The Townsville Daily Bulletin from Townsville, Queensland, Australia (2024)

4 1 40 Northern, AfF Line. 6 a.m.. Western, Ocibun. Winter 818 11 a.m. 15 TIDES, SUN AND MOON MAILS CLOSE TO-DAY belcht 7.0 9.10 height 1.11 The Townsville Daily Bulletin Town, Currajing.

Suburba Townsville Belgian Gardens Item North River Ward Hermit Pork Altkenvale, and 1 p.m: Magnetie Leland. Palm Island. 9.13 a.m Giro Brisbane, Inter-State 63 p.m. Sun ate st p.m. AIR MAILS Bowen, Mary Moon rises WITH IS ENCOMPORATED THE EVENING STAR borough.

6 a.m. Mackay, 6 and p.m To-morrow: Sun rises Rock hampton, Capitals, 0 1. p.m and Moon: August 11.50 a.m. Vol. LXVIII.

Est. 1881 Within Britic 1 1104, the and Foreign MONDAY, JULY 28, 1947 at transmission the by Post a newspaper 8 Pages: Price 2d. Port p.m., Rabaul. 4.30 p.m RATES! Within Commonwealth Registered General Post Office, Brisbane, 9 10 and NO EARLY MOVE BY P.M. ON INDONESIA Appeal To U.N.O.

Not Definite tralian Government was consulting with other Governments about re-! questing the United Nations to intervene in the fighting in Indonesia. He declined to comment further. but added the Australian U.N.O. delegation had no instructions from the Australian Government. dropped supplies to Dutch troops.

but there la little fighting. Most Indonesians welcome the Dutch administration The present trouble is being caused by pro-Jap and Communist elements. There are five Australians aboard the Skymaster, the other five of the crew being Dutchmen. One Australian, Pilot A. W.

Ravenhill, snid he had not seen any "Life in Batavia is normal, and think the war is being over-dramatised. From my own observation, the Indonesian people generally are not opposed to the Dutch "Australians in Batvia would resent any order from Canberra to return home." he mid. "My wife is in Batavia and we are very happy." Another pilot. J. French, of mania, said he had not seen Any clashes in Java The Skymaster returns to Java on Wednesday with load of aircraft parts.

CANBERRA, July are no firm grounds for the week-end reports that the Commonwealth Government will refer the Dutch-Indonesian dispute to U.N.O. However, it can be expected that the Commonwealth is likely to steer a middle course in the matter, and no decision, either in favour of or against meditation, will be taken, this week. Mr. Chifley during the week will study reports from Dr. Evatt and the Australian High Commissioner in London (Mr.

Beasley). There is no certainey, however, that Mr. Chifley will issue a statement defining the Government's attitude in the dispute. LAKE SUCCESS, July sources said to-day that Australia was considering a request for United Nations' intervention in Indonesia. A British official said Australia had indicated that intention to the British Foreign Office, but apparently an appeal to the United Nations had not been definitely decided.

NEW YORK. July "New and are popular with the peasantry. an- piete squadron the from transfer of Australia. the 19th Dutch York Times" says that Colonel Hodg- nounced The that Jogjakarta Jakarta radio Lascar has Rak- There are about 150 personnel still son. Australian delegate to the United Jut -the Batavian Republican here.

Nations, said to day that the Aus- People's attack Army- is ready to launch Java. Questioned Captain about Schulz the said: fighting have in an on the eity. DUTCH COMMISSIONER OPPOSES FIGHTING LONDON, July 26 Reuters correspondent says the Dutch Commission General to Indonesia did not support Dutch military action in Indonesia, said Frans Goedhart, Labour member of the Dutch Parliament on his arrival in Amsterdam from the Netherlands East Indies. He said that Dr. Van Mook, after meeting the commissioners, Professor Schermerhorn and Van Poll.

cabled the Government on his own account that it was unanimously agreed that there was no other possibility than military action. Professor Schermerhorn then cabled the Government that he did not agree with the turn events were taking. Reuters Oslo correspondent says the Dutch and Indonesian delegates to the World Conference of Christian Youth have issued a joint statement saying the Indonesian delegation is convinced that the use of armed force must be halted, and negotiations resumed. A Dutch delegation statement said It was convinced of the right of Indonesians to liberty and and is acutely conscious of the danger of the use of arms to the good relationships between the two peoples LONDON, July 26. -Repter's New Delhi correspondent says Dr.

