The Daily Free Press from Kinston, North Carolina (2024)

PAGE SIX mjiijt.n'H4.gj MONDAY EVENING, MARCH IIZ KINSTON (fl. C) FRZ2 PRESS i 1 -JL. i THE ONE CASH STOKE DEES Dfc LOCAL INTEREST SEED POTATOES RED BLISS IRISH COBBLERS EARLY ROSE The Weather. Services in TTieaf re Are For North Carolina: Local ram tonight and Tuesday. Cooler in east ttW Feature' Holy, Week Many Just Received attractive prices SPORT COATS See Them Vestrv MpftflntT.

Ktnston; Union' Meeting) The vestrv St Jlf9rvH f-: A CORN We Invite You to Attend OUR SWRING SHOWING i.i OF DRESS FABRICS AND ACCESSORIES Wednesday ad Thurs Lhuroh will mr hi will attend Holy tf*ck services in the downtnvn urllnn Thi firanri and Capes The season's most attractive Styles are sJrffKere. seiner urhWNow Legion Meeting. I JlPrfl U'lll lui Theatre has been! secured by the Minttf.friat for tk apr. Of the Amfn TLnn vices, to be held at noon each day TUT CIFITC oto'k, it ig urgent i.ii, vviji iviiiuer ue present.

rtiiii i limine 01 me week. A nimner 01 rongre- Kationa will nartifrinatp. The upr. Lenten Servirm. vices will last 30 tninutcs.

It will Field pes sv JOJANS CIIUFAS PEANUTS VELVET BEANS AND ETC. Neyipmrifs. Prints 1 he following Lenten service will be bed at iMnr. i ne the first time, lit years that union services havo hortn hart hero in Man! to Sejett From day March 7th and 8th Church thi wl- Unn.) Wednesday. 740 i ResoHOc )le.

-J Holy Week. In Wdil'on to this Methodist, Episcopal and Christian congregations and possibly others will hold services at nieht during thf Wet'k. mlniHtprH' will hL Masonic Notice. CIIAS. A.

WATERS KiilHtnn fvuinfil W. 11 .1 i Two Days AirSiitton to arouse city-wide interest in the downtown service with a view to flllillff thn fltnorfail fill Jinrh tttoat- kjcict i iuam r. iw in moor in ti ni senaion tonight at 7:30. at the Mason. IC Jiall.

iol election nt A ll Barrett and Hartsf ield Tte Telepbose Stow THONE 83 F. F. BROOXS SON members are requested to be prea- KUW New Scout-Members. Sons Phone 34 HMHhMhH IHMIII KoLirtepivv hnv i I in tioy a-outs here last Thursday JM.m a JOIHI meetinir lor th reremn- t'! fc prompt attention Recorder fiuv fufnl an Masonic Officers. USUalJv liirht.

wtr Wf. in Rivli.V I (pWs Ufokeri. QuickC Eh iXfR Court Monday moninpr. Ma Grady; I OQUE 1 Caswell C-hapter 38, Royal Arch Masons, at a recent meeting elected Walter F. Harding hijjh priest, Alex.

I. Gross kinir. Klv Pni-rv vu i ooiorea, cnarged vdth the larceny of Ins and Real Estate uram -Kjiiro uresa ooosrirom ivirs. J. H.

Whs (U) Aavsi in tho I Grady treaaurer and Louis Pearson Is always rendered to the public at our teller wirfdow, Whether you desire to make a deposit, tohave 'check cashed, or merely desire change. Have rou ever noticed how 12Z 1-2 N. Queen Stiver John G. Oox Shoe ir county jail; Dennif Williaans, colored, insarsncs In All Its BransJMr. kgt.u fiohrbl a.i anvinjr an autonfrbile while under AddreitHeii ITUY lnh WW3 on at our bank? TN hava The Hi-Yitclub, hearinff addresses in 24 hours I assault, man ffivei the benefit of uv Lilt wnpnt tT rna Sfnntlarrt rpmnrltr LUMSDEN PARABOW uuir nav.

inpnnl Aft uli fuoirrnent suc)enfl on payment of I Ibr JniuMions. No bad after I UJf Vt7, is. effo5a Jnndcif nfndablo. Demand I 1 or Insurarfte Rjpffvice of Every Description i ri oox DourinE mi. tiui portrait na Baptist Church Sunday afternoon.


A. Allen; Cashier. eibiiMiuiu. ir inns isputse jcon service. 'PHONE 831, Wall Street Happy Over At All DrtmsMa30 Cbnie Given Surety Bonds.

Rotarv Cnnfrini i. I Af the Q7fk in Adjocmmeot of longress: Uttice 103 North Queen Street. -( -T. JifllXIVL Will iioiB ineir annuat conK-rnce at Meters-bur u- Tueisilav Rn Dr. Hilw Cascara Quinine is saKI in 5n? as Resul! us Advanan? 'A governor, presiding.

