrfhied me to my ffor a bolc 3 ear dflrinsr which time 1 ud notcenrait my rds to ny head and Jor 3 montli could not rv ui cl i bedwas roduccd in flesh from 132 toSG lbs Wastrcat Cvl by best pnysiriaas only to grow worse ic and soon began to ftmv work and for the sejla Specific laslecras all Jom Rat 1399 Ft lud Wayne oa Biood an Shin Diseases ma led free Swot Srsoric Co i wart the addr sdgpill parues intending to much asggU evbflumblrTr shingles in cij ur iojwiJrjSF rcan save ou mouev gf KUTE1IAX Mineola Tex KOUKDUPS jSto Likelihood Cattle Fallm oQtthe The InflneneglraiFJced Upon this industry by to stocioje THE GAZETTE FORT WORTH TEXAS TUESDAY JULY 23 Supply of Beei ort of the Demand Dairy Products The Effects of Crossing jg olled Ausns with tiio Jersey Miloh cows besides generous feeding should have a daily carding Whiter dairying if properly manajred is ofti profitable The saving of the mauurj not the least profitable item of the Jfesi ness sp fa Jeff 0 Hagler of Montague county is the owner of the smallest mulcMgn the world This mule is only thirtysix is indeed a great curiosity inches high weighs 275 pounds is six years old It is perfectly formeuujL The farmers and stock raisers living in the vicinity of Pottsboro are making arrangements for a colt show or fair to beheld at Pottsboro on the first Saturday in August All sucking colts either mules or horses will be admitted Valuable premiums will be awarded to the best As a proof that it pays to raise good horses in Texas Messrs Smith lted mon of San Antonio report that they sold two Texasraised horses that theyyi had been using in their ambulance 0 two years f250 One of the ttffftn was raisqd Atascosa county They will be tRffn to Mexico pB Campbell a member of tlupJherokee live stock association re turned this evening from a trip to Xorth ern Texas and the Territory and says the reports of great loss of cattle in that county are much overdrawn lie says cattle are in good condition with good water and grass and no disease of au alarming character Kansas City Journal It is evident that there will be beef enough in this country to go round for some time to come There were 25000 000 cattle in the United States in 1SG0 33000000 in 1SS0 and 50000000 in 1888 tho year covered by the last report It is true that ranch aud range cattle are not as numerous as a few years ago because the pasture areas are needed by settlers But as the bounds of the ranches are contracted smaller stock farms and more careful treatment are Resorted to and there is no reason despite some recent pessimistic predic to fear that the beef supply is at ations all likely to fall below the demand Tho Stock Groovers Journal says A gentleman went by Miles City on tho train going east on Wednesday who is an experimenter in breeding stock Last year he crossed a Polled Angus imported bull on a Jersey cow with a view to discover what sort of a cross he would procure or iu other words which breed would predominate He said he was mn astonished to get a calf which while a line animal possesses none of tho characteristics of either the cow or the bull but had all the marks of a Holstein The blood of neither parent seemed to predominate The gentleman said he was absolutely certain that the pedigrees of botli bull and cow were pure lie bred the same bull to a shorthorn cow and the calf came red and white with only short nubbins of horns which never developed In this case the strains seemed to have doveloped equally The gentleman whose name wo could not learn is au extensive lumberman from Wisconsin and is devoted to experiments in horse and cow breeding The iniluence of soil upon herbasre is a settled fact also food has an undoubted inllueiicli upon animals The South downs on the calcareous pastures of tho southern counties of Euglaud yield there mutton of the finest liavor uuequaled by that of any other sheep and tho Southdown mutton produced elsewhere excepting upon the limestone soil and bluegrass pastures of Kentucky is inferior in quality to the English mtiton Now that we are entering into the business of producing mutton for market this fact must not be ignored for unless the American taste which has been refined by good living and demauds tho best of everything is made a subject