Sjahrir, In message to the people of India. said the nesians will continue to fight with all they have. He added that from a military point of view the Indonesians were not well off. The Indonesians he said. "had tried hard to protect their national Interests by peaceful methods.

hut the Dutch have forced armed condict on Mr Jinnah. in statement after meeting Dr. Sjahrir, said he was sure the civilised nf the world would not tolerate the Dutch action of declaring war against Indonesia India and Pakistan will consider this 15 an unfriendly action on the part of Holland, calculated to crush the freedom of the new democratic Moslem nation of Indonesia. "I have assured Sjahrir that we will support the Indonesians in every way possible The N.El. Government haw given 1.000.000 guilders for the immediate relief of those whose homes and properties have been destroved by the retreating Republicans.

U.S. SUPPORT FOR WATERSIDE BAN VANCOUVER. July The Columbia Branch of the International Seafarers' Union, at special meet. ink. voted for support for the move hy the Australian Waterside Workers' Federation to ban the loading of all Dutch ships in a protest against the current Indonesian situation The meeting was called after the ceipt of a cable from the Australian union asking for support SINGAPORE.

July 27. Reuter's representative says the Netherlands Governinent has agreed to the urgent dispatch from Malaya by air of medical supplies for the Indonesian Red Cross, The British Government. feeling that the provision of adequate Red Cross supplies for the sick and wounded of both sides is the work of humanity, relayed to the Netherlands Government that the Radio Jogjakarta broudcast a request for supplier. The Netherlands Government agreed at once to the dispatch of medical sup plies by air. AUSSIE AIRCREWS NOT TO PARTICIPATE BRISBANE, July Dutch officer.

Captain H. Schultz, win arrived by K.N,I.M. Sky master tonight from Batavia, stated that 60 Australians employed by the Dutch on commercial aircraft would not be allowed to take part in any action against the Indonesians. has come to Brishane to com- Australia, Second Only To U.S. In Japan Policy TOKIO, July clear points have emerged from the welter of speculation since Dr.

Evatt arrived in Japan. One is that he is here to convince General MacArthur and, therefore, the United States generally, that Australia's role at the peace conference should be second only to that of the U.S.A. The other la that he is not. here to eriticise the occupations, On the enn. trary, he expected to reach full agreement with General MacArthur on all major points of the peace settlement A member of the Australian diplomatic staff said to-day that any idea that there would be "lot of carpetbiting" between Dr.

Evatt and General MacArthur could be forgotten. "Dr. Evatt's idea La that Australia should he considered not as a minor world power, but am major Pacific power, second only to the United States in her rights far Japan concerned." he said. NEW YORK. July 26 A series of visits to Japan by Britich Commonwealth leaders are likely to result in far-reaching policy decisions at Canberra, says the "Herald Tribune's Tokio correspondent.

In spite of Dr Evatt's recent AS pertion that 11 IN not intended to form Britten bios against the U.S.A.. the SHOWS HER WARES IN LONDON AUSTRALIA AN eshibition of Australian textile designs, houses and town planning present in hand at Australin House, London. The textile designs section shown materials designed and painted by well known specialists. Labour Has No Place For Opportunists Firstly, full employment: Secondly, complete social secur schemes; Thirdly, stabiliation of the prices of primary products. MACKAY, complimentary July dinner tendered at by the local branch of the A.L.P.

in Mackay on Seturday night, the Prime Minister. Mr. Chilley, sald: There are all sorts of people under the Labour umbrella, some for the purpose of disruption. Labour has no place for opportunists." Mr. Chiney had traced the great work of the earlier leaders and emphasised the need for a spirit of cooperation and unity within the ment for the continuance of Labour's greatness, Mr.

Chilley paid tribute to the faith and endurance of A.LP. membera during the war period. when many tenets of Labour's creed had to be laid aside temporarily, "It in not always easy for the man in the street to understand why those in power make certain decisions. "In great credit, the movement has survived the heavy burdens of war without any internal Mr. praised the high morale of the ALP.

in Queensland, where Labour Governments have been returned for a long period. There had been more progress here than In any other State of the Commonwealth. in the establishment of hospital. medical and dental services. Referring to the international repute of the Australian Labour Government representatives in the councils of the world, Mr.