Moore is a Wil- Kinston and guarantcar by mintrioman. Kins ton is expected to i NOT GO TO CHURCH SUNDAYJtfGHT 7:30. SHeadquarters for. alUunds of ue representea by a small deluga (Wall Street journal Financial Review-4-Bv Wire) TEMPI )RUG CO. i ooacco irar Nw Ynrlr r.i..ti it-tVolf Ot-n, Stwsrds to Meet.

itexall Store The 1 be stewards of Queen Street breathed a sigh of relief upon the' adjournment of iCngress, which constituted hinrlrlni-o fn tho nninl. iVit'T nnniir. i vsh tin inar at 7:30. will mrtilr.f3 TELEPHONE nipted discountiij: of many favorable Attentiom reports. A full attendance is asked.

features of the foresent situation ir For Anything Talrfs Sold in a First 1 For Early SDrin Plan tin iomestic bumessl With this obstacle removed urftil fecember, the Stock Market is free fo go ahead with advance in recfOTition of improvement in all bralches of. indnstrv. or the churcft will meet Tuesday evening at 7:30. High School play. Hiirh school Jtalnnti iaAn ior tne ttoy." i Jf Weevil in your pack houses and gradjfTg rooms last year caused heavy damageJrT the cured DR.

FLQYD P. WOOTEN axon's bint" graaes. 'Ml Ult.j'Hur in a play her April 2 and 3. Pro- Rails today slttwed -greatest buoyancy, 'because tfv hrl utnnrl in mnf 1 f.nrdrfn lessional protiticei-s are txi train tho FHTSICAN Mb SURGEON DIXON actors. 1 he Itfforina- will knutt 'S DRUG STORE immediate danir of hostile legislation.

Ornnincr ftrirpx wwe title "All Abroad." nnd will in Clean urJMI acrap anrUrJlher refuse at once and Honrs 9 tl UtftL m. 2 to I pi Vf to 9 p. m. PHONRSs amateur reprpsiuctlon of a New Smelting, 63 3-j; United States Steel, 108: Aimericnnl Sinrir. nn fivn- mis wiircnecx the Jnbacco menace.

i oik musical scorned t. Rohiviv PROGS SEEDS STATIONERY Queen Street. At the Monument. saw win besriil in a few dava Office B4t. Hoa Ml-L.

3ighths; Soirtbl'rn Railway, 34 1-2; General 188, up one-eiithth. I Signx Fair Attractions. DR. E. T.

K.ODNCE wuiara T. Jiyzer, the secretary, 1 itton fobacco Board Ceoflat Formerly wlt JrfC X-ray Work Company for fie midway at the annual fair here fin October. The company, said to 3e the second largest doard of IleAth Phone 78 Futures quotations Monday were: Office With Dr. W. T.

Psrrott, M. D. k. vwh. uiyac, ru uw cuuuiryf wui come to Kinston from Kk'hmniJ.

uiwra if u.ill March :w.65 8IM59 May f. 30.75 3ft.77 Board of Trade New Sprittg Styles i MONEY TO LOAN 'uly. 1 29.80 30.09 Snnr Trnrka flv R.In Jctotwr December 20.45 Jf Knur tracks ur. luliw 1U f. On FaYna and City pots 30.90 ivi fallG union rtasBAnirSrr ttin ta v.twu at Last and Caswell strvRts during vnTiri? Tn V.

Stephen Carraway, owner, and E. N. R. CSTRONG iin hbav iew wnonuis. me Atlantic Coast I.inp MftnHnu iq1 r- k.

'iiuiaivh to block Caytl Street while a spur A truly wondrous display of Spring Fashions await the discriminating seeking tho season's last j'lcucrson, j. u. tianton, and S. Benton, mortgagees. You.

and earn of vrvti will tnto nf. There's Real Plisuri vlEWEORN JEWELRY CO uciiik inifi across x.nat The contract for the station Is iCe that At. A flilfn fnr t'hA nimnnvmAnl 'EXAMINED; to uo kc an mon March 23 4SSE3 FITTBD. 1 of taxes made by B. Coleman, city clerk, and tax collector for the city of Kinstoti.

iN. nn nj (itVi ,1,.., Superior Court Grind tha CAirt for the Fehrnarv v.n, UUJ UI JUtlB. I tho. soi'l March civil firm chased, anil hnlil jT a. KINSTON, in looking over the record of your deposits and watching balance whisper In style and iwauty.

DAILY taiasw ior me loiiowing described real. wbbhpiiu.1 ma oi 1'; Rose vs. L. f. Davis and -wife was terminated Suturday.