of consideration a large demand for this meat so tender and sweet when properly reared aud fed cannot be made and the business of growing mutton will always bo secondary to woolgrowing Mountain regions are exceedingly well adapted for producing highliavored and tender mutton because of the pure air aud water and sweetness of the herbage these elevated pastures will be knowing Kentucky horses surpass all others aud their excellence is aue to the fine herbage upou which they graze aud which is produced upon limestone soil Tliis tact is so well understood by horsem*n that many breeders have removed their stables from other localities to that favored ate because they could not compete with Kentuckybred horses The same principle holds especially true of the dairy Roquefort cheese can be made save on the pastures of Roquefort in Prance the rich and exquisitely flavored Stiltou is prdouced nowhere else in perfection but in tho Neighborhood of that English town Leicestershire Onr best dairy districts are found only upon limestone soils aud where the famous blue itg prevails and makers of special ki rlHSjP cheese as the Brie in particular hajp found Orange county the pt locality for the pursuit of their bu Fs one maker of this cheese not lf 2gj ago failed to find what he wanted in New Jersey and succeeded only when he removed that famous dairy locality in Xew York This being sothose who desire to go into the business of fancy dairying must consider well their choice of loca titni Correspondence Xew uue York Trib Death of a Cnttleman Special to the Gazette Colorado Tex July 22 Clay Mann the wellknown West Texas cattleman died in Denver Col last night He was there redelivering some cattle under contract and must have died very suddenly as it was not known here that he was ill His wife and family reside in this city and the body will be brought here for burial The Dailv Gazette canj waysTje found on sale at Glichs nejsSjsraSrT 21 East Fifth street under th fj5pira house near St James tel KansasrGlty Mo Captured a Sea lon Mexasha Wis July22 During the last two years people nave at various times claimed to have seen a sea serpent Convincing Froojfr In many instances it has been prffl Botanic Blood Balni in omfche urgen advice of a frien Sa good name and is exposed to conte iJlood Balm Co Atlanta Ga will cure hpcd poison in its worse phases even wheusi5b her treatment Tails Branson Atlanta Ga wriW I had 4xumttmg ulcers on one leg andjJ5i the other gmd feltgreatly prostrated IbehScel actually ivallowecfo barrel of mediegg in aiu efforts to the dilease With littll acted of experi hed STange and my 1 Jtv desp5dencypvas son ushiirllr feitil had take Julc eT 3ii3ieumatisn blood por got a bottle elled I kept Sfegjriottles and all 73gJiSlT other horrors haveflisapjlgfred and at last I am souna am sjalL fein auan experience of years fe obt Ward rites dis erfj ras J3Jndtmm i tertiary form of blood poTai JEtaf face RfSs ind shoulders were a masafig conuption djffpnnally the disease began caiyur njJcull boiSg My bones ached my kidneys tfSegderanged I lost flesh and strengtlgjand HtifSecame a burden All said I niustsuSiHy dietfgb nevertheless when I had used tengiottles oft I ivas pronounced well Hundreds oPiggcars can now be seen on me I hjjTye now been well over twelvemonths in Lake Winnebago Others who saw the alleged monster said it was a whalo In one or two instances affidavits to the truth of the claims were made It is now found that there was some ground for the story told Saturday afternoon while two boys were spearing frogs near the lake they saw the monster in a shallow spot Assistance wasjshmmoned and a sea lion seven feet longjgrns captured It escaped from a cironjjJgSere four years nd tho faot haj9 forgotten A Twenty Thousand Dollar Damage Sunday Law Conviction COURT PROCEEDINGS Special to the Gazette Dallas Tux July 22 Saturday afternoon in the district court Watts filed suit against Hopkins charging him with uttering and publishing false scandalous and slauderousr aW ments attacking plaintiffs inte ty Sf character Ho charges that sai Hstatq ments were given publicity wi malif cious intentcontriving to injure Shackel and defame plaintiff in his gooSy fat aud reputation destroy his good ininy arlrl bring