Chifley said the main points they had fought were Mr. Chifley stressed the Importance of Australia sending aid to the millions in misery overseas, in particular the United Kingdom on which depended no much of nor own future security. The Prime Minister warned that we must so organise Australian to withstand shocks which economy from overseas, Mr. Chifler was warm in his praise of the hospitality accorded him in Mackay and said that he had had happy holiday here, The Prime Minister and his party left by plane for Canberra this morning. ST.

KILDA SHOOTING MELROURNE. July 27 Found lying heside a truck. in a laneway off Neptune Street. St. Kilda.

late this afternoon, Keith Kitchener Hull. 30. of Fitzroy Street. St. Kilda, was admitted to hospital with bullet wounds in the wrist and chest Police say that tWO shots were heard, and Hull WAS seen to fall from the cabin of the truck to the roadway.

They believe he was shot by another man in the Truck which is now in seadon of the police Hull, who 15 not in a Serioua condition. was involved in the fatal shooting of the notorious underworld character, "Donald the Duck" in Sydney some veata ago. Detectives investigating the murder nf James Contes, whose bullet hody was found in vacant allotment at Windsor last Sunday do not think the shooting haR any connection with the Coutes murder. One bullet missed Hull's heart by quarter of an inch He received the wrist wound when he raised his hand to Ward off another shot intended for' his hody Hull would not answer police quertiona to-night He told detectives he had nothing to sav. AERIAL MOSQUITO SPRAYING BRISBANE, July 27 11 that a mixed reception will he given to the proposal that the acrint Ink of Brisbane And suburba be carried out with DDT to destrov mosquitoes When the local authority and Government representatives conference starta ta-motiow.

11 certain to he opposed by the City Connell health committee chairman. Alderman Howard. who will preside, and also by the Beekeepers' Association Other representatives will he from the State Health and Agriculture Departments, and from adjoining Shires, including West Moreinn The plan was suggested Inst month by an ex-servicemen's company Alderman Huward class the only proper way of dealing with minquit to etiminate the law lying land between Brisbane Southport UNIONS TO CONFER ON DUTCH SHIP BAN Tuts ference of all unions concerned in placing hams on Thatch shipping will he held in Ssdnes August This decided at meetina the emergency committee if the ANtitralian Connell of Trades timina In Melbourne to dat The Dutch Government has unked the Australian Government, to define its attirde towards the haft Dutch shine. The Federal Government has trblied that it must reconaldur its attitude because the conditions have been altered by the conflict in Java Four Dutch shine are at present held up in Attsteptinn includine two at Brisbane The Stettin me a.m. to-dav without pilot and safely cleared Port Phillip by 1130 m.

BRITAIN FACES CRISIS Heavy Cut In Food Imports, Less Rations LONDON, July Sunday newspapers agree that there is a concerted movement within the Labour Government to urge Mr. Attlee to reveal to the country immediately the urgency of the imminent crisis which faces Britain. The "News of the World" political writer says that with the American loan likely to run out by November, and no Marshall aid plan possibly available before March, 1948, the Cabinet has been considering "Battle of the Gap" measures. No Waggons So Graziers Selling Stock BRISBANE. July In the drought-hif areas of the central -west and -west of Queensland faced almost certain.

Josses because the Railway Department was unable to shift their weakening stock for two months, Claiming this to-day. the Longresen manager of the New Zealand and Mercantile Agency Co. Mr. R. A.

Cox. said that the pastures were fast drying up, and the stock-owners would face a critical situation in the next two montha. The Railways Commissioner Mr. R. T.

Wills) said to-night. that the waggone were now booked up weeks shead. and the wagons for store cattie would not be available before Oc tober. The grazing authorities said to -night that in three montha at least 200,000 sheep had been sold in the Winton district, to save them from dying, and In two months 60,000 had gone from the Longreach area. Mr.

Cox said that the Railway De. partment had advised that sheep vans would not be available for about six weeks. and cattle trucks for at least two months. "Railway officiale blame the shortage of rolling stock and loi motives. Three weeks agO the Commissioner I M.r Wills) said he could not do anything about ft.