Tho jury found for the plaintiff as to a debt DR. C. F. WEST to-wu: uegmnmg at a stijft hich is 25 feet from the edge oMhc cl*tch hetwwn W. C.

oj! JDL sses of Children InteAal Medicine. suie increase month by I iYUiYtn, uuiyiguinMi as to hav- intr a lien nft IjiRn tifMa ithitnUjt nillips lots, and runs weafwardlv ARRIVALS with the north idr nf Onrafumn st onth.ii.' A' savings ac Hours: 8 till ah.i to 5 ft m. uukiuvu i fitnmt wir. acvt rhn w.wv 8 to 9 p. rrf JjffonM! Offics 786 50 feet, then northward, parallel With the ditch aforementioned 150 f(Ht tn h.nalr I mo nf on Jf hjl Srkl Kttidence, 868.

Each day by express wc rcive some- CHRwall Tr.l. nitTII UI The Statp.t Sennt Sinrrli. count has been the refuge of many men in time of emergency. If you have not one, now is the time to start it. mn connnitpo: the following ap- vuuijf nvw, uuuiflg io ouBiready fine array of Sprinjapparap.

from the of thaiitch, then southwardly wiffi diu-h 150 feet to imiiiunvnia py me governor to the board of trustees of the Caswell a Stake She becruffiinir. Grand Theatre Yoll. And onrjl vr.ii will rnin.nip Ki-ksin 11 tit ILTILIltTl IKK.K THAI. T.MM nml umn Jiittoraon, Kiiwton; J. R.

Bagsrett; By (-itrrawav. and in hi uuujfuui, hci a. tf. Wil-minu-ton. Aim.

Sitfwnnm Chamfyjflain Braxton i lair a Today namo fotfie city taxes for the year lS'Ul. and thnt. tho tinvn ,1, uu inft nnAfitf anniA ttma mwi 1 i jr nun mm ii aa tn.r.ii in the intr nig tho same, from this sale expires on the 6th day of June, 1923. Sb Ui allSLlTIITlon. iiwivna4ow a I ORE The National Bank of Kinston H.HiTAYLOR,IPRES.

J. A. BIZZELL, CASHIED inis tne L'L'nd day of 1923. IW Do Oidn't Survive. HWMtWWWW i viiAft.

i uuNiN, I'urchiiscr. (Advertisem*nt. JfCflenckS Apollo AlcDevntt. frm I iinif juwjoi cnaimpion Doagles, is Seed Irish Totatoes-fEarly Rose, Red Iiliss unit rWhitn ueiro nere.

ine animal was the property of Dr George Kormvgay, and and northernfgrowrf, at Marsto'n's and its lorouarss were among the besit rabbit dogs fin the country. It was named for hHih'IiI Ihhvai. Dlj 2-2 Tuci. Fri. tf.

Sw 2-7 tf. and anewiipemRn. 1 Si-. m. 7 swiiitt au ciinuiiff io line lametttinir owner.

i. 1 'I saiai, iiii convinced Noted Nove Filmed. Alice l)u( Miller's noted llHru novel. novel, tllii i "Mans aiiffhtkr i laxative lpVv The Sign of Quality A BRUSH to be one of the best seller has been Pk-tumed ink masterly style Cecil 1 1 St picture will shownat the Grand WW. impure vveoBesaay, Thursday and For Every Pujpflose "ly.

manaf er fiarry Stallinirs an- noum'lllir thp linrrwliw i the most impirtant of the bookings i UB li "''won ior nis popu- WALL DuriNG MOPS, SCOURING AND ECJllSHlNG MOPS, I Baseball InfrrJut i 'Whilo Satan Suits, Dre sses, Cd Baseball fan here and at Creen vvlle have nntinnt "ri.iu. DUSTERS, BOTTLE-WASHERS. ats, Capes Sleeps" Waists, a SINIOAND RADIATOR BRUSHES, na naxs )ISH MOPS. STOVE DAUBER. All that's New AND CLOTHES BRUSHES.

i ing sentiment fii other towns toward reorganization fcf the East Carolina league, which 1 last year embraced these two townl, WahinKtoTi, Farm-ville, New Beriiand Tarboro. Interest has been atjiused at some points during the pkst fw days. The leawue was not financial success in but basebidl enthusiasts say its revival is n-esary to "liven up things" in the ti-rritory during the sunvmcr months.v Tuesday ANITA STEWART in "A QUESTION OF HONOR" HUNT The nrerfM original Cold and Grip Tablet, the merit of which is recoft. aized by all civilized nations. Da surtf you get TL (cnulna bears this signature F4C4 30C.

UlTALL'S WAY, THURSDAY urging their leaders to make a dofi- If It's a Brush Try a NIBCO. it D. V. DIXGN SON THE HARDWARE HUSTLERS SMART WEAR FOB WOMEN uiio nrove wwm reorgamzauon. wax The ui me season 'MANSLAUGHTER." (Subscrib to The Fres Press).

The Daily Free Press from Kinston, North Carolina (2024)


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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Author information

Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.