him into contempt That by febai of said woft false and slanderous plaintiff has been much injured in and to bo liable to be prosecuted ioJ tlKrftf and and sufferedf swindling has anxiety of mind and mortiueation Sl shame whereupon he asks for 2 MfcO damages Verdicts of not guilty were returrfea iu the county court today as follows Ben Wade theft Jasper Crutchfield aggravated assault aud battery John Schror der aggravated assault aud battery George Mosely carrying a pistol Albert Jones malicious mischief SUNDAY LAW VIOLATORS The following named parties were convicted of committing the wide breach of violating tho Dallas Sunday law Hickman fined 25 Ebart fined 525Andy Andy Settle was charged with the offense but the entry made on the docket was dismissed on agreement of plaintiff and defendant STATR FAIR NOTES One of the attractions of tho coming fair will be a fivemile walking match for the amateur championship of Texas tho walk to be a square heel and toe contest The competitors will be attired in fulL athletic costume and the prize will beJ5 proof that it djyes tive powers 4 winner inscribed and champioiismf of Texas Texas fair association October 1SS9 Fifty dollars for expenseswill also be allowed to winner There ust be at least ten entries Entrance fee51 Open to none but Texans Frank Holland left this evening for S64 Louis Chicago Cincinnati and other points in tho interest of the fair Ilis mission will be to secure reduced rates from the leading cities of the North and East aud to obtain exhibits and attractions He will be absent two months Mr Adams Carthage writes that he will prepare a fine exhibit of fruits and vegetables for thefair Hill of Gilmer will have on exhibition what he calls four unnatural negroes One is a woman woighiu pounds Another is the smnlletMiegro man iu the state being three et eight inches in height aud weighing ixtytwo pounds The others are twojgster AlbifJ nos of negro parents and saiSfro be feet curiosities Tf WA Frank Lattin of Atlantio City wants to make a natural history ex hibit Tho traveling agents of the fair wgp that people in all parts of the state ari taking a great interest in the faij County exhibit hall will be a revelation of the resources of the state President Exall writes from New York that much interest is being manifested by New Yorkers in the great Texas exposition Hundreds of the leading citizens of New York includ capitalists business men and states ing men will come with Mr Depew to his address In fact Mr Depews address will be an event of national iin portance jY The Dallas electrical society is arrar i ing to make a graud electrical exh jfe ever made in Texasand will prove one Id This will be the first display of the md of the greatest at idtions of the fair The leading majaa 3c turers of electrical machinery and nratus in the United States wiU xElbute to this splendid ex iMousariaS6f crfipKSJtolloWjMa fes gh eme Cfe il SSfrgV Terrell Special to the Gazette uoesTposses 4c use useJ3bf Dr Terueli Tex July2 IX A smalli fell yesterday evening ano i pearance of the clouds north and east of Terrell it is supposed heavy rains fell in those directions Farmers are working hard to get cotton out of the weeds aud grass The heavy rains left theelds in verybad condition The many Sarsaparilla a plishes cures Hood3 I eat and drink atTivoliHall 15 auolUj spee diiuS i Foilvoo fit Qol SOf ttfeSi St rofthe kWmledcel hi oj jj eB th Wl I dont butl am going to PATENT ROTARY FANS BERLINER WEISS BIER Corner Houston and First streets xjort Worth 3 TAILING HA2TE0C their ovra tri stttl vce Sook oS i tfculars wftl NERVO DEBSSST 3 of Body 2IinAsffects or ExesaTBt OK ang Olfc rtpAK3jit60DT EiraESTBenef a day rritorle nd ForcIgJpnntriti Book fall cxpIasaUoD end Bailed Addrtu ERIE MEDiDJL CQBUF 0H WIIILIA3eJ fcCO 4CTpbu3ton St THEELKSU ITSTNE 50d Iaia SU Aji jfa fe ros JFCi Merchants a Ter American Na tional Bank Kansas City Mo First National Bank Orwell Vt Stedman Kelloggj JCon gress street Boston Mass jZr A Huffman fi Brt Fort Worth Tex Late oJtrfhgfield 111 A Jones Late of BixrUngJa Bjafr SCO investment Agents Tain St Port Worth Texas SfHce box 197 Land titles investigated Wie paid and collections made for nonresi irents Correspondence solicited We refeejby