"Becauses of thia the industry disorganiaed in the central and norwest districts. "The south-west pasturce ate lush and under-stocked, and sheep from the the drought areas can be sold at reasonable before price, if they can be transported they get too weak. Mr Cox sald that the crazier were selling to save their flecks from dying. He mid that a tremendous amount of stock had been sold in the Longreach and Winton districts in the last two months nrohably 140.000 STUDENTS IN RALLY "BASHED BY POLICE" SYDNEY. July 21-Al Communist Party rally in the Domain today, three speakers alleged that University students "peacefully demonstrating" outside the Dutch Consulate on Friday were "bashed by the The rally WAs orderly, apart from An exchange of blows between boy and a man selling papers, the Watersiders' Federation (Mr The assistant general secretary of Roach) said the students were demonstrating against the mats murder of Indonesians by the Dutch The Commissioner of Police (Mr.

hnd been present. organising the police Every trade union should condemn the unprovoked police action and demand the unconditional release nf the 13 arrested students. Mr. Ranck said that when he in Indonesia recently he saw the devastating effect of the Australian shipping ban on the Dutch who hat horn dented 40,000 tons nf cargo Ships in Australian ports. carving CATES for Dutch would not be allowed to leave The Treasurer of the Sydney franch the Waterside Workers' Federation 5.

said attack was one of the niest disgraceful PAhibitions of police brutality he had ver seen University students so met in the Domain In protest agalst the Dutch poly Indonesin. The following motion war declared carried unanimously the zens of Sydney, protest the Federal Government against the sudden and treacherous attack he the Dutch Army anil Air Force avainst the Indonesian people in violation of the terms of 12ve Cherihon Agreement We ank the Federal Government to forward this protest to 1'N 0 and demand the res. sation of hostilities. and immed late implementation of the principles of the Atlantic Charter for the people of Indonesia' Women in the crowd obtained signatures to a petition to he presented the Justice Minister (Mr Downing: demanding the withdrawal of charges made hy the notice asathst the 13 students artested an Friday AUSSIES MUST AID IN FOOD ECONOMY BRISBANE. July 27 -Agricoltural nationa such us Australia must hrip stahilise the food economy of the world 1 the Chairman of the An tralian Potato Committee I Mr Bulco*ck: night.

He the world Sill have In crease agricultural output by 102, per rent tend the undernourished peoples the sante scale that Arse traliana on joy. hut. if the world far he fed. roducers who supply world must frat have an that their is nut in Thee ace not being exploited. and That they will have an agricultural 11 That 1 Ill JAP BARTER TRADE AGREEMENT TOKIO July The Japanese Government has embarked on an tensive barter trade pogramme with China, the Soviet I'nion.

France InduChina and the Philtonines The programme calls for the from Japan of locomotives, freight car farm implements, wooden VPsSola. machinery. saw silk. cotton hith tolled chemical and products It laDen all co*king coal co*ke Dik Jcon soya henna further end oil salt rubber precision linge Sterl and light metals. U.S.

Wool Bill Only To Be Signed WASHINGTON, July House, by a voice vole, passed the Wool continuing the Government's domestir wool suhsidy procra ame, and the measure now goes to President Truman, who has indicated that he will sign It. Compared with the previous gramme, the measure contains new provision empowering the Government to sell domestic wool at prices in competition with comparable trades of imported wool. instead of at 40,4 cents per lb. as formerly, Government sales to American manufacturers, however, are not pected to close the American market, even temporarily, to foreign wool. because.

firstly, the annual consumption- over 800.000.000lb. -exceeds the total of the existing domestic stockpile of 480.000.000lb.. plus produced in the U.S.A. annually, Secondly, the 34 cent per lb, tariff on imports, provides roughly one-third of the entire Customs intake of the American Government. Thirdly.

officials are anxious to avoid any price war against foreign wool which would likewise depress the market for American wool. Regarding this point, the House Agriculture Committee's report on the present Bill. specifically States: "It not intended that the Government should dump its stocks of wool, or that it should ware A price-cutting War or depresa the market unduly "However. it is intended to put the Government in a position to compete for the domestic market and to deprice foreign Sellers of the competitive advantage thev have had of pricing their wool below the point which the Government has been mitted to LITTLE INTEREST IN COMMUNIST RALLY BRISBANE, July Only about 900 people attended the Communist rally In Wickham Park this afternoon, to protest against the war in Indonesia. A strong force of police had nathing to do, as there WAR scarcely en interjection The squatters leader.