permission to all the Fort Worth banks SELLERS Reel EsidhH Agents Worth WORTH TEX to the banks and business men of TTEJOHNAK fcW Real Estate and Loans 5i3 Main street FORT WORTH TEXAS1 Evans CnAB I iiSSf land Atty KF CO Spondence Solicited itl ijtfiMbx TEggeP fib jfOY CHEAP LANDS IN rfflEINHANDLE JD of Texas as an inyestsftfat From 1 per tzR TRQ MICH BETo 7ff fi SGU70fi Ci DEN SPECiRL cup of coffee or tea or In articles knowledge of the patJsnt It is hlcac anjL will effect a permanent and vhetheE iiu patient ia a moderate eohcdM reelE in KEVER XXXSJj drun al3 ha effiiiTectTJEoThiiij SB5 Pin51b5 e6E VHttfoutitheir jpAnd all appj jTttlrinkxss of 3 woggggmss WinWCV and all Urinarx nSles easily Jr IU Yi 11 quickly 3n3ii2flr cured by DO CUTACaosules J3avfi case3 cured in sevens davs So ldSJ criCbox all druggists or by mail fromapjfcnS Manufacturing Company 112 White A cef 7 New York Full directions Haymakers Artesian BatkHtiase Head cf Houston street ngrfh vcorner of square is the leading bat hottieiof the city for gentlemen and ladieSjj Ifhave the best rooms sfcate acknowl and finest tvateilJK 0 op acknowledged edged bv ev 4 eSy Firstclass attendants and firetchj5 DDerlateof Hot Springs Hot and coiiStfaMr at all hours Also any person want jA street sprinkling done will please call on Mg OSES IjSS Knox County Schx3o funated in Cochran countv aaconSfstuig of the following four leagues jjstt 116117 US and 119 For infQWUJa 3T particulars address VISCOUNTY JUDGE TRUSCOTT Benjamin Texa Suhscribe for the Sunday Gazette GonLEY Keal acre up TOHTEK Successojs fjo81ey Land fdkers and General land Agents STREET DALLAS Caaaolttn City Hemphill County Tex mm RAILWAYS Sapid Traiisf Eisliefplae System Masufactoted by Detroit Eleftical forks 4 Embracing all the hjest improvements for A economics and certaiiKOIoperation The sys iem is iftadily appliedsjSj existing street roads cars without the necessity of any change guitever oii motors Stwonary Power or Txac fposes piaformation cheerfully LAIi 51 Special1Ageiwgiihe Southwest F0HT WORTH AND DALLAS TEX This system has been adopted by the entire street railway system of Fort jjbrth a jatwit fwTNNE fftm HHMi This cut represents the GArANSSULKEY PLOW ma cturgft by the South Bend Chilled Plow Company andJ edMmGted undc tfte direct supervision njfeK Casaday who has a national reputation a fihr lnven You wftf observe fram cihat we have owr Slide the poie the Guiding is done by a separateJfever which acJomplishesT we needpie poie in hoing the back LfpHT holds it ose a easier than with the pole Neither do as our GUARANTEED The most promingnt featurflis our SlfiftiCiTY it is so constructed that a onearmed man a small boy ol hji rid who can hanjlle a tean pn do good work and easier than a professional expert can with any other sulkey anufactured in America This may appear to be a brd assertion but you can satisfy yourself by coming seeing and and will find out that wit have stated is TRUE trying you we the distincdkaline Ab oluWp5iral2 He tef ff from 4 You fau lrrlto thf tecolad Crce are sufficientv peculiar cu The Wedding Prelude A Xew York Weekly Little boy Say ma says you are go ing to take sister off Engaged youth soon to be married Yes in a few weeks shes going to my home and my ma and pa will be her ma and pa See I see Then she will be ycur sister Havmater same as she was mine Say dont YQ UwLcayjSS do anything she doesnt like for if yoUT i do she 11 bang you around awful when your ma and pa aint looking MA TUB KUMN Maintains its reputation for having none but firstclass liquors wines imported and domesilt cigars also the SfBshe and coolest Pfci Mt Mi waukee beeroVtfCSj TJ fincSflSlvs in fm eft wipes qe1ica Inarla Ki Sand prompt atten tionjall customers on oGyie infusion in water Baliy Gfweakiast Gocoa anufac Vedfo tftfofirst stajje to the last by per fect meclmiical esjKj 00 clicmicml being used ijftfts i fe i3ion By one of the most ing jgjMf these mc ycal processes the greatest de TCree fineness is secutm ithout the sacrifice of the attractive and beautiful re4Kolor Inch is characteristic of an absolutely pure and natural cocoa Baker Co Dorchester Mass JOE MAYER KUUV We Everything GUARANTEED Wr for prices and terms HUFF Is Absolut mis Pure Soluble ijcrease th