Mr. R. Hass introduced the speakers, who all condemned what they termed Dutch Aggression and Imperialism. Mainly, however, the meeting Was made the medium for a riclous attack on the Press, which was accused of distorting the fact about Indonesia. The first speaker, Mr.

M. Healy, the Trades and Labour Council secretary, said that he had just received a radio message. that Dutch battalions had heen encireled by the About a scarp of peuple applauded this but many others looked sceptical Mr. Heals paid that he was convinred that the manpower superiority of the Indonesians would finally sive them victory There Was little at the meeting One of the non-Communista who was present out of curiosity, Mr. Webber.

a returned soldier. said: am satisfied the Communists do not know what they are talking about A resolution was carried, on show of hands calling on the Federal Govin refer the dispute to Lie I'nited Nations. and asking unionist to biscuit all Dutch goods CHINESE GIRL MUST RETURN TO PARENTS SYDNEY July 27 The Acting Minister for Immigration 1 Senator Armstrong: old to-night there was no likelhued that Gwenda Yee 19-year old Chinese girl would he allowed fu 11 Australin The girl is the daughter of Willian Hin Tre ho wants her to return to China with him The girl drairra to termin bete and. marry nest GouldIng, 24 of Rook wood, who is al AusTralian Ganda Yer PHI fu Australia 10 srars ages and has been allowed to reunder certificate of exempwhich haw tor he Veerie WAn the cart expired on June this seam, her Intents did apply hate renewed This nukes the 1 hubte to deportation and immigra non are 10 her Karaurn she under 21, she cannot apply for renewal of the certificate on her owe hehtall INVASION OF DOMINICA DENIED WASHINGTON. Juls Si--The Dominican Ambassador.

Julia Ortega Frier, asserted that an army af Communist revolutionaries sembled from Cuba. Gautemala, Venrettela and Porte Rica. was poised In Cuts fo Insade the Dominican Republic. Thr atmr consisind of of which were acheduted 10 the Lunar mort Ant Iris The THe tr too re unit the M1V Dart Tunis altered to merl an attach: We bate protested 1. the Government, and Informed Of detail.

but desnite this the ins arms seems 14 41 the saint UR A that he Ginsernment Frost InThe Venezuelan and the Guatemalan (har and the riban S11 Chute Masano rach tee of Pre fleurd Nate that he Ind In it no substantation at The The on vessel- tHirt linate which operating normalle Firstly. heavy reduction in food imports. including practically all 1m- ported meat. Secondly, reducing rationa to leas than that at the height of the war Thirdly, stopping petrol entirely for pleasure motoring. Fourthly, prohibiting foreign travel for Britons, except for business.

The newspaper added that Mr. Attlee recently threatened some of him colleagues that he would resign unless members of the Government showed a greater sense of reality and statesmanship in preparation for the Inevitable crisis. Reuter's says a British Ministary of Food official said that AustraIan reports that Britain Intended to Invest £25,000.000 in Australian food growing Industries were premature, but there were the est grounds for optimism about the eventual conclusion of an Important agreement with Australia. Australian and British officials have had preliminary discussions about the possibility of launching extenaive new cod production schemes. especially in Queensland, South Australia and the Northern Territory The proposals and discussions so far have been of a most tentative nature and off lals of neither country have been empowered to Commit themselves.

Australia 'WAR eager for an agreement to he concluded Mr. Beasley and the Agents General of South Australia and Queensland. Mr. McCann and Mr. MacAllister had con- THIEF CAUGHT WITH GOODS SYDNEY.

July Two constables calight an alleged thief red-handed during patrol of Redfern to-day When on motor eycle outfit. they saw a car which had been reported stolen. They saw man walking, toward the vehicle with some rotis of material in his arme, and when the man saw the police he ran, hut was overtaken after a short chase The man later was charged with breaking and entering. and with illegal use of a car. TRAIN CREWS TO ADHERE TO RULES BRISBANE.

July the Railways Department amends signal and spred regulations, 300 drivers and Aremen attached te Mayne Junction will rigidly adhere to the rules and regulations from Monday. August 4. A merting: of the North Brisbane branch of the Australian Federated I'nion of Locomotive Enginemen decided this to-day, The branch secretary monds: said the meeting unanimously adopted instructions circularised to members stationed at Mayne Junction last week. Mr. Edmonds said that already those enginemen who had received the pamphlet were carrying out the structions, and it was expected the remaining members would have the pamphlet in their possession in few days.

Mr Edmonds said it was not experted the enginenion, whose trains 1 rAn late hecause the instructions Well: obeyed would be dealt with by the Department Mr Edmonds added 1 think the Departibent will adopt a reasonable wtand increase the speed therehy: enabling trains to run on time and giving the men the protection they are entitled to EGGS 3d. CHEAPER TO-DAY BRISBANE July 27 The hule. sale prices of all vags will be lowered 341 per dozen from Monday The new prices will First quality hen. 2 first quality. medium.

1 9: Duck. 1 ungraded. 1 The retail selling margin is 3d dozen except for fret quality hen exEs, which will the 44 ferred together and with the Ministry for Food and the Commonwealth Relations Officer, Reuter's adds: It is pointed out that the new overseas food corporation 10 be established in conjunction with the Calonial Development Cor. poration. could be adapted to adminis.

ter food production schemes, in the Dominions as well as the colonies Mr. Ernest Bevin, addressing the miners' annual gala at Durham denied that because the British were in difficulties they were ent. That Impeachment cane from people from who stayed about fortnight. He said: "We are handicapped because we fought the war from the be. ginning to the end without reservation, because we stood alone in 1940.

and because the value of the American loan isn't what we thought it to be." Mr. Bevin recalled his statement of July 19 that he did not like to be died to moneylenders WAS uttering a very human expression. Nobody would like He said! "It upset Mr, Taft, according to one report. and provoked an international incident. "The British don't like having borrow We don't mind earning it.

we have to borrow, we like it to be little as possible. He told the minete that he would never go back on their five-day week. but he might have to ask their temporary help to break Britain's vicious econcmi: circle FALL OF PRE-WAR CAPITAL DENIED BATAVIA. July 27. The Dutch army denies the Republican reports of the fall of Medan.

Reuter's representative says that In an attack beginning on Wednesday Republican forces in Sumatra have taken the pre-war Dutch capital of Medan. according to Antara reports Pemantang and Siantar, Antara said the attack began at 2.30 a.m., when the Republican forces, advancing on the east sectior of the Dutch occupied perimeter, infiltrated an far as two of the city's main the streets. The Dutch attempted to halt attack with artillery fire, but by 11 a.m. the Republicans claimed to have occupied most of the streets and taken the rallway workshops. A Dutch army communique -day announced the occupation of Port Plababan Padt, 40 miles south of bupmi, West Java, and Tegal on the North-central coast.

40 miles east of Cheribon. The power station at Lamed jan, 20 south of the pre-war summer capital of Banrung. has also been taken with heavier resistance than usual being encountrered in the occupation of the power station. Marine landing parties combined with land forces in pushing eastward from Cherihon to occupy Tegal which. before the war, was overseas shipping port, mainly for the export of tapioca, In the middle of Java, Republican troope attacked near Genuksari in the east part of the occupied Semarang.

using women as a shield. They were repulsed with The communique says the reports of Japanese in the service of the Netherlends Army is without foundation. The communique says the Dutch casualties are now 41 killed. 75 wounded and eight missing. BATAVIA, July Navy communique to-night reports landing parties from the Netherlands warships, Everstsen and Bancert, landed at Tegal in order to check the destruction of the city before the arrival of Dutch troops.

The occupation of the harbour area was completed without delay. The communique adds that from to-morrow the harbours of Cheribon, Probolinggo, and Banjuwangi will be opened to normal trade. The Republican army communiqu: states Dutch tanks which had been concentrated at Karanglo, mix miles north of Malang, have pushed westward wards Karangploso, five miles west of Karanglo. Dutch aircraft this morning strafed Pakisadji, six miles south of Malang. Violent fighting ensued at Pengaron on Friday night and 10-day when Republican troops attacked from the south east of the city.