solubilityqwhe pwilered cocoa vari jients are empl le JsS9laem beintr based tfiSJaction of some alkalprosfi soda or even am monia Scoa vd has bee grepared by one of these fine gold Watch With the name Ofr ftTe chemical cesses caBusualli5ereco*knized at once by AN IMPLEMENT ort ortli5 Tez sk HEAL ESTATE CAsmHsRoa We refer bypermission to the tional Bank Fort Worth Negotiators WORTH TEXAS CO rjtoFESsiojs ATENTSSS KEKR SoIicif rlFOfiT tesii inejof applications KOBT 31CART rottjwfiny fb aecure fent write to rORTH TEXy formerly ai format ents in ITriitM QStates Patent Office Washing tg ej tt 0Tj BBAI pfl Consultant itfs ge nerS Siua special medicino and suigery Rrarcilcglnnlted to office and city exceptmconsnltstioTi and surgical casesft ATTORNE 3r LAW Corsicada ANEg fARY PUBLIC Teias afusrox HMChapman TJPowaii Pendleton diasmai ATTO R55ttBSHS A A LAW Qlt Main Street fi1VdRTH TEXAS LlTSEY Haix Washington Conntj Ej Fort WorthTer litsve sWall RealF sta anoTLoan Agents QBf an Fourth street ui Mansion Hotel Tex FQrtjJJggfcth tffflReading dentists Office over Postofficeu Gold crown and bridge woji sbe All work strictly firstclaS3 Ssf 1870 DRSr LA RENCE 33 aSXSFT 1ST cfenfcn cwork done in all the bi sy branches of the professionvjt2t3n sive lalwtafwry for gold crown and tJucyF Vork Officcco First and Houston St t3T6rt Worth TBOK and CAT rS Succefilfnliy treated DR JPJ mULLINS Opposite PostofflW Pdrfc Worth fv KAKE ACT CfUlcefliooms cornerSedontJaSaHous land2 ton streets PO Box 39 Office Nortwest Corner Houston and Fifth streets Fort Worth Tex The Texas Express Co OFFICE 401 iVIain Street STEINoTEMPLE PLACE Again or Freight received and forwarded to ALL T3BJ WilV North Eastaflffirconnecuons hern and American Express Companies Low and Uniform Rates on Freight and Money AlfOAGEXT FOE Baldwyn Bros European Express Co to all Points in Europe We solicit a share of the public patronage For Bates Etc call at office 401 IVIain Street Corner Third Fort Worth Tex 5fH i i a ii 4 ttmi tre lntkor qn tedtot3keft nrJIberal corns If you haTe uoS wad forthsra sample copies to iagettlasnfallst 1 ONLY SI A i NO 33 GLOW to CoOperat i Case of Was a Anninir the Austrian War frges Action foz lUIan Eacer 10 Bnsslans Concl Jwltzerlana iEI ETTEIt Continental thers Throats by Associated Pres The lonr the porte all irkey to the tri resulted in ar roibunde suqBj tegrity of Turk gj ne with the question coi jd Prince uonce Greece further autc It 53 atipuh shall coopen and Bulgaria a Tho sultan German ami rranged for tt Villiam whose ipends on the entente Nefe i ay the srrtjAiiox ix si noU held in whether the intervention 1 minister repor in reserves er mof35jnno tions furnished they debati under easy cc 5its Russian nRapjod in exl 5s and depots sated immedmt ady to march nvia The coi il Count Kal garanco ot Ku he partisans PR CIVIL WAR ans If it occi Austrian assists ground to intc ang referring the porta for triple allium above all I the leasru a early of ntire cott tt bo 3 oubui but prdtM fufr strikes Imslf its very Jg yfute with th Turkey the foreign rt Bisu arck sinister was an amated Swiss txisting that note treaty OEA NEW TREl te reply would ht Herbert was iss governmen le phase of the to the alleged explain not taken in ifc purely jthe entry of trmany The er instructions id the buslnes i uld be correct ite of the i seems iter surveata gjretary of jus ion Thursday ft German soci I obtained pled of Switzerlan all pro the countrya ill be dema itored InSwitz i of Munich wil the Swis3 gym will South jamst Bismarck ttzerland The week since the it Petersburg ze the occasion iticize the coi courteous delaj izetto deplores 8 OBSTINACY in even by tic excuse wh jpproaohes of I him by his fir althoughnotT ares that tho jnts for mutual nipletion French milit sburg has recei nder of the Le tion of his sei Russian war the semioflicial iroduced here affect that in man war an via Brenner etz Austria a for the Italis ist ncerning been increaset gineer of navj hs police itj atKiol and a charge of cto rs kers in Berlin i oaent has plac ioldler3 who rder to prevent famine professional ra year and ijm the Uni 5 na of Isrwi mthe rar A JHj I Shi.

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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.