After six hours' savage clashes. the Dutch troops withdrew further back into the eity, Heavy nghting la going on at Brebes. Reuter's Jogjakarta correspondent says Sutan Akbar, the wellknown and dreaded leader of the Dinkarta Rays People's Army, to. day Instructed his followers to present national struggle army for port the Republican freedom." It Is authorittively learned that many members of the Djakarla Rays had infiltrated into the Indonesian ROCtion of the Dutch army, which had made the rapid drive on Krawang and Cheribon. They have not revolted in the Krawang area.

Sutan Akbar in known to the people by the nickname "The Tiger of Tjitarum River." which flowa through the Krawang area, The Djakarta Rava are reported to be good fighters They are scattered throughout the whole of West Java. U.S. PRESIDENT'S MOTHER DEAD GRANDVIEW (Missouri), July President Truman's mother. Mrs. Martha Truman.

aged 94, died to-dav while the President was flying from Washington to her bedside. After hearing by telephone that his mother had failed to recover satisfactorily from a recent relapse, the President arranged to fly to her bedside, Mrs. Truman suffered broken hip on February 13, Mrs. Truman died an hour after Mr. Truman left Washington by 'plane in an effort to reach her bedside.

The news of her death was radioed to the plane while ft was about half way between Washington and Grand View. About four hours after his mother died. Mr. Truman, visibly distressed, stepped from the aircraft at Grand View He made no statement and drove off with his family. The new.

of the death suddenly hushed the hubbub in Congress. The Democratic leader. Mr. Alben Barkley, making tie announcement in the Senate, descrihed Mrs. Martha Truman one of the finest characters in the history of the U.S.A, and one of the finest mothers.

She Was totally spoiled by the honours that came to her distinguished son, 85 he himself was unspoiled. A private funeral service will be held in his mother's little cottage on July 28 President Truman especially asked for no flowers because his mother had often said that dowers were for the living who could enjoy them. and not for the dead. BAN ON STADIUMS REQUESTED HYDNEY. July 27 The New South Wales Boxers and AssociaInn resolved to-night that request be sent to the Trades and Labour Council to declare an immediate "black" han on Sydney and Leichhardt Stadiums.

The Association secretary. Mr. Wilson. said Leichhardt Stadium had done an injustice to the heavyweight boxer, Doug. Brown, in accepting the referee's disqualification of Brown.

and in banning Brown for life. Mr. Wilson said his Association had written to the Leichhardt Stadium, asking for an interview at which they could put Brown's case to the Leichhardt management. However. their letter had brought no reply.

UNBROKEN DINGOPROOF FENCE BRISBANE, July 27 -Immediate State action to erect Ari unbroken dingo-proof fence in Western Queens: land from the New South Wales border, or other measures to prevent heavy stuck losses, was urged to-day by Western Shire Clerks The Winton Shire Clerk A. Wehlow: said the Government representatice passed through that sh*te a fortnight ago to investigate the route of the proposed fence. Clerks in other Shires elnimed nothing had been done in their areas, atthough they had heard that Investigators were on the joh. The Lands Minister Mr. Foley: said 10-night this officer probably had been appointed by the fural Lands and Stock Routes Board to make survey of the existing fences, and to indicate to the Board where existed, and what AS required to bridge them.

"Many of us would like to And means of Mr preventing loseR ax early an I Foley snid "But thin can't he done in day "The State Government has big Program me covering wide Held There de a properly appointed industry members The Shire Clarke said many properts nATA had erected and maintained dog proof fences themselves. but there WETA MAnY gaps, some up to 50 miles They claimed the dingo longes were stimulating the drift to the cities beCalls many graziers Were being forced from sheep to cattle Sheep crested greater employment, and brought more settlers, Including families Coloured Inbout was used largely the cattle industry, they said. They quoted these losses Mitchell area: Los of 500 sheep by one owner in six months last year Long reach: One dos recently destrayed 100 sheep Cloncurry Dogs and drought duced one flock from 9000 to 100 In years The remnants were sold. SHOOTING VICTIM DIES Leonard Alovsius railway officer Storth. on the Ayr line.

who was admitted to the General Hospital a week preutnusly suffering from gunshot wound in the abdomen, passed away on Saturday, Boyinn was in his 24th year and he joined the Railway Department an a lad porter at Boogan In December, 1941. being appointed to Storth as night offleer. Boy was nut chanting don las' Sundae and when .22 calibre rifle accident ploded the bullet en'rtir his abdomen A host monteman revealed that the had lodged in Hir back. The deerased is a son of Mt Bovlan. stationmaster at Silk wand A brother.

Bovian. in tr the department in the Southern DiStr NO MILK DELIVERY IN SYDNEY SUBURPS SYDNEY Jut. 27 this free the in about ro'0 morning houscholdets tarts of King's Crow, Pott's Point and Globe null be without milk debrelus of the strike by milk carters The Milk Hoard will meet roW action to ensure supe plies In ha need milk One -urgestion is that the Boord mar take iti delivery contract away the company involved, find her whose carters will deliver. The dispute. which involves about men and 15 bovs.

arises from of an employer named Brown for alleged misconduct Brown had teen employed for 44 vrars 32,000 TRY TO INSPECT WARSHIPS SYDNEY July 27. More then 32.000 people waited In queues this afternoon. some of them for three hours, to inspect four visiting warships of the Royal Nary About 25,000 people were able to hoard the ships. hut at least 1.000 more were turned away when the last visitor. were allowed on board at p.m The waiting crowd- ard those the ships Wete described by the police ma the bear behaved and mist patient ere -pen on such an uccasion Elm.

Company To Search For More Silver Lead BRISBANE, July southern mining company, with more than £1,000,000 awaiting investment, will probe the possibility of greater and wider exploitation of the Mt. Isa silver lead field. The move was revealed by the State Government's decision last week to exempt two areas of the field from occupation by the holders of miner's rights by speculators and to issue prospecting authorities for the areas. result will be the same if the Commons alth Traders arrive at of opinion concerning the occupation and the terms of the peare treaty Supposedly informed quarter: Iratel that Dr Evaft is on a hack-slapping expedition to re-assure the American Government of Australia's feeling to wards the U.S.A. Although Dr.

Evatt's strong state ments at Kure two days ago concernIng Australia's participation in the ptolected peace conference were believed to be directed at the U.S.A., a different opinion la held by British quarters One Informed Australian said the blast was really directed against With India and Evy pt lost Britain is Inclined to forget everythine except the Atlantic seaboard "The object of Dr Evaft's ment undoubtedly was to recall to mind the fact that Australa in the Pacific still 1e Dominion understand there is considerable reaction at Whitehall." The AT UR straddle the present lenses of 2,00 hell Is Mt. 1a Mines List the unit HE campany uperating on the Deld. One of N30 ACLeS Hie northern boundary, and the other af 1960 acres tin the boarding of the Mt 1 Company: holding One mining tel to-duy the quit aspecting alone his things Her finance essential he IN A Gun could made a Mt 16 Grid Prospecting Lat been surd Ar fu Byrne of Hire Street. SI Lucia mining consultant Mr Bryne refused to-nucht comment on the subject, or to reseal the company for which he was 11. in known.

however, that the company intends to carry out Inter sive geophysical and diamond drilling aurveys of the arenA and is prep to spend 11,000,000, if the feserves hue scale Mr. principals are Hered to he Corporationone of the Trading mining pastes in Australia one af offshoots Both the am priced for 4ml lead ho 111001 1-- S10N altowed on explorators MORIAL ate betiesed to have 11 tin The new pateN repeat the experience Broken helm anal diamomi IT NE located oft frihi the deposit that tended It of that Arid Mi -and to-dav that preting would that protector had ut. to tente bodies of Queensland trad born (horought pi mihed by small prospectors a ha had Inested some very valuable dr mists 'are He said that geophysiriate and knew there were other are bodies equally below the surfare yet to he Inented. in mane cases, away from the main drill hosing al at deep the hile depos THat tary failed. the inwould tava further rapenditure on these particular sites.

The Townsville Daily Bulletin from Townsville, Queensland, Australia